Stucky QOTD: Supporting Trump

My perception is that Trump is fast losing support from his followers, especially after last night’s Commander in Chief speech. However, I’d like actual data. I hope all readers weigh in.

Q1:. Did you vote for Trump?

Q2: What was you level of support for Trump on Inauguration Day? (1 is low, 10 is high)

Q3: What is it now?

Q,4: What level of confidence do you have that Trump will finish the four year term?

1. Yes, I voted for him.

2. I was at 8.

3. It’s now at 4, and falling fast.

4. 50/50 … an amazing percentage just six months in.

Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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August 22, 2017 12:09 pm

1. Yes, I voted for him.

2. I was at 7.

3. It’s now at 4, and falling fast.

4. Not much, maybe he has a 25% chance.

Rise Up
Rise Up
August 22, 2017 9:51 pm

1. Yes, I voted for Trump.

2. Inauguration speech was fantastic-I was an 11 then.

3. My support is still high (7), but reality has set in that too many are against him and his agenda, even in his own party.

4. It’s hard to make predictions, especially about the future.

So I won’t.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
August 22, 2017 12:10 pm

7 (what other choice could I possibly support)
10 (probable outcome based on prior history (unless it gets erased)

August 22, 2017 12:12 pm

1. No, voting is simply providing direct and public support for the current political system of oppression and an act of violence against my fellow citizens.

2. 1

3. Can I go less than 1 – especially after last night’s Afghanistan comments?

4. No, the Deep State clearly has him targeted. I deeply fear how half the nation will react when he is forced out of office or assassinated by the Deep State. I fear Pence even more. He is clearly the man the Deep State wants doing their bidding.

August 22, 2017 2:15 pm

My sentiments exactly. Did you notice his speech last night was a carbon copy of the one Obummer made on the subject in 2009?

No blank check.
Performance based.
Commitment not unlimited.
americans deserve results.

It’s truly depressing how cheaply people sell their souls for an illusion.

Ps: my guess is he’s gone by his 1st anniversary if the economy tanks as I expect.

August 22, 2017 5:07 pm

I wanted to do what you did Mr. Liberty, but they simply got me concerning Hillary causing me to vote.

No, it will probably never change no matter who is in presidency.

August 22, 2017 11:03 pm

I understand. Fear is a very powerful tool. It keeps nearly everyone who votes continuing to willingly give their support to the ONLY two parties that have EVER actively destroyed this country, our economy, our freedoms, our liberties, and our future. At some point you look at the statistics of unemployment, value of the dollar, taxes, the debt, the deficit, wars, war spending, freedoms lost, etc. over the past 157 years and you quickly see that NOTHING has ever gotten BETTER for America, regardless of which party was in power. Then the fear of abandoning these two co-conspirators disappears and the REAL FEAR of their continued existence finally sets in. Then you finally wake up to realize that political solutions ARE the problem…not the solution. Then the fear disappears and you realize that you MUST walk away with your support, because feeding the beast IS the real source of all the problems.

August 22, 2017 12:12 pm

1. Yes
2. 7
3. 3
4. He’ll finish his term, now that he is doing as the Deep State says.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 22, 2017 3:23 pm


August 22, 2017 12:13 pm

1. Yes, I voted for him.

2. I was at 8.

3. Still at 8.

4. The libs and the media can’t believe he won. They will get over it. Trump will finish his term.

August 22, 2017 2:08 pm

I wanted to do what you did Dutch, but they simply gotta me concerning Hillary causing me to vote.

No, it will probably never change no matter who is in presidency.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 22, 2017 12:16 pm

1) I voted for him. I didn’t want to vote at all but after much encouragement from real world friends and folks here I held my nose and voted for him. In my mind it was a protest vote so in that regard I can live with my decision. I won’t vote for him again or for Pence on the next go around. Likely I won’t vote at all.

2) My level of support on inauguration day was around a 2 and that is probably generous.

3) Level of support now is 0. I don’t mind Trump playing golf and being on vacation all the time. In fact I encourage him to just go on permanent vacation and just show up for parades and state funerals. Please stop helping me. Don’t do anything just let it collapse under its own weight.

4) I don’t see him making it to 2020 and I sure as heck hope he or Pence doesn’t make a run if he does. On 2nd thought I do, it would be good for Trump to lose bigly.

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
  Ticky Toc
August 23, 2017 10:25 am

Well per my usual batting average I have garnered more down votes than anybody – even karl below that voted for Hillary.

As usual I advise everyone to wipe away their tears and get the jizz out of your eyes and smell the napalm in the morning.

Kevin V
Kevin V
August 22, 2017 12:17 pm

1. Yes
2. 7
3. 4 and falling with each foreign policy move and domestic quagmire
4. He is bowing to his deep state masters so he has a >75% chance

  Kevin V
August 22, 2017 11:24 pm

1. Yes
2. 7
3. 2
4. Yes, he will finish. He is doing what he is told now. Not a day goes by that he doesn’t come off as yet another deep state neocon type.

