Stucky Gives An Update

So many new faces here.

To those who don’t know me, I was at one time;  Stucky the Magnificent, now Stucky the Defeated. Chief Shit Stirrer Extraordinaire, now Too Tired ToGiveafuk.  World’s Best Doppleganger, now a Nameless Face-In-The-Crowd.  Original author of magnificent masterpieces – from castles to cars to history to the Bible and, of course, the fine art of horse fucking –now speechless.

A brief note to those who know me but don’t like me; go suck a diseased donkey dick. heh heh


To my friends.

The house is still not sold … even though the last buyer offered the bank $425,000 …. Cash.  We’re now tens of thousands of dollars in tax arrears, and growing.

Dad can’t remember where he put his wallet ten minutes ago … but recalls in vivid detail events that happened to him 60 years ago. I hear a lot of stories about his stay in a Russian prison camp during WWII.  But, he doesn’t remember that he told me. So, I hear the same story 20 times a week. He loses or misplaces everything, and it’s driving my mom even crazier than she already is.

Mom’s gigantic open wound on her calf is finally healing, after 7 months of weekly, then bi-weekly, long trips to the hospital.  Two weeks ago we were told it was just about over. Yeah. Last week I wheeled her to the car, opened the door but her leg, the other unwounded leg, was in the way. We both thought there was room, and I open the door gently and slowly.  Still, her skin is so thin and her circulation is so bad, that the accident resulted in a long and deep gash. Blood was everywhere. Well, we were on the way to the hospital anyway  so I just wrapped a towel around it and off we went.  The doctor just shook his head. “Looks like you’ll be coming for another three months at least.”  Why?  “Because your mom heals very slowly and is prone to infection.”  Well, fuckmedead.


She’s been taking Tramadol for her crippling arthritis for quite some time now.  She can’t get through the day nor sleep without it, the pain is so great. Suddenly, her doctor can no longer prescribe it! It’s an opioid and ONLY a Pain Center can issue it.  WTF??  Well, it’s because it’s an addictive drug, he says, and very very many drug users are getting these prescriptions from crooked doctors. It’s now an epidemic so the government stepped in, you know, to fix things. I’m so happy and blessed that the caring suits in Washington DC are concerned about an 85 year old crippled woman getting hooked on a drug she’s been taking for 20 years in order to live with just reasonable pain instead of excruciating pain. So I called around and finally found a Pain Center willing to take on a new patient but they refuse to just prescribe the damned pill. Oh no! They  first need to do a “full battery” of tests, including MRIs and shit she has to swallow, because don’t-you-know there could be alternatives to taking that evil vile dirty lousy fucking Tramadol.  And it’s only going to cost a few thousands of dollars to find out! Well, not us directly. The insurance company and/or the government … who I love so dearly.

I found out terrible things about my parents.  They never told my beloved libtard seester nor myself when they married. Never celebrated their anniversary.  Eventually I suspected I was a bastard child.  That was confirmed about 20 years ago when I was rummaging around in the basement looking for something and I found their marriage certificate. No big deal.  My parents have always fought and argued. But, mom’s animosity towards him over the past year or so has gotten progressively worse. The name calling and mocking and even cursing.   It’s so tragic that it’s funny to hear a crippled 85 year woman shout out — “Go to hell you fucking Romanian Taliban!” — Talibam really, and in a German accent no less, which I can’t reproduce accurately enough to retain the humor. Fortunately, dad lost at least 80% of his hearing so most of these wackadoodle insults fall on deaf ears. But, I’m not deaf. One day I had enough of the bullshit and I just yelled at mom (she’s kinda deaf too),  “WHY THE HELL ARE YOU ALWAYS PICKING ON DAD!! LEAVE HIM ALONE!!!!!”. And without thinking … probably because she was shocked that I yelled at her … she yelled back “BECAUSE HE RAPED ME!!!”.  Well, fuckmedead, ain’t that some shit to find out when you’re some 60+ years old? Me. Bastard Boy, product of a rape. I still don’t know how to deal with that. Rage? Disgust? Understanding? Murder? Forgivness? I dunno.

