Question of the Day, July 18

Will the senate pass the obamacare repeal bill that had 49 votes in 2015? Or, on another note, is Mitch McConnell actually humanoid?

Author: Back in PA Mike

Crotchety middle aged man with a hot younger wife dead set on saving this Country.

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July 18, 2017 12:06 pm

Will not pass. Bunch of cowards that are afraid of their own shadows instead of “we the people.”

July 18, 2017 9:14 pm

They are beholding to special interests, that fund their campaigns. They don’t give a fuck about voters, they believe if they have enough money they will win reelection.

More than this, the Repubs – had 6 or 7 years to craft their own solution to health care. They have nothing. These Repubs are fucking idiots / scammers / skimmers. We pay them, for nothing.

I used to contribute to the Republican Party (casue I felt there was no other real solution). But they have turned out to be the biggest bunch of fuck-ups ever.

July 18, 2017 12:16 pm

They only do…..or in this case don’t do…..whatever the lobbyists pay them to do or not do. Simple as that.

July 18, 2017 12:40 pm

They only pass laws that make the rich richer. If a bill does not explicitly serve wealthy elite interests, then no it will not pass. These guys do not even hide the fact that they are bought. And why should they? 98% of them will be voted right back in.

July 18, 2017 12:43 pm

No I don’t so far they have shown they are incapable of doing anything. It is frustrating to see a group of what should be the best of the best, wallow in their own incompetence. The business of the American people is a secondary consideration for this group of sloths.

On another note how does the criminal Susan Rice amass a $59 million dollar fortune on a government salary of approx. $170k per year? Can somebody give the number of her financial advisor? Does the Federal Government have a bonus program I’m not aware of?

rhs jr
rhs jr
July 18, 2017 12:45 pm

The Democrats created Obamacare and lived by it so let them die by it. Don’t worry about it; let Democrats suffer by their own hands. Try to rescue healthcare in the best bill possible for taxpayers, not insurance companies or hospitals or indigents. Probably expand small private outpatient clinics and halfway house inpatient care. Leave hospitals for the difficult cases with prospects of improvement. Americans have no communist human rights and if they want them then go to a communist country and enjoy them. Stop causing hospitals and insurance companies to have to charge 500% more than what they should have to charge their paying customers.

July 18, 2017 1:05 pm

The Senate Republicans are too afraid of losing the Democrat vote to repeal Obamacare.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2017 1:35 pm

They’d have to change the rules to eliminate the filibuster, and they’re not going to do that – because they don’t want to. It doesn’t matter that the exchanges are going broke. 90% of the country isn’t on the exchanges. United Health Group announced today that their second quarter profits are up 35% from the same period last year. Obamacare is working exactly as designed: insurance companies can suck everything they can out of captive consumers unless/until voters conclude that “Medicare For All” couldn’t possibly be any worse. The insurance companies think that’s way down the road. Democrats think that’s just around the corner. I think the democrats are right.

Ps. McConnell is vile, so yes, he’s human.

  Iska Waran
July 18, 2017 2:01 pm

People who talk about “Medicare for all” always seem to conveniently leave what the cost -the amount of Medicare taxes- would have to be to finance it.

That question should be posed to all that propose it, along with a request that they explain their projection based on realistic data.

Even now, with Medicare underpayment being offset by higher individual and insurance payments for services, it is difficult for many Medicare patients to find adequate care and treatment. The less than adequate payments would have to be addressed once there was no longer anyone to subsidize them by making higher payments.

norman franklin
norman franklin
July 18, 2017 2:13 pm

LTFF, The cucks in the senate have even less spine the the ones in the house so for now they won’t pull the plug. Don’t know how the overton window got so skewed to ‘repeal and replace.’ It was repeal you MFers, has been since it was passed in the dead of night, with bribes spread around for all under the color of law. And no McGobbler is not human he is a meat sack pos who was made by crossing a turtle with a turkey.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
July 18, 2017 3:22 pm


Currently, providers can elect not to take Medicare patients and they can still get enough business from people with private insurance. If Single Payer (“Medicare for All”) were enacted, the vast majority of people would quickly gravitate toward it – just as 90% of high school students attend public (“free”) high schools. Basically, most providers wouldn’t be able to turn down Medicare patients, because they’d be almost all of the patients that exist. The “less than adequate payments” comparison would no longer hold. Doctors would have the choice of taking what the government offers or quit being a doctor. I have no idea which they would choose.