August 22, 2017 12:19 pm

1. Yes
2. 7
3. 3
4. What difference does it make if he finishes?

August 22, 2017 12:29 pm

1. Yes, I voted for him.

2. I was at 7.

3. It’s now at 2, and falling fast.

4. 100

August 22, 2017 12:36 pm

Yes I vote for Trump
I was at 8
Now at 3 or 4
Just saw on another site he is flip flopping on immigration .No wall .If he does this I’m done with him.

August 22, 2017 12:46 pm

He will be doing a photo-op at a wall site real soon to help keep the Trumpeteers on the band wagon, I forget the exact date.

August 22, 2017 7:08 pm
August 22, 2017 9:55 pm

i just saw on another site that the dems are using the fact that he hasn’t yet built the wall against him in a fundraising letter–

Mercy Otis Warren
Mercy Otis Warren
August 22, 2017 12:37 pm

1. No; haven’t voted in a general presidential election since George W. Bush gave us John “Obamacare” Roberts; Medicare Part B; the Patriot Act; the war on terror and the war in Iraq.
2. 2; the man takes a piss in a gold toilet. That does not lead me to believe he has sound priorities.
3. 1; I don’t really believe in master planners or secret knowledge, so I think it is unlikely that he is a expert chess player arranging and manipulating his pawns such that a brilliant victory emerges.
4. If he maintains his present course, perhaps 90-95%. Sure he has pissed off a few Marxist Democrats, but they don’t run this joint. The military and the banks runs this place, and just look at the people Trump is surrounding himself with (not to mention that evil smile on Senator Graham’s face yesterday). If he actually tries to upset the apple cart at some point, that percentage will drop in proportion to the success that he has at any given time. But I will go back to golden toilet. Does someone with those kind of priorities really strike you as an individual who will martyr himself for you and me? I doubt it, but I do believe in miracles, so I guess anything is possible.

August 22, 2017 12:54 pm

1. – I voted for him

2. – I was at 8-9, went to rallies impressed with the energy of his following but sub-consciously may have been more anti Hillary than pro Trump.

3 – I’m at a 7. I actually feel bad for him, he has come onto the job, with his mega ego and all, and has found out through trial by fire that there is just way more to the gig than he ever realized. He obviously has learned that even though he is the POTUS he does not have the power he thought he would have coming in. Was he/is he naive? Most definitely. I think he needs a pause in the process to get his shit together and regroup now that he is understanding what he is truly up against. Maybe then he can figure a path forward to make good on his originally goals. I’m willing to give him a little time before jumping.

4. – 100. I think he will finish in spite of all the hysteria generated each day by the MSM and the left. Middle America isn’t buying what the MSM is selling which should ultimately keep him in office through his term regardless of what they dream up next to crow about.

August 22, 2017 12:59 pm

I voted for Trump in the national. I did not support him in the primaries. I thought he was, and still is, an incoherent blowhard. I only voted for him because of his position to fill Supreme Court vacancies. Gorsuch was a good start, and I was betting there would be more before his first term was up. In other words, I voted against the ugly Zunt. I’m still awaiting any tax cuts. He was a 2 then and he’s a 2 now.

August 22, 2017 1:01 pm

Q1:. Did you vote for Trump?

Q2: What was you level of support for Trump on Inauguration Day? (1 is low, 10 is high)
7, while I found immense joy in his victory I didn’t have much hope in him changing anything but I sure as hell can’t get behind the progressive agenda..

Q3: What is it now?
7, other than progressives and the MSM are shitting bricks, what has changed?

Q,4: What level of confidence do you have that Trump will finish the four year term?


August 22, 2017 1:22 pm

1. Yes
2. 4
3. 2 – I voted for him to not be Hillary Clinton. He’s on his way.
4. 100% – Trump has an ego. He likes being told he’s being a good boy, so he is caving to political pressure from neocons and liberals alike.

He was bombastic and brash when it was all for show. He was not prepared to be out on an island alone fighting against the establishment.

Chris P
Chris P
August 22, 2017 1:26 pm




August 22, 2017 1:26 pm

Q1:. Can’t cause I’m a Canuck, but would of if I was able. (was there really any choice.)

Q2: 7 or 8

Q3: 6

Q,4: He will finish it then bow out of next election. Claim it is age or health reasons.

Trump is a Transitory figure in this 4th turning. Sure he started out by convincing himself and others that he could steer the country and world on new course. But it is all for naught. Too many on both ends of political spectrum yearn for a blood letting.

It is looking more and more like he doesn’t have the stomach for the fight either. He has basically capitulated foreign policy to Generals and ShitHawks with new policy in Afghan. Fuck he got elected by promising to stop sending blood and treasure overseas and now he is doing it.

It should be interesting election in 2020. The repubs had their chance to nominate Ron Paul but establishment did everything in power to keep him from winning. This past election cycle drew directly from that and led to Trump’s triumph last year. What will be choice then?

Who will be Lincoln?
Will it be Republican or Democrat?
Does it even matter anymore?

