We have numerous regular contributors from Florida, including Starfcker, Muck, nkit, and unit475. Anyone on the ground in Florida and able to comment, please use this post to provide updates on living through this epic hurricane. Be safe.


The National Hurricane Center said the northern eyewall of Irma had reached the lower Florida Keys where winds were pounding the islands and storm surge was already apparent. Irma lashed the area with maximum sustained winds near 130 mph and the U.S. National Hurricane Center said it was expected to remain a powerful storm as it moved through the Florida Keys and near the state’s west coast.

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September 10, 2017 1:38 pm

Isn’t Rdawg in FL too?

September 10, 2017 9:50 pm


September 10, 2017 9:58 am

The msm-whores are doing their best to paint this hurricane as THE WORST FUCKING DISASTER OF ALL TIME!!!! Worse than Pompeii and Krakatoa combined. So much breathless reporting, more gasps and groans than a good Porn flick. Some breathless cocksucker on Fux right now going on and on about …. swaying palm trees!

Maybe this is completely overblown. Maybe not. Looking forward to REAL REPORTING from TPBers at ground level.

September 10, 2017 11:27 am

for me stucky,it is the greatest disaster of all time–
krakatoa x10–
btw,i thought you had spelled this wrong so i put it into google–by the time i put in kra,a list of links popped up–guess which was 1st?
tbp,this day in history,krakatoa erupts

September 10, 2017 3:28 pm

That is one hell of a coincidence. Stay safe down there. I spent a lot of good summer days on those white sands once upon a time. If Unresponsive gives me that image hosting site soon, I might show you a photo of Maggie at 24, in a bikini (backside – not realizing the shithead was photographing my ass), staring at the sea from the old Fort on the white sand dunes of Pensacola BEFORE they got flattened by Andrew. How is that for a “flashback?”

September 10, 2017 3:49 pm

I just DuckDuckGo’d free image hosting and this one is at the top. I have used it before:

Always paste the DIRECT link(s) into the TBP “add image” widget and then go to the end of link (after the widget loads into the comment) and hit “return” to activate. This is how it works for me.

September 10, 2017 9:03 pm

That was the one… Post image

September 11, 2017 2:45 am

This may help .,25.84,3000/loc=-77.270,25.121
Rotate and zoom in as needed. left click on the words Earth and cycle through wind speed rainfall and temperature etc as required . The Wind is not the higher gusts but sustained average.
It is a damaging storm but not a disaster. Unfortunatly updated only ever 180 minutes
Reinsurance companies will be hit like a Bookmaker when a longshot wins at the races.

September 10, 2017 10:09 am

So far a gentle drizzle. But wait until Sunday night-Monday morning. Why TSHTF in the middle of the night always torques me off.

Living exactly in the middle of the State (Lake County, FL) to escape those storm surges and unobstructed wind gusts off the Gulf or the Atlantic, we expected to get blown around bit (as in 2004 with 3 hurricanes traveling within 70 miles of where we live) but the earlier models of Irma showing it going right up the spine was unsettling to say the least..

Now? Ft. Myers, Naples, Tampa/St. Pete and the Big Bend are going to eat it. Miami is off the hook.

We’re still going to get blown around because Irma is so damn big. We’ve prepped all we can, now we sit and wait and see which way it wobbles as it passes West of us going toward Tallahassee…. Having been through a whole lot of hurricanes – as a kid in N. FL., an engineer on the Atlantic Missile Range and Eglin Test Range and now as retired, I don’t like hurricanes – but the reason why is not what you think. There are tornados buried in the storm bands around the storm and one cannot prep or do squat about them. You just hope you’re not in the wrong spot..

wet muck

September 10, 2017 10:16 pm

Sounds like you’re in The Villages. One of my friends used to be construction foreman there. I have kids over in Crystal River. Good luck!

September 10, 2017 10:22 am

I’ve got family near Orlando on the east side of Florida. As of this morning they are getting alot of rain but no major damage right now. Tonight maybe a different story as the hurricane will come ashore sometime but right now they are all safe.

