Stucky QOTD: God and Hurricanes

You might think I’m just trying to start another shitfest. I would never do such a thing! It’s a most legitimate question to ask. Consider that in America TODAY …

1) Conservative Christian pastor John McTernan argued that “God is systematically destroying America” out of anger over “the homosexual agenda.”

2) Ann Coulter said  that Houston’s election of a lesbian mayor was a more “credible” cause of the hurricane than global warming.

3) A Tampa  University professor tweeted that God had punished Texans for voting Republican. (He subsequently expressed regret, but was fired.)

4) American Family Association’s Buster Wilson claimed that Hurricane Isaac was punishment for the Southern Decadence LGBT festival.

5) Rick Joyner had the same to say about Hurricane Katrina, claiming that “God’s not gonna put up with perversion anymore.”

 6) Pat Robertson yet again said that acceptance of homosexuality results in hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, terrorist bombs, and “possibly a meteor.”

7) Lastly, it is a fact that the Bible is chock full of stories where God sends floods, fire, pestilence, famine, and other fun natural disasters to those who displease Him.

See? It really is relevant. I can’t prove it but, I feel rather confident that there were thousands of sermons across America yesterday preaching a similar theme of God’s wrath … for preachers don’t like to let a good crisis go to waste.

As an eternal Seeker Of Spiritual Truth, I need to know what TBPers believe regarding God and hurricanes. Many of you think I’m going to hell. But, I don’t wanna go!! Perhaps today you can help save my soul.

Q1: Did God send Irma to America?

— Q2: If yes, why … what message is He giving us?

— Q3: If yes, why do Christians pray for deliverance? (Seems like a waste of time, if God sent it.)


Q4: Is Dan III a flaming asshole, or just a regyoulah asshole?




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 11, 2017 8:47 am

God’s judgment is coming upon the entire world now as we enter the final period of fallen mans history before the return of Christ.

Weather, volcano’s, earthquakes, droughts, disease and famines are a part of it.

America is no longer a Christian nation and most Christians now are those who call themselves Christians but are not. They practice something that is against what Christ taught Christians to practice and stand against God’s law for man.

We can no longer expect God’s protection as a nation, we have turned against God and openly oppose his laws.

Study the prophecies and understand.

I know almost no one will want to hear this, but I also know Truth is never popular yet still has to be told for those willing to hear it.

September 11, 2017 10:55 am

Stukfuk sez, you have zero credibility discussing spiritual matters as you deny the truth of God’s word. Otherwise, you would know who is the god of this world, 2 Cor 4:4, and that it is he, not God Almighty, the God and Father of the Lord Jesus Christ who would wipe all of humanity from the face of the earth where it within his power.

It’s only men and women who love God and believe the truth of this word that binds the hand of the devil, otherwise there would be nothing to prevent all hell from breaking loose, and that includes natural disasters.

September 11, 2017 6:16 pm

Stukfuk sez, If you had the slightest clue, which you don’t, you would look up “Idiom of Permission” and understand it was not God who sent the flood to wipe mankind from the earth, but his archenemy, the Devil. And it is you who is a traitor. Enjoy the time you have left on earth. I’ll pray for you.

September 13, 2017 2:11 pm

You don’t read for comprehension, do you? Not that it matters, you’re reprobate mind is already made up.

September 11, 2017 10:40 am

You takes your pick:
Jesus is coming – look busy.
Jesus is coming – and man is he pissed.

September 11, 2017 9:10 am

I find it a bit strange that so many believe in fairy tales.

September 11, 2017 9:14 am

I find it strange that people cannot connect what they see obviously going on around them, now and throughout history, with those “fairy tales”.

But as I mentioned, few people want to hear Truth.

September 11, 2017 9:21 am

God doesn’t need to send disasters as punishment for sin, even though he can. The wages of sin is death and those wages are intrinsic to sin. You can dispute that or ignore it but you can’t change the very nature of sin.

September 11, 2017 9:32 am

The bible, like other mythologies, was created as an effort to try to explain the explainable. It gives comfort to the small minded that the universe is not just randomness and chaos.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 11, 2017 9:41 am

I feel my comments here are not often taken seriously and sometimes for good reason. The link above references a man whom I believe to be an atheist. There is yet a strong message to be taken from his words and it would behoove us all to consider it. Please accept this in the spirit offered.

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 11, 2017 11:03 am

That was a pretty good tune!

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
September 11, 2017 11:42 am

Sláinte Aodh!

Yours in Almighty and Merciless Odin…


hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 9:42 am

What a character.

I know you well enough by the volumes of commentary over the years so I can tell when you are deliberately shit-stirring and when you are truly curious about something.

The nature of all things requires that everything be in some kind of balance and harmony, regardless of how it may affect any single organism or element that happens to be in the space/time continuum.

The opinions of people with agendas based on their income- corn pone opinions, according to Mark Twain- are to be considered based on their slant. When I find an unusual artifact and want an unbiased opinion about the possible origin, I do better asking a ten-year-old than going to an archaeologist for exactly that reason. I learned this through trial and error and it is about as relaible a method as Ivory soap is pure.

You either didn’t hear Ann Coulter’s remark or you picked it up via a media source because anyone with two ears and a pulse knew that it was a joke- and a funny one considering it was made in response to some pompous windbag’s assertion that Harvey was the result of Texas voting Trump.

Reductio Ad Absurdum.

Now if the question is really looking for an answer, it is this- God/Creator/Nature in it’s infinite complexity and design will never be truly understood by human thought, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t a plan. It follows certain immutable laws that govern everything, every jot and tittle, every atom and molecule, every movement and stutter in a form of predestination that cannot be altered IN THE LONG RUN. It runs exactly as it should.

You may play at being a god, you may even have the power of life over death, you may control the rivers with dams, light up the night sky with a trillion watts of energy coaxed from it’s prehistoric sources, but you are not ever, not in a quintillion eons ever going to understand how it all fits together and what set that original purpose into being. And when I say you I mean we.

It just is. Most everything under the Sun is cool with that, yet here we are…

September 11, 2017 12:20 pm

I wasted a few minutes out of my life thinking about Stucky. Here’s what I observed; while ordinary folks contemplate their moods or emotional states only a few times a month or year, Stuck is an emotional narcissist, if you will, and spends an inordinate amount of time staring at his emotional mirror. He is by turns a disbeliever, a doubter, a questioner, a convert, a believer, inspired, filled with the spirit, and so on. He is well acquainted with the most minute feelings and grand emotions where we only know our coarse feelings of hate, fear, lust and hunger. I’m sure he has a color board for his different feelings with creative names for the disappointment of junk mail and the fury of somebody cutting the line in font of him.

What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death? Thanks be to God, through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with my mind I serve the law of God, but with my flesh I serve the law of sin.…

September 11, 2017 12:27 pm

You got all that in “a few minutes”? Hardly.

I suspect ol’ Stuck is living rent-free in your noggin.

A fact that no doubt amuses him to no end.