Pretty obvious that the Deep State operation these past months has made nation ungovernable. Trump looks like he has thrown in towel and has decided to cut ribbons, read teleprompters and lay low. What choice does he have.

The writ has been thrown. Let the serious and civil games begin.

August 22, 2017 2:18 pm

One thing for sure Mc Cain won’t be running again. Although maybe he can be stuffed, and they can put a speaker in him. Play his old speeches over and over again.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 22, 2017 3:27 pm

It’ll probably be Jeb! vs Kamala Harris with Jeb aiming for a respectable 2nd place finish.

  Iska Waran
August 23, 2017 12:33 am

It’ll be interesting to watch Senator Kamala Harris and Governor Terry McAwful duke it out for the 2020 Democratic nomination. My guess is that Harris will get the nomination and lose the general election to just about any Republican.

As for the questions:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 23, 2017 12:58 am

I don’t think it’s possible for the democrat party to ever again nominate a for president a heterosexual, white, nominally-Christian CIS-male. Maybe if he’s a quadriplegic.

August 22, 2017 10:02 pm

mexicans vote,why can’t you?
i’m serious-with moter voter laws,come on down,get a license,go home(quickly,you border jumper),and i’ll send you an absentee ballot for the next election-
if enough of you guys would do that i might run again and tbp would have mucho influence–

August 23, 2017 7:02 am

That’s an awesome idea! My God-Mother lives in New York. Long Island actually. I should drop down for a visit and “get er’ done”.

Anyhoo! Could sleep last night so ended day watching Don Lemon on CNN. I didn’t hear speech Trump did but from tone and tenor of commentary on his show you’d think the President just announced Kristallnacht. Most of commentators and of course Don himself were apoplectic in their reviews of what was said.

Trump must have hit another homerun…

Ticky Toc
Ticky Toc
August 23, 2017 9:54 am

No he came across like a slobbering paranoid nutcase like he usually does. I’m still waiting to hear him be so “presidential” and all the “winning” that I become bored with it all.

August 22, 2017 1:41 pm

I had this brilliant comment yesterday, It was too bright for wordpress which promptly ate it. I gave up. Maybe I’ll re-work it. Maybe not.

Nothing really matters,
Anyone can see,
Nothing really matters,
Nothing really matters to me.

August 22, 2017 2:19 pm

Nothing really matters – until the shit hits the fan. I’m not a fan a fatalism.

August 22, 2017 10:05 pm

anon,you just unmasked yourself and came back from the dead–

August 22, 2017 1:50 pm

1. Yes
2. 7 – Couldn’t believe he pulled out the win
3. about 4-ish – still better then hillarious
4. He’ll finish his term – he is apparently with the globalist now so he joined the club if he wasn’t already in it.

Michael M
Michael M
August 22, 2017 2:12 pm

I voted against Billary

No confidence then, just a hope for chaos

Looks good and bad

He’ll survive. Were he and his family threatened to make him compliant? Surely.

August 22, 2017 2:26 pm

1.) Yes

2.) 10 – I thought his inaugural speech was a home run

3.) 2.5 – Syria bombing dropped my support in half to 5 and after Bannon’s departure and the speech last night I will again halve it to 2.5 – I am not totally abandoning him because I am grateful for what he has accomplished thus far, primarily his exposing the mainstream media and the GOP for all to see. I still blame the globalists, collectivists, elite bankers, Democrats, establishment RINOs, and politically correct snowflakes. Trump is just one guy. The fight continues.

4.) 50-50 – what if Pence ended up being the establishment’s evil, war hawk gray champion incognito and in-waiting – like LBJ to JFK during the turbulent 60’s. It could happen.

August 22, 2017 2:26 pm

1. No, I voted for my write in clown to run against the other clowns, Ronald McDonald

2. If I could score negative i would, 1

3. I almost feel sorry for the guy from a historical point of view, he could be scapegoated for all the CRAP that the shadow gov’t has in store for the U.S. this presidential term…but then he speaks and I remember why I dislike Prez. El Douche

4. If you believe the guy who ghost wrote ART OF THE DEAL for Trump then Trump will either resign or be impeached by end of this year

Wage Slave
Wage Slave
August 22, 2017 2:27 pm

Yes, 8 then, 3 now, I think the powers that be will not be able to remove without breaking certain things (like the market), so I think he has an 80% chance of staying in.

I was a passionate Trump supporter. I gave him money. This is the first candidate in my life where I didn’t waste my vote on a third party candidate, and I voted for him for two reasons: anti war and immigration. He’s lost my support on one issue and if he does not make significant progress on the other I will not vote for him.

August 22, 2017 2:30 pm

The name slave suits you.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
August 22, 2017 2:37 pm

Anon……….eat shit and die



Tell me your story about deck boards. I just finished reno and love to hear it. Wife and I thought about using that type of board for deck but decided instead to use cedar. They tried selling us on fact the that polymer would last longer. Anyways bud go for it and vent.

It does help….