Ms Freud’s mom died of Alzheimer’s. In recent months I’ve become afraid.  She goes to the grocery store to buy milk and bread. She came back without the bag.  We’ve been in The Mansion for 5 months, and she still has to open several kitchen drawers to find the Silverware.  On Monday, the day AFTER Easter Sunday she asked me — “When are we going to see little Andrew and give him his Easter basket?”  You can see the reason for my concern.  Maybe it explains the bills. During the move from the house to The Mansion I came across many many bills that were either “lost” or hidden on purpose. Who can know at this point?  Nevertheless, it came as quite a shock to me that we have tens of thousands of dollars of debts hitherto unbeknownst to me. Shit, I might have Alzheimer’s myself.

At first, my response to this onslaught was sleep. Lots of it. But sleep is boring and the brain never really escapes the shitty dreams. Then I read. Lots. Hundreds of books, sometimes two a day. But, eventually one has to stop reading to eat or take a piss, and there the brain is also. Eventually I sank into the black hole of depression so great that I needed brief hospitalized medical attention. Ms Freud thought I was going to kill myself. So, now I take happy pills. Or, I used to, for a month.  They make me feel tired and lethargic. So, I cheek them.  At least this makes Ms Freud happy.

There’s more, but I’ve said enough.  Why say anything?  Well, I have a few friends here who might be interested. I don’t want Admin to think I abandoned this joint cuz I made a promise long ago to not do that … and, eventually I’ll have something interesting to say again. Hopefully, anyway, for how long can one wander in a wasteland?

But, mostly to unburden my soul. Somehow it feels good to admit — “Hey, look at me!  I fucked up my life good and hard, so there!!” — especially to friends one most likely will never meet face-to-face.  It’s cathartic. Admitting one’s fuckedupness …. that’s step 1 in recovery, is it not?


Signing off from the library.

Blessings and Peace be upon you all, even my enemies

In Odin’s Name



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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July 29, 2017 9:15 pm

Stucky – been wondering for some time now what happened to you, so it’s good to hear from you, YES you have been missed.

So sorry to hear that you’re going through that time where life seems to throw everything at you all at once. No one can say “I know how you feel” , but many of us who are old enough can say we’ve had to face tough times where multiple sources of pain have hit us all at once and what I can say is that even though it may be one of the toughest times you’ll face in life, you’ll get through it.

It’s been said, something to the affect that God will only throw at you the level of tribulation that he knows you can handle. Well it appears God has one hell of a High opinion of you – LOL.

Best of wishes to you.

If you’re facing the possibility of dealing with Alzheimer’s. I strongly suggest you watch this video.

July 30, 2017 8:28 am

I am in the process of ranking carbohydrates here in my little piece of the world. While ketosis occurs more rapidly with a sudden reduction in carbohydrate intake, i.e., Adkins plan, it can also be achieved by replacing processed carbs (those found in pasta, boxed meals just add water, pretty much anything with a LIST of what is in it) with CIS… (Cucumber, Onion, Squash, Fresh Dug Potatoes, Green Beans, i.e., Carb in Skin or CIS) and a handful of my special granola blend made with oats, dried fruits with no sugar added during drying process (hard to find because hard to do… why?), nuts, seeds, homegrown herbs like mint and a bunch of cinnamon sticks… oh well, you get the picture. Good Carb versus Bad Carb ratings.

I think I’ve found a really good approach to telling a good carb from a bad carb AND how to mitigate the impact of having the processed carbs (cupcakes and pancakes and bread, oh my!) on my diet.

Katze im Sack
Katze im Sack
July 29, 2017 10:23 pm


really glad to hear from you. Even when the news are not encouraging.

I can relate, I’m going through a similar situation with my own parents.

And that bit about you being a bastard… that old western “The professionals”? At the very end, when the bad guy calls Lee Marvin a bastard? Lee hits back by retorting: “Yes Sir. In my case, an accident of birth. But you are a self-made man.”

A lot of self-made bastards out there, but you are not one of them. So, you have nothing to worry about.

July 29, 2017 10:25 pm

Sorry to hear the house hasn’t sold yet and your parent challenges. You’re a good man to “stick” with them; hang on you’ll survive. BTW remember that trick I told you about months ago to sell the house in 2 weeks? I told you that as a favor, Mr. Stucky, because it actually works and I learned about it from a very sharp RE Broker. Go buy a St. Joseph statue, plant it upside down in the front yard, not too deep, about 6 inches will do. Then forget about it. You’ll be in escrow within two weeks.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
July 29, 2017 10:29 pm

Sounds like Stucky is stuck. In a Kurt Vonnegut novel.
He is a better man than me. Taking anti-depressants to deal with shit mostly not your own is commitment. To what I am not sure.
Self flagellation or being a good son. Or both.
When I find myself in a shituation like that I am in another country or on another continent ( or in one instance on a ship in the middle of the Pacific) the next day.
No problem is so big you can’t run away from it.
My older brother, who is like Stucky, says he admires my ability to bolt and NGAF.
My one cent, hang in there Stucky, life always goes on,… and then you’re dead.

