Trump Is Setting Himself Up To Take All The Blame When The Stock Market Tanks

Originally Posted at Free Market Shooter

In spite of low volumes, US stock markets made fresh all-time highs today:

The Dow Jones industrial average rose about 140 points and hit intraday and closing records, surpassing a previous all-time high of 21,391.97, which was set last week.

The S&P 500 gained 0.8 percent to also reached record levels, with information technology rising 1.4 percent to lead advancers. The Nasdaq composite outperformed, rising 1.65 percent.

In an article written for Single Dude Travel and published the day Trump took office, I stated what many others have already been saying for a long time; the market is far overdue for a correction to the downside, and when the whole charade comes crashing down, President Trump is gonna wear the whole thing around his neck:

Whether it was Clinton or Trump, whomever won the Presidency was going to be saddled with $20 trillion of debt (not counting the off-the-books liabilities like Social Security, Medicare and pensions), and a stagnant economy that consists largely of welfare recipients, a defunct healthcare system, and several states and municipalities on the brink of insolvency.

Not exactly a recipe for success. 

Brandon Smith of Alt-Market elaborated on why Trump is the perfect person for the Deep State / Central Bankers / Globalist movements to blame for the coming market collapse…

With interest rates increasing, I would point out that market behavior has changed. The meteoric rise has stalled. In the past few months stocks have barely budged 1 percent either up or down per week. Except for last week when something strange happened; markets suddenly dropped nearly 400 points in a single day. Why? Well, that is a subject up for debate, but the majority of mainstream news outlets will tell you that it was all Donald Trump’s fault.

I have been warning since long before the election that Trump’s presidency would be the perfect vehicle for central banks and international financiers to divert blame for the economic crisis that would inevitably explode once the Fed moved firmly into interest rate hikes. Every indication since my initial prediction shows that this is the case.

The media was building the foundation of the narrative from the moment Trump won the election. Bloomberg was quick to publish its rather hilariously skewed propaganda on the matter, asserting that Trump was lucky to inherit an economy in ascendance and recovery because of the fiscal ingenuity of Barack Obama. This is of course utter nonsense. Obama and the Fed have created a zombie economy rotting from the inside out, nothing more. But, as Bloomberg noted rightly, any downturn within the system will indeed be blamed on the Trump administration.

…and though I disagree with Smith in the hypothesis that “Trump was the candidate the elites wanted all along,” Trump knew that the market was overvalued before he took office, and even stated as much:

“I think we’re sitting on an economic bubble. A financial bubble… We’re not at 5 percent unemployment. We’re at a number that’s probably into the 20s if you look at the real number. That was a number that was devised, statistically devised to make politicians – and in particular presidents – look good. And I wouldn’t be getting the kind of massive crowds that I’m getting if the number was a real number.”

“I’m talking about a bubble where you go into a very massive recession. Hopefully not worse than that, but a very massive recession. Look, we have money that’s so cheap right now. And if I want to borrow money, I can borrow all the money I want. But I’m rich… If somebody is a great, wonderful person, going to employ lots of people, a really talented businessperson, wants to borrow money, but they’re not rich? They have no chance…

Is it a good time to invest now? “Oh, I think it’s a terrible time right now… because the dollar’s so strong… You have – think of it – you have cheap money that nobody can get unless you’re rich. You have the regulators are running the banks. Not the guys that are being paid $50 million a year to run the banks. I mean, when you look at many of your friends that are running banks that are being paid $40 and $50 million, yeah, they’re not running the banks. The regulators are running the banks. You have a situation where you have an inflated stock market. It started to deflate, but then it went back up again. Usually that’s a bad sign. That’s a sign of things to come.”

Unfortunately, the market making new all-time highs on a continual basis hasn’t stopped Trump from taking credit for it.  He did so on February 16th…

…and again on March 2nd…


…and again on June 11th, in a pair of tweets which consisted of him stopping just short of taking all the credit for the market’s rally:


So, in spite of Trump’s prior commentary on how the real unemployment rate is not 5%, and probably closer to the 20% figure, that hasn’t stopped him from talking about how the unemployment rate has just made a fresh low in its most recent print.  Go figure. 

