Via Branco

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October 13, 2017 8:58 am

A friend sent me a quote:

“We are being led by the least amongst us.”

October 13, 2017 12:18 pm

It is fun to watch the prostitute movie stars(men and women) turn on their pimps. They sold their asses for careers and money and no turn on their handlers. I love it . Schadenfreude, ain’t it great?
The bitches and hoes and bisexuals and queers would have spoken up years ago if they were really offended.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 14, 2017 12:17 am

A convenient scandal. Hollywood types are called on to provide the distraction while DC scrambles for cover. If you even flashed on the book “Hollywood Babylon” you remember his line that both men and women are drawn to Hollywood by the desires of the priapus.

Strippers tell some wild stories of sex parties, they know the big names quite well. I recall a young black stripper commenting about so and so, ‘I met him at an orgy’. She said John Bobbitt washed out of porn movies because he couldn’t perform well.

That pizzagate affair has to have opened some eyes, Hollywood is a royal clusterfuck. If you ain’t perv when you get there, you will be by the time you leave.