July 29, 2017 11:29 pm

Damn Stucky, I always thought you were a grumpy bastard. Now to have you reappear and confirm it is something else.

Good to hear from you and thanks for the update.

Hang in there.

July 30, 2017 1:49 am

Life sucks, and then you die………

I dunno, some days I wonder how we all get though the bullshit, but one thing, Stucky, is I miss your posting’s and your comments.
Insightful, thought provoking, interesting, comical, silly, honest, always from the heart and no bullshit. Well……..maybe a little bullshit.
And to all the assbags that thumbed me down when I mentioned missing you, “go suck a diseased donkey dick. heh heh….”

But goddamn, you have been thrown a shit sandwich. I know you are strong and I know you will take the shit and throw it right back.


July 30, 2017 7:25 am

Blessed are the poor in spirit…
Peeps here miss you and love you much, Stucky.

July 30, 2017 8:39 am

LOL… we really are Stucky’s Peeps or are we his MINIONS?

Could you clarify that for me EC? You explained the whole TBP caste system to me long ago: Admin, Big Dog, Troll, Libtard, Doppleganger, et al, and at that time, Bea was our androgynous friend who could be idiotic, I thought bb was a toad and had a toad graphic just for him, I insulted Billy and attracted the wrath of Billah’s Wife for the rest of my TBP social networking process, having to defend my decision long ago to show the world what building a log home from scratch really looks like. StuckInNJ had yet to become Stucky, much less be drowning in a world which we all desperately avoid until we inevitably face desperately: Elder Care World, where you can bring all your own toys if you want but you are leaving with nothing.

July 30, 2017 7:48 am

Good to here from you even under these circumstances. You will continue to be in my thoughts and prayers. I still remember reading your car article the day my dad died. It was a pleasant distraction on what was otherwise a shitty day. You have contributed so much here it continues to resonate with many of the readers and commenters. I hope you continue to have the resolve to get through these difficult times and will have the inclination and opportunity to contribute again in the future.

norman franklin
norman franklin
July 30, 2017 8:32 am

Sticky, I went back and read some of your timeless classics and all I can say is wow, come back soon you degenerate reprobate. You are greatly missed.

Yours in Oden, Norman

July 30, 2017 9:17 am

Hello Stucky!

We have missed you very much, and many have been
worried about you. Thanks for letting the TBP know
what has been keeping you away. You are overwhelmed
with responsibilities. Sometimes caregivers suffer to the
point of physical and emotional collapse. Do not let that
happen to you. There is no shame in placing your parents
in a care setting when parents need essentially 24h care.
You visit everyday to keep the staff honest.

Good luck to you and your Mrs.


July 30, 2017 9:37 am

Ditto, Suzanna.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 30, 2017 4:07 pm

When I replied ‘ditto’ to somebody’s comment, it was a snarky way of agreeing. He’d said that in the future, conversation would be reduced to grunts and tweets. This is TBP, not some altright, heel-clicking, 1488ing, goose-stepping site.

  EL Coyote
July 31, 2017 2:23 pm

That’s a big ten four there buddy.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 30, 2017 3:59 pm

Suzie, my daughter said that many folks bring their parents in for “a week or two” so that they can get some much needed rest. In this update, we can see the state of those children and what they go through. To the rest of the world, all they see is heartless kids dumping their parents in an old folks home.

She said that there are to facilities where she worked. In one facility, the people did fine for quite some time. In her facility, the old-timers were dead in a week to a month. She said a bedsore was certain death. When it comes to taking care of old folks, the saying applies: only the strong survive.

She couldn’t work there more than a year, a person has to develop iron bands around their heart to keep at it as people die almost every day.

  EL Coyote
July 30, 2017 4:27 pm

One of my friends and her siblings hired a woman to be with their mother during daytime in the rest home, as an “assistant ” (really to be eyes and ears). Mom lived on for quite a while.

