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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 1, 2017 8:22 am

Every media wonk and political D.C. Insider are constantly telling us how much damage Snowdens actions have done . Me thinks they protest to much !
Considering everything in the MSM and DC elites are generally manufactured statements to cover someone’s ass with the biggest lie of plausible deniability . In real world translation : we are telling fucking lies through our teeth but you stupid Americans will never prove shit you fucking dummies ! Now vote for who we stick up your ass and if we tell you a lie it’s for your own good !
Vietnam based on lies most of our Middle East policies based on lies Most ofnour foreign military intervention based on lies . Snowden and a few others peeled back the curtains on this circle jerk and they scattered like roaches when the light is switched on .
Look who is complaining and pointing fingers the most about Snowden . The very people who promote or profit from all the failed foreign policies and domestic policies that help maintain their status quo while bankrupting average Americans while convincing us how honorable they are on our behalf . Snowden pulled the vail back and exposed our government for what it is rather than what “it” claims to be !

June 1, 2017 9:04 am

He did plenty of damage. The damage was not to the security of the USA but to the self serving assholes in government. Light being put on their activities creates all kinds of havoc.

June 1, 2017 10:55 am

The GREATEST American hero.

June 1, 2017 11:41 am

Patriot. Period.

June 1, 2017 11:12 pm

If Trump was the guy I voted for, he would have already reached out to Snowden to come back and help fight the good fight. That he hasn’t, and his comments on Assange, are very disturbing.