The Rise of America’s Secret Government: The Deadly Legacy of Ex-CIA Director Allen Dulles

Via Jesse

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May 12, 2017 8:08 am

Talbot’s book is extraordinary. Even though I’ve been convinced JFK was killed as a result of a gov’t coup for 25 years, I was still startled by the revelations in this book. Dulles obviously ran the operation from ‘the farm’, a CIA enclave in northern Virginia that entire horrible weekend. Then he was appointed by the evil Johnson to run the Warren report. Contemplate the cynicism and deceit that entails. It was when America died and the United States took over.

BTW, Democracy Now (a ridiculous title) is well worth watching. Goodman, although a flaming liberal, is much more a journalist than the sock puppets on the MSM.

May 12, 2017 8:36 am

Fun Fact of the day=

Allen Dulles is a distant cousin of Lee Harvey Oswald, both from the same bloodline that gave us all of our American presidents and almost all of our A-List actors, and a slew of other notable writers etc.
Oswald has one of the most impressive pedigrees of any of them:

Scroll down to find Dulles listed between Orson Welles and Dick Clark

john coster
john coster
May 12, 2017 12:50 pm

It’s horrible to contemplate, but the CIA does seem to have been a breeding ground for treason for many decades. Their involvement with the Kennedy assassination has been obvious for years. What their role in 9/11 was I don’t know, but we DO know that the official story (three massive buildings collapsing in an obvious controlled demolition because two are hit by airplanes etc.) is ridiculous. Now we have another obvious false flag event with the equally absurd Syrian gas attack story. Supposedly Assad decided to incur the wrath of the world just as he was gaining ground militarily by gassing women and children. Needless to say, if he were inclined to such strategic idiocy, he would have lost power years ago. Meanwhile, the talking haircuts are blathering on about “Russia hacking the election”, whatever the
f**k that phrase even means. As if the content and veracity of Hillary’s emails were of no consequence and giving the American people a chance to accurately evaluate a presidential candidate were a capital offense! The Dulles brothers were evil treasonous bastards, but at least they took the trouble to construct plausible lies. Perhaps what’s scariest in all of this is the speed with which this tsunami of bullshit has washed over the whole country like some black plague of irrationality. Of course the Russians, with good reason, feared what a warmongering Hillary might do. How could they not? I sure as hell did. Interfering in elections? The US ranting about that after the CIA’s overthrow of Democratic governments in Iran and Guatemala etc. is ludicrous. Sometimes it seems that the battles raging behind the scenes in Washington are more about a conflict between rational policy making and insanity than between political ideologies. Threatening Russia with a first strike capability and surrounding their borders with missiles are not rational policies for promoting American prosperity and security. Sometimes the boundary between evil and insanity gets blurred as in Nazi Germany where numerous false and absurd notions of history became the underpinning of the state. We must not allow that to happen here.

May 12, 2017 1:23 pm

The author states that Dulles was “very adept at manipulating the American media”.
I submit the media was not manipulated; rather it was complicit. And it has been so since the War of Northern Aggression.

May 12, 2017 3:06 pm

Dulles did not resign, JFK fired him and threatened to break the CIA up into a thousand pieces. The Dulles brothers were present at the Paris Peace Talks in 1919 and we know how that turned out. Democracy Now is a piece of shit for news, yet this interview was not their usual fare. From the 20’s until today, the Dulles legacy haunts our nation and the world.

May 12, 2017 5:07 pm

Flashman is right. Complicit. I already know enough about the Dulles brothers to know Talbot is right about them. However, its obvious he’s a devout liberal so he is exonerating JFK. Johnny boy was a Kennedy.
Long ago JP Morgan realized that if you could control 12 major papers you could control the narrative. That was in the early 1900’s before radio became big. Since then the only change has been in the number of outlets “they” control.

May 12, 2017 8:24 pm

For an in-depth review of CIA operations in the early years and the key role of Allen Dulles, see “The Secret Team” by Col. Fletcher Prouty:

The Dulles brothers were also founding members of the Rockefeller/CFR, and most of the CIA directors have been CFR members, including: Petraeus, Morell, Hayden, Tenet, Deutsch, Woolsey, Gates, Webster, Casey, Turner, Bush, Colby, Helms, McCone and Dulles.

May 14, 2017 12:05 pm

One of the things I find amazing about the JFK assassination is all the “who done it” finger pointing. People always say it was the CIA, or the FBI, or the Secret Service, or the Russians, Castro, the Mafia, the Bankers, and the newest addition, LBJ did it.

But with an event of this magnitude there had to be several honest men that would have done their best to solve the case, so they could arrest the killer/killers, and bask in the glory. Certainly someone in the FBI, or the Dallas Police, or any other Law Enforcement Agency would have done so, unless there was something to fear, something so pervasive, that they knew to avoid it.

There is one fact that people always overlook, and that is, it wasn’t any one of these agencies, or individuals, but it was elements within the CIA, FBI, Secret Service, Dallas Police, and the Media, that worked in concert to execute the President, and then cover it up.

But why didn’t someone talk, what is the “Tie that’s Binds” all these different people, in all these different organizations together?

The answer can be found by understanding that many, if not all of them were Freemasons!

LBJ was a Mason, J Edgar Hoover was a 33rd degree Mason, Chief Justice Earl Warren was a 33rd degree Mason, and had been a Grand Wizard in the KKK, when he was Governor of California.

Also, most of the members of the Warren Commission were 33rd degree Masons, like Allen Dulles, Gerald Ford, and the man who was responsible for the ridiculous “Magic Bullet Theory,” Arlen Spector.

There were also Masons in the Dallas Police Department, the Secret service, and the Media.

Even Abraham Zapruder who was there to document the event for the Masonic Gangster Bankers, was a 32nd degree Mason, and was raised to 33rd degree after he completed the role he was to play in the conspiracy.

So from now on, when you see a person die because they got in the way of those who are obsessed with creating their Satanic “New World Order” you will know “Who Done It!”

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