Not Sure
Not Sure
July 30, 2017 10:37 am

I stumbled on to this post days after it ran, but the timing couldn’t have been better. I am struck by the love and concern of all the friends who have left words of comfort and support to their dear friend.
I ran into TBP just as Mr. Stuck was taking a hiatus, so my prayers feel more to be praying for a friend’s friend that one whom I knew in a personal way. Never the less, my prayers for Stuck are genuine and fervent. I hope you find the path of healing soon and realize the love you have from your many friends, as seen in the many comments posted here.

July 30, 2017 3:52 pm


That was painful to read. You and I go way, way back on this site. Even to the time that you threatened to drive down from your home in NJ and beat the crap out of Admin, and I thought, “Whoa, who is this guy?”

Well, I soon found out. Very intelligent. Excellent, creative writer. About as subtle as a hydrogen bomb. Funny. Can’t count to ten correctly: 1,2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (boy, did I ever have fun when you did that). A bit of a pain in the ass, but only when you disagreed with me. A kind, caring, decent human being. That and more is you.

Tell you what. Once you’re on a more even keel and back here regularly, I’d be more than happy to write something that pisses you off royally. Something that makes you so mad that you’ll want to jump in the car and drive over 2,000 miles to Tucson and beat on me like a rented mule. If you are reading this and thinking “I can’t wait,” then my work here is done. Heh.

Your pal,

July 30, 2017 4:15 pm

SSS says:
July 30, 2017 at 3:52 pm

I’d be more than happy to write something that pisses you off royally. Something that makes you so mad that you’ll want to jump in the car and drive over 2,000 miles to Tucson and beat on me like a rented mule..

Keep talking about your bromance with Mileikowsky, er…Netanyahu and I’ll do it myself.

Your pal,

muck about
muck about
July 30, 2017 4:57 pm

Thanks for the update Stuck. Personally, I wondered if you got caught with your pants down and Ms. Freud inflicted wounds too horrible to talk about!

Life has its’ downs and downs with an occasional uptick – starting with birth and going from there.

I’ve been absent – way too long –but for good reasons such as you have. In my case, I’ve whipped leukemia, it morphed into lymphoma which I also (as it turns out, temporarily) walked away from cancer “free” and now I’m starting a second round of lymphoma battle starting tomorrow. (yes, it came back – worse than before).

Life gets quite tiring at times and very painful – but please, for all of us, hang in there and the pendulum will swing the other way sooner than later (we hope).

In the mean time, Ol’ Muck is stuck in the sick bed poked full of holes with various things dripping in and out trying to maintain something of a sense of humor. You do the same damn thing Stucky darlin’ and pretty soon we’ll be back kicking ass and taking names like not so long ago..

  muck about
July 30, 2017 6:30 pm

Damn it Muck, I have been worrying about you. You are a tough one, so this too will pass. All the best, your friend Llpoh

  muck about
July 30, 2017 6:40 pm


This is not happy news. I have been wondering where you have been, and now I wish you all the best. After you get well, you can regale us with another Muck’s Minute about the health care industry.

it has not been a happy weekend on TBP.

July 30, 2017 6:46 pm

Wow Stucky, this one hit me right between the eyes. I turn 60 next month, and am dealing with a father who has dementia, and watching my Mom go crazy from it all. I thought when the kids grew up, I’d have an easier time. I’m the oldest, and live the closest, so it’s become a big part of my responsibilities now.

I deal with depression via a combination of St Johns wort & 5Htp. It’s not overwhelming like the pharmaceuticals, and it does seem to help. Shit, if one isn’t depressed I think something’s wrong with you. Just look around…

I’ve been there, and seen things completely turn around too. Breathe in, breathe out – one day at a time. Things seem to always change over time. I wish you well…

i lurk therefore i am
i lurk therefore i am
July 30, 2017 7:46 pm

One word: Endure.
This too shall pass. It might pass like a kidney stone, but it will pass.
I’ve never commented anywhere. Not ever. Your plight moved me… Know that there are plenty of comrades out here who sympathize – having been through their own versions of hell and back – and wish you well, bro.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  i lurk therefore i am
July 31, 2017 1:11 am

The Dude abides.

July 30, 2017 9:57 pm


Been thinking about you lately bud! Wondering and worrying. That was a tough one to read. I have utmost respect for your honesty as you deal with what life hurls at you. Hang in there, like so many have said above there are countless people rooting for ya!

