Question of the Day, June 20

Why do some people think they’re better than other people based on what they do/did for a living?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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John Little - OmegaShock
John Little - OmegaShock
June 20, 2017 9:33 am

Well, it didn’t take long for TBP’s resident Nazi to show up.

Yes, let’s all join the Schutzstaffel. It was SUCH a gut idea in the 1930s.


Did you learn that goose-step all by yourself, Yoji?

Unfortunately, all that ‘prosperity’ came at the hands of neo-Nazi, rich Americans. And yes, everything is a Rich Man’s Trick:

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
  John Little - OmegaShock
June 20, 2017 11:16 am

At least you are humorous.

June 20, 2017 10:07 am

“Why do some people think they’re better than other people based on what they do/did for a living?”

Seriously? Do TBP’ers have respect for the “entrepreneurs” working the 30 Blocks of Squalor? Selling narcotics and pimpin ‘hos is work just like shuffling paper in an office building.

June 20, 2017 11:17 am

Why does ANYONE think that they are entitled to rule over anyone else, tell anyone else how they should live their life, use their property, spend their money, use their body, or anything else (unless they are harming another or their property) simply because of who they are, or because of the result of some mystical charade called an “election?”

I have absolutely no problem with anyone thinking they are better than me, or more educated than me on a given subject. What I have a problem with and what EVERYONE should have a problem with, is that we allow the existence of a thing called “government” that “legally” enables that individual to have control over our lives, our person, our freedom, our liberty, and our future.

June 20, 2017 11:22 am

I totally believe that what you do for a living makes some better than others.

For instance a crack whore sucking cock for rock is way ahead of any government employee.

harry p.
harry p.
June 20, 2017 11:25 am

Because they werent punched square in the mouth when they were kids while shooting off at the mouth amongst their peers.
Most often when i see someone pompous that lacks humility its a good guess theyve never had their ass kicked and sometimes never been in a fight or even punched.

June 20, 2017 11:28 am

These “betters” are told by the people around them that they are. You walk in to any corporation, and there is this aura of respect for the leader, regardless of HOW he got there. Notice all of the soldiers / police get discounts, respect etc. simply because they exist? We as humans seem to have this Stockholm syndrome response to people that are in authority positions, whether it is the boss at the office, the cop, or the “leader” in Washington. Why do you think that most people believe their senator / congressman is not the problem?
The founders knew this, and attempted to mitigate this by having checks and balances in the constitution that allowed for the legal (and less bloody) means to remove people whom got in to government and used that power against the people. Unfortunately, WE have watered down the constitution over the years by amending away a lot of the check and balances, so now we are left to suffer with people that are like ticks that literally have to be rooted out of power positions, and can enforce their will with an iron fist.
Ultimately, it is the mass uneducated and apathetic that give these people their power. Delusions of grandeur are common in a lot of people, but it is the mass “hero worship” and other nonsense that elevates those with delusions in to positions where it is no longer a delusion but a fact.

June 21, 2017 6:39 am

“Unfortunately, WE have watered down the constitution over the years by amending away a lot of the check and balances,”

Where do you get this ‘WE’ shit? Are you one of the ones who amended the Constitution with the 14th-17th amendments?

“Oh, fuck me! I did this to myself. What the fuck was I thinking?” Does that about sum up what you’re trying to say?

i forget
i forget
June 20, 2017 1:09 pm

Just this: Because other people, 3rd thru ∞ parties, reward credentials with deference. Heads balloon. But…even before all that air could be pumped in, the valve stems were there. And color of law is where the run-flats assembly line is.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 20, 2017 8:57 pm

Free speach verses Hate speach ? When the left in many areas of our society mainly designed and built by a majority from the white race calls for the eradication of the white race when does it become accepted practice for those of us catigorized as white to call for the eradication of other races . I would say neither is acceptable if hate speach is to be judged and silenced it must be done on a two way street or not at all !
The continuous inuendo from the left and the militant black left to declare some sort of race war is insanity at its finest example .
Certainly there are racist hate groups on both sides of this issue ready to pounce at the first indication of some deranged action from either side , not a good idea at all !
Just a reminder to the crowd , blacks are 13.3% of our population out of over 300 MILLON people . Approximately 100 MILLON own guns and 85 to 90% of those are in the hands of white people . Mixed in that count are nearly 400 MILLON guns . Certainly there will be a number from the white race that will sacrifice themselves to prove they are not racist on the alter of political correctness . Be warned those of you who have never been in a real honest to goodness shooting , kill or be killed situation be careful what you wish for it’s not the honor and glory you see from Hollywood . It’s all bad “REAL BAD”
I have a better idea , I vote for the Rodney King go along and get along beach party with beef and beer !

