Stucky QOTD: Jeebus, Putin, and Trump

A brand new website was just launched: (See one of their articles below.).

Q1: When did Christian INFLUENCE die in America, and can it ever recover?

Q2: Is it embarrassing that Russia is more Christian than America, and what are the implications?

Q3: Specifically, if USA/Russia get sucked into a nuke war … and Christians on both sides fervently pray for victory (in Jesus’ name) ….. which side does God answer affirmatively?

Q4: Based on ACTIONS (not words) who is more likely to be a true Christian …. Putin or Trump?



A series of recent announcements confirms Putin’s Christian beliefs and his vision of Russia as essentially a Christian country.

Putin has called for the restoration of Kremlin’s historic Chudov (“of the Miracle”) and Voznesensky (Ascension) monasteries both of which were destroyed by the Bolsheviks.  He also wants another church destroyed by the Bolsheviks in the Kremlin to be rebuilt.

The Kremlin is both the political and historic center not just of Moscow but of Russia.  By calling for the restoration of these Christian buildings Putin repudiates the Soviet legacy with its atheist ideology and its record of anti-Christianity and reaffirms Orthodoxy as the heart of Russian culture.  In his own words

Here is the idea … to restore the historic appearance of the place with two monasteries and a church, but giving them, considering today’s realities, an exclusively cultural character.

A key element of Putin’s world view is not just his commitment to the Russian Orthodox Church as an institution, but also his admiration for three 19th and 20th century Russian Christian philosophers—Nikolai Berdyaev, Vladimir Solovyov and Ivan Ilyin, all of whom he often quotes in his speeches.  Russia’s regional governors were even instructed to read the works of these philosophers during their 2014 winter holidays.

The key message of these philosophers is of Russia’s messianic role in world history and of its need to preserve itself through Orthodoxy and restoration of its historic borders.

Studying the causes of Russia’s 20th century tragedy, Ilyin wrote:

The Russian revolution is a reflection of the religious crisis we are living through now, an attempt to establish an anti-Christian public and state system thought up by Friedrich Nietzsche and economically and politically realized by Karl Marx. This anti-Christian virus was exported to Russia from the West…..

Losing our bond with God and the Christian tradition, mankind has become morally blind and gripped by materialism, irrationalism and nihilism.

In Ilyin’s view, the way to overcome this global moral crisis is for people to return to “eternal moral values”, which he defined as “faith, love, freedom, conscience, family, motherland and nation” but above all “faith and love”.

To make Russia great again the Russian people should believe in God.  This faith will strengthen their minds and willpower.  It will make them strong enough to overcome themselves.”

Ilyin believed in the religious gift and talent of the Russian soul.  In his words,

Russian history is all about morality triumphing over difficulties, temptations, dangers and enemies.”

For their part Solovyov and Berdyaev argued that the historic mission of Russia is to lead the way to human unification.  Russia would transcend secularism and atheism and create a unified spiritual kingdom.  “The Russian messianic conception,” said Berdyaev, “always exalted Russia as a country that would help to solve the problems of humanity.”

In his biography entitled “First person“, Putin says the first line in any Russian law code should be moral values and that Russia has to be concerned as much with its spiritual position as its geographical one.

To understand Putin’s vision of Russia, his views on spirituality and his study of Christian thinkers such as Ilyin, Solovyov and Berdyaev, must be taken into account.


Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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September 22, 2017 2:08 pm

Happy Freya’s Day Stucky

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 22, 2017 6:53 pm

Diogenes, how old are you? Is this your daughter’s twerking class?
The girls are pretty but I find the Africanizing a bit much. Can we go back to regular modern dance classes?

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 22, 2017 2:32 pm

Q1: 1962 when the SCOTUS un-Constitutionally outlawed Jesus in public schools/places; as long as ZOG controls America, the USA will degenerate. Q2: It is infinitely worse than embarrassing; the USA will be destroyed; Russia will increase. Q3: We will lose. Q4: Mr Trump seems two-faced; Mr Putin seems for real. I believe many modern prophets (and The Virgin Mary) said a Revival will start in NW Russia and spread after the Iron Curtain falls. PS: The Turkish government has turned the other way, from secular to Mohammedan and will suffer greatly.

September 22, 2017 3:28 pm

Younger brothers, right?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 22, 2017 6:42 pm

I’m lost on the PR virgin joke. Particularly at this time when they are underwater and without power, I don’t find it remotely resembling a joke.