September 11, 2017 1:31 pm

And the angel of the LORD said unto him, Why hast thou smitten thine ass these three times? Behold, I went out as thine adversary, because thy way is perverse before me.
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EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 10:00 pm

Stuck doesn’t live in my noggin, moran. I was just thinking about how honest he is with himself and us. We go about our lives wavering between belief and unbelief regarding Trump but mostly know the things to say in public; we have our replies all practiced, our favorite color is blue and dad was dear old dad. It’s only when we are alone that we admit we don’t really like turkey or we don’t think about the debt ceiling all that much except at furlough time.

I swear, if Stuck was into musicals, I’d finally have to pull his man-card, he’s that close to being a chick.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 12:28 pm

And like the number 23, the coincidences just keep piling up-

“A new study examining the various ways that we express ourselves determined that humans display 27 distinct emotional states.”

It has been determined that Stucky has 30. But he is an outlier.

Or is he?

  hardscrabble farmer
September 12, 2017 6:11 pm

I dunno, if it’s 27 slightly different flavors of irascible, does it still count as distinct emotions?

September 11, 2017 4:31 pm

Stuck is a shit stirrer. He is a clever and intelligent shit stirrer but really just a shit stirrer. Oh yeah, you have the narcissistic part right.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 12:52 pm

Ann Coulter is good at a lot of things, but no one ever accused the woman of being funny. I said it was a joke and you of all people know that not all jokes are funny and not everyone can tell one. I thought it had potential to be funny because it was a jab at the moron who said Harvey was God’s way of punishing Texas for voting Trump.

Get it?

September 11, 2017 1:38 pm

Maybe that was HF’s error in comedy, adding ‘get it?” after every joke.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 4:52 pm

Your so good at this you should become an agent.

No, really.

Get it?

September 11, 2017 5:44 pm

You’re so good at giving career advice, you should become a farmer, they shovel bs all day.

Get it?

  hardscrabble farmer
September 12, 2017 6:14 pm

I thought it was a joke, too. I thought it was funny, too. Harvey could just as well have hit them because they make bad BBQ (NC is the best, by the way) and it’s just as credible as the wobal glarming religion.

  hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 3:43 pm

A gentle reminder of how the twin offspring of the conceptual Elephino (or ancient Greek Hellifeyeknow) are often called Curiousity and Observation; both descendants of the Commonsenseareus and Faithisus genera.

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carnac the insignificant
carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 9:44 am

1) yes
2) because he can
3) misguided hope, and belief they are ‘worthy’
4) regyoulah

Who are you to question the will of the Lord?

  carnac the insignificant
September 11, 2017 10:57 am

It’s only the arrogance of man to do so, and there’s no lack of it to go around.

Nurse Ratched
Nurse Ratched
September 11, 2017 9:52 am

For He makes His son rise in the evil and the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust. Mt 5:45.

  Nurse Ratched
September 11, 2017 5:49 pm

Nurse Cratchit got the verse wrong but got the reference right. All the moran had to do was copy and paste it since her short-term memory is maxed out.

mark branham
mark branham
September 11, 2017 9:54 am

You are the last person to claim “As an eternal Seeker Of Spiritual Truth” because you wouldn’t know Truth if it came up and slapped your miserable excuse for existence.

So, GFY.

September 11, 2017 9:24 pm

I don’t think asking God to save a condo is what God had in mind when it comes to praying. I think praying for the people, the souls, would have been a more Christian thing to do. Material possessions aren’t that important (or shouldn’t be) for a Christian. This is one of the lessons Jesus taught. Which is why he said, paraphrasing, that a rich person will have a hard time getting to heaven.

I look at things like Hurricanes as a test of faith. Your actions and words determine whether you pass that test. For example, if you’re starving and put your faith in God and pray about it, you are doing the right thing. But also, you should do what’s in your power legally to find food on your own and not be an idiot sitting there waiting for a miracle. But if you steal food because you’re starving, you fail the test. God is watching, even when you’re alone.

But maybe you prayed and starved to death anyway. Was that the answer to your prayer? It was apparently God’s answer. Instead of having you suffer in this world, he took you home to Heaven.

Today, people are scared to die, but early Christians rejoiced when another Christian died because they knew they were going to Heaven. If a baby died, they rejoiced because it went home to Heaven and didn’t have to live in the cruel world, and the world was incredibly cruel back then. The Bible teaches that, as Christians, we are strangers in this world and we’re here temporarily, and our true home is Heaven, so going to Heaven when you die is the goal (though purposely trying to be a martyr is a no-no for a Christian.) That’s why you live your life on earth as a true Christian, so you can reach Heaven at the end.

Anyway, that’s my two cents. Kind of a Job story.

September 11, 2017 9:25 pm

Sorry, that above comment is from Vic. I don’t know why it keeps putting me as Anonymous all of a sudden.

September 11, 2017 11:04 pm

And by the way, Suicide is also a no-no for a Christian because you cannot take a life, not even your own, because your life belongs to God. So you suffer in this world with no escape unless you die or God intervenes. And if you notice, laws are based on this. Many states have laws against suicide or attempted suicide still on the books.

September 12, 2017 2:18 pm

That is exactly right Stucky. The 6th commandment could be “construed” to mean that suicide is self murder. But, doctrine should never be made out of what we can construe the scriptures to mean. Instead, as Christians, our doctrines should be constructed only of that which the scriptures plainly say. All else should be understood as conjecture and assumptions. There would be so much less error in interpretation if Christians would adhere to this rule.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
September 11, 2017 10:01 am

In the grand scheme of things, we are no different than other mammals, or insects, or plants. Just because we evolved to have a ‘thinking’ brain we are special?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion

Yes, we are special.

Some are more “special” than others mind you. Stucky is pretty “special” some days but I try not to give him too hard a time over it. I like him and don’t want to hurt his feelings.

The debate goes that our “specialness” depends on the nature of the universe. If the universe is something that exists outside of independent consciousness then we likely are not that spectacularly “special” but if it is something that exists only because of our consciousness then that would suggest that rather than being put here as a part of the universe the universe was put here for us to experience which would beg the question placed here by whom and for what purpose?

I have heard physicists and mathematicians argue that this is silly and that the argument is not worth making as the universe exists independent of our conscious observation (saw one guy with a formula to prove his point… couldn’t tell you if he was full shit or not). My thought is that what our observation brings is actually a thing called ‘meaning’ which brings ‘purpose’ which breeds ‘experience’ which may be the reason behind consciousness to begin with.

I would argue that this makes us ‘special’ in the grand way we like to think of ourselves as ‘special’ and likely connects us to God. Perhaps we are merely fragments of the whole sent into the material world to experience it on behalf of something bigger than ourselves?


