64 Years Later, CIA Finally Releases Details of Iranian Coup

Via Foreign Policy

64 Years Later, CIA Finally Releases Details of Iranian Coup

Declassified documents released last week shed light on the Central Intelligence Agency’s central role in the 1953 coup that brought down Iranian Prime Minister Muhammad Mossadegh, fueling a surge of nationalism which culminated in the 1979 Iranian Revolution and poisoning U.S.-Iran relations into the 21st century.

The approximately 1,000 pages of documents also reveal for the first time the details of how the CIA attempted to call off the failing coup — only to be salvaged at the last minute by an insubordinate spy on the ground.

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Known as Operation Ajax, the CIA plot was ultimately about oil. Western firms had for decades controlled the region’s oil wealth, whether Arabian-American Oil Company in Saudi Arabia, or the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company in Iran. When the U.S. firm in Saudi Arabia bowed to pressure in late 1950 and agreed to share oil revenues evenly with Riyadh, the British concession in Iran came under intense pressure to follow suit. But London adamantly refused.

So in early 1951, amid great popular acclaim, Mossadegh nationalized Iran’s oil industry. A fuming Great Britain began conspiring with U.S. intelligence services to overthrow Mossadegh and restore the monarchy under the shah. (Though some in the U.S. State Department, the newly-released cables show, blamed British intransigence for the tensions and sought to work with Mossadegh.)

The coup attempt began on August 15 but was swiftly thwarted. Mossadegh made dozens of arrests. General Fazlollah Zahedi, a top conspirator, went into hiding, and the shah fled the country.

The CIA, believing the coup to have failed, called it off.

“Operation has been tried and failed and we should not participate in any operation against Mossadegh which could be traced back to US,” CIA headquarters wrote to its station chief in Iran in  a newly declassified cable sent on August 18, 1953.

“Operations against Mossadegh should be discontinued.”

“Operations against Mossadegh should be discontinued.”That is the cable which Kermit Roosevelt, top CIA officer in Iran, purportedly and famously ignored, according to Malcolm Byrne, who directs the U.S.-Iran Relations Project at the National Security Archive at George Washington University.

“One guy was in the room with Kermit Roosevelt when he got this cable,” Byrne told Foreign Policy. “[Roosevelt] said no – we’re not done here.” It was already known that Roosevelt had not carried out an order from Langley to cease and desist. But the cable itself and its contents were not previously known.

The consequences of his decision were momentous. The next day, on August 19, 1953, with the aid of “rented” crowds widely believed to have been arranged with CIA assistance, the coup succeeded. Iran’s nationalist hero was jailed, the monarchy restored under a Western-friendly shah, and Anglo-Iranian oil — renamed British Petroleum — tried to get its fields back. (But didn’t really: Despite the coup, nationalist pushback against a return to foreign control of oil was too much, leaving BP and other majors to share Iran’s oil wealth with Tehran.)

Operation Ajax has long been a bogeyman for conservatives in Iran — but also for liberals. The coup fanned the flames of anti-Western sentiment, which reached a crescendo in 1979 with the U.S. hostage crisis, the final overthrow of the shah, and the creation of the Islamic Republic to counter the “Great Satan.”

The coup alienated liberals in Iran as well. Mossadegh is widely considered to be the closest thing Iran has ever had to a democratic leader. He openly championed democratic values and hoped to establish a democracy in Iran. The elected parliament selected him as prime minister, a position he used to reduce the power of the shah, thus bringing Iran closer in line with the political traditions that had developed in Europe. But any further democratic development was stymied on August 19.

The U.S government long denied involvement in the coup.

The U.S government long denied involvement in the coup. The State Department first released coup-related documents in 1989, but edited out any reference to CIA involvement. Public outrage coaxed a government promise to release a more complete edition, and some material came out in 2013. Two years later, the full installment of declassified material was scheduled — but might have interfered with Iran nuclear talks and were delayed again, Byrne said. They were finally released last week, though numerous original CIA telegrams from that period are known to have disappeared or been destroyed long ago.

Byrne said that the long delay is due to several factors. Intelligence services are always concerned about protecting “sources and methods,” said Byrne, meaning the secret spycraft that enables them to operate on the ground. The CIA also needed to protect its relationship with British intelligence, which may have wished some of the material safeguarded.Beyond final proof of CIA involvement, there’s another very interesting takeaway in the documents, said Abbas Milani, a professor of Iranian studies at Stanford University: New details on the true political leanings of Ayatollah Abol-Ghasem Kashani, a cleric and leading political figure in the 1950s.

In the Islamic Republic, clerics are always the good guys. Kashani has long been seen as one of the heroes of nationalism during that period. As recently as January of this year, Iran’s supreme leader praised Kashani’s role in the nationalization of oil.

Kashani’s eventual split from Mossadegh is widely known. Religious leaders in the country feared the growing power of the communist Tudeh Party, and believed that Mossadegh was too weak to save the country from the socialist threat.

