“This is un-American. We must all stand against hatred and bigotry. Our unity is our strength and diversity is our power.” – Kamala Harris – CA Senator

“Even as we protect free speech and assembly, we must condemn hatred, violence and white supremacy.” – Bill Clinton

“There is only one side.”Joe Biden

“The shocking violence in Charlottesville — and the abhorrent ideology behind it — have no place in America or anywhere in the world. Angelenos and people everywhere condemn these acts of hatred, and are deeply saddened by the loss of life and injuries suffered today.”Eric Garcetti – LA Mayor

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Miles Long
Miles Long
August 13, 2017 11:24 am
  Miles Long
August 13, 2017 12:02 pm

I notice they’re not marching to decry Antifa, the ones with the illegal demonstration that started it.

August 13, 2017 11:34 am

A week or so back some of you were talking about black columnist Leonard Pitts.Here is his column about Charlottesville.
It was on Yahoo news,though they had linked to it from the Miami Herald,for whom he works.


August 13, 2017 8:05 pm

Pitts sees an opportunity to weigh in on the
action. The Miami Herald? Pitts is also looking for job security. Race relations demand an intricate dance
in Miami. Blacks are heavy into blaming the Cubans
for everything rather than Whites. Florida is a
money machine (export import businesses) and
the bosses don’t want to see no race riots or some
such down there.
Please everybody focus…we are in a war against
gov, that wants things to remain status quo.
Pretend race clashes are one way to rile people
up, and get the eyes off their dirty deeds.

August 13, 2017 11:39 am

That racist pitts is retarded. Looked to me like had the same picture twice in his article.

August 13, 2017 1:46 pm

Where were these shrieking leftist political whores when AntiFA was beating people nearly to death in Berkeley? I don’t remember them caring about that.

They are anti-white. No matter what happens, they blame white people for it.

Do you think that we would be hearing much about this if they had pulled the guy out of his car before the crash, and beaten him to death in the street? Would these same soulless leftist politicians and newsliars be condemning AntiFA and BLM for that?

August 13, 2017 8:08 pm

No, they are blaming the White Supremacists.
That is the whole point, promoting injustice
and thereby hate.

August 13, 2017 8:26 pm

Suzanna, did you see my granola snack recipe in the middle of my comment on Stucky’s QOTD? I think I also copied it elsewhere for you.

August 13, 2017 8:51 pm

Now, if you remember, you will agree that the comment above would ONCE have brought on a big dogs no bitches TBP shitfest, between some of the most articulate alpha males I’ve run across in cyberland, which is not unlike Disneyland really, except there are no Roadrunners, only Coyotes. There would have been complaints to Admin and Avalon about there being “womany” content (granola recipe and suggestions of intimacy on the site without the F-word involved), with goodnatured bigotry the butt of some pretty hardhitting jokes, more than one of which I delivered myself. But, in the end, the joke would be well played and it signalled some of the conditions that “govern” the conversation that is ongoing between a “few” of us here at TBP. There has been serious shift in gender roles and responses from the time when we were kids to NOW. I was the last of the Boomers in 1961 and remember a LOT of things that have changed drastically between my childhood and now. I know that I was a chubby kid, the youngest of four kids spaced 2 years apart until me, almost a full 3 years later. (There was a miscarriage, I discovered later in life, that makes me either a reward or a replacement. Or a mistake.) Anyway, I was teased relentlessly by my older brother and his friends… fatty, fatty, two-by-four…, but so what? If they got too mean, I told my mother and she threatened them with swats or a switch or the paddle or SOMETHING so horrible no child would dare go home to report being swatted while visiting a friend’s home. But, by and large, the teasing was just part of growing up. We learned how to be the butt of a damned joke, get over it and MOVE ON. We knew that getting our feelings hurt wasn’t going to KILL US and that even if we wanted to die, it wasn’t gonna happen and besides, tomorrow was a new day with new opportunity for repair or revision.

But, now, in this kindler, gentler time on TBP, with the majority of us aghast at the sight of the dark clouds handing low on the horizon, pregnant with either torrential rains or ready to spew forth storm winds unlike any seen outside Bible stories without so much as a dove to calm the stormy seas, I find that maybe the reason I made all the bad choices I made in my life was because I was body-shamed as a pre-pubescent girl, so I lost weight and grew up healthy.

The world has lost its collective mind. So, it is definitely time to LEAVE the collective. Period. Dot.