September 10, 2017 10:30 am
September 10, 2017 11:08 am

If you live in Florida and haven’t left yet:

September 10, 2017 11:39 am

i sent the wife and daughter to central florida to stay w/my stepson–
i’m staying here to protect my park,not sure if i should or not–
i’m nowhere near the water but i live in a nearly 100yo wood house and i have 5 large oaks over the house–they’re so big that when you look up my house on google,the satellite views do not show my house unless you know where to look–
plus,i run my business out of my backyard and i’m really bad about collecting junk–i’ve had multiple people ask if i’m the white fred sanford–i probably have 12-15 sinks,old mowers for parts,etc–
if i chicken out by dark i can run to mom’s house,she’s about 5 miles away but i’ll probably ride it out here,just me and the dog–i have a hallway i can go to and a large closet also–
if you’re the praying kind,say one for us–

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 10, 2017 12:10 pm


Hang in there Tampa. We’re following things on the TeeVee up here and pulling/praying for you guys.

September 10, 2017 12:34 pm

They’re gonna be layin’ snake and nape later today T-Red. Stay in your hole..

I’m about 60 miles north of you.. You hang in there, my friend. We’ll make it.

September 10, 2017 2:18 pm

Good luck, Tampa. We’re rooting for you.

September 10, 2017 3:40 pm

This video from FIVE Days ago is something I am particularly concerning about, thinking of old friends who lived on the islands outside Pensacola. I think they survived Andrew, but am thinking if this thing stays in the state thirty hours compared to Andrew’s FOUR … Wow. Hang on tight, Tampa. If I were crude like some coyote uglies around there, I might suggest borrowing some maxi-pads from your wife’s private things in case you end up needing some nice dry padding for delicate areas, put them and tissue in freezer quality zipped plastic bags. But, I’m NOT crude like that.

Water survival training was my least favorite. Like an old crusty crewdog named Lizard I once knew, I don’t get immersion foot, I get immersion body. And it ain’t pretty.

September 10, 2017 11:45 am

i posted this on a thread a couple of days ago but it was about played out so i’m putting it here again–if you sustain damage,consider this–btw,i used all state and state farm as examples,this applies to almost every company doing business in florida and other southeastern states–

I have a suggestion for Florida insureds,and possibly those in other states as well.
Florida has been such a risky state to insure property in for many years that many companies have set up separate companies in Florida to mitigate loss and save the parent company in case of a catastrophic storm such as Irma.
Your policy might say AllState or State Farm but if you read your policy there is a good chance that you are actually insured by a subsidiary company.These companies are Massively under capitalized and they will rapidly run out of money to pay claims.
If I have a major or total loss I will not haggle with them-I will take what they offer and cash the check b4 the company goes bellyup.You can always re open your case later.

September 10, 2017 12:03 pm

other things i’m doing that you may want to do also–
take pics of inside/outside Everything on/in your property–
closets of clothes,lots of $ there in a claim–toys,tools,etc-lots of $–
also,go to google and take pics of both street view and satellite view so you know how it was in case of a major loss–

September 10, 2017 12:21 pm

So far just rain and wind, (about 75 miles due west of Mr. Muck) but you just know that the beast is out there and she’s hungry. I own a wood frame on concrete slab home. Can’t say for sure if we’ll all be here this time tomorrow. Too late to dee dee..With a little bit of bloomin’ luck ( and Mr. Beam’s help) we’ll survive…….I hope.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
September 10, 2017 12:24 pm

Near West Palm Beach. Not too bad yet. Heavy rain comes and goes, palm fronds down, ugly clouds. A friend of mine (a cop) was able to drive home for 15 miles after he got off duty at 0700 AM. POwer out in some areas. Will apparently get worse. Posted at 1219 hours.

Houston Davis
Houston Davis
  Southern Sage
September 10, 2017 1:52 pm

My childhood home is in west Palm beach. Built in 1967. Concrete block wall on slab with concrete tile hip roof. Which is the most secure roof in high winds. Alas, the subsequent owners at some point replaced the tile with asphalt shingles. That’s how you should build in hurricane prone areas. Including an acre lot: $24,000.00

September 10, 2017 12:53 pm

Our headquarters is in Tampa. The office is of course closed tomorrow. I have no idea what to expect…it wouldn’t surprise me if the roof over the shop was blown off. I have no idea about flooding…it’s in NE Tampa, far from the bay but there are plenty of rivers and lakes around and besides, I don’t think there is anywhere around there that is much above sea level. Given that the airport is right off the bay, I expect it to be flooded. St. Petersburg is likely fucked.