June 20, 2017 9:42 pm

Yo the Nazi piece of shit takes another dump on a thread. Yo, scumbag that he is, is doing all possible to destroy Jim’s years of work.

June 20, 2017 9:56 pm

If Hitler is wonderful, let him prove it. Censorship is the enemy of this site. You have no credibility on this subject anyway being a zionist apologist who claims to believe that the attack on the USS Liberty was an accident and that Israel is a peaceful, benign country that only wishes to be left alone.

Frankly I think you are crazier than Yo if you really believe your own bullshit.

My opinion is that Hitler is dead and his movement, National Socialism is purely a creature of the post WW1 era that we shall not see again. On the other hand, Zionism and Israel is a real acute threat and a danger to the entire world. Thus I really don’t give a fuck about Hitler or Nazis. Our enemy are the fucking Zionist, Jewish traitors and agents of Satan. I couldn’t care less what Hitler thought about them and I admit that I don’t give a fuck about the “holocaust” either. Maybe they deserved it more than the educated Chinese in the 60’s, the Cambodians in 1978-9 or the Tutsis twenty years later.

June 21, 2017 4:50 am

Z – please point out where I said the attack was an accident. But certain facts are indeed facts, and the people that say that it was intentional put up lies in defense of their arguments. I have said there are issues with what the pilots did. I have also pointed out discrepancies re the position that is made re it being intentional. Fact is, I do not know.

Re Israel, you are a hater. I know much more than you about this stuff, and it is my opinion that if left the hell alone, Israel would be peaceful.

Re me being a Zionist, I have no skin in that game. I am all for leaving all of them to sort out their own issues. And to certainly not fund any of them.

What I do not do is sit idly by why folks such as yourself spread lies and hate based on those lies. I do not care what happens there, but I do care about bullshit about Israel being the aggressors, when in fact that is almost universally a lie. They have been under constant threat and attack from the day Israel was formed. Should it have been formed? I would not have done it. But done is done. But if they can hold it, it is theirs.

Same goes for the US. It was formed by annihilating the Indians. There was no right about it. White man took the country by force. Such is life. And now white man is losing it because they can no longer hold it, and will no longer hold it. They have made their mistakes, and the end result will be loss of the white man’s country. It is already over, but whitey has not figured it out yet. The brown man will take over soon enough. Same as it ever was. If white men wanted to hold the country, they needed to seal the border. Oops. So sorry. It is a war of attrition, and the whites have already lost. You should have picked your own cotton and fruit.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 20, 2017 10:45 pm

You should see what he did on the father’s day article. He thought that was a fitting place to glorify Hitler.

He’s lost his mind. One day he denies favoring the Repukes, another day he is cheering for Trumpy and his hit or miss politics.

It turns out the states that elected Trump have been Gerrymandered to death and now the fucks are paying for their political Hydra of haters map. They never expected their cheating ways would backfire on them. It’s called blowback.

rhs jr
rhs jr
June 20, 2017 10:01 pm

When there is a real fight, both sides lose people; so both sides should avoid any real fighting. But I’ll be dang if I’m gonna turn the other cheek to someone trying to turn me or my loved ones into a slave or corpse like the Communist have done to tens of millions of people they didn’t agree with; better to die fighting the Leftist than become their slave and then be murdered.

June 20, 2017 10:08 pm

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EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 20, 2017 10:42 pm

AAnon, I thought I drew crazy verbal pics. Nice reference to The Godfather.
The way you put it makes no sense, YoBo is just some random asshole.
If anybody wanted to send a message, it seems more practical to place YoBo’s severed head on Admin’s pillow. I mean, if the point was to send a warning.

June 20, 2017 11:20 pm

JIMSKI said : ‘For instance a crack whore sucking cock for rock is way ahead of any government employee” .

Dude I nearly spewed my drink on my laptop.