Enquiring minds want to know…


Yes, we are special in God’s eyes. Man was made in God’s image and we were made to worship him. The animals and plants were made for the use of man. So they are lower than humans. Man is below the angels, who have powers we don’t.
As you see, I’m not an evolutionist, so I don’t think we evolved from monkeys. I don’t consider myself an animal. Humans are completely different than animals. We can think and plan and build. Animals follow the inherited instinct that God placed in them.
So, yes, we’re special

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
September 11, 2017 10:05 am

With regards to hurricanes and other things of that nature, I suspect that God is indifferent with regards to their initiation/origins and more concerned with how we act during and after the fact. Some people pass, some don’t.

Adversity, and like many who read here I’ve had my share of it, is a test. At the very least, it is a part of getting up in the morning.

  Francis Marion
September 11, 2017 9:32 pm

This is Vic.
In my opinion, Christians are constantly tested in this world but, unfortunately, many fail the tests. I think they should study more (the Bible).

September 11, 2017 11:08 am

With regards to hurricanes, it is very simple: Things move in cycles great and small. We are at the end/beginning of a fairly large one on a human size/time scale.

Two points I have made often whenever this argument surfaces: 1) ALL debates are exercises in semantics–if we do not define our terms properly at the outset we can move no further towards Truth (that is always my personal agenda) and 2) Any discussion on this topic must bear in mind SCALE–and it almost never does.

I have NEVER heard anyone debating this particular topic define terms. The result is that three radically different concepts get lumped together as one and shit is fucked-up and bullshit from jump: Faith, Religion and God. You CANNOT have a real logical debate without keeping these concepts separate. So here goes: Faith is INDIVIDUAL–it’s boundaries extend only to the lifespan, thoughts and experiences of one person. Religion is Earth-bound–that is, it ONLY applies to this tiny blue dot for say the last half-million years to be overly conservative. The concept of God MUST be Universal, all places, all things, all times.

The ONLY argument that applies at all levels is this: Purpose vs Random. That’s it. Einstein put it this way “You must believe that everything is a miracle or nothing is a miracle.” Is everything random and chaos as TJF states, or is there SOME purpose–at this point it must stay undefined. This Y happened 13.8 billion years ago. If one states that all is random and chaos, then the argument ends. Period. Every event in all the Cosmos everywhere for all times must be EQUALLY and ENTIRELY random. There is not the tiniest crack for even the tiniest sliver of Purpose in this view. This is the God level argument.

Now, if we take the SOME purpose path of this Y, we come forward a few billion years and we get to the realm of religion, which could be defined as human society’s attempt to define God (that which cannot be defined).
It is on this level, and only on this level, that we can ponder the potential meaning of hurricanes.

September 11, 2017 11:17 am

I don’t know if lesbos and homos cause hurricanes. I do know that they are monkeying with the weather (they being the military).

Vodka posted this doc a few days ago, I double-triple-dog dare you to watch the video or at least just the first 30 minutes. Even HSF will tell you they are chemtrailing the skies.

Concerning DanIII, he is a newbie and all newbs come in here wondering WTF. My first day I accused El Coyote of being Un-American, when in reality he is covered in the red, white and blue. I found that Stucky was brilliant (but at the time still living in the matrix) and El Coyote was probably the smartest beaner on the internet. So, I ask DanIII to hang around and really get to know the eclectic group of commenters here and he will be surprised at what he could learn.

Hang in there DanIII. Just so you know, I am most likely the worst asshole here but I am trying to turn things around.

September 11, 2017 11:43 am

To say I’m the smartest is to insult the really smart beaners on the web. YoBo said I’m clever, I will accept that.

You have an awesome grasp of the dark side of history, O Bea Wan.

When I teach history, the [American] flag waves – Doc Pangloss

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 10:32 pm

Hey, Bea, maybe I should start introducing myself like Floyd R. Turbo; Filomeno Reyes Tapia -American

  EL Cibernetico
September 13, 2017 1:28 am

EC- I think that sounds outstanding. Just don’t dress like Floyd and stand around stiff as a board.

September 12, 2017 7:21 pm


Gee, I’m a “newbie”. Whew ! According to the tough guy Stucky I am a flaming asshole. So what ? In fact, coming from keyboard tough guy Stucky that is a badge of honor.

This “Stucky” is just one of many cowardly pieces of human flotsam that permeate blogs such as this and the Internet in general. I don’t consider Stucky intelligent or deserving of any sort of respect. For ultimately, he doesn’t exist other than believing in his sick, mental state that ANYTHING he remarks upon has validity in the real world.

Fact of the matter is Stucky wouldn’t have the ‘nads to insult someone to their face. In his anonymous charade of keyboard warrior he is just another personification of the pussies the Amerikan male has become.

Pitiful actually.

September 13, 2017 1:17 am

Give this place a chance, Stucky adds a lot to the energy and excitement of TBP. Trust me Dan, I have battled Stucky and Llpoh on levels that you cannot imagine. I think secretly they still harbor bad feelings as they have never been able to conquer old BL.

Perhaps you have heard of the Holy Trinity of Bullshit War fought right here on TBP that pitted Stucky, Loopey and Spooky (SSS) against me and the southern camp? Most fun I ever had on the interwebs and no, they did not win.

TBP is not for the thin-skinned. If you can’t take the heat, bail now or learn to take a punch.

September 13, 2017 12:39 pm


I’m not interested in wasting my time or energy arguing with an anonymous clown like your boy Stuckee. If you enjoy debating with leftists you wouldn’t know if you bumped into them at the local porn store, that is your choice. However, I myself do not derive masochistic pleasures from interacting with Internet d-bags like Stuckey and some of his followers. Enjoy your useless interactions with “no ‘nads” Stucknuts. He is just another Internet pussy who wouldn’t even give you the courtesy of a reach-around.

September 13, 2017 12:57 pm

Come on Dan. I am starting to like you. We can get beebs to help with your problem if you really need a hand…

September 13, 2017 1:02 pm

Suit yourself Dan but the hand was extended and you were not willing to join in soooo- see ya! Alas, poor Dan, we hardly knew ye……..

September 13, 2017 2:39 pm

B-, let him go. Maybe he will find a site where he can get the elusive reach around.
How many others have left here with big tough talk? Countless. One guy was even going to expose Admin. With a tiny bit of diligence, anybody can find a pic of Admin and Stucky. They like to hide in the open, showing off their big nads.

September 11, 2017 11:17 am

and Zarathustra said to King Vishtaspa: “Look upon the heavens and the earth. God, Ahura Mazda, created them not with dust and water. Look upon the fire and behold therein how they were created.”

So I ask you, was he not correct?

September 11, 2017 10:25 pm

Because it’s an old Iranian god and Iranians love Japanese products since Americans won’t sell to them.

September 12, 2017 1:28 am

Thanks! I always wondered where Joe Isuzu fit into all this. Now I know!

September 13, 2017 12:47 pm

Well son of a bitch, it appears there really is a connection. From wiki (about Mazda, the car company, about from where the name originated),

“Officially, the company states that the name was also associated with Ahura Mazda (God of Light)[sic], with the hope that it would brighten the image of these compact vehicles.”

Who knew…

September 11, 2017 11:33 am

Pretty hard to look when folks can’t see very much at all.