Yours in Odin,


July 31, 2017 8:00 am

Hey Stuckmeister!

I was going to add more last night but was tired. Working on a home improvement project of my own. My wife talked me into renovations and a flagstone patio and walkway. Finicky, hard work but looking forward to completion. Total novice at it but catching on.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Whatta ya think! Maybe when I am done I will using your home reno travails as inspiration do a post about all this.

Anyways if helps get you thru these trying days I would like to offer my family cottage for your use anytime you wish. A real nice spot to read a book. I will even throw in a KEK flag that you can raise at sunrise each day. You can troll effortlessly whilst sipping morning coffee on the deck. Best to come in summer as the Bears run rampant when the ice sets in!

Just throwing it out there….

July 30, 2017 10:10 pm

Fuck, I am sorry to hear all of that. Truly.

As sad as it sounds, many of you are the closest I have to actual friends. I hate to see friends in bad straights. Or even be able to help beyond commiseration.

July 31, 2017 3:19 am

I’m so sorry to hear you’re going through some tough times.

As John Lennon sang, “Life is what happens to you while you’re busy making other plans.”
But sometimes life sucks for a while and all plans go haywire. But as George Harrison sang, “All things must pass.” So hopefully, you’re bad times will pass and you’ll be back to good times soon.

Looking forward to your return to the site full time. And definitely miss your comments.

starfcker and his trumpeteers
starfcker and his trumpeteers
July 31, 2017 3:25 am

Stucky, we’re all at that age where parents are aging, and become, “interesting.” Try to see the sunny side, enjoy every good moment you have with them. Everything else will pass. (I keep telling you, burn it for the insurance, you live in Jersey for Christ’s sake, it’s a tradition, and quasi-legal) Good to see you post, your long articles on this and that are greatly missed.

  starfcker and his trumpeteers
July 31, 2017 3:26 am

100, bitchezzzzz

  starfcker and his trumpeteers
July 31, 2017 9:45 am

Who downthumbed that, star?

July 31, 2017 5:37 pm

No clue. Who, or why

July 31, 2017 5:51 pm

A couple of times I have hit the down thumb when I meant to hit the up thumb by mistake, but I have found that if you immediately change it then it will change to what you intended.. Likewise, by error I found out the other day that if some one posts a video (not just the link), well, if you click on the arrow in the middle the video it will play obviously, but if you click on the title of the video in the upper left corner then it will open the youtube page for that video and you can see lyrics and comments. Guess I’m a bit slow.

anyway, good style points for the multiple “Zs”

Grammar Nazi
Grammar Nazi
July 31, 2017 6:14 pm

I did. He needs to learn to spell.

Alex Holloway
Alex Holloway
July 31, 2017 7:30 am

Lot of replies so I doubt you will read mine at the bottom of the straw pile. Your mum .. Celebrex 200 mg.. 1 tabs / twice per day with food… and ride the withdrawal . I gave up nicotine and “that” is Satan’s spawn so she will ride that other ancient drug out. 20 years you say she has been taking it.. my goodness things have improved since the DOW Jones was 833
Your other issues, sorry can’t help. It will pass on the understanding that 98 % of everything you worry about never happens.. the other 2% never happens as you think. (and some fucking times it disappears when you stare it down without fear.)
You think you have problems, should see my life, and you would weeps buckets but like Job I carry on because it has not killed me yet. However you can see you have support form the replies and that is proof you have a life to live.. Give it Hell, after all you still give a fuck I hope.
In advance, your welcome!

July 31, 2017 9:00 am

There are friends I’ve never met on this site. I hate it that trials of life are happening to them. The encouraging thing is that even some that I consider assholes are expressing humanity and compassion. I’m lifted up by the comments on this thread.

Tactical Zen
Tactical Zen
July 31, 2017 9:02 am

The only real solution to a multitude of issues you highlight is when you and others willingly collude to find “illegal” black market solutions.

Please let us know how these Revelations become reality, how you accomplished them, and how others might do the same.

We are all facing similar issues. Solutions are like diamonds but need not be so rare. There are no “too radical” solutions. Only those which work are acceptable.

July 31, 2017 9:23 am

Please check into medical marijuana for your Mom. Go to some state that sells it.

