Is Nationalism The Only Antidote to Rising Tribalism?

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
May 12, 2017 10:40 am

I believe that it will be communities that will present the single best chance for our long term survival through the 4th Turning in North America.

Tribalism has been all but eradicated in the West and the only thing that came close to replacing it- faith communities and agrarian enclaves- have been deliberately targeted for destruction over the past half century. While this has been very successful, as with all things engineered by man, it merely redirected these existing energies into different forms. Solid communities based on shared resources and environmental factors will replace what has been lost and “re-tribing” will emerge from that. Nationalism as with globalism are destined to fail under the weight of their own structures. Nations were perfectly adaptable when their populations were manageable in size, organized under a common language/history/destiny and had access to new lands. None of these apply today (except in Africa and southeast Asia, possibly Russia) and globalism is only nationalism on steroids with all the limitations of extraction societies (theft as opposed to production as the economic engine) and none of the cohesive factors of small scale human collectives.

Find a community that suits you and be prepared to get some of your genetic material through to the other side of the coming conflagration and history and nature will take care of the rest.

i forget
i forget
  hardscrabble farmer
May 12, 2017 3:31 pm

But…globalism is only nationalism is only tribalism on steroids.

Tribe rhymes bribe. I don’t subscribe: Hell is not other individuals. Hell is other deindividuated people, in their various masses. Unidentitied frivolous\fearful objects. Hell on earth is the business, the raison detre, of tribes.

If you can’t beat, join? Enjoined, more like it. Impressed. Drafted. There’s the rub: coercion’s the beating heart of borgs. Yet, all individual hearts cease beating, some point, in any case.

  i forget
May 13, 2017 3:38 am

Allright, now i-f, you’re going to have to stop huffing glue before you comment. Don’t make me come in there.

i forget
i forget
May 13, 2017 2:44 pm

I’ll take that bet, Ed. C’mon in. Gainsay me if you can.

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
May 12, 2017 10:41 am

When I was in USMC Boot Camp the DI’s would scream, “Forget all that White, Black, Brown, bullshit, you are all GREEN now”. For some, that became true. Others never got over the childHOOD programing and continued to be the same butthurt worthless POS. Couldn’t give up the small tribe for the larger one.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Mike Murray
May 12, 2017 10:52 am

I recall the exact same thing when I was in basic. After we were assigned to permanent duty stations however the men segregated on their own. There were always a few cross-overs and I don’t recall any outright racial friction, but the common interests (music/pastimes/sports) of guys that age realigned everyone along racial divisions. Again, it’s just natural for birds of a feather to flock together.

  Mike Murray
May 13, 2017 3:42 am

That reminds me. There was a movie in the ’70s about a Marine in boot camp titled “Tribes”. I don’t remember much about it other than the title.

May 12, 2017 11:23 am

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May 12, 2017 11:45 am

The best life is in these small communities…
not so much dough to be had, and rough roads
and plenty of hard work….but it wins out over
the mean stupid cities.

Thank you HSF, you tell the truth. However let’s
talk it down. The city people are boorish, disdainful
of locals, and a general pain in the butt.

May 12, 2017 1:05 pm

America’s social/political divisions will not be resolved without the shedding of blood.
I take no pleasure in saying this but I’m convinced of it. The left has demonized and spit on all traditional American beliefs for over half a century. The pot is about to boil over.

May 12, 2017 3:50 pm

Francis, I’ll see you and raise you one.

Meet the ‘Rise Up Australia Party, whose motto is “Keep Australia Australian”.
No, this isn’t a piss-take. What it is is irony.

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rhs jr
rhs jr
May 12, 2017 10:47 pm

The White folks have been split down the middle by TPTB somehow: I have some relatives that have become demented leftist and won’t visit or talk to me anymore. “He will turn the hearts of the parents to their children, and the hearts of the children to their parents; or else I will come and strike the land with total destruction.” Malachi 4:6 (the last verse of the O.T)….looks like it’s gonna be the total destruction.

norman franklin
norman franklin
  rhs jr
May 12, 2017 11:19 pm

rhs, I feel your pain, part of our family won’t talk to us because we have rejected their consumerist, debt slavery, lgbt mentality. The fact that we chose to try and become self sufficient far from civilization has somehow become some kind of personal affront to their being. I am trying to forgive them for all the hate they show us. The worst part is they take it out on our kids who did absolutely nothing to deserve any of this.

May 13, 2017 11:01 am

rhs and Norm, recognize it for what it is. They chose the niggers and queers over their own.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
May 13, 2017 2:14 pm

I have leftist in-laws; they depress me. Two female doctors, neither has a great grip on reality. I talk to one as little as possible; her children are a male government contractor and a female stage lighting tech. Neither plans to have children. The other is better, with two twelve-year-old twin boys, who tend to keep her more grounded. The third sibling is a male university professor, who teaches finance (fairly well, from what I’ve seen); his two kids are male and female, male has degree in I.T. but is still finding his path; female is switching from E.E. / acoustic engineering to mathematics / discrete math with an I.T. minor; she shows promise, at least. The fourth sibling is my wife, with an engineering degree.
All have at least traces of liberal infection in their brains; the first doctor has it the worst, she worked in pharma and found no signs of waste, fraud or abuse in the FDA when she did a stint there. The second has been around enough to at least see signs of failure in liberal policies, especially since ObamaCare increased her paperload without improving anything. The boy is still a believer at heart, although capitalism is still his favorite; he doesn’t understand Trump and fears him, I think. My wife has the least infection, I think, probably due to being near me; but she still thinks that way at times.
I despair of getting a significant number of thinking people past the Crunch; there are just so many “educated” people lost in the darkness.