Servers will probably be offline but I mostly work from my desktop anyway (I work out of a regional office in Dallas) so I won’t lose much. If this were still a small independent company I might be fucked but now being owned by a huge german conglomerate I expect the paychecks to continue…

Our Houston office came through unscathed.

September 10, 2017 3:55 pm

So… these hurricanes were both aimed at YOU? Do you have a third location Jose is headed toward?

September 10, 2017 1:02 pm

I’m in the Ft. Lauderdale area. Just North and west of the airport about a 15 minute drive.
I went through Andrew Wilma and Katrina Deployed for Charlie. Steady winds in the mid 50’s and gusts well into the hurricane zone the Broward county EOC said gusts are in the 90’s.

Key West has lost all their live feeds. and the last I saw there was a bunch of water from the storm surge
Key West has to be a total shit show, and everything from there to the big bend will more than likely end up with the same….

September 10, 2017 1:17 pm

Prayers for all affected by this storm. Blessings:-}

Flying Monkeys
Flying Monkeys
September 10, 2017 1:37 pm

Rainy with some wind gusts near Tampa, at 1:30 PM. about 10 miles from the gulf. Haven’t seen any houses fly past the windows yet; only large birds flying about in the wind. 15 years in this home, and scattering of large hurricanes later, yet here we still stand. A monster storm is coming, the weather media tell us. Stay tough Florida!

Unit 472
Unit 472
September 10, 2017 2:46 pm

Staying in new house ( not mine ) in Sarasota well away from coast . Power still on at 2PM. Eye is now to our east which is good for us.
My place is 30 feet or so above Sarasota Bay facing due west. Storm shutters up on 2 of 3 sliding glass doors. Did not do “0ffice” based on earlier forecast and wanted to watch the surge take out the sea level houses across the canal. My mistake. Threw some furniture and rugs to brace glass then got out of dodge when forecast put eye right over top of me. Hours of hurricane force winds ahead!

Old Dog
Old Dog
September 10, 2017 2:48 pm

The proof will be what sunrise brings tomorrow.

My 89 and 90 year old parents live in an 80 year old house in Bradenton, about 50 miles south of Tampa. Similar to TampaRed there are big live oak front and back of their home.

My parents are frail and a long drive anywhere was not in the cards. When the storm track was set for the east coast of Florida we arranged for a hotel in Tampa. We stayed there Friday night, got a great view of Tampa Bay from the 11th floor. I figured if the water got up that high we could hitch a ride on an ark.

The hotel had other plans, and we had to leave Saturday morning. Now what??????

After about 87 texts and phone calls a high school and college friend of my sister invited us to their home in The Villages, about 80 miles NNE of Tampa. I am so grateful to them. They are getting sick of my thanking them. I don’t think my Dad would have survived a public shelter.

This morning we suffered under one tornado warning. Heavy wind and rain bands have alternated with a steady rain throughout the day. The big show is later tonight.

As far as the home in Bradenton goes, the eye could almost pass right over it.

Last night the power company said they had 16,000 utility crews ready to attack the expected statewide power failures. They said it will be a multi-week recovery effort. Even if my parents home survives the storm we may be heading out of state anyways. That will be a real treat.

Don’t be surprised if you don’t hear from us Florida folk much after Monday for a while.

See you on the flip side.


September 10, 2017 3:00 pm

Meh. The government and it’s parasite supporters (politicians, media, bureaucracy, police, et al.) want us to be in a state of hysteria, all the better to justify their parasitism. “We’re all gonna die!” We’re In south Tampa riding it out, as are most of our neighbors. The hurricane has taken a slight northward shift, which means we won’t get the big storm surge off the Gulf, and it’ll be weakened by traveling over land. Probably not even 120 mph sustained winds tonight; maybe not even 100 mph. Big party with hundreds of people today on the Bayshore where the extreme low tide has scores walking out into what looks like the middle of the bay. Good time being had by all. A hurricane is a good excuse for a hurricane party, and I’ve been in an extended 125 mph one before. No biggie if you move everything inside, have a reasonable elevation, and hunker down in a reasonably strong structure to ride it out. Cheers!

September 10, 2017 3:51 pm

Guess who is at it again…

September 10, 2017 4:07 pm

Internet super slow or out. Keeps knocking me offline as i type. Lots of major tree damage I can see. Structures I can see are fine. Winds probably 90 mph. More later. Pray for the West coast. If we are getting this they are going to get crushEd-

September 10, 2017 4:37 pm

Star – good luck, hope all goes well and you and yours stay safe.

