The Vanishing American Dream

Guest Post by Paul Craig Roberts

Today is Labor Day, a difficult day to celebrate now that American labor has been cast aside and US jobs offshored and given to foreigners. The remainder of the jobs is slated to be replaced by robotics.

Friday’s payroll jobs report was full of bad news. Full-time jobs declined by 166,000. The meager 156,000 new jobs claimed are really only 115,000 net of the prior month’s revision, and this 115,000 jobs estimate is within the range of statistical insignificance. In other words, there is no confidence that the jobs are actually there.

The US work force continues to develop a Third Word complextion of lowly paid part-time domestic service employment. The American Dream continues its closedown.

Meanwhile the government tells us that we are at full employment with an unemployment rate of 4.4%.

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Boat Guy
Boat Guy
September 4, 2017 10:54 am

Say it ain’t so LOL ! My government is telling me a series of out right lies and fabrications . It must be for my own good ???
Since coming of age at the end of the Vietnam conflict and having been educated in a school system that encouraged this novel idea of teaching us to think for our selves I have not believed anything my government tells me “NOTHING” ! So far my belief that there is nothing left of honor and integrity in any governing elected body or person in America holding public offices has been proven absolutely true .
We as a Free Republic are doomed , broken on the inside to the point of no return .
Oh the pity of what might have been !

  Boat Guy
September 4, 2017 11:21 am

But, but…before she retired Senator Mikulski said the jobs were secure (lol): She also said: (ROFL):

The moral is “when a politician says they’re going to save your job, you better start looking for a new one’

September 4, 2017 12:40 pm

Ya I know all too well how the “system” works. My job was outsourced to a third world worker tied to a telephone, who gets a buck a day, compared to my then $25 an hour job, I used to do. They used modern technology to pull this stunt off. They paid for it by putting me into early retirement, which the company plan had to contributed to. So really, they have this retirement pool just sitting there doing nothing, and paying me a decent wage and benefits, which is a huge cost to the company. Why not get rid of me, and outsource the job to a third world worker, at a fraction of the cost, thereby eliminating a job for a young Canuckistan?
Presto!! The company wins!! Fiatman wins!! Third world worker wins!!
The young Canuckistan just out of high school unfortunately looses…..
This is referred to as the “Hallowing out of the middle class”
The upside you ask? Well at least skippy is on board with the $15 minimum wage!!…….
Happy Labor day……

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 4, 2017 5:21 pm

Just about every American worker has lived your story; most of us took other jobs someplace else. It was as much about life and death to the employer as to the employee: our Socialist System just costs to much to put the tax burden on the Producers in a Global Market. Taxing Consumption and reducing Welfare is going to become necessary to kick the Economic can a little farther down the road. For those in the FSA that choose savagery, there is an old fashioned traditional American permanent solution to that problem.

  rhs jr
September 5, 2017 11:00 am

one of your best posts ever–
perhaps you or your daddy could expound upon both the economic issues you raised and the punishment for unwarranted savagery in a full length article?

September 4, 2017 1:21 pm

Is the problem we face too few jobs or too many people?

September 5, 2017 11:01 am

good question anon-do you have any info to back up one side or the other?

September 4, 2017 3:13 pm

Wait until obamacare premiums go up again next year, getting close to another mortgage payment.