Only 17 hood rats shot in Little Rock. That’s a slow night in Chicago.

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kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
July 2, 2017 10:32 am

I give up – tell me.

  kokoda - the most deplorable
July 2, 2017 10:41 am

“I give up – tell me.”


July 2, 2017 10:42 am

No big deal! No one even died!

July 2, 2017 10:44 am

Chicago has a murder rate of 16.4 per 100,000 population, while Little Rock has a murder rate of 31.1 per 100,000. But LR is a tiny cesspool of a town, and a comparison between a tiny city and a huge one really isn’t apt. So let’s compare Chicago’s murder rate with these cities:
St. Louis, MO- 37.2
Philadelphia, PA- 27.7
Indianapolis, IN – 17.5
Milwaukee, WI- 17.7
Birmingham, AL- 44.5 (!!!)
Washington, DC- 29.9
Atlanta, GA – 22.9
Miami, FL = 19.6
New Orleans, LA – 37.6
Detroit, MI – 47.3 (gah!)
Kansas City, MO -25.0
Houston, TX – 18.2
Baltimore, MD= 43.3

Dallas, TX, and Los Angeles, CA, have SLIGHTLY lower murder rates than Chitown, at 15 per 100,000 and 16.4 per 100,000 respectively. Only “Whitopias” like Portland, Seattle, San Francisco, Austin, and San Diego, on one hand, and uber-wealthy international burgs like NYC where the poor have been driven out of even former slums like Brooklyn, Harlem, and even the Bronx, have sharply lower murder and violent crime rates. Here in Chicago, the blight and crime has been pushed out to the south and western edges of the city, where 95% of the mayhem occurs- in fact, a good 90% of the shootings occur in the same select pockets of these areas that it has for 20 years or more. Meanwhile, the old Inner City areas close to downtown have redeveloped, and are choice and expensive, while the whole north side, with the exception of a few troubled buildings here and there, is solidly middle and upper middle class, and mostly white or Asian. Yes, stuff occasionally happens in good areas- after all, this is a large city, not a gated community in Atherton, CA or some other rich folks’ enclave. But you’d mostly have to go to a lot of trouble to reach the areas where you’d be most endangered, and I really hope you don’t visit Chicago just to hang out at 81st St & Vincennes, really.

Lee Whitfield
Lee Whitfield
July 2, 2017 11:29 am

“We can ignore reality, but we cannot ignore the consequences of ignoring reality.” Ayn Rand. Sometimes I wonder if this is true. This event is a tiny segment of what goes on daily in some form or fashion. But the white public is terrified of even whispering the truth. The ‘PC policeman” they put in our head is doing his job.
Can we please just divorce and separate from these types and their apologists already? Hell, I will move if I have too. This decline to bedlam is going on unannounced and unreported for the most part.

July 2, 2017 11:31 am

I have no more Sympathy or Empathy for blacks.None .They will never become well behaved Europeans no matter how much time or money is wasted on them.They are the alien other .They are just different from all other races.
Jesus Christ was right … because of lawlessness the love of many will grow cold… They seem to be unaware of this or they just don’t care.

July 2, 2017 11:56 am

Maybe if they keep killing each other it will turn into a case of ‘problem solved’.

July 2, 2017 2:37 pm

KaD, that is exactly what we white citizens of Chicago (and St. Louis, Milwaukee, et al) have been saying for the past 80 years… “just let’m kill each other”. And that’s exactly the attitude that has made the problem with violence our cities are having. We’ve let certain groups of people think they’re a law onto themselves, something you can never do and have a civil society.

Just sayin'
Just sayin'
July 2, 2017 12:22 pm

Ignorant fucks.

How many “races” were present that night? The fact that they can all be segregated according to some racist ‘color palette’ which may or not contain several hues of black, shows that there is very little use in making the claim that there was only one ‘race’ involved.

The sheer stupidity displayed on this site is amazing!!!!!