Based on many thousands of years of human experience now, I can safely say that praying will have no effect. God already helped by providing days of warning. I doubt He will do more than that.

September 10, 2017 5:15 pm

Star- Glad you are OK…….send photos when this is over.

September 10, 2017 4:32 pm

Cue Pettys’ “The waiting is the hardest part”
Here at the “Settlement” on a high plateau near the “little, big River” I’ve anchored every structure down. The Airstream, two large tents, the propane tanks, the 20 ft Argosy chained to a tree and the water tank tie strapped twice to my “Bessie the Excavator”.
The infamous Irma? She’s a Cat 3 in Naples presently.
Sprinkling here in North Florida. They call my area bow hunters paradise but this season will be delayed.
When the thick woods extinguish my lights I know they’ll be out for the duration. Time and the river will tell if I leave the pickup with generator in the back, humming to keep the fridge going and take the car through the nearby farms gate straight to the post office eight mile hither. My bet is I take truck and gen with me.
Thank God I’ve been forced to finally anchor the Settlement down as I’ve put it off since December, last

Flying Monkeys
Flying Monkeys
September 10, 2017 7:22 pm

Chicken Little hysteria continues in Tampa, squawks this is the worst and/or biggest storm to hit Florida, like, ever! Pajama guy breathlessly pants “this storm has been 10 years in the making.” Nat Geo wasting no time, drops a video bomb on FB blaming global warming for Irma. Tampa’s next door neighbor, Pinellas county Sheriff Bob Gualtieri proclaims “nobody will be allowed to return to their homes in Pinellas County from shelters and beyond until damage assessment is completed.” WTF! Meanwhile, actual weather in Tampa gusty winds, rain, temp in the upper 70’s. Meanwhile, the hurricane is breaking up, and will likely be a Cat 1 when it hits Tampa… oh and the back side of the storm is dry, so it could be a tropical storm by the time it meanders into Tampa. Yet the die hard, climate change, disaster is here crowd, continues to whine “well but what if…the sky is falling?”

September 10, 2017 7:47 pm

I am nursing a theory that God sent Irma into Florida to spare the Gators from another embarrassing loss.

ILuvCO2 Stuck in Boston for 2 more days
ILuvCO2 Stuck in Boston for 2 more days
September 10, 2017 8:40 pm

Beautiful !

September 11, 2017 12:19 am

go back to iran,you rastafarian b4 gator nation issues a fatwa on you–

September 10, 2017 7:47 pm

A big Huzzah goes out to Naples,Fl for running such excellent interference thus far.
Tampa/St. Petersburg, be ready to come off the bench.

September 10, 2017 10:33 pm

greg,you’re an ahole-may the storm spare you though.

September 11, 2017 1:55 am

LOL…no offense intended Tampared, I swear
My mom’s across the bay so I’ve nothing at all to gain from wishing badly upon yall

September 11, 2017 2:07 am

i was kidding too-your post was funny–
we’ve most likely dodged a big bullet–
we’ve still got squalls coming thru for a few more hours but for the most part we’re done–
i’m gonna shut it down–
btw,how far north are you-has it gotten to you yet?

September 11, 2017 8:45 pm

I’m approx twenty miles from the Georgia border
Glad alls well

September 10, 2017 10:35 pm

admin,do you hang around w/greg above?

September 10, 2017 8:17 pm

Still basically category 1 hurricane conditions. We’ve had about 12 hours of this. Went for a drive to check properties. All structures sound. Lots of downed trees blocking roads. Category 1. Nasty, but a hiccup compared to what could have been. Didn’t take pics it was getting dark and roads were challenging. Under curfew now

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
September 10, 2017 10:12 pm

Sounds like we’re going to be able to save some of that emergency relief money for the Wall.

  Iska Waran
September 11, 2017 12:42 am

Iska, I recently read the border wall in Texas was damaged by Hurricane Harvey. Need repair money now.

September 10, 2017 10:36 pm

Boy the commentators on The Weather Channel seem almost desperately disappointed.

“But the storm surge !!” ” I know the winds are that of a strong thunderstorm and the hurricane is breaking up and not even raining that much, but you still might die!!”

I saw one pathetic scene around 12:30 today as I flipped on TWC… a reporter was standing in mid-calf high water in a Miami street, he staggered on and off all the while with a pronounced trunk flexion and lean toward his right ( viewer’s left.) For even more dramatic effect he was using a voice that demonstrated he was trying to yell above the wind……..