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September 11, 2017 11:50 am

RiNtiNtiN, I still have no answer to the question: How does light, which includes all the frequencies above, travel through empty space?

September 11, 2017 12:09 pm

It doesn’t.

September 11, 2017 12:20 pm
September 11, 2017 12:51 pm


Nice link but there is at least one exception to the rule.
That being the void between anon@11:50’s ears.

Sorry Varmit but I just couldn’t help myself…

September 11, 2017 12:56 pm

Pink Floyd answered that question with the “Dark Side Of The Moon” album. You hasta pass it thru a pyramid first.

September 11, 2017 11:55 am

Sorry- I had a moment of discombobulation RiNS. A SNAFU if you will.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 11, 2017 12:49 pm

There you go again with all those fact things.

September 11, 2017 11:44 am

I am amused. The thought that a being powerful enough to create “Everything” would have base emotions, such as anger, seem silly. The idea that said same being would then resort to banal actions such as “sending” hurricanes or any other natural disaster to “punish” the “evildoer” is, to be quite honest, hilarious.

If such a consciousness or being does exist, to imbue it with human emotions and actions is an exercise in futility and ignorance. We could never understand the vastness of such a being.

September 11, 2017 12:02 pm

There are several questions in your comment, most interesting is the idea of a “consciousness” as a supreme being.

And then there is the question of whether such a supreme being has emotions.

And your statement that, even so, we cannot comprehend the vastness of a supreme being.

Is there no room in this incomprehensible vastness a tiny universe-size place for emotions?

The universe is a cold uncaring place – The Head Nurse

September 11, 2017 11:58 am

Such a “western” oriented question about god. Western religious all tend to treat god as something “outside” of themselves and everything around them. Logic most certainly says that if there is nothing OTHER than god/the divine, then clearly EVERYTHING must be the divine. And if everything IS the divine, then hurricanes are not “sent” by god or the divine, but arise within the divine realm in which we ALL exist. They are all just part of the play of energy that comprises the entire universe. They existed before humanity became manifest on the planet and they will exist following our inevitable absence. All of it is simply the divine dance – no good or bad – just the dance of that which is far beyond the ability of anyone to truly understand or explain.

Bill Sturka
Bill Sturka
September 11, 2017 12:14 pm

No one told me there would be a quiz this morning. I would have called in sick.

September 11, 2017 12:15 pm

Stucky, the grin on your face makes me smile. I usually stir the pot, then run. You use the stirring stick to poke those that snooze. Believers are very defensive of their faith. Each believer seems to have a different story based on their own interpretation. Why do white supremacists wear white and carry a cross? Why do Antifa followers wear black and carry clubs? If there be a God and he is all everything, and God resides in a verse that holds billion of stars and countless planets that surround those stars, why would he give one shit about the ignorant asswipes that walk this planet? Man seems to carry a very high opinion of himself. We even give forces of nature human names. Hurricane Stucky, the shitstorm. Why doesn’t someone give a human name to fog, or drizzle?

September 12, 2017 2:10 am

Psalm 8: 4. What is man, that thou art mindful of him? and the son of man, that thou visitest him?

5 For thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and hast crowned him with glory and honour.

6 Thou madest him to have dominion over the works of thy hands; thou hast put all things under his feet:

7 All sheep and oxen, yea, and the beasts of the field;

8 The fowl of the air, and the fish of the sea, and whatsoever passeth through the paths of the seas.

9 O Lord our Lord, how excellent is thy name in all the earth!

September 11, 2017 12:26 pm
September 11, 2017 12:41 pm

Q1: Did God send Irma to America?

A1: Nah Gawd can’t find it on a map. Should not be a surprise to anyone seeing as he has been a lazy fuck the past couple millennium. In his defense he hasn’t been called from bullpen to pitch in a very long time. I mean what the fuck! He must be spending his days pulling himself since the flood, the burning bush, the pillar of salt and the splitting of seas.

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He has become the mop-up relief pitcher of Deities. Hopefully the Manager, The Almighty and Merciless Odin, will soon tire of this shit show. Make the call to bullpen. Get this supposedly mighty arm everyone talks about into the game to pitch a few innings.

I mean this world is paying big bucks for this dullard.

It is about time we got to see what he has got….


Q4: Is Dan III a flaming asshole, or just a regyoulah asshole?
A4: Wouldn’t it be easier if he was just both. The free market belief in economy of scale.

So could everyone remove their hats, y’all can keep yer horns cause….

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Let’s all join in asking Lord Odin For Deliverance…


September 11, 2017 1:40 pm

Probably right Stucky. At least according to Ed, AWB and beebs…. we’ll see some day.

Maybe he/she has a sense of humour, maybe not. Still while I am here I am going to have a laugh. I’m guessing that gif/meme will be front and center as evidence if those pearly gates actually exist.. If it is my defense will be that if it doesn’t fit

Do you like the viking gif/meme? It was a special order and made just for TBP! The horns suit this place……

September 11, 2017 10:39 pm

About 200 years before Christ came on the scene, Jewish writers said God no longer talked to them. That’s because God was deserting the Jews that didn’t accept Christ. After Jesus arrived, he was the spokesman for God. The Jews had him crucified and he was resurrected, beating death. The new “chosen people” were the Jews who followed Christ into Christianity. Later, non-Jews became Christians and became a part of the new “chosen people.” Christ ascended to Heaven after his last sojourn on earth teaching his disciples and converting Paul after resurrection. In 79 a.d., Jerusalem was wiped out by the Romans (as foretold by Christ). And as Christ said, not one stone of the Temple would be left standing. And of course, since the Temple was covered in gold and jewels, the Romans tore every brick apart to get at it. Now, when you accept Christ and get baptized, you open your heart to the Holy Spirit, who guides you. You no longer need God to speak directly to you. You have the teachings of the Bible and Holy Spirit. As long as you live as a true Christian, you go to Heaven when you die. That is the goal.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 10:55 pm

Awesome, Victoria’s Secret. There are but a handful of us here, fighting against a tide of unbelievers from the dark side. You will experience a lot of pushback from the morans but just keep giving off light so these fools don’t fall into ubercynic’s trap.

Edwitness and Anon, keep fighting the good fight!

  EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 11:18 pm

Thank you, El. I’ve studied the Bible and other Christians writers, and only hope I can spread the Lord’s light further. I don’t want to push my religion on anyone else. But when a Christian is asked, we must respond.

September 12, 2017 2:34 am

Sorry that should have begune2000 years ago.

September 11, 2017 12:44 pm

Anon- Did you post that Deja Vu album cover because “We Have All Been Here Before”?

September 11, 2017 12:51 pm

so what message did god send mexico with that 8.6 earthquake?


September 11, 2017 11:42 pm

He was saying think twice about where you’ll end up when you die.

September 11, 2017 1:15 pm

Jay- Earff is my favorite vacay destination, earthquakes, hurricanes, nukes, BB and much more. When you think entertainment, think EARFF. Some guy from Urantia was here a couple days ago and brought his own bible.