August 22, 2017 4:26 pm

Well first:

All this ‘composite’ shit has problems. Some Jew Lawyer wrote the warranty, and you’ll never be able to collect.

Same with water pipe. Every plastic water pipe I know of: CPVC, pex, etc have had massive lawsuits.

August 22, 2017 4:45 pm

Thats what I thought to when we were looking into that product. It is real expensive too! Might be cause it needs to be to pay for the lawyers! We went with cedar for reason that it should last long enough that I wont have to replace it.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
August 22, 2017 4:41 pm

I gave the tale on a Post yesterday; Stucky inquired about it also. Don’t recall the specific Post.

Bottom Line: When dealing with PVC, the most important concern is Fading of the selected color; be sure to save all brochures and any internet page relating to warranty and anything on color.
After many years, AZEK has changed their process and colors no longer fade except over a long period of time.

An acquaintance has a high-end home and his Deck Boards are something from the Amazon (or similar) and some of the boards were rotted. Home was probably 10 years old. Just for info, a large room adjoined the Deck with an entire wall of large glass overlooking the CT River. The glass sections all leaked and he replaced for $30,000 last year.

Don’t know if it was a shit design or shit material or shit contractor.

The more expensive the house, the more expensive the repair.

August 22, 2017 2:31 pm

1. Yes, but only as a protest vote
2. 3 – couldn’t stand him, but the alternative was worse
3. 3 – still can’t stand him and now believe he’s become “Bush’s 5th term” (Obama was 3rd and 4th)
4. The only way he’ll be removed from office is assassination.

August 22, 2017 2:51 pm



1 just because he’s not Hillary Clinton.

100% he’ll be removed. He aroused the rabble. That can not be permitted. Both he and his supporters will be made to pay. Right now the military occupation force is currently humiliating Trump, but he will be likely killed.

August 22, 2017 2:55 pm

1> yes – to stop the pathological lying, grifting, murdering, shape-shifting, sulphur-breath, tail dragging Hilda-Beast
2> 0
3> 0
3> 0 – Pence is the int’l financial [D]elites/PTB (Psychopaths That Bugger) “hat trick”

Pieter in ZA
Pieter in ZA
August 22, 2017 3:22 pm

No, I voted for myself
10 – glad it wasn’t Hillary
5 – not surprised it turned out the way it did

August 22, 2017 4:09 pm

1 – No, I “wasted” my vote on Chuck Baldwin
2- 2
3- 2
4- Of course he will finish. They put him there.

August 22, 2017 6:51 pm


Where have you been? Long time no see.

August 22, 2017 4:11 pm

1) Yes
2) Level 10 – Delighted
3) Level 10 – He has figured out the Sewer he is in and trying to navigate it the best he can.
4) I hope he makes it through this first term. 2018 is the year of the Phoenix! The crush is coming and there will be a lights out (people who have grudges will dish them them out then, million dollar homes will be targeted and occupants killed in the most gruesome manner) It will be the revolution against Capitalism and there are too many brain dead and blood thirsty people happy to participate. Don’t know how he will navigate himself out of that one. God help us!

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
August 23, 2017 1:04 am

Darknlovely, where have you been?

  Iska Waran
August 23, 2017 9:24 pm

Just larking around I guess! I quit drinking so I am avoiding getting triggered! 🙂

fear & loathing
fear & loathing
August 22, 2017 4:44 pm

i am in dark’s column, swimming with sharks. since the road to ruin is a certainty he is better than most to steer the ship. name anyone who this group prefers?

August 22, 2017 4:51 pm

Just imagine what the alternative would have been…….

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
August 22, 2017 4:58 pm

1) Yes
2) 3
3) 4
4) I doubt he’ll resign. I don’t think he’s a quitter. I doubt there will be anything to impeach him over. That leaves only one alternative and there hasn’t been a successful one since Kennedy. That might be a possibility. Sorry, I cannot decided whether I think he will finish or not. ANYTHING can happen in the next 3 and a half years.

August 22, 2017 5:00 pm

1. Yes
2. 7
3. 8 I like the tweets and taking runs at folks, and he is cutting regulations.
4. Yes

Congress is a different story. They suck. They worse than suck. It’s cuz’ of Paul Ryan (douchebag RINO) and Mitch McConnell (douchebag RINO opportunist) that Obamacare hasn’t been repealed, that immigration hasn’t been restricted, the wall hasn’t been funded, and that tax cuts and real federal spending cuts haven’t been approved.

August 22, 2017 5:21 pm

Yes-wholeheartedly. Since 1984, I’ve had to hold my GD nose every time
9 1/2-do not like the renege on Afghanistan but he had to thread a needle there
If he can usher in tax reform and build the wall, he’s a shoo-in for reelection.

The problem are the MoFos in Congress. Ryan openly stated he was not and would not support Trump in the campaign. McConnell is another back stabber. I fucking despise them. Wikileaks provided proof Ryan was receiving money from Hillary to undermine him. They are slow walking him. They hope he’s challenged in 2020 and they intend to make him look bad.

