Life Isn’t Simple…

Oh ya, and FUCK the UN. Can’t forget that…

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
September 30, 2017 9:42 am

The UN: Highly politicized; typically bows down to U.S. demands; extremely corrupt; desires world governance.

An organization that was created to solve world problems, yet has done nothing to that end. It is a huge bureaucracy seeking more power to do nothing.

Most know about Rwanda, where the Blue Helmets just watched people get slaughtered with Machetes instead of interceding. The oil for food corruption is also well known. What isn’t well known is UN personnel in Europe caught engaging in white slavery and drug peddling – nobody went to jail or even lost their jobs.

September 30, 2017 10:13 am

The un has been a terrible joke for a long time…….and they keep getting worse as the world slips deeper into murder and mayhem at the behest of the establishment losers who allow them to sing for their supper at the alter of globalism……

Stop their funding sources and send them to Switzerland to start all over again with some one else paying the bills. We’ re tapped out here with our own parasitic globalists and establishment to slay.

September 30, 2017 11:01 am

That guy either has a very bright future or will be dead soon.

September 30, 2017 11:22 am

I wondered if they were going to grab him right then.

September 30, 2017 11:52 am

The Palestinian Authority is not responsible for Israel’s crimes but only their own, which pale in comparison. It’s not even worth debating. Yeah It’s hilarious for North Korea to express moral outrage at anyone, but this guy must be on Israel’s payroll.

September 30, 2017 12:39 pm

Remember. “Truth is treasonous in an empire of lies”

September 30, 2017 4:09 pm

His point about “legitimacy” is certainly important. Please explain how 435 individuals in the US House of Representatives can claim “legitimacy” to decide the fate of 327,000,000 American citizens. When this country began, there was 1 House member for every 25,000 US citizens. When you take into account that no males under 21 could vote, that women could not vote, that blacks could not vote, and that this representation was based on 3/5 of a person for slaves, in some places the total number of actual VOTERS represented by each House member was as low as 5,000. Look at where we are today – with NO Amendment to the Constitution to “justify” the destruction and dilution of our “representation.” We have 1 House member for every 750,000 to nearly 1,000,000. Not only do all women and blacks have the vote, but so do folks beginning at 18. Just from a total citizen perspective, this is a decrease in “representation” of 3000% and from a practical standpoint a hell of a lot higher than that. And consider the federal government at the beginning. It stayed within its confines as described in the Constitution and now it regulates, manipulates, and destroys nearly every aspect of our economy and our lives 24/7/365. Can it truly be said that we are “represented?” Can 435 people be said to represent 327,000,000 or justify their control over EVERY aspect of our lives and our economy? Can anyone honestly call this growth (all accomplished with nothing more than legislation and NOT Constitutional Amendment, anything but an abomination? And consider that the Congress in 1911 FIXED the size of the US House yet the population of the country has grown from roughly 93,000,000 to today’s 327,000,000 (est.) – a 3.5X increase during the period of greatest growth of federal government power and intrusion into our lives. None dare call what WE HAVE REPRESENTATION EITHER. A dissolution of the American Empire into a more manageable and representable units (say 50 sovereign states to start) would be a great option, or an increase of the size of our Congress by at least 30 times would be another option. One way or the other, the citizens of the United States are NOT represented in any way shape or form by the people they are ALLOWED to vote on and to say we are is to ignore the clear and obvious truths of simple math, let alone the grossly unconstitutional legislation that these so-called representatives have forced down our throats over the centuries.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
September 30, 2017 6:41 pm

“or an increase of the size of our Congress by at least 30 times”
30 x 435 = 13,050.
Now I want you to imagine that 10% of the House (at least, now) remains fully and totally incompetent.
0.1 * 13050 = 1305.
1305 more Maxine Waters, Hank “Guam” Johnsons, Nancy Pelosis, and so on.
On the upside, nothing would get done at all. On the downside, every MSM outlet would have so many more fools to interview and bore us with.

  james the deplorable wanderer
September 30, 2017 10:48 pm

Our country is too big to govern. That is the obvious take-away message in doing the honest math. But just imagine how much more functional it might be to elect multiple parties to congress if there were only 25,000 constituents (and only 10,000 voters or so) that you had to communicate with. Just imagine a congress in which the presence of principled parties forced the unprincipled democrats and republicans to finally take a consistent stand, or constantly lose their votes. And indeed, a congress that got NOTHING done would be far better than one that keeps getting done the business of destroying this country.