Yes, the market has rallied substantially on the back of Trump’s tax cut, Obamacare repeal, and regulation killing plans.  However, to this date, no legislation has been passed, and there is no reason to think Republicans won’t end up failing to pass any of this legislation.  This extra froth in the market has set the stage for the market to fall even harder.

So what’s going to happen once the market finally does hit the rails?  The media is going to have its perfect target; a President they already loathe, who is taking all the credit for the success of the stock market he has already proclaimed is overvalued.  Brandon Smith articulated this brilliantly…

Last week’s sudden market bloodletting is important in this regard; 400 points down is hardly a flesh wound to a 20,000 point Dow, but the media’s reaction to it was very revealing on what the future has in store. Multiple news outlets responded by immediately connecting the drop to Trump and the absurdity surrounding the “Comey memo” — a memo which no one in the public has seen proof of. The claim is that this level of turmoil around Trump might lead to impeachment and that the threat of impeachment would kill the stock market bounce which the media also claims was driven by Trump’s promises of corporate tax cuts. It’s a lie built on another lie.

It is interesting to me that the mainstream media never said the market drop was caused by “Comey’s turmoil,” or by “The Washington Post and The New York Times’ turmoil.” No, they called it “Trump’s trumoil.” Last week’s stock dive was, in my opinion, the official launch of the Trump collapse narrative. The establishment was beta testing it for months, but now, the program has gone live.

Every single stock decline from now on, as well as the ultimate economic crash, which will become visible to the public in short order, will be blamed on Donald Trump and conservatives by extension. As I said, he is the perfect scapegoat.

…however, he neglected to mention that the aforementioned gloating from Trump on the stock market’s all time highs is painting a monster bulls-eye on his back for the mainstream media to take aim for, when the collapse really gets going.

You can blame whoever you want for the coming calamity; Obama, the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, a massive public debt, excessive entitlement spending, or any of the number of other “bubbles” currently plaguing our country’s capital markets.  But, when it all explodes, Trump and all the “MAGA” voters who got him elected are going to be the ones eating all the blame that gets served up. 

When it (finally) happens, don’t say I didn’t warn you. 

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Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
June 19, 2017 8:52 pm

He’s still trying to placate the RINOs. He still believes he can “work” with the communists. He doesn’t get that it doesn’t matter what he does these fucks are still going to stab him in the back. He should fire Mueller, Rosenwhatever, and tell Ryan and McCain to fuck themselves. Declare martial law if he has to.

Mr. President: We put you there for a reason. You have the power of your office. Use it!
We have your back! If anything happens to you be it impeachment or worse, we’re ready to go to the mattresses. We’re done taking shit!

  Unreconstructed Southerner
June 19, 2017 10:13 pm

I hate to tell you, US, but you need to prepare yourself for the possibility that Trump is retarded. He has let these assholes fuck with him to the point that he’s just finished already. I don’t like David Stockman much, but he wrote a column that pretty well sums up what Trump had to do and failed to do:

The Little Putsch That Could….Beget A Great Big Coup

June 20, 2017 8:43 am

Maybe it’s Ed that is retarded.

You have to be to be on the anti Trump side of our national conflict.

June 19, 2017 9:58 pm

Its so sad and its all true.

Alan Donelson
Alan Donelson
June 19, 2017 10:18 pm

The author fails to cite the much earlier “calls” of Brandon Smith, WHY?? Check out Mr. Smith’s (I know, a likely name) blog. He did call it.

MN Steel
MN Steel
  Alan Donelson
June 20, 2017 6:21 am

But, but, but, Brandon Smith never got on board thr Trump Train!

He’s a heretic!

He says that there’s a conflict coming!

Muh CONstuhTOOshun!


Leading horses to water and such.


June 19, 2017 11:00 pm

This article is on point. I too have said much the same thing on here and on ZH every single time he put out a tweet storm about how great the economy is doing. Candidate Trump was 100% correct in his assessment. Who the fuck is advising him to act like this? We may not have reached the full retard blow off top yet, but we aren’t far from it. 2, 6, 12, 18 months? I don’t know nearly enough to attempt to put a date on it, but I will say will confidence that it WILL happen during his time in office. By taking credit for the rise, he must accept blame for the decline. Stepping in to take credit like that was a major league fuck-up. I thought he was smarter than that.