July 31, 2017 9:48 am

Ltrugg, I’ve been researching the useful qualities of pharmaceutical grade cannibas plant when infused into a transfer oil such as olive or coconut, ensuring carboxylation has occurred (and it is not rocket science) and also when steam or pressure distilled.

I’ve been fundamentally transformed.

If Stucky gives Admin “okay” to share his postal address with me, I will be mailing him a heat sealed mason jar of Chubby Bunny Farms Granola chock full of nutrients and enzymes guaranteed to put a smile on Mrs. Freud’s face.

July 31, 2017 12:38 pm

Jesus, Stucky! I started looking for a knife to slit my wrist. That story would make a horror movie. So sorry to hear about your bad fortune. Admins right you’re a good man for staying in the battle. I’d have to wish everyone well & put distance between myself & my loved ones. You only live once, dont get so wrapped up in the bad decisions other people have made that it drags you down with them. Unfortunately sometimes happiness requires turning your back to problems rather than trying to solve the unsolvable. Soldier on.

July 31, 2017 2:14 pm

Well, I guess Admin will get both jars of his granola along with a cash donation smelling oddly like apples and cinnamon and one more bunny has been saved from the killing fields.

July 31, 2017 2:28 pm

I’m gonna breed Shirley Godbunny with Scrapper today and name the kits Stuck One through Stuck XX. I’ll limit their time together so I only have six to eight Stuck Bunnies to contend with.

July 31, 2017 7:47 pm

Perhaps El Coyote will have a kit to call his own here on Chubby Bunny Farms. We have a nice creek on the backside of our land just beyond the deer blind and about 50 yards from the property line. Our property rights respecting neighbor immediately took his deer stand DOWN, realizing that easy pickens of location is a right of ownership, if there is a contest between ownership and knowledge of a thing’s value. If we were not interested in the daily habits of “our” deer, then our neighbor’s amazingly perfect hunting spot would remain his by knowledge. We were and are, so our rights of property win.

See how easy that works? Well, the neighbor’s wild rabbits have taken to visiting the Chubby Bunnies on MY side of the creek (call it our version of the Rio Grande), which have some domestic rabbit in their genetic makeup because, well, Ebony escaped into the wild with his little harem of does after JDAWG died and I was too despondent over his loss to capture the Watership Down Wannabe Black Rabbit and his pack of Does that seem like Hoes. So, I am seeing some very interesting wild rabbit here in my woods. A nice big meaty rabbit, usually very dark, almost black, whose rear legs are disproportionately larger, a domestic trait to increase that rump meat.

So, having established a warren of “anchor” bunnies on my side of the creek, Elohim Coyote probably is leading other wild does here to breed in safety. My little Fiercity Bunny was the most recent addition to his pack of Doe Hoes.

Oops, sorry dear Stucky. I got lost in bunny story there for a second or two.

I’m also trying to see if I can make EC smile; he’s missing his little rugrat.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 31, 2017 10:10 pm

It was all good until the Elohim remark. Certain names should not be taken lightly.

BTW, what with all the Odom worshipers now? Everywhere, I see people signing off “Yours in Odom” I didn’t know Lamar was that big a hit.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
  EL Coyote
August 1, 2017 2:39 am

Odin / Odom. Lol

  EL Coyote
August 1, 2017 6:28 am

Come Join Us EC.

The Great Oak Door Awaits!

yours in Odin,


  EL Coyote
August 1, 2017 1:03 pm

I am thinking it has some relationship to the dominant traits of Norsemen, but am just guessing, since my traits are rather blended.

July 31, 2017 11:49 pm

“The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb.”

Whoa. That quote just freakin’ blew me away. Family relations come via default, but those communing via mutual agreement have the stronger bond? Will be thinking ’bout that one for quite some time.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 1, 2017 12:50 am

Aramaic Bible in Plain English
There are friends who are friends, and there is a friend that is closer than a brother.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
July 31, 2017 10:38 pm

Hang in there, Stucky. We’re rooting for you!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 1, 2017 2:52 am


If it’s not too hard or too personal, could you someday write about your son’s mental health experience / trajectory? Schizophrenia afflicts 1% of the population, so many families are touched by it. Marijuana use appears to be a risk factor, especially due to increased THC/CBD ratio in modern strains. CBD – the major non-intoxicating component in weed is thought to have anti-psychotic effects.