September 11, 2017 5:34 pm

Stucky ,I will answer your question in the now.Yes God has Sovereign control over weather.His Providence extends to all creation.
Yes ,God is judging America.A big part of God’s wrath that you missed is economic dislocation of Nations .When the dollar bubble blows up and we default on our massive debt then we will all know judgement has arrived.
Yes , Stucky you are not hopeless.I pray for your repentance
. Problem is I don’t know when you’re serious or when you’re just playing around.

September 11, 2017 10:51 pm

Actually, economics is a powerful tool.

Stucky, if you truly want to learn about God, I would like to recommend the books by Gary North. He has a 20-book treatise free on his website on Biblical Economics. I also recommend you read “Moses and Pharaoh.” The books will truly open your eyes. Gary North has other books you could read. Check him out if you’re serious.

Here’s his website:

On the left, there’s a free books selection. Click on it and start reading. There are more of his books on Amazon.

I would be happy to direct you to other authors. Just let me know.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 11:08 pm

Victoria’s Secret, Stucky could write his own series of books on religion, he has read so many books on various topics of the bible. He lost a major portion of his library when his ex kicked him to the curb. Stucku suffered a crisis of faith and has been questioning God all this time. Cool Hand Luke was a devout Christian compared to Stucky.

  EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 11:32 pm

El, I know what that’s like. I had a crisis of faith when I attended college. They give very convincing arguments of why there is no God. I was questioning my religion. I had to go back and read my Bible and also bought some books on the Bible. In the end, believe it or not, I realized I wasn’t a Baptist, which is the church I was raised in, because I didn’t believe many things in the Baptist religion. But I am still a Christian. And my faith was restored and I’m a stronger Christian now than I was before. Stucky needs to have faith. I’ll be glad to recommend some books for him. The fact that early Christians were willing to die for their faith, it makes you wonder why. And didn’t fight their fate, either, I might add.

September 11, 2017 10:52 pm

No, man is responsible for the Fed. Don’t blame man’s greed on God.

September 11, 2017 5:40 pm

God’s purpose, if there is one, is unseeable by man. All the pestilence, famine, floods, hurricanes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions, tornadoes, are proof positive. Not to mention, of course, all the man-made atrocities that occur, in His name so often.

In this life, you are on your own. Just try not to be in the way when he hits the smite button.

September 12, 2017 1:37 am

Man! I could really use a smite button. It would come in real handy on a vacation to DC!

September 13, 2017 2:20 pm

I/S- If I had a (Smite) button, I would be dangerous. 🙂

September 11, 2017 8:00 pm

I’m very little inclined to start arguments about religion, because whatever anyone wants to believe that helps them live their life is fine with me so long as they stay out of my face with it. But this is what I have to say to those who won’t stay out of my face:

— I’ve never seen any God.
— I’ve never seen any empirical, objective evidence of any God.
— I’ve never even seen a plausible explanation of just who is this God person, anyway? (apologies to D.A.)
— What I have seen is a whole bunch of people trying to cram their notions of God down my throat.

The meaning of this observational record, to me, is scam. God is a scam. But maybe I’m wrong. If so, however, it’s obvious that God must be taking great care to keep Himself hidden. Why would He do that? I’ve never seen an answer to that question that doesn’t make the clumsiest 419 email look credible by comparison – except my own: He would create religion, particularly the Abrahamic varieties – in lieu of simply showing Himself, in plain unambiguous sight, to everyone, everywhere, all the time – as a means for sorting out the non-sapient (i.e. without souls) meat robots. The soul being that facility which produces the thought: Wait a minute . . . this is bullshit. Or, more formally: The machine does not question the purpose of its programming.

September 11, 2017 8:24 pm

Well said. If I could give 100 thumbs up, I would.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 9:23 pm

Yeah, one lies and the other gives him 100 thumbs up.
What we have here is a couple of morans who are so ignorant of bible truth that you are pathetic.
How many assholes have not said the same damn thing ubercynic just said?
If you had any light within, you would know that Adam’s sin was doubting God and believing the ultimate ubercynic: the serpent.
Have you not read the verse that says that without faith it is impossible to please God? Yet you morans demand to see God in person before you will have faith.

  EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 9:55 pm

I thought the serpent convinced Eve who then convinced Adam.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 10:40 pm

Yes but Adam means ‘man’ and Adam and Eve are both known as man because Eve (Isha) was taken out of Adam’s body. It was all in that last Stucky sermon.

  EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 10:57 pm

We use “man” as a shortened version of “mankind,” which includes women. That’s old-school language usage. Sorry, I’m not P.C. (By the way, I am female.)

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 11:10 pm

We know Vix, you tell us that every time. Thank goodness your not a vegan also.

September 11, 2017 11:51 pm

El, I do that because I’ve been questioned about it in the past. I’ll stop doing it. They just have to take a chance on whether they’re responding to a male or female.

By the way, no vegan here. I love bacon and burgers and venison and many more. Vegies just aren’t the thing for me.

September 12, 2017 1:09 am

By the way, El, I’m thinking of changing my name to either Victorias Secrets or Vixtoria Secrets based on your comments. At least it sounds feminine.

Give a thumbs up or down as to whether I should change my name. I’m leaning towards Vicxtoria Secrets.

September 12, 2017 9:57 am

We could put it to a vote: I like Vix or Vixen

On a side note, beware the leaven of the Semidailystorms.

September 12, 2017 10:24 am

SDS is the unlevened bread of logic.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Yeah he sprinkles cheeze but because he is so thin he gets burnt on the ends.

September 12, 2017 2:15 pm

Notice there is no denial regarding Mr. Chen’s usage of El.

September 12, 2017 2:28 pm

Oh, was I supposed to deny that I use the preposition El in front of my moniker? El Stucko and some other dude do the same thing. It is considered bad form but it is still a popular practice as it distinguishes the user as singular, particularly if the moniker has been in use since childhood. Bullfighters and wrestlers are best known by monikers distinguished thusly.

September 12, 2017 2:33 pm

There is nothing you are supposed to do as far as we are concerned, member of the El. There is much you could do, of course, but nothing you must do.

We offer observations, as you do as wEll, which can be tested by all observers.

September 12, 2017 3:04 pm

It was Vixen that started using the preposition as a moniker. There is no club so designated – The El – it makes no sense.

You could dispose of that Darth Vaderish persona with some personal reference, do you like tacos, tequila, Tabasco, Tijuana…

September 12, 2017 3:25 pm

Your reply has been read, Ra.

September 12, 2017 5:03 pm

Copy that, over and out

  EL Cibernetico
September 12, 2017 10:59 am

Oh no. EL douchenozzle called me a moran for having my own opinion.
What ever shall I do?

September 12, 2017 12:19 pm

Rdawg, thanks for the thumbs up. I appreciate it – cuz us morans gotta stick together, ya know?

September 12, 2017 12:32 pm

Sending an atta boy your way as well. Uncola wrote about 2001 A space Odyssey last week.