This place smells like a German whorehouse – Doc Pangloss

rhs jr
rhs jr
September 23, 2017 1:22 am

I wasn’t there or studied Theology but the Bible says Mary was a virgin at the conception of Jesus; so people would point and say: “That’s Mary the woman who says she was a Virgin when Jesus was born” and it was eventually just shortened to: “That’s the Virgin Mary” and the title stuck; like “The Holy Father” even by people who doubt it. People knew Mary married Joseph and had other children later; but Mary never claimed any of them were “immaculate” conceptions. I believe it is possible that Mary told the Truth because God has performed countless other impossible miracles (ref NDE on Youtube). He saved my filthy life with a miracle so I personally know God does unbelievably impossible things even for the very unworthy and Lost.

September 22, 2017 2:58 pm

doesn’t matter. The world ends tomorrow. Teh bible told me so.

Not Sure
Not Sure
September 22, 2017 3:24 pm

I am 58 and have watched America’s media go from the moral compass of the world* and the USSR’s Pravda the laughingstock of governmentspeak, to a complete roll reversal. Where today, the lies put forth by the MSM are rampant and it seems that the only true news I can hope to get is from the other side of the world. I have also watched America’s spirituality go from the backbone of America and the Godless communist government of the USSR to again, a reversal to an awakening of eastern Coptic Christian beliefs and a post Judeo/Christian American nation, where our culture is quickly being transformed into an “anything goes”, genderless society.
It seems Russia is drawing from a pre communist era of its countries spiritual roots while America is in the midst of a civil war, with one side burning its past at an alarming rate, while the other side grapples to try to hold on to a past that is rapidly slipping through their fingers.
It is a disorienting time to live in when your sworn enemy of yesteryear seems to be coming into a position of moral supremacy to the America you currently live in. I don’t hold much faith in the United States ability to reverse course, but I can ensure I keep the principles I value alive in my own circle of family and friends.
Putin, Tump and Jeebus? I can comment on national trends, but try not to comment on an individuals spirituality, as public figures can put on many faces and I can’t know the heart of a person based on what they want me to see.
*Looking back, I can see now I was mostly duped, as what I saw was a thin veneer of respectability and probably not the true condition, but in general terms there was more decency than today.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
September 22, 2017 6:49 pm

Stuck, I’m not a cynic as far as saying religion is the opiate of the masses, however, the Ruskies found that it worked against them to create an atheist state and abolish religion. We’re behind the curve ball in that department. We shall find out soon enough that without the religion of the Jews, the gift of the Magi, Americans will revert to a more natural state – animals.

The way it is going, one day monkees will demand the right to marry white women. If you oppose it on the grounds that they aren’t human, you will be called a specie-ist or whatever. White women, the other white meat.

September 23, 2017 10:18 am

even if trump is a christian in name only that is more important then not at least going thru the motions–
societies need religion–
an old quote–
the problem is not that man does not believe in god,the problem is that when he does not believe in god he will believe in anything–

Jim Carrey
Jim Carrey
September 22, 2017 7:57 pm

Beware the # 23.

  Jim Carrey
September 22, 2017 7:59 pm

And the alien planet Niggerboo. The destroyer of worlds.

September 22, 2017 8:32 pm

And I think it’s gonna be a long long line
Six gorillion’s gonna take some time
I’m not the good goy they think I am at home
Oh no no no
I’m an Oven man
Burnin’ up the pews out here alone…

Not Sure
Not Sure
September 23, 2017 6:16 am

Q3. Is Jesus a conservative or a liberal? Is He a communist or a capitalist? Is He a Russian or an American? How foolish the question sounds when we try to label the Son of God.
To answer your question, the Christian on either side would not be praying for victory, but for peace, because he/she is not focused on any earthly government or kingdom, but on the kingdom of God.
So just in case you think I’m dodging the question, a Christian can fight if he is forced, or feels justified in fighting against a country that is threatening his home and family ( there is no conflict that directly threatens America today, that would justify our entry into conflict. But Russia, with American troops on its border may feel the need to defend itself), but as a Christian, he should realize that God is not fighting for either side, but for a kingdom not of this world; a kingdom that is coming. The example is Jesus, who did not fight for the Jewish nation nor the Roman Empire, but to establish His Fathers kingdom that we can enter, based solely on His sacrifice on the cross.