They are denying us, the winners, what we voted for. They make me sick. Anyone that doesn’t see the orchestration between the left dominated media, the GOPe, REgressives and the Deep State to throttle President Trump at EVERY opportunity is blind. There are numerous achievements Trump has and is scoring but they hop from RussiaRussia till it was dead and now he’s a racist.

They hammered W for years, finally driving his approval into the low 30s with lies. Same with RR only with different lies. As David Horiwitz says, “The issue is never the issue, the issue is the revolution.”

Thank God-and I mean THANK GOD-Trump is a rock. Now I see his own family is trying to get him to give up the wall. Unfuckingreal.

August 22, 2017 5:27 pm

1. Yes

2. 10+++ I was a passionate supporter and lost friends over this
election. I gave him money!! Nearly the max allowed! I have never given any other candidate money!

3. Now around 2!! Ivanka and Jared in the white house dropped it to
8. Syria bombing to 6. Bannon leaving to 4. Afghanistan speech
to 2.

4. I thought he would be impeached for sure 2 weeks ago ,but he has
made an about face and is rapidly becoming just another RINO!!
He will finish his first term but will never be reelected!!

He screwed us over good!!! I will never vote again! It just doesn’t matter

Seth Fox
Seth Fox
August 22, 2017 5:30 pm

1. No – wrote in Ron Paul

2. 4 – Im being generous, I hoped he may lose some of the ego, narcissism and craziness and just get to work and prove me wrong.

3. Zero – He is in way over his head, still campaigning & dividing, still talking in sound bites, and his Narcissism is leaving him completely alone. He ran for King not President and just wanted the “part” as a role on TV.

4. The only way he makes it is if he just plays along and reads from a teleprompter . Beyond that I think both parties and most of the nation want him gone.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 22, 2017 5:30 pm

Yes, I was the County Trump Campaign Manager. 10, the last time a Republican won here was 1964. Only 9 because Trump made a weak start (1) Harpy, Holder, Lynch, Lerner etc are still free (2) Trump has a Jewish spy and a Goldman Sachs bankster in his cabinet (3) he stupidly bombed Syria and signed the sanctions on Russia (4) I’m still waiting on the Wall and a housecleaning at the Pentagon. 100% that Trump will survive and become the best POTUS since Andrew Jackson.

  rhs jr
August 22, 2017 7:00 pm

Rhs jr, I don’t know if he will be regarded as the best Potus by anyone other than those who love him now.
Yesterday, during the eclipse, my 11yr old daughters 6th grade class were viewing the events on the TV screen at their school and they showed Trump at the white house with other people viewing the eclipse. More than HALF the class booed him upon seeing him on TV.
The teacher did reprimand them by telling them to keep their opinions to themselves.
This is what the media has done – like Hollywood script writers, they created a fictional monster of our president and their viewers are reacting accordingly.

rhs jr
rhs jr
August 22, 2017 9:56 pm

I see it every day; hopefully this hatred will backfire on the Left before long.

rhs jr
rhs jr
  rhs jr
August 22, 2017 9:51 pm

Just damn; Trump did not pardon Sheriff Arparo. I agree with profiling and after all the criminals Carter, Clinton & Obama pardoned: Trump drops to a Balls-less 5. What gives?

Idaho Homesteader
Idaho Homesteader
August 22, 2017 6:01 pm

Yes, I voted for Trump.

Originally I would give him a score of 9. Now maybe a score of 3.

Finishing his term? I’d be very surprised.

However, I would still vote for him again.

What are my options?? Hillary?? No thank you!

I think Trumps biggest problem is that he gets distracted and is reactionary. He needs to focus on his campaign promises and get them done.

Imagine if he decided to focus on the wall. He could say how he wants to keep the U.S. safe and support legal aliens. Every time a politician or news agency slammed him. He could twitter their quote along with an article about some rape/murder/theft done by an illegal. With the millions of illegals this country, he would have enough situations to do this a couple times a day. Day after day after day. After a while how could these politicians oppose him without looking like they support rape/murder/theft. It would put them on the defensive.

Idaho Homesteader

August 22, 2017 6:08 pm

1) Yes I voted for Trump.

2) Depends on what you mean by support. In that I was voting for anyone but Hitlery, he scored a 10. In that I thought he would make a significant difference in fixing what is wrong with this country I gave him a 1.

3) He’s done some good things: Gorsuch, TPP exit, Paris exit, wiping out a bunch of Obama’s executive orders, etc. Others not so good: Syria, Russian sanctions, no wall yet, we still have Obamacare, etc. So I think right now he’s around a 4 or a 5 as far as getting significant things done, but as far as not being Hitlery he’s still around a 9.

4) Depends on how much he pisses off TPTB and whether they come up with a way to get rid of him that doesn’t cause too much backlash on them. I think his chance of surviving is about 50/50.

August 22, 2017 6:15 pm

Q1:. Did you vote for Trump?

Q2: What was you level of support for Trump on Inauguration Day? (1 is low, 10 is high)

Q3: What is it now?