This line you wrote got me to thinking…

…The machine does not question the purpose of its programming.

Same could be said about religion.
Maybe Hal wasn’t the machine afterall.

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 12, 2017 2:11 pm

RiNtiN2, the maroons also question the fact that their base 10 math doesn’t fit well with earth’s rotation schedule, so God must be wrong.

These morans, like Ptolemy, are insisting on a base 10-centric solution to their problem. Maybe if they used a base 23 math, then everything would fall into place.

September 12, 2017 2:31 pm


You could be on to something with this base 23 math though it might be a bit tricky counting with fingers and toes. I suppose everything would fall into place. Maybe then we could all finally see the true face of the God.

That of a flunkie sitting beside a fireplace, pulling himself. Someone that doesn’t give a shit about all the death and destruction the world he created foisted on all of us.

While God might have kneeded the dough and put it in the oven. He has since retired to sofa somewhere in front room. This pause in contact is just proof that he doesn’t care that the

Bread is now being

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 11, 2017 9:33 pm

Empirical & objective are in the eye of the beholder. Ubercynic is just as biased as any Jehovah’s Witness except he or she won’t admit it.

September 11, 2017 11:14 pm

— “If so, however, it’s obvious that God must be taking great care to keep Himself hidden. Why would He do that?”

You have to be an exceptional retard to not grasp the reason.

Consider realizing you are all that is, FOREVER.

The shattering of all that is into all that can be is a gift and a responsibility. Get with the program as to the consequences of forgetting why all that is would want to be all that could be… with the understanding that not all could be options are sustainable.

Christ on a pixie stick this used to be stuff that children could grasp before they hit puberty but our culture has fallen so far that to parade your own ignorance as to why God would hide himself is considered “thoughtful” by so many.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 11, 2017 11:30 pm

We are so afraid of the muzies that we forget the fact that Americans have no religion except for the almighty dollar. Islam would be a start. Americans rejected Christianity, now they will get Islam.

September 11, 2017 11:47 pm

You are speaking of religion…not God. Radically different concepts.

September 12, 2017 12:12 am

Actually, if you read the Bible, you will find God revealed himself, physically, to few. It was usually his voice that was heard, but he was not seem. Some angels were his voices. I suggest you read the Bible and maybe some of your questions will be answered.

September 11, 2017 8:41 pm

1. No.
The other questions were based on answer 1 being yes. So the explanation of 1 is in the dispensation of the grace of God in which we are currently living. In this dispensation it is the kindness of God that draws a man to repentance. Not His wrath. So God’s wrath at this point would defeat His purposes for this dispensation/age.
God’s wrath will be expressed at the great white throne judgment. It is at that time that He will give men over to the god they chose for all eternity with no umpteenth chance to change your mind. This is why He is so longsuffering with mankind today.
As for the flood during Noah’s day, there was a union between the b’nai elohim and women that had created a race of beings that were not human at all. They were nephilim.
And in Gen.6 we see God saying that Noah and his family were the only 8 people left on earth who had not been infected with that DNA by saying he was perfect in his generations/geneologies.
So in the light of this we see God was saving the human race. Not destroying it. Just as Jesus says it will be during the reign of the antichrist. Jesus tells us that unless He shortens those days no flesh/humanity would be saved. Just as it was in the days of Noah.
See, God really does love us and expresses it every chance He gets. Now it’s up to us to respond to His love by trusting Him and His resurrection to be saved from death’s kingdom into the kingdom of His dear Son.

September 12, 2017 4:14 pm

Who exactly did those 8 do the begatting with, Ed?

September 13, 2017 1:01 am

They had wives that went on the ark with them. And their children being the only people on earth after the flood were fruitful and multiplied just as God wanted them to.
The only reason any countries have incest laws is because of health issues that result from these unions. But, before death became as powerful in the earth as it is now this was not a problem. This is evident in the age people at that time got to that we can not reach today.

September 12, 2017 12:12 am

“As an eternal Seeker Of Spiritual Truth, I need to know what TBPers believe regarding God and hurricanes. Many of you think I’m going to hell. But, I don’t wanna go!! Perhaps today you can help save my soul.”

Can God wield hurricanes? Of course, that’s child’s play for God. Can Satan? Probably yes, as well. Considering that humans can now direct the intensity and directions of hurricanes, if not start them as well, who of us can know the influence of God, Satan, or men?

As to your hell dilemna., any “eternal seeker of spiritual truth” with access to the Bible shouldn’t really be in that position as God clearly gives us His Great Commandment: Love God with all your heart and all your soul and all your mind. God even tells us what it means to love Him. Keep His Commandments. Jesus is the way.

September 12, 2017 12:51 am

Ditchner, I believe regardless of what caused the hurricane, our behavior is the main topic. See my comments above.

I’m convinced that man can direct hurricanes now. There are numerous patents for weather modification. We have people on record saying they can do so. Even in China. I believe these people are not directed by God, if you know what I mean, because it’s a type of control of others.

You reaction to the hurricanes is all that matters. If you are an active Christian, you will help in any way you can.

If you’re not a Christian, then I think you should think twice. These natural disasters are wake-up call that your life could end and you’re place after death is in question.

Helping you neighbor, supporting the church you attend, living your life as a Christian will be priorities. But above all,loving God above all else, and you will be rewarded. in heaven.

Put all of your faith in God. That is what I suggest.

September 12, 2017 12:21 am

AFAIK, God isn’t real. God seems to be a crutch for those who need one for whatever reason. (not that there’s anything wrong with that) The goobermint uses “terrorists” in much the same way.

Hurricanes are simply punishment for being in debt and living beyond ones means. They could also be punishment for living in places where hurricanes go to die. Want proof? Ever since becoming debt free and moving out of the hurricane graveyard I have not been hit by a single hurricane. Not one!

DanIII does seem to be a bit of a twerp** but he’s no Robert Finnegan……yet!

**Twerp: One who farts in the tub and bites the bubbles.

September 12, 2017 1:58 am

Indent, I truly believe in God and my savior, Jesus Christ.

But besides that, I believe we have a problem with placing cities in flood planes and areas not suitable for building, such as Dallas, unless the buildings are built right. Don’t blame that on God. Man has his own ideas. Blame it on him. Peoples in history, such as Mexico, used nature to determine their building patterns. I think we should pay attention.

September 12, 2017 2:14 am

If I don’t believe God is real then how can you suggest I’m blaming anything on god? 99.9999999% of mans problems are mans fault. All religions are control mechanisms.

God may in fact be real but you’ll never find any truth, accuracy or consistency in religion.

Meant to add that I’m glad that you truly believe. I’m glad millions of other believe. If that what it takes for them to live decent, honorable lives then good! I’m all for it. Just because you believe doesn’t make you right nor does not believing make me wrong. Right or wrong will only be sorted out and revealed when we each die (if God is real that is). If not, I suppose we’ll never know or perhaps we’ll return to existing as pure energy unencumbered by meat suits and confinement to one planet.

September 12, 2017 3:13 am

Indentured, I appreciate your respect. Yes, we won’t know until the end. But why take that chance is the evidence is convincing?
But you don’t understand the delima I was in when I was in college. The majority of my friends at school where atheists. My belief in God was truly in question. By professors where telling me there was no God.. But still I believe in God? I was brought up in a Baptist Church. And I admit, during my younger years, I was not really serious about by religion. I started doing religious studies and reading on my own My reseearch lead me to Gary North, whose books have helped me tremendously. Not only his but many others.
Christianity is not by force, it is my faith. And that is my belief.

September 12, 2017 4:02 pm

“But why take that chance is the evidence is convincing?”

Not exactly sure what you’re asking but here goes.

I live a decent life where I try not to interfere with others. I don’t rape, rob, steal, commit adultery. I help others when I can which is quite often. I support myself and my family, live below my means and basically lead a good life.

I see no evidence or proof of god. I see religion as a control mechanism. It may have started out as a benevolent thing to start with but about three seconds after religion came into existence the psychopaths among us began exploiting it for purposes of enriching themselves and controlling others. Govt morphed out of religion when a bunch of bigger psychopaths decided to branch out on their own. Now they compliment each other.

I figure that if I was indeed created then I was apparently created with the ability to think and reason for myself and to not do so would just be a waste of ability. Now if I’m required to think or believe certain things in order to get some kind of reward then that is coercion and control, not freedom. If god exists and I was indeed created by god why wouldn’t god understand this and know what was in my heart? It’s not like I’m playing for the other team here (if the other team even exists).

I think the notion of gods and religions came about when man still lived in small tribal groups. Prior to becoming corrupted, I think it came about as a way for tribal leaders/elders to bring comfort to their people in times of uncertainty…floods, earthquakes, tornadoes, locusts etc. I think that’s all it was but I’m willing to concede that god/s may in fact exist.

September 12, 2017 4:13 pm

It is the fact that the abilities you speak of are servant to the natural man that keeps you from knowing God. Your natural abilities are by definition unable to relate to that which is spiritual. And that inability is taken advantage of by death to keep you separated from a spiritual God.
That’s why Jesus/God came to earth as a man. So that He could introduce Himself to you. So that you might know Him. And that in knowing Him you would learn that you can trust Him. And in trusting Him you would have eternal life. Which brings death’s defeat for you and with it the spiritual life you need to relate to a spiritual God.
All that jesus did was for this single purpose. That we might know Him. The only true God and His Son whom he has sent. Which is eternal life.

September 12, 2017 5:12 pm

So god created me with qualities that naturally preclude me from knowing god? And this bit of info was revealed to you how exactly?

I’m 50 and so far neither Jesus or god has introduced himself to me. Neither has satan for that matter.

September 13, 2017 12:46 am

So god created me with qualities that naturally preclude me from knowing god? And this bit of info was revealed to you how exactly?

I’m 50 and so far neither Jesus or god has introduced himself to me. Neither has satan for that matter.

Yes, God created Adam a natural being. But, God is spirit. That’s why He gives us the gift of faith to know Him.
The evidence for man being natural and not spiritual is found in Gen.2:7 and 1Cor.15:45,46. In both of these we are told that Adam was a “living soul”. And in the passage in 1Cor we see Paul teaching that as a living soul he was “not spiritual, but natural”.
And being natural Adam’s only means to relate to God was to walk and talk in the garden with Him. And Adam did not know anything about good or evil until after he ate the fruit. This means he did not know what death was. Or even what disobedience was. This puts a different light on the events ion the garden and why God did what He did after Adam ate the fruit. Because Adam’s lack of knowledge about what sin was created the circumstances in which God did not punish Him for it. Instead He kept the lines of communication open with Adam even though Adam’s new knowledge made him fear that God would make good on His promise that he would die so he hid from God. God did this to help Adam adjust to the new environment that death created in the earth.
Jesus left a record of Himself for us who were not around when He walked the earth 2000 years ago. His relationship with those who were alive then, both believers and unbelievers alike, create the message Christians refer to as the gospel. The good news of Jesus that saves mankind from the power of death when we believe it.
And His commissioning of the Holy Spirit to reprove the world of not knowing Jesus and to indwell those who turn to God in faith brings the personal aspect to the gospel that leads and guides those who trust in Him into the truth. That trusting in Jesus as Lord and believing in His resurrection saves from death to life.

September 12, 2017 1:03 am

Stucky, here’s the site for the Institute for Creation Science.

They are pushing back again Darwin and evolutionary science, and doing a good job. You might find it of interest.

September 12, 2017 7:53 am

And doing a good job. Bwahahahahahaha! Stop, you are killing me.

Looked at that link. Their pushing back seems to consist of “because the Bible says creation not evolution”. Too funny.

September 12, 2017 8:05 am

That hurricane wuz just the pre-game warm-up.

Shit is aboot to go down. Say yer prayers ya heathens.

Fastball, high and inside. Coming right at ya!

September 12, 2017 8:39 am

RiNS- Today (09/12) will be just another day on planet Earth, the sun came up and it will set at the proper time. Odin himself can’t pull that rabbit out of his hat.

September 12, 2017 8:42 am

If God was so perfect how come He could not get the earth to rotate in exactly 24 hours. He missed it by what, three whole minutes? Hardly infallible.

If he had done it all right we would not need all this leap year crap.

September 12, 2017 11:03 am

Even worse, the rate of rotation is slowing all the time.
You’d think He could do something about that, omnipotence and all.

September 12, 2017 1:48 pm

Death reigns in the earth per Rom.5:14. And since death reigns the creation is made subject to it. Hence the slowing of the earth’s rotation and decay of everything else. Rom.8:18-23

September 12, 2017 2:21 pm

So, much to Stucky’s shock and dismay, man indeed is the cause of it all.

September 12, 2017 4:04 pm

The result of man being banned from the garden because with the new knowledge Adam received God did not yet want man to live forever, death began to reign over creation. And since the new knowledge came by way of man’s choice to eat the fruit, it was indeed man that brought death into the world.

September 12, 2017 5:40 pm

Ed, it’s amazing how much govt parallels religion. One man, Adam, fucked up and all men are punished for eternity.

Did the religion control mechanism begat the govt control mechanism or did the govt control mechanism begat the religion control mechanism?

September 13, 2017 12:07 am

A natural relationship existed between God and Adam at first. Then men began to worship the created thing instead of the Creator and we got religion. From this came the gov’ts that have taken advantage of men ever since.
Only when a man comes to the knowledge of the truth that is in Christ Jesus can he begin to think in terms of doing what is best for the other person instead of himself. Because it is in the love we find in Jesus that we learn what real love is. Sacrifice.

September 12, 2017 4:40 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

September 12, 2017 4:34 pm

I would like to draw your attention to THIS one. Biblical Prophecy, End Times prediction and Astrological signs in a big salad.

