White Genocide in Canada?



According to international demographers, Canada occupies the top spot for fastest rate of ethnic change in the West.

Canada is a country of some 35 million people and, each year, we accept roughly 300,000 immigrants. Meanwhile, 4 out of 5 of Canada’s immigrants are visible minorities. And, experts say Canada will be almost 80-percent non-white in less than a century.

But, hey, we’re Canadians! Welcoming people— no matter their race, religion, or socioeconomic stance— is just what we do, right?

Well, what if I told you that minorities moving in might be correlated to whites moving out? It’s a phenomenon called “white withdrawal” or “white flight” — and it’s already happening in cities across Canada, whether we want to admit it or not.

Canadians are constantly reminded that “diversity is our strength”— it’s the unofficial motto of Justin Trudeau’s administration. But do the numbers indicate real diversity? Or is “diversity” just code for population replacement?

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June 3, 2017 9:28 am

Canada loves their immigrants, legal and otherwise, and especially loves their Muslims.

Maybe instead of a wall we should build a high speed railroad directly from the Mexican border to the Canadian border and just load the illegals up as the come across and transport then non stop directly into Canada?

Requiring all flights from Islamic countries to stop in Canada first before coming here should take care of most of the Muslim part of the problem.

June 3, 2017 11:17 am

Visit Vancouver and notice the Asian (south & north) influx…. not hard to see what has happened to our city and out laying areas….

June 3, 2017 11:23 am

YoBo- The only thing to do at this point is to invade Israel and then ship in 3 or 4 million kneegrows to help them in their move to multiculturalism. Looking around, they seem to be the people least diverse.

They have embedded the Kosher Nostra in our WH so it would only be fair to send them Maxine Waters and a few others to run the Knesset. ( Oh God….if only I lived long enough to see that, I would die happy) Shalom

June 3, 2017 7:14 pm

Now why in the world would you morans down that comment? Israel is not the most diverse place and they are the biggest force behind pushing divershitty.

June 3, 2017 12:34 pm

It’s not “white genocide” but rather “white suicide”, given that it was whites themselves who mainlined the immigration train while ceasing to reproduce in large numbers and abandoning traditional values, customs and common sense.

I live in a country populated almost exclusively by whites and mestizos of varying shades, plus a small indigenous presence. We have very few blacks, nearly no Muslims, few Asians. There is very little racial tension here; in my small rural village, there is none.

I find the posturing of “white nationalists” laughable, given the state of affairs in North America. The tipping point for multi-culti has been reached and passed and it’s highly unlikely any significant pushback will take place.

The Southern Cone has a lot going for it, but not if you don’t speak Spanish. Those with children would have to resign themselves to those children becoming Spanish speakers, preferably maintaining fluency in English. Nevertheless, while many of the world’s undesirables flood into North America by invitation, that’s not happening down here.

Hope FM and his son are right! Best of luck and if push comes to shove, well, “Go south young man, go south” might not be the worst choice.

Davey Boy
Davey Boy
June 3, 2017 7:07 pm

It is genocide. You can genocide your own kind, just ask Pol Pot.

Saying it is suicide makes it sound like you’ve never heard of treason, or propaganda.

Man made policy of mass non-white immigration that no one ever voted for, promoted by all mass media and universities, and which any criticism of is criminalized (in Europe and Canada), means diversity is forced on us. That it is forced makes it genocide.

Many people are not even aware of the scale of what is happening. “Diversity” is the largest scale genocide in history.