  Iska Waran
July 19, 2017 8:27 am

Only the independently wealthy can sustain financial activities that cost more than they receive in return (operate at a loss).

Very few doctors or medical facilities fall into that category.

July 18, 2017 2:08 pm

McConnell is a cross between Clem Kadiddlehopper and Tudor Turtle. You younger fellers may not get that tongue- in -cheek slam but the old dudes will. What a complete traitor to this country.

Unreconstructed Southerner
Unreconstructed Southerner
July 18, 2017 2:37 pm

Without exception, each and every one of these humps is bought and paid for.
Are you not entertained?

July 18, 2017 3:50 pm

from the Senate Conservatives Fund–
“Mitchcare Collapses”
this is a short fundraising letter but it also contains lots of good info –they are unrelenting in their criticism of mcconnell and the other deceitful republicans–

July 18, 2017 3:55 pm

No, single payer system is the goal.

July 18, 2017 4:50 pm

Cali won’t even touch single payer. Rosy prognostications of the annual cost is $400B……now double that and that is the reality. The victims will come out of the woodwork nationally for some of that action……

D.B. Cooper
D.B. Cooper
July 18, 2017 6:35 pm

Mitch McConnell is a hemorrhoid on humanity…

  D.B. Cooper
July 18, 2017 6:41 pm

db,where you been all these years?do you have any cash you can spare?

D.B. Cooper
D.B. Cooper
July 18, 2017 10:04 pm

turned it all into silver, only keep paper to buy shit I don’t need….

July 18, 2017 10:27 pm

Mitch’s wife’s family own a shipping fleet. Not too long ago
it got snagged and was found (one ship) to be containing narcotics.
Smuggling drugs…those creeps.

Why are these people “serving” continuously for 40 years? Get
the hell out you rats. Have you not embezzled enough $$$$
yet, taken enough bribes? I hate these decrepit old bastards,
courting senility, and still screwing everything up with their
greedy hands and vile minds. All of them are like this…out
in the open!! Strutting around like the mafia dons they are.
Loathsome creatures. Sickening thugs. Mega liars. Killers
and destroyers. Undeserving of any trust or mercy. May they
all rot in hell. D and R are the same. Never mind what used to be.
Or never was.

July 19, 2017 2:16 am

Actually most Republican politicians are just high class whores. The Democrat politicians are the low class whores.

It just amazes me that so many people actually think politicians are looking out for the best interests of the voters.

July 19, 2017 10:47 am

I can say this with relative certainty; If there is one thing that I can see millennials having in common, it is that they almost universally do not trust these government hacks. Nor do they trust banksters or any other “establishments”. These people like McConnell, McSame, and the rest of the brigade of swindlers that daily parade out in front of the cameras and have little of value to say are going to be done for through attrition when the Fed is no longer able to print their paychecks, and sustenance for their pet projects. In the real world, tax collection is down, so they have to keep making up more and more of their expenses by donor contributions and printed currency. They are clawing for dear life to relevancy, and have about the same real influence as the hosts pretending to be women on “the view”. These guys demographic is literally dying of old age. Real production is at a stand still and has not improved, and the new generation is not in the slightest bit interested in anything these old fucks have to say, or the status quo they have built.

July 19, 2017 12:58 pm

What a shocker !!!! Fucking Republicans always talk a good game, but never deliver.