Stucky QOTD: Why Can’t Trump Be More Like Putin?

I gots me some real man-love for Putin, and Russia.

How, as a ‘Murican can this be? Aren’t they our #1 enemy? After all, they interfered with our elections!! Invaded Ukraine!! Stole Crimea!! Commies!! They’re trying to kill us with borscht!!

Better yet, I am a first generation Austrian. Perhaps deserved, perhaps not … but the brutalization of Germans towards the end of WWII, and immediately afterwards, was epically horrendous. They raped my mom in their prison camp and, except for her brother, murdered her family. They captured my dad. At 93 years old, he still won’t mention a damned thing about it. I’m guessing it wasn’t a fun experience.

Well, four reasons.

1) Putin is the only world leader who is really really serious about annihilating Mooslim terrorists … the greatest evil of my lifetime.

2) I can forgive because war is hell. If there’s one thing I “liked” about WWII, it’s the both sides fought to win. Starve civilians in Leningrad? No problem! Firebomb civilians in Dresden? No problem! Ahhhh, the good old days when declaring war meant “we gonna fuck you good and hard muthafucker!!”.

3) They are a nation of majority White People. If that makes me a White Supremacist or, worse, a rayccisss, so be it. But, I believe preserving the White Race/Culture is both important and necessary for humanity to survive, and thrive.

4) They are a Christian nation. That may sound strange coming from me, a …. well, I don’t know what the hell I am. Some days (but, rarely) I am an atheist. Some days I’m an agnostic. While on yet other days I believe there is s God. I am always a Panist … a Believer whose only doctrine is that “it will all pan out in the end”.

But, here’s the thing … the vast majority of people will ALWAYS believe in some God. (I think some day scientists will discover a “God Gene” in our DNA.) As such, I believe a Christian Heritage — not JUDEO-Christian — is the best available option. Christianity is (has) made a Roaring Renaissance-ish comeback in Russia.

What’s not to like?

So, (per the article below), imagine if America lost half its territory and population, it’s currency destroyed, the economy in shatters, and the world’s major powers hell-bent on utterly destroying what’s left. Would we survive, and even thrive, the just sixteen years later? Would Trump be the one to make America great again?


We were falling into the Abyss.

They cut out of Russia her historical, nation forming territories. They divided and separated her people, and they were ready to chop her heartland into pieces.

Everything was set. They had premade ethnic territories with their own flags and anthems and governments, selected by them. They printed and delivered the money of these invented countries, like the “Ural republic.”

The Khasavyurt conducted by the puppet liquidators of Russia signaled the beginning of the end of Russia herself.

Ethnic republics were waiting on the low start. Tatarstan was expected to be the first to go. The satanic West was getting ready to take over Kazan and other territories.

Without tanks, without invasions of foreign armies, without bombardments and chemical attacks. Russia was rapidly shrinking in size. According to their plans, it would be reduced to the size of the Grand Duchy of Moscow and they would have prepared a monarchy ready to rule over us.

Abject poverty, desolation, ruins, murders in the streets of the cities and towns, mafia wars, racketeering, the “politicians” and “businessmen” rendering open assistance to the Islamic terrorists and international mercenaries waging the wars on the Caucasus. Central Moscow clubs entertained sponsors of those who were killing Russian soldiers.

The government positions in the Kremlin and in the Parliament White House were occupied by those who were sending Russian soldiers to the Caucasus to be killed, simultaneously reporting information about them to the jihadists, and to the foreign special forces and other murderers who traveled to the Caucasus from every corner of the world to participate in the hunt of Russians.

The only thing that was increasing and growing on the territory of Russia were cemeteries and graveyards. In proportion, the personal bank accounts of the members of the liquidating teams were also growing.

Inside the luxury clubs in the center of Moscow and abroad, they celebrated an endless carnival of victors. They celebrated our funeral.

They dehumanized us. They depicted us as skinny pigs that they publicly slaughtered.  They portrayed us as naked drunks wearing dog collars, curled up on the floor next to their masters’ feet. It was us, dirty mongrels, they stripped, raped and chained. They were certain that we would be staying there on a chain, serving them, the victors, for a bare bone.

Their creative class celebrated our defeat without end. They took upon themselves to insult us and spit in our faces. When tired, they ate and drank wine on our dime, and once refreshed, they continued spiting at us, at our history, our character, our faith.

From the United State they sent us chicken bones. In exchange they took free oil and gas, gold and diamonds, fur, uranium and timber, works of art, scientific discoveries and inventions, knowhow, secret technