Via Ben Garrison

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May 14, 2017 9:15 am

Comey, a Leftist operative, needed to go. He’s been protecting Hillary and Obama all along with the power of his position and likewise eroding Trump’s position and authority.

Now that he’s been removed look at how many “conservatives” who were supposedly against him (“Drain the swamp”) are going along with the Democrats and the MSM in attacking Trump for getting rid of him.

This is why the Left wins and the Right looses on almost everything almost every time.

May 14, 2017 5:11 pm

The big “Reboot”= Lots of Goldman Sachs management have sent in request for employment in the biggest Rothschilds production in history. Would not want to miss a chance at placing a bankster in before the big one (WWIII). Huge money to be made while your kids die.

This will never end until you stop playing.

May 15, 2017 11:41 am

Preach BL!

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
May 14, 2017 12:54 pm

What a concept, ride for the brand or get the fuck out.
Some need to stay on the horse until a tree and rope can be found.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 14, 2017 3:46 pm

Still ass backwards: fire the Kushners and banksters first.

  rhs jr
May 14, 2017 9:41 pm

Ivanka can go back to posting those important pics on Instagram, and Jared can go back to running his quite interesting property ‘deals.’

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 14, 2017 5:02 pm

Maybe Trump felt Comey didn’t understand that he worked for Trump.
Hoover was smart enough to keep tabs on his bosses as employment insurance.
Comey denied Obama ordered Trump tower tapped. Still, it’s possible the FBI tapped Trump.
Old Donald took advantage of the fact Comey was away and fired him without giving Comey a chance to empty his file cabinets. That script sounds like the Vince Foster drama.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 14, 2017 7:30 pm

Watch the video, It demonstrates US Law Enforcement bowing down to the Criminal, English-Based Central Banking Cartel.
The Corruption speaks for both parties and the Oppressors have never changed since our Revolutionary Fathers first settled here to escape European Tyranny.

James Comey first created the template for Treason in 2005 with his protection and concealment of KPMG as a terror and drug laundry accountant.

FBI Director Comey was board member of HSBC – Clinton Foundation & Drug Cartel ‘bank of choice’

In September 2012, James Comey’s Treason was resurrected by the former English Finance Minister, George Osborne. Osborne short-circuited Obama’s DOJ and protected and concealed the terror and drug laundry that is HSBC -Hong Kong Shanghai Banking Corporation- an English-Chinese criminal, terror and drug laundry.

Federal Judge Gleeson wrote an analysis of at least, four treasonous offenses…

Judge Gleeson’s analysis:…/HSBC_Memorandum_and_Order…

REMEMBER! This criminal terror and drug laundry is using counterfeit US currency and counterfeit US securities to fund the battlefield deaths of American and British Soldiers…

In Federal Judge Gleeson’s analysis, above, a number of”sanctioned entities”, among them, Iran, are listed in violation of:”Trading With The Enemy Act”, all AMLs- “Anti-Money-LaunderingActs”, the “International Emergency Economic Powers Act” andBSA- “Bank Secrecy Act”.

Osborne colluded to create Treason in September 2012, with Loretta Lynch. The plea bargain and DPA, in Judge Gleeson’s analysis, directly above, were booked in Brooklyn, where Lynch was then Prosecutor.

Osborne, Holder, Breuer and Lynch all signed this Treason.

James Comey was placed on the executive board of HSBC, 3 months later… After they all knew HSBC is a criminal, terror and drug laundry for US enemies that are murdering US and British Soldiers with the counterfeit funds provided by James Comey’s bank.

The Criminal, English-Based, Central Banking system (intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve”, IMF and World Bank) are now proven to manipulate US Law Enforcement to ignore the criminal behaviors of English and Swiss Bankers. The video demonstrates it beyond ANY doubt.

Osborne, Comey, Holder, Lynch and Breuer are directly responsible for concealing a terror and drug laundry that uses counterfeit US Currency and counterfeit US Securities to fund the murder of US and British Coalition Forces.

Since Comey first fashioned this Treason in 2005, at least 1384 Coalition Forces have been murdered by IEDs and EFPs at the direction of Iranian Quds Forces. Iran is listed, as among the customers at James Comey’s laundry.

Michael Keane 5/13/17 copyright, all rights reserved. “”, coming soon.

please feel free to post wherever you may. Thank you.