For this, and many other reasons, I miss candidate trump.

June 20, 2017 2:24 am


I hate to say it but you guys miss the point. Donald Trump is a reality TV star. He has other skills, to be sure, but his connection with the broader America has been through television. He was elected president because of it. It explains most of what you see.

The Russian hysteria has exposed the MSM for the shills that they are. Hell, they are so whacked out now that a guy like Alex Jones can play them for fools. How is it news when the “reporter” calls the president a “piece of shit”? It is obvious to 80% of the country. Youtube Channels run by 12 year old girls have rating that CNN would kill for. They are no longer relevant.

The president has ENTERTAINED us with this mighty spectacle.

Now, this Russian thing has just worn everyone out. Robert Mueller could present a video of Trump eating a baby and it wont matter. Robert Mueller is about as dirty and incompetent as you can get. Seriously, he defended HSBC in 2015 when they got caught with unbelievable amounts of of terrorist and drug cartel money. How does a conversation with the Russian ambassador compare to that? Under Mueller’s watch we had 9-11 and all the absolute stupidity that came along with it. How many times did the FBI go create some patsy (6 week cycle) to pretend or sometimes not quite pretend to be a Muslim terrorist or something equally ridiculous? How does a conversation with an Ambassador, a person whose job is to talk to politicians, compare to that?

Again, the president has ENTERTAINED us with this mighty spectacle.

Finally, all this “lets kill Trump” stuff and “Resist!” seems to have backfired. Republicans now definitely know that they need to speak up and condemn anyone that talks that crap. Madonna thinks about blowing up the White House each and every day? That isn’t so funny anymore if you are a Republican living in D.C. Maybe Madonna needs to be in a cage after all.

Trump was shown to be correct for lashing out at these people and they deserve it. In the very town where he built beautiful buildings, they show a play where he is assassinated and the play is sponsored by the New York Times. Really? Who thinks that’s honorable?

It isn’t easy having the whole world against you but this man has not cracked and it only makes sense to take credit for anything good that happens. Why not? How does it hurt him? He’s the head cheerleader. His job is to get us through another day.

June 20, 2017 3:14 am

” Republicans now definitely know that they need to speak up and condemn anyone that talks that crap. ”

Uh, no. They still don’t know any such thing. You’re understating republican stupidity by several orders of magnitude. I do agree with your view of Trump, the reality TV star, though, except for the statement that he hasn’t cracked. He cracked during the months leading up to the inauguration when he was supposedly building a cabinet.

He just hasn’t completely cracked up yet.

June 20, 2017 2:51 am

Nah, I think the Fed will take the blame, and in the middle of the crisis, declare we need to increase the national debt to $40T. It’s the only way this apple cart doesn’t overturn.

Or repudiate the debt, repeal the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 et al, and pass a Balanced Budget Amendment.

Or, establish a one world currency cashless society.

There are only so many alternative endings.

June 20, 2017 3:18 am

The deep state hates Trump. What an opportunity for them to remain blameless by hanging an economic implosion around his neck!

Stupid America will go right along with it, even though this was baked into the cake long before Trump became President. It was a certainty in ’09 when nothing structural was done to shore up the damage from the ’08 implosion. Now we are at levels above the pre ’08 levels with no margin to absorb another shock. Polarization is much higher now….standby for extreme turbulence. I think it may happen before the year is done. Certainly before 2020.

June 20, 2017 8:47 am


I heard constant talk of an impending stock market crash for eight years under Obama.

Mostly from the same people talking about an impending crash under Trump now.

June 20, 2017 9:41 am

In a normal sense Trump has been the richest guy in the fight. He has always had the advantage of resources on his side. He doesn’t understand that he is up against a gigantic left wing conspiracy with way more resources than he.

June 20, 2017 11:53 am

Over….when Meyer Lansky lost everything in Cuba due to Castro’s take over he said that Castro was a bigger gangster than he was . He said that he had a gang…Castro had an army . The same is true here. Trump has billions, the other side has an army and trillions .