But the newly released documents show that Kashani wasn’t just opposed to Mossadegh — he was also in close communication with the Americans throughout the period leading up to the coup, and he actually appears to have requested financial assistance from the United States, though there is no record of him receiving any money. His request was not previously known.

On the make-or-break day of August 19, “Kashani was critical,” said Milani. “On that day Kashani’s forces were out in full force to defeat Mossadegh.”

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 21, 2017 7:51 am

Wow I have told the tale of the CIA and BP along with the listening posts on Irans border with the then Soviet Union all maned by Americans .
I got my information from an Iranian born American doctor that helped me through full renal failure leading to a kidney transplant !
I was one of few Americans he has encountered that understood how the American covert operations fouled up relations with the west in Iran for decades .
In the end it was all about how much of a countries natural resource could be exploited for profit .
God forbid western companies operate in a fair market competing for the mineral rites . Why should they when they can have the American Taxpayer fund what amounts to be a protection racket on their behalf .
You have to wonder after the Gulf of Tonkin and this Iranian destabilization efforts , what other really big lies and blunders have we been forced to support ?
Doing well thanks to my Iranian born friend and a Palestinian born Christian surgeon that saved my life .

  Boat Guy
June 21, 2017 8:57 pm
June 21, 2017 9:23 am

Read “Ropes of Sand” by Wilbur Eveland for a critical look at the USA’S foreign policy in the mid-east post WWII to 1980.
Kermit Roosevelt wrote “Countercoup” in the late 70’s patting himself on the back for restoring the Shah.

June 21, 2017 9:31 am

Stop blaming the US for everything. Mossadegh was ousted because he was cozying up to the Soviets.
Iran deserves our eternal enmity for taking those hostages in ’79 and mistreating them for 444 days. It has been nothing but trouble ever since, but it’s day is coming. We will not allow Iranian terrorism to go unanswered.

PS. Israel is wonderful, it’s an oasis of peace and democracy in a desert of backward savages.

June 21, 2017 11:59 am

Oh, you neocon treachery guy. You have stabbed me in the heart over here. For years you have pretended to be this cool dude and now the mask is off. Treachery Guy will be your new name henceforth, unless you were just kidding in which case haha and nevermind.

June 21, 2017 12:28 pm

Somebody please come up with a comprehensive list of the pros and cons of Israel…..only American and Israel are founded under God – but I keep coming to good and bad points about our ‘toe hold in the desert’.

June 21, 2017 12:52 pm

What does that mean, anyway, “only American and Israel are founded under God “? Israel was created by fiat by a bunch of fucking bureaucrats and diplomats in what was historically Palestine. I don’t know of anything in recorded history that says God created America.

June 21, 2017 1:00 pm

God created everything, even liberal Democrats and SJW’s. It is not a perfect world Ed.

June 21, 2017 8:28 pm

I didn’t say that God didn’t create everybody. According to scripture, satan has dominion over governments. Satan told Jesus that he could give him dominion over all the kingdoms on Earth because they were all his to give. Tommy seems to think that only Israel and the US are exempt.

June 21, 2017 2:12 pm

I’m referring to the role that God is on our money, in our documents, used to/for swearing-in’s, and on and on……it….He, is woven into the fabric of our country’s character. Read the shemitah – or listen to it, and learn something – just another facet to a complex issue(s)….unless you really believe fiat created Israel.

June 21, 2017 8:30 pm

It ain’t a matter of belief, Tommy. Israel was created by decree. That’s just a fact, and I know it.

June 21, 2017 8:59 pm

There are no pros. All cons.

June 21, 2017 4:50 pm

This dovetails perfectly with the War on Drugs series currently on the History Channel. They are not pulling any punches to completely blame the entire drug “problems” over the past 40 years on the CIA, who was the primary driver of the “Narco States” in Columbia and Bolivia and facilitated the importation of cocaine and heroin into the U.S. so they could get the proceeds and fund other black ops.

How anyone in government can continue to support the Drug War is beyond evil.

June 22, 2017 12:58 pm

” Mossadegh is widely considered to be the closest thing Iran has ever had to a democratic leader. He openly championed democratic values and hoped to establish a democracy in Iran.”

Our Government claims it wants to spread Democracy around the world, so why would they want to remove a pro-western leader like Mossadegh?

I believe what you see, is what you get!

They removed Mossadegh to radicalize Islam, and create a Theocracy in Iran. This was most likely done to fulfill Albert Pike’s vision of 3 World Wars, which pits the 3 major religions, Islam, Judaism, and Christianity against one another.

Yes, I believe they started working on the WW III manufactured crisis that early.

IMO the Iranian manufactured hostage crisis to remove Jimmy Carter and elect Reagan was a Psy-Op, the Obvious Clue is the Numerology, it lasted 444 days…