Then the camera man zoomed to a wide angle and the lens was wiped by a rag—but in the minute this took an interesting contrast was observed………
The reporter was standing calf-deep in a large puddle with a wet sidewalk and roadway completely unsubmerged 3 feet in front of him. The reporter was also standing in a wind-tunnel affect between 2 buildings and the small trees and palms along the street were just gently swaying back and forth ( not a sustained tempest). Then the final straw were the graphics which displayed on the left side of the screen…Miami: potential 2 to 3 feet of storm surge, sustained winds of 25MPH with gusts of 40 MPH.
Looking at the reporter one would think Miami was already 18 inches submerged and winds were strong enough to knock a full grown man to the ground.
Then the capper–an “emergency responder” pedals past on the sidewalk to the reporter’s far right on a bicycle….oops.
Jim Cantore was honest at least, around 5 PM in Naples ( which got hit the hardest I think)… “All I see are some palm fronds on the ground and some minor damage to the landscaping. No buildings or windows are damaged or broken and I haven’t even heard anyone’s car alarm sound, which usually happens a lot with high wind and debris.”

Bet they are all disappointed that there are no death tolls and billions in damage to report………… thank goodness.

September 10, 2017 10:44 pm

I may have a man crush on Jim Cantore:

September 10, 2017 10:42 pm

It is such a shame when the opportunity for complete disaster goes awry for the newsslugs, isn’t it?

September 10, 2017 11:02 pm

Anderson Cooper is reporting live from Tampa’s riverwalk.
When this thing duds out,as hopefully it will,there are plenty of hurricane parties going on where he would be very,very welcome.

September 10, 2017 10:59 pm

I heard an hour or so ago that statewide,over 3 million have lost power.
I’ve been having squalls sweeping thru all afternoon,hard rain/high winds.
This wouldn’t be bad except for all the trees over my house.
I have a 20×20 lean to w/a tin roof attached to one of my sheds-the outside piece of tin is lifting up and if it has a roof tomorrow am when i go out i’ll be pleasantly surprised–
What we use as our back door is a kitchen door leading thru a 5’long pantry/hall,and it opens thru a screen door to the outside. About an hour ago I opened the kitchen door and felt a drip from just above the door.I’m not sure if I have a leak or if the wind blew water
in thru the screen.
Btw,I said above 3 m were w/o power-I just heard a little over 1m but that might just be the Tampa area.

September 10, 2017 11:18 pm

not funny but ironic-
i sent the family over to a little town called auburndale,where my stepson lives-the storm has shifted east,and the eye is probably going over lakeland,just east of the hillsborough county(tampa)line–
auburndale is just a few miles east of lakeland,so the family will get the right side of the storm,which is the strongest–
oh well–

carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 10, 2017 11:25 pm

My buddy in daytona ha tornado come of the ocean right past him he said about 15 minutes ago. Sis in bradenton hasnt gotten any communication out to us in hours

  carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 1:16 am

if it helps,i do not think bradenton got hit hard but lots of people w/o power and cable–

September 10, 2017 11:57 pm

We’re about done in ft lauderdale. Still some strong wind gusts. All my phones, internet seems to be functioning properly once again. I suspect they’ll switch the power back on first thing in the morning, and then the cleanup begins. Looks like Florida and almost everyone on the Gulf Coast dodged a major, major bullet. When these things get in the Gulf it almost can’t go well. Nothing but warm water and no way out. Naples got crushed. I have friends over there, probably going to head over tomorrow to see what I can do. Tampa got spared. The big high pressure system over the Gulf knocked the storm into the middle of the state where it just fizzled out real quick. Thank God. Thanks for the kind words Llpoh and Bea. This could have been a real disaster in 10 different ways. That was a badass storm, you don’t see many that strong. On the east side here, we’ll have this thing cleaned up in 3 days.

September 11, 2017 12:03 am

star,were you able to contact your family up in the mid point of the state?

September 11, 2017 12:21 am

Star- Just thanking God you made it through the storm. Looks like TRed is OK too. Waiting on Muck and Unit to pipe in now.

Talked to one of my old friends tonight, his mother and brother were riding out the worst of it in Naples. She is 99 years old and refused to leave. One tough old bird that one (German national).