Q,4: What level of confidence do you have that Trump will finish the four year term?

1. Yes, I voted for him. It was Trump or vote for a complete collapse of the rule of law from the top down.

2. I was at 8.

3. It’s now at 6 since he is revisiting Afghanistan and warring with Pakistan. And I expect a Pakistan North Korean nexus to be used as justification
4. 65/35 Since everyone know the Russian thing is complete bullshit. You can’t sell it.

August 22, 2017 6:20 pm

He’ll complete the entire term. We will simply endure & tread water best we can.

August 22, 2017 6:59 pm

1. Voted against Hitlary, took a year off of wasting my vote on 3rd party candidates to mostly waste my vote on Trump (still got a Supreme court justice that doesn’t hate America–win there).

2. 5, was happy he won, but he seemed pretty far removed from Libertarian type positions that I tend to prefer.
I was happy that Trump’s election was a giant RED PILL wake up to how corrupt and one sided the Media is. Merely a propaganda wing for TPTB. I was hopeful that we wouldn’t be rushing to waste more blood and treasure on endless globalistic enterprises.
3. I give him a solid 2, he has twitter tourette’s, looking at him talk often makes me ill, but again he Red Pilled a lot of people about the media and like they said in Gladiator “are you not entertained!”
4. Don’t care, I’m more than fine with President Pence, but if its via some sketchy method to remove him it sets a horrible precedent. If he passes the torch for 2020 that would likely be the best, but I don’t really like his son-in-law and daughter seeming to have so much power, no one voted for those fuckers. At least the matrix has been shown for what it is, the question is does that mean anything as the race baiters and hate mongers pit the idiot peasants against eachother? I think I’ll vote for Kid rock next time 🙂

August 22, 2017 7:37 pm


Brian Reilly
Brian Reilly
August 22, 2017 7:40 pm

Yes, I voted for Trump. In the primary, I voted against every other Republican, in the general I voted against Hillary.

Level of anti-Hillary induced support for Trump was 10, with his not being Hillary and still breathing being all I needed to see.

Still not Hillary, so my support is unwavering. Not Hillary.

Zero confidence. He will be removed, and fast, as soon as it is convenient for Soros and Pence and Ryan and McConnell to get together and figure out what currency the next round of payments has to be in. Trump is a chump, but he does not need their money. He honestly got in to a game he did not know was going on. It really is a LOT worse than it looks.

August 22, 2017 7:51 pm

1) I did not vote for him (or vote at all). I spent more time suggesting he was there to focus the growing nationalism. I did appreciate a lot of what he was doing though and heavily supported the people on the ground who were gravitating behind him.

2) 5

3) 5

4) Very high he will finish unless assassinated. If TPTB actually hate him, then he’s doing something right and will be tough to get rid of without flipping the whole applecart over. If TPTB wanted him, then he’s doing his job exceptionally well.

August 22, 2017 8:58 pm

Additional note: 5 is probably the highest I’d rate any candidate that’s been put up on offer aside from Ron Paul during my most idealistic days. Barnhardt’s Axiom carries a lot of water with me.

I’ve voted in one presidential election and I felt extremely dirty for the entire year after. Extremely unlikely to do it again. Continuing to vote heavily with wallet/attention.

August 22, 2017 9:15 pm

razzle- +100

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 22, 2017 9:17 pm

razzle, I really thought you were SemiDailyStorms the other day. It was a very interesting line of commentary. Me and Stucky got called racists. Not ‘practicing’ racists but nonetheless…

  EL Coyote
August 23, 2017 8:00 pm

Unfortunately you misunderstood our conversation, Mr. Coyote. We were explicitly trying to explain why we understand you and Stucky are not racists, practicing or dormant, regardless of what the mob of tens of thousands in Boston would think.

Your participation around here is used as one of the primary reference points we use for our aspiring writers in a training course called “Not all who Quack are Ducks”.

We will post the important bits relevant to you soon.

August 23, 2017 8:46 pm

The Camp of the Saints

We don’t consider your comment racism, as you don’t hate any individual based entirely on their genetic arrangement regardless of their character.

You understand demographics though and apply this rationally to the world as it really is, which is considered racist by stupid people. You are willing to make blanket statements about demographics in an attempt to make a point about observed patterns of the demographic.

However when confronted with a person of another race scanning your items at a grocery store, if they aren’t exhibiting negative behaviors you have no personal problem with them regardless of their DNA.

This is the complete opposite of racism as it is defined and demonized.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 23, 2017 10:08 pm

Stuck, I’m not quite sure of Dr. Lecter’s (not his real name) purpose or intent. It’s curious that he has an interest in the two immigrants to America who comment regularly on TBP. Perhaps the syntax of non-native English speakers is worth studying. Maybe the outsider role of both INTJ characters is significant to students of primordial language.

