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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 10, 2017 9:17 am

This will continue until the public takes physical action against the CA legislature that voted YES on these bills.

October 10, 2017 9:23 am

Paddock clearly picked the wrong state…

October 10, 2017 9:47 am

Although I’m not ‘religious’ – I look at Kalifornia as the Tower of Babbel. It will become a classic case of liberal insanity.

October 10, 2017 11:58 am

Sodom & Gomorrah

Sodomy & Gonorrhea

October 10, 2017 10:12 am

I wish they would proceed with secession, but unfortunately the Feds will never let any state go without a fight.

Of course, the crazies are all clustered around LA and SF. The bulk of the state in terms of land area is populated by normal people who just put up with it all for some reason.

October 10, 2017 3:16 pm

The Left flooded the State with wetbacks that vote Democrat in exchange for Free Shit, and I’m pretty certain California hasn’t had an honest election in at least twenty-five years.

The only funny thing is that now the wetbacks are voting for their own people, rather than the Left’s self-anointed ruling class, whenever they can.

October 10, 2017 10:43 am

CALIFORNICATION – where fucking Oneself is becoming the most popular past-time.

October 10, 2017 10:56 am
October 10, 2017 11:21 am

How ’bout pronouns like: faggot, fuckup, queer, dyke?

Such as: See what that faggot want’s to drink? Is that OK?

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 10, 2017 11:33 am

“No, officer, I didn’t call him a her. I was just fucking him up the ass and giving him AIDS.”

“Well alright, then. Go right ahead. But I’m keeping my eye on you.”

October 10, 2017 11:28 am

I guess I am a bit confused. How would anyone know that you used the incorrect pronoun? When have you ever heard yourself referred to as a pronoun? I can’t think of a single time.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 10, 2017 11:36 am

Hey everybody, listen to Rob here. She doesn’t get it. jk

October 10, 2017 12:38 pm

@Rob: Hey Einstein.


October 10, 2017 11:29 am

I give platelets every month and told this to one of the nurses. She was horror struck and exclaimed that could not be possible. I told her that is what I heard and recommend she look it up. The question I would ask is how many people like me will continue to give on a regular basis knowing that the government is purposely poisoning blood supply. You have to answer a fairly lengthy questionnaire before you give blood including whether you have had a piercing or a tattoo in the last 6 or 12 months. I guess all this is no longer relevant and if you get AIDS the lifetime of drug treatments is no big deal.


October 10, 2017 11:45 am

Just acknowledge everyone you meet with a hearty “ya sure, you betcha!” Definitely gender neutral…Ugh!

October 10, 2017 12:07 pm

Wouldn’t “Asshole” be considered gender neutral? (no mater who it is I’m sure they have one)
As apposed to “Dickhead” or “Cunt”.

October 10, 2017 12:32 pm

Only in Mexifornia, the Land of Fruits & Nuts! Please secede Mexifornia, we need a new boundary and just think all the water from the Colorado River is ours! Just think all the Hollywood elites would need a passport to enter the USA, we could make them persona non grata. What does Mexifornia have that we really need?

October 10, 2017 12:35 pm

I do enjoy the almonds and the wine. But with all the fires in Napa and Sonoma, you can write off the fine wine industry for this vintage. It’s smoke taint time there.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 10, 2017 1:17 pm

A day without almonds is like a day without truffles.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
October 10, 2017 12:35 pm

The future is made by the past and the present.

Presently, society is filling the bucket of “why are we shooting faggots?” for the future.

Refugee Resettlement Organizations putting Africans with ACTIVE Tuberculosis in our communities are the corollary for “why are we shooting foreigners?” in the future, too.

Fear drives pogroms. And OH MY how we are going to have lots of fears to fuel the one that’s coming.

Barnum Bailey
Barnum Bailey
October 10, 2017 12:36 pm

So CA leaves. Can’t take CO’s water with it.

Ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha, ha…………………………………………………….

October 10, 2017 2:05 pm

At points in our history, some states had harsher penalties for possession of cannabis than they did for murder. In many states today, you will STILL spend more time in prison for possession/use of a drug the government doesn’t approve of than you will for murdering someone or committing a crime with a REAL victim.

This is not a problem with California, this is a problem with GOVERNMENT ITSELF.

No victim, no crime.

October 10, 2017 3:37 pm

What’s amazing is that within our lifetime California was a freedom-loving red state. By changing the demographics, “they” were able to shift the state blue. It’s why “they” are working tirelessly to open the flood gates nationally.

October 10, 2017 10:22 pm

Red states are NOT freedom loving. Sad that you would think that. Freedom is as much about private property rights, the right to keep the fruits of your labor, and the right to do with your body as YOU wish, so long as you are not harming another or their property. Truly there are more of some freedoms in “blue” states than in “red” and more of other freedoms in the reverse. When one honestly looks at the two worthless major parties, it is clear that NEITHER truly supports freedom or liberty in ANY PRINCIPLED WAY anymore (if they ever actually did).