I hope you are all proud of your stupidity. That usually leads to your displaying it, so the rest of us can avoid you.

kokoda - the most deplorable
kokoda - the most deplorable
  Just sayin'
July 2, 2017 1:05 pm
Just sayin'
Just sayin'
  Just sayin'
July 2, 2017 3:36 pm

Not a single counter-argument, just seven “vote-downs”…

Pitiful! Predictable, but pitiful just the same.

  Just sayin'
July 2, 2017 6:40 pm

Counter argument? What is your argument? Frankly, your ‘hue’ comment did not make much sense. I think its fairly obvious to anyone looking at the facts would come to the reasonable conclusion this event was a “black’ thing. I will grant you there may have been some want-to-be types there but I did not see any. Different ‘hues’ a civilized person does not make. About 10 seconds of that music probably set someone off. I could barely listen to it. How often does this happen at a blue grass festival or at the symphony? White liberal social scientist destroyed any culture the American black had. Face it, most of the biggety ones in the black community don’t want to be around these types either but they will not stand up and go against their own.
Of course, its not every black person but no one will speak up and say these ‘urban’ types are out of control and it needs to be stopped.
Apparently you suffer from white guilt. I do not.

the shadow
the shadow
July 3, 2017 2:00 am

Yup. This was definitely some honky like you who got “set-off” by the awfulness
of the music. What other parts of the story do you invent to hold your
narrative together? Oh yeah, this was the work of “white social scientists”….

You honestly expect anyone to believe you got to the symphony? Is this before
or after the Bluegrass festival?

Refer to the “uppityness” (biggetyness, in your lingo) of niggers often? Is
there a better way to show your age?

Oh yeah, you called for black-on-black rage… And then some form of
‘urban-vs-suburban’ rage.

Lemme guess: Southern much?

  the shadow
July 3, 2017 10:00 am

The shadow, lemme guess you be black much! Or are you a white girl that has been “culture re-identified?” The media has blasted your race and made you feel you are so ignorant and awefully disgusting that you identify as another race and want acceptance so much that anyone white that is proud must surely be a racist? You give no thought that many races of whiteness can be Italian American, etc etc…..all you whites are whites but us blacks we gots all kinda sub blackness….you best recognize bitch. It is so bad Today, I have black friends from black nations raised by white parents that adopted them, college educated them, and they spew mountains of black pride, white hate all over Facebook. I love the fact their parents wrote their broke asses outta their inheritances….no,worries they still gonna keep their obummer phone…….haters gonna hate, look in the mirror snowflake. Whites have for generations been taught to accept and include and assimilate, they did, now blacks are all wanting segregation, their own college safe spaces where they do not even have to see a white person….google it, it must be true. You libtard people need to recognize whites have been trying for over 150 years and succeeding to change the past history of dominating blacks in a society and life, based on survival via resources, Mother Nature. They proved their dominance and now since resources are no longer scarce and easy to acquire the whites are inclusive. But blacks remain pissed off at being dominated for centuries and want to get even……I get it I understand…it would be best if we all got along. If not their will be another domination one way or another.

  Just sayin'
July 2, 2017 7:43 pm

Avoiding people like you is sort of the idea moron.

the shadow
the shadow
July 3, 2017 2:02 am

Well don’t let me stop you! Move on, son!

  Just sayin'
July 3, 2017 7:52 am

What is self-evident to the masses will always be confusing to those who refuse to see or those incapable of higher reasoning.
Little Rock is 84% black and one of the highest murder per capita rates in the ENTIRE WORLD. East St Louis and Memphis, also 80+ % black are also of similar rates of murder and it is 90+% committed by blacks (primarily black on black since whites mostly have left) .
All black neighborhoods are more dangerous than Jerusalem, Beirut or any number of cities we associate with war and strife.
Twenty TRILLION dollars on efforts to civilize blacks and incorporate them into civilized, western society and THIS is what they are–and this is what they will always be.

  Just sayin'
July 3, 2017 7:58 am

The irony is that the week before at the same club, they held a free ” stop black on black murder” concert. Then the following week they have a rapper whose poster for the event had him sighting an AR at the reader—the ignorance with this segment of society is so blatant that it becomes the TRUE definition of pitiful.