September 12, 2017 5:04 pm

Somebody has too much time on their hands…

PS, the caliph is dead. The Rooskies got him.

September 12, 2017 5:12 pm

You dismiss the entire New Testament with a bs claim that there are only 2000 words directly attributed to Jesus. And here I thought it was only YoBo trying to Monarch us all. Fantastic.

I will now go and stick pins in your Voodoo doll.

September 12, 2017 5:44 pm

“3,000+ PAGES of conjecture and assumptions imagined by men ….. based largely on
2,000 words spoken by Jesus. ”

….. based largely on 2,000 words *CLAIMED to be* spoken by Jesus.

There, fixed it for ya!

September 12, 2017 5:55 pm

Which is why I wrote ‘attributed’ to Jesus

September 12, 2017 11:31 pm

The fact that the writers of the 66 books that are what is known as the King James Bible were written thousands of years apart and can be compared to each other for accuracy in every way is proof that they were influenced by the same being, God, to write as they did. This gives the credibility to their writings that is necessary for the reader to know they are the words of God inspired by the Holy Spirit as the scriptures say they are. These are therefore not conjecture.
But, when someone says it means something it does not plainly say that is conjecture and assumption. You are right Stucky. I do believe these words written by men as they were inspired by the God who made everything that has been made. There is a very good book/movie called A Case For Christ that lays this foundation for the objective researcher. You should check it out.
And no, I can’t say that I have ever had an original thought. And as silly as it may sound to you, neither have you or any other person that has ever lived. The best we can hope for is to develop the mind of Christ to insure the kind of love, joy, and peace that only He can bring.

September 13, 2017 1:38 am

Edwitness, I have that book “A Case for Christ.” I thought it was a good book. I don’t just read Gary North. In fact, there are some things I disagree with North on.

September 13, 2017 1:48 am

It’s a great story of the life of an atheist being turned upside down because he finds that the Bible is proven true when he uses the rules required for proof in a court of law in His analyzing of all the evidence the historical record provides. Every objective skeptic should check it out. It will turn their life upside down as well.

September 12, 2017 5:19 pm

Don’t feel bad, Edwitness. Old Stucky unfriended me once or twice. He said there was absolutely, positively, dirty dog no way we could ever be re-acquainted or be friends again. So, you see, as long as there is life, there is hope.

I Do Not Like Thee, Doctor Fell

I do not like thee, Doctor Fell,
The reason why, I cannot tell;
But this I know, and know full well,
I do not like thee, Doctor Fell.
–Thomas Brown

September 12, 2017 5:34 pm

El Stucko, are you saying I’m not the only one you unfriended and later forgave? Wow, this chicken shit coward feels used now.

EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 13, 2017 12:33 am

Nick the Dick, I can’t sign in during the day. I’m not every anonymous, though. I thought my Spanish syntax would give me away.

September 12, 2017 6:37 pm

How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?

September 13, 2017 12:19 am

Thanks anon. But, I have always liked Stucky. He has a great wit and sense of humor. He seems to get angry pretty quickly but that’s ok. Some people need to vent sometimes.
I worked construction for over 40 years and I met at least one Stucky on every job I was ever on. Most of them are mad at God and since they can’t get to Him they take it out on those who carry His message to the world. I take it in stride because the message is much more important than being liked.

September 12, 2017 11:34 pm

OK:-) Love in Christ.

September 13, 2017 2:01 am

This just in……… Jeebus called and said you are ALL wrong………so STFU.

September 12, 2017 6:08 pm

Shit like this is why we need to stop naming storms. I hate naming storms. It’s so childish and superstitious to name a storm and anthropomorphize it with stupid comments like, “Hurricane Irma has aimed her wrath at Florida!” Every time I hear some jackass on TV announce, “Hurricane XXX has taken aim at XXX,” I get mad. Weather doesn’t equal wrath or revenge or anger or some kind of retribution. It’s a random weather event, not the revenge of God for whatever. You might as well announce angels are bowling and that’s where the thunder comes from. You’re being a superstitious moron when you say things like that.

And for Christian pastors to stoop to making announcements they know for a Fact God is Angry with some of His Flock and will now begin taking Righteous Rainy Revenge for their apostasy should result in his sheep telling him to Flock Off. Jesus didn’t go around telling people God would get revenge on them for their Sins with rainstorms and whatnot, so why would you listen to lower-ranking twits, like Pat Robertson? It’s bullshit and it’s disgusting.

Liberals’ comments we shouldn’t help people because some of them might have voted in ways they disagree with is just petty, nasty, low-class fuckery and evidence of just how shitty they are as human beings.

We should just number the storms by date and help the unlucky recipients of Nature’s Random Oversupply of Rain and Wind. Harvey can be 2017-01, Irma 2017-02, and so on. It’s childish to do otherwise and one more reason why I think we’re regressing into a stupid dark age.

“Welcome to CostCo, I love you. Welcome to CostCo, I love you. Welcome to CostCo, I love you.”

September 12, 2017 7:49 pm


“Q4: Is DAN III a flaming asshole….?” Sure. why not ? Hell, this “asshole” certainly got your mangina all aquiver, eh ?

Damn tough guy, I must have spooked you into having nightmares with just a comment or two ridiculing your childishness. Now go clean up that puddle you left on the basement floor before mommy sees it.

Evidently you never got over that sand the bullies kicked in your face down at the beach. Now, you’re trying to recover your lost manhood by being an Internet tough guy.



EL Cibernetico
EL Cibernetico
September 13, 2017 12:29 am

Dan 3, you are the suicidal wimp kicking sand in the bully’s face, this will not end well. What part of ‘many have tried, many have died’ did you not understand before? You are cruising for a bruising. I guess your a masochist. Suit yourself. I hope your mom will listen to your sniveling.

September 13, 2017 1:45 am

Wow, you guys were busy while I was away working. Anyway, I think the end of this thread is near. Stucky really got people going.

September 13, 2017 9:40 am
September 13, 2017 1:15 pm

Way to go Stucky. Dan III has taken his bat and ball and gone home. I was just starting to like him.
He has some spunk and would be great around here….

oh well.

September 13, 2017 1:00 pm

Indeed, Manglz is rolling on the floor. I haven’t been here for a minute, but I had to check this out. This is Stucky’s best by far IMHO. As for who is responsible for hurricanes and judgement, dig up your black Sabbath albums, dust off that needle and ask Ozzie who LORD of THIS world is. It all comes down to the TRUTH!!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 1:02 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

  hardscrabble farmer
September 13, 2017 1:31 pm

You just don’t want this thread to go to 200.
Try this:


September 13, 2017 2:36 pm

I wonder if Dan knows you are 6 foot 8? I certainly felt safer walking around NYC with you in tow.

September 13, 2017 2:44 pm

200! Filomeno Reyes Tapia, American, wins again!

September 13, 2017 2:45 pm

and Again!

September 13, 2017 2:46 pm

This is rarefied air for HF. Filo names it and claims it.

September 18, 2017 12:02 pm

Stukfuk will not have the last word.