October 11, 2017 8:49 am

Where did I say anything about Republicans? The turning point for Cali was probably Reagan’s amnesty.

Want your mind blown, go back and watch the 1981 movie “The Last Chase”. Totalitarian future where cars are outlawed. The ironic thing is that the main characters escape to the great bastion of freedom known as California where cars are still legal.

October 10, 2017 3:41 pm

What’s really sad is that Commifornians are allowed to leave the Commifornia and spread their illness to other states turning them into the same liberal shitholes they just left.

October 10, 2017 10:36 pm

Sad that you paint the entire state with ONE BRUSH. California happens to be the state with the LARGEST Libertarian Party membership in the nation (as well as numerous other so-called 3rd parties). It is/was also home to the founder of the Libertarian Party and 4 or 5 of its past presidential nominees and its first female vice-presidential nominee. Orange County is significantly conservative/libertarian, as are other regions in the state. I was more than happy to leave the state and have taken my libertarian values with me to share with others in my new state. It may make it “easier” on you to not have to deal with the reality that EVERY citizen is being victimized by the government they are forced to live under, and that voting has NO influence whatsoever on the overall amount of freedom and liberty we enjoy, but that is how things are. NO vote in any city is 100% to 0% so some “minority” or multiple minorities are going to be victimized by the winners. That applies at the state level and federal level too. Instead, why don’t you empathize with the liberty and freedom-loving victims of California state government and move for rapid, radical, and numerous secession actions that will not only allow Californians and others to get out from under the boot of our federal government but also to get out from under the boot of California state government with more and more breakups? Since none of us is truly free, and we do not blame ourselves individually for the horrors of our state and federal government, can we truly blame every citizen of any state for the horrors of their government?

October 11, 2017 4:31 am

Well there ya go. Libertarianism is a non-starter fantasy for the chronically delusional. It requires a population of responsible people and that does not exist anywhere on earth.

I hold up Boise, Portland, Spokane, Seattle, Phoenix, Bonner’s Ferry, Sandpoint, McCall, Jackson Hole and hundreds of other formerly great towns and cities that are completely fucked by the spread of Commifornians. I understand the desire to leave the shithole but why do they ruin the places they move to? Mental illness……that’s why. Portland is almost as insane as SF. Boise looks like LA North. Commifornians sucked the CO River into a literal dustbowl and now they have eyes on the Columbia.

Had they just built a wall around Kali, the rest of the country would have been better off. Don’t like what I have to say……..all my comments come with the “IndenturedServant” warning label right above them………so move along to your safe space where you won’t be triggered.

October 10, 2017 4:09 pm

And I’m supposed to believe that this is a healthy, normal and sane lifestyle? Sorry, not buying. I don’t give a damn what pronoun is used for these mentally ill fucks.

[imgcomment image?resize=980:*[/img]

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
October 10, 2017 9:32 pm

From the land of assorted fruits and nuts , Home of the nutty ninth circuit court ( the most overturned court in the country ) does any of this dribble that we are supposed to take seriously come as a surprise . A state where illegals roam free to murder and mayhem and are in many cases voting with the blessing of the local government . Defend yourself from being attacked and you get arrested because of excessive force or some such nonsense . Later it is discovered your attacker has multiple pryors and is in the country illegally so the powers that be release them but fine and jail you ! It would be hilarious if it were not so pathetic ! Now address someone in a normal manor and their desire to be insulted at the drop of a hat makes you a criminal . Just wonderful !

October 11, 2017 4:42 pm

Well said, Mr. Liberty! I have long believed the following:

* Republicans have no heart
* Democrats have no soul
* Libertarians have no direction
* Independents have no chance

I advocate the creation and development of a new Constitutional Party, based entirely on the Constitution.

October 12, 2017 2:19 pm

When a country gets as bad as this ZOG, bad things happen. If you can’t see it in California, you are pretty near hopeless. The ZOG hate Goy; have since their self-creation about 3500 years ago (no such “race” is fit to rule the World and God did not create any such race). Yet the ZOG have set up a long line of Evil dominoes starting with the Federal Reserve (the Fiat Dollar Crash and their Mark of The Beast, their totally Crooked Congress & all Bureaucracies, all WDC/NYC, MIC, Fake Media, Illuminati Businesses, Universities, Entertainment, Religions etc); poisoned GMOs, vaccines, ag-sprays, chem-sprays, anthropomorphic diseases etc). God’s Hand of Mercy has been holding a lot of natures dominoes back but for how much longer (Cascadia, San Andreas, New Madrid, Yellowstone, Long Valley, Mt Shasta, Hudson Valley, Grand Solar Minimum Effects, Canary Islands Tsunami etc). 2 Chronicles 7:14 sounds right to me if you call on Jesus.