  Just sayin'
July 3, 2017 9:30 am

Jus sayin, you want a rebuttal to your ignorant post….he ya go snowflake…

Based on the video it seems all people in attendance were of the color brown or black, you choose. Not one white were seen and I bet if you look up news stories no whites were there. As a matter of fact it may be safe to say if one were he would have already been shot…ask yourself why it is when many blacks congregate violence seems to erupt? But when whites go to the movies, symphony, concert, even those dumb redneck southerners you proudly hate, there is little to no violence…… see, you and your people of the ignorant left want no borders, you want all countries to have open borders, so no one is from anywhere, therefore there is no race…no African American, etc….so it comes down to color, white, black etc. your people have been making it politically incorrect to call out color and now you make it politically incorrect to establish yourself as a person from any white dominated nation….hence you never hear anyone proud to say they are South African American, Swedish American, but African American oh how proud they be. So, there is no race as nobody is from nowhere just like you wanted. The fact that brown people kill more people makes you angry as you have been taught to check your white “so called” privilege and you have been “culture reidentified” so you feel more accepted by disclaiming your own culture while enforcing the rights of certain brown cultures to remain strong. Shows you are of simple mind and easily influenced. Tell us why you feel certain religions, cultures, all colors other than white are allowed by you and your ilk to be proud of their culture and race but all white cultures must check their privilege and never ever openly say they are proud to be white! Please please tell us again how being proud while white is racist and we owe everyone everything we worked for and nobody will be happy until we give up everything and then just die. Can you imagine a world without whites! It would not last a month…..Imagine the world, for hundreds of thousands of years has been dependent on resources, natural resources. Hell even animals depend on them to survive. Up until literally the last 100 years humans depended on the land to survive (resources). Africa is the most resourced nation on earth. It is also home to the highest black population on earth yet, it never thrives, never has never will. So imagine a world without whites to provide what they do; strategy, planning, focus. The world would resemble Africa. If you want that so bad, let me buy you a one way ticket. Now, get the fuck outta here ride your Prius back to Cali and STFU. Getting hot in here snowflake, run along before facts make you melt.

Just sayin'
Just sayin'
July 3, 2017 2:52 pm

How much more do you have to pretend was included in my argument in order to make your narrative work?

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  Just sayin'
July 3, 2017 7:14 pm

It’s not an argument; just a knee-jerk assertion of racism. To have an argument requires facts, and since most blacks are killed by blacks, you have a tough argument to make. Obama’s racist minions in the FBI even classified hispanics as “white” to drive up the “white” murder rate, and it still made little difference. Does it really matter if a black Somali murders a black American in Minneapolis? Still a black-on-black crime, isn’t it? Or is that somehow different to you?

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 2, 2017 12:27 pm

Dogs and cats have more culture in common than Blacks and Whites (and I don’t mean any insult to the dogs by any comparison to Blacks in that comment).

  rhs jr
July 2, 2017 1:19 pm

I would much rather be around dogs and/or cats than blacks.

July 2, 2017 12:29 pm

And yet the media is still pounding down about how Donald Trump is not respecting their sanctity and sainthood………..

July 2, 2017 1:51 pm

What’s very bad about this is that this kind of senseless violence was usually confined to the bigger cities and urban centers.
Now it has filtered down to the medium size cities in flyover country.

July 2, 2017 4:01 pm

I think I would rather take a bullet than have to listen to that fucking no talent bullshit excuse for music.
Yours in Frigg

Miles Long
Miles Long
July 2, 2017 6:53 pm
Arnold Ziffel
Arnold Ziffel
July 2, 2017 7:42 pm

Twenty-eight wounded. That is going to be expensive hospitalization the taxpayers are going to have to bear. How about we give them free target practice so they can increase the black kill ratio and reduce taxpayer expense?

July 2, 2017 9:14 pm

27 shot and nobody killed. Had to be the boyz in tha hood.