September 11, 2017 12:51 am

Starfcker, so glad things didn’t get really bad for you. And thank god the storm is dying out.

I live in South Carolina, right across the Savannah River from Georgia, and government officials have been scaring people for days saying we’ll have torrential rain and possible floods, and 60-mile-per-hour winds. Looks like that won’t happen. We also have a lot of Florida evacuees in the area so I know they’ll be relieved.

Good luck to all those in Florida.

September 11, 2017 1:39 am

Thanks Vic, Bea. TR, while my comm gear is back, most of my extended family is in the road probably with relatives along the spine of the state somewhere, and now getting hammered, so they are communications challenged at the moment. They’ll be alright, they’ve seen these things before. Before anyone celebrates, the lower keys and Naples got destroyed from what I’m hearing, going to be ugly in the daylight. This thing was a monster, could have been a hundred times worse.

September 11, 2017 4:11 am

But in Florida, we prepare. Bay News 9 on Twitter: “”Single-file line, just like in elementary school!” Flamingos being moved to safe areas at @BuschGardens.

September 11, 2017 7:38 am

I just read that half of the state of Florida is out of power. Officials saying it could be weeks before it’s back up and running. Guess I spoke to soon in my message above.
All of you guys are in my thoughts and prayers.
Hope people start getting generators in a hurry from other areas.

September 11, 2017 2:17 am

I’ve had to call it quits at the settlement.
I can rebuild but to be reborn is for others on here.( no names)
I gandered at the wind gusts and already lost one water oak (good riddance and I hope the rest of em follow suit. Should’ve taken them all out from the onset) so, yeah…not interested in seeing how a 31 ft Airstream weathers fifty plus mph gusts. Never mind the Tornado risk.
I left to head west at eleven PM. Down the slushy dirt road I squirm and see behind me an arc of white. A limb touching a wire perhaps, debris flying everywhere. The intensity I didn’t welcome with my metabolism burning cals like the Feds go through money. I make the two mile slush journey to the main highway and clearly the recipe for Tornado is all around me. I make it to my proud little dark red flyover town and visit my rear view to see brilliant blue explosions a mile back. Once, twice.
Of mice and men. The post office locked exposed my lack of plan B so off to the interstate to head west back to the pestilent, ill-mannered Capital city to stay with friends. Tomorrow I wait to see where the Bitch Goddess Irma declares her next victim. Currently looking like she’ll sup the goodness from the Suwannee river while traveling straight into my neck of the woods. It’ll be a contest to see who picks up more shit from their yard between Tampared and myself. Good night, Moon

September 11, 2017 6:46 am

Let Irma be a solid proof for all time that the MSM majors in nothing more than fear mongering hyper-bullshit.

Javelin is absolutely correct about those fucking assholes being downright disappointed that their END OF WORLD (!!!) predictions were mostly bullshit.

I was watching MSNBC around 10PM when their weather guy came on with “good news” (he actually said that) that the storm surge would be far less severe than expected. You could literally see and feel the disappointment on the host’s face …. a few long awkward moments of silence, followed by a barrage of ” but, but, but we’re not out of the woods yet, this hurricane is huge and dangerous, a real killer …”. It was truly fucking pathetic.

Sure, there will be flooding, power outages, etc. Maybe Naples is heavily damaged (haven’t turned on the doom tube yet). Cuz, you know, it’s a goddamned hurricane!

But it doesn’t appear to be anything close to the 4,738 hours of nonstop END OF WORLD fucking bullshit they’ve been shoving down America’s throat.

Too bad Irma didn’t kill all those shitfuk reporters.

September 11, 2017 7:20 am

6:00 AM report. Lights NEVER went out at house I was staying at in Sarasota. Began making my way back home at this time. Honore Rd was blocked by fallen tree so turned around and took Fruitville back to Tamiami Trail/41. Traffic lights out all along this route but most lights on buildings/businesses along way were still on. Pulled into my condo complex and lights were out a 7:00 AM. Parked and made my way up stairs with only emergency battery lights on. Half way up the main lights came on.

Opened door to condo. A/C was running!!! Yeah! Lights on inside. Everything as I left it. Looked out over Sarasota Bay and sea levels homes still there. Dr. Pepper in fridge still cold. Ice still coming out of fridge. Made myself a Dr. Pepper over ice, lit cigarette, sat down at computer and typed this.