He may be interested in exchanging tidbits of information on Trump in exchange for our childhood stories. He has a fantastic collection of your stories in his database and only wants to know a little bit about you for his files. He’d like to help you learn to help yourself. At the campus you might look around you all you’ll see are sympathetic eyes. Feel free to stroll around the grounds until you feel at home.

  EL Coyote
August 23, 2017 11:02 pm

El Coyote says: “He has a fantastic collection of your stories in his database and only wants to know a little bit about you for his files.”

There are participants here such as Llpoh, BL, and yourself to a lesser degree, who have stated “If it quacks like a duck, then it is a duck”. This plus some other reactions to current events related to speech, were curious to us as it indicates an odd understanding of the position on the spectrum TBP inhabits between say… (((CNN))) and The Daily Stormer.

Especially in terms of the way tens of thousands in Boston would react to people making certain kinds of statements about the aggregate behavior of specific identities. Statements that require some nuance and context to properly appreciate without knee jerk reacting.

You have provided a high quality case study for our seminar titled…
“””Not all who Quack are Ducks”””

This seminar begins with us providing samples of your extensive writing contributions to TBP. As you can confirm if you wish, we have not made you say anything you didn’t actually say. We have however condensed your points down to their fundamental premise.

We open with a thought on women, particularly American women.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Simple enough.

Next you open up about the challenges white people in particular face in the modern era and how you see it turning out. This post resonated with our writers at SemiDailyStorms and why we thought you might be open to contributing.
[imgcomment image[/img]

You followup with further elaboration, including your thoughts on what miscegenation truly represents. Again, difficult topics that we feel are important to discuss.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Next you make a statement regarding certain races and leadership/management. You ask a VERY important question at the end of this post.
[imgcomment image[/img]

You then answer your trailing question. It was this post that we felt most proved your alignment with our values at SemiDailyStorms and why we extended you an invitation to write for us.
[imgcomment image[/img]


Taking your comments above, overlaying them against the social (((backdrop))) and events, as well as taking into account your many other comments on the subject, provides the proper context to understand what you truly mean.

If one were to simply view these Quacks, they might form an incomplete opinion and just call you a Duck. Someone might even call you an Ugly Duckling, and no matter how much you try to explain the purpose behind making provocative statements, they will simply state you are an ugly duck and anti-goose… period.

We at SemiDailyStorms however, know you are not an ugly duck despite your quacks. We understand the backdrop and we don’t dismiss the elaborations you provide.

Not all duck hunters will put your participation in a broader context, though.

August 24, 2017 9:40 pm

The above is about 15-20 minutes of information harvesting plus an additional 5 to 10 minutes of image editing. Writing the notes took the majority of the time.

We are fans of El Coyote and Admin’s post today helps put into relief the importance of certain principles and ideas.

Thank you for playing your part in this dance of difficult dangerous ideas, Mr. Coyote and Mr. Stucky.


EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 25, 2017 12:47 am

Gosh, just last week Vodka asked if I was drinking again. I replied that I liked to think of the unthinkable.

Is it only black comedians like Katt Williams who can say things like You all Mexicans really love America…? I can’t comment on the other races for fear of being classified a racist? When can you call a spade a spade?

Look, Semi, you go to the bathhouse to suck dick. I come to TBP to say things I can’t say in polite company. There is a difference: TDS’s purpose is to incite and inflame haters. I merely comment on the situation, I’m not out to convert folks to a hate group and invite them to a klan rally.

As a concession to YoBo, I did have a few points that agree with their stance on libertine women and shiftless Americans but I resisted his attempt to turn the hearts of folks to a discredited campaign to rid the world of Jews and other non-whites. My sin is miniscule compared to his genocidal daydream.

I’m not ready to worship Taylor Swift and play ‘block that dick’. I’m not ready to hate. Hate takes too much energy to nurture properly and, like porn, it tends to consume the soul.

Thank you for highlighting a few of my comments. Too bad you couldn’t find some of my Anti-Trump comments or Anti-Obama comments.

August 25, 2017 11:56 am

— ” I can’t comment on the other races for fear of being classified a racist?”

Semi was specifically saying you shouldn’t be classified as a racist. That seems to be their entire point.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 25, 2017 4:15 pm

It’s just pissing me off that somebody appears out of nowhere to claim they have an extensive file of Stuck’s and my comments which they have been using in their coven to analyze, dissect and discern the future from the entrails.

It’s creepy for a complete stranger to come up and say, I’ve been keeping an eye on you. Sounds like a stalker. Mark David Chapman comes to mind.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 22, 2017 9:34 pm

Yes but she went down in boob size, so it all evens out. We don’t care, teacups or gazongas, we love all kinds of boobs here.

August 22, 2017 8:31 pm

I did not vote for Trump, but voted against Hillary with a write in.
I was always in a wait and see pattern. Something’s he did at first seemed ok on the surface. But, won’t know they were until proven practically.
Still in a wait and see pattern except with a little more info that moved the needle down a little as far as support goes.
99% sure he will finish his term. Especially after the speech the other night. Because he seems to be much more vocally in support of neo con goals.