September 11, 2017 7:55 am

So happy for you unit472.

Looks like the Keys and Naples are the hardest hit, along with Miami-on-a-flood-plain’s flooding.

But according to news reports this morning, half of Florida is without electricity and “authorities” say it will take weeks to fix because they have to rebuild the electrical grid.

September 11, 2017 7:48 am

Worst aspect of ‘Irma’ for me was teenage and younger children at my friends house. They put on some horrible ‘teen movie’ about psychotic negro teacher threatening to beat up nerdy white teacher. It was appalling bad so I snuck out to my car to avoid watching it. Had to endure idiotic ‘prayer’ by host’s sister before dinner invoking ‘God’s protection’ for house and its occupants. Thanks God, you the man because meatloaf was good and house not destroyed. Of course no other house in neighborhood was destroyed but Naples probably not so lucky as Angie did not mention it in her prayer.

September 11, 2017 9:33 am

How’s this for a crazy, insane scenario………..

-Millions of people say short (or long-winded) prayers for God to protect them from this natural disaster.
-Irma is crossing the Atlantic as the most powerful hurricane registered and taking a bee-line for South and Eastern Florida.
–A high pressure system to the north forms and keeps Irma farther to the south and it does not turn north and hit Miami/Ft Lauderdale etc.
–The storm skirts the coast of Cuba ( godless, communist Cuba) along its entire length and drops from 150+ MPH Cat 5 down to Cat 2/3 but is then headed for the gulf where it could re-strengthen.
— A perfectly timed and positioned trough from the west comes across Texas/Alabama/Mississippi and steers ( pulls) Irma directly north and even slightly back east so that it hits part of the west coast and then into Central Florida where it mostly breaks apart into 50-80 MPH winds. If the lo-pressure trough came 24 hours earlier a Cat 5 would have hit the east coast, if it came 24 hours later, the Cane would have reformed and gained strength in the gulf before smashing into western Florida.

I guess to some this is all just natural chance, others will see divine intervention. I know millions and millions were part of a national prayer chain to spare our country from Hillary and we got the most improbable election ever ( for what it’s worth- at least it is a bit of a short reprieve from the globalists.)

Matthew 5:45King James Version (KJV)

45 That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.

PS: I did notice that also Key West–modern day Gomorrah, got slammed really hard–again, just something that makes me go hmmmm.

September 11, 2017 8:29 am

…you the man because meatloaf was good and house not destroyed.

Good one unit.

Glad you are safe Bud!

September 11, 2017 9:30 am

Folks,be grateful that for a large part the storm was not much and some in the press “unhappy”.Given the damage caused to some of the islands ect. along the storms way would say a locked down prep or wheels up attitude the prudent thing,beyond basic warnings would say storms of this nature very unpredictable unless one has a HARP steering wheel(not going to get into that!).As we like to say in New England,”Don’t like the weather,wait 10 minutes”.The fact we have comms ect. to give us general warning a great thing,again,be grateful.
On a side note,why does it always seem during storms of this nature boats keep seeming to run out of fuel alongside the road?!

September 11, 2017 10:53 am

it’s easy james,we don’t have enough charging stations for boats–we need a program to get gas powered boats off the roads and we need charging stations everywhere–

September 11, 2017 11:29 am

Tampa,unlike some of the folks who were say kite surfing/boarding/taking selfies in middle of hurricane ect. the boats had enough common sense to “seek higher ground”!I will say as a young guy did some pretty stupid stuff during Hurricane Bob a few decades back!

I hope all is well as can be and again do believe this could have been much worse and do realize that still a lot of folks are going to need a hand up so if you can spare a few bucks find a GOOD charity.Even a 5 spot would help because as with prepping,”The smalls add up”.

September 11, 2017 8:59 pm

I could have stayed
Water oaks downed but that’s a good thing. No power, natch. Everything right where I left it, actually. I didn’t have to pick up squat which surprised me.
As a matter of interest, the fellow down the street described what sounded like th eye right over the area. Not surprised. Too exhausted to give a flip. The I ten truck stop is slammed at the gas stations just like it was being played all over again only in reverse. I did the right thing hauling ass. This little house stuff gripping the nation probably never mentions the downside of hurricanes and tornados. You win, Tampa if you had to pick anything up.
In closing…how about some people exclaiming end times read a little more history and begin to recognize that good people prevail in the end because they’re smarter. It’s Gods way