Articles of Confederation
Articles of Confederation
August 22, 2017 8:43 pm

1. Yes
2. 8
3. 4, but I have no regrets and wouldn’t change my vote.
4. He’s impeached sometime in 2019.

August 22, 2017 9:42 pm

1. Yes: anti-Hillary vote.
2. Score of one. No support. He was recently a Democrat: MOAR BIG GUBMENT!!!
3. Score of one. No support. The US needs a leader, not someone who’s stuck managing. I freely admit I don’t have the vision or skills to cultivate an agenda that can unite the doofuses usually called Americans, but I also didn’t run for president. Sticking to his guns on Charlottesville improved my outlook some.
4. Present term is safe. Future term won’t happen because he can’t make the changes necessary to be successful and campaign at the same time. And I hedge, I hedge!, maybe a golf game less here or there….

And just to be contentious:
– The wall was always a bad idea, but immigration reform is a good idea.
– Reduced taxes is a good idea.
– Reduced government is a good idea. I think it’s entirely reasonable to reduce (outright, not reduce the increase…) government spending 10% per year for the next eight years at all levels: local, state, and federal.
– Hey, for giggles, how about we have congress declare war or get the hell out?
– Tariffs are always a bad idea unless they match foreign tariffs and subsidies against free trade. You tariff us, we tariff you. You subsidize, we subsidize. (As a general principle. Sheesh, it doesn’t always work…)
– Obamacare repeal? Good idea. Repeal the SSA and Medicare? Also good ideas.
– For good measure, let’s outlaw property tax too. How about just a consumption tax? Hah!
– Is there ever an instance when abortion is good?
– Why isn’t marriage incentivized? (By the way, that’s one man, and one woman forever. Divorce is horrific and reserved for bad decision makers who are not American.)
– Let’s return to owning (yes owning, not mortgaged) property as the prerequisite to vote. (Open forum: I’d lose my vote, but I’m getting close!)
– The second amendment means you have the right to own and defend yourself with whatever an infantryman in the military carries. (I stole that notion from somewhere.)
– The fourth amendment means you have the right to privacy on the interwebs, and in contradiction to “el-jefe le jeff sessions” your property cannot be seized without cause. (Think about that a bit, because the implications are far reaching.)
– The war on drugs is stupid, wasteful, and shouldn’t be continued. I’m not completely Libertarian here. Use what you want, when you want, but if you’re a drag on society then society (a jury of your peers) has the right to evaluate your performance.
– Finally, if you don’t attend a church, or somehow demonstrate your ability to believe that the whole is greater than the individual, you’re not an American.

The past sucks, and so does the future, unless we build on our strengths, back fill our weaknesses, and strategically move into a more positive position.
[Yeah, I hear all the pointy-haired-boss-mumbo-jumbo-whining, but if you can’t tell me why you’re alive, your life is useless.]

As always all you Trump lovers need to pull your head out of the sand,

PS. A lot of you are thinking deeply, so what does the perfect platform look like? This was my attempt.

August 22, 2017 10:31 pm

Abortion is good , and, I would require it for anyone who doesn’t speak English, have a high school diploma, and isn’t married.
The second amendment says that you can own a muzzle loading weapon. That is what ‘arms’ meant to the writers. Or, a blade of some kind.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
August 22, 2017 10:39 pm

Oh, just kill yourself, karl. Kill yourself and end the pain.

August 22, 2017 10:56 pm

I’m not sure I follow your illogic.

By the way, did you read the point about voting?

August 23, 2017 10:52 am

I would require married or contract to raise a child, a high school education, English speaking, employed or in school, and no drug or alcohol problems for having a child. and abort all the rest. The prisons would be almost empty in 30 years.
Re. voting–I paid my house off in 1981.

August 22, 2017 11:00 pm

so karl,
does the free press not apply to electronic media or the internet if the 2nd amendment only applies to muzzle loading weapons?

edit-he almost has to be trolling,though it is late and the beer might have kicked in–

August 23, 2017 11:10 am

‘the press’ is to ‘electronic media’ as ‘a muzzle loading rifle’ is to ‘ an AK47 with 2 taped banana clips’
If the writers had AK’s in the 1780’s I’m certain you would not have an AK 47. They weren’t that stupid.

August 23, 2017 5:28 pm

you aren’t giving the founders enough credit-
they set up the patent system to encourage innovation in all things,including weaponry –
not sure but i believe that crude repeaters had been designed by then,and jefferson gave a silenced rifle to the guys on the lewis/clark expedition–
across the bay in st.pete is stetson law school–their branch of the federalist society once brought in stephen halbrook to speak,and a friend invited me to hear his speech–
halbrook argued and won a firearms case b4 the supreme court–
during the question/answer session,i asked mr halbrook if during the period that our founding documents were written,had there been any prohibition on private citizens owning cannons,especially the kind on wheels that could be pulled by a horse–when filled with grapeshot and small projectiles,they could be devastating to an entire group of people,not just an individual–
he stated that he knew of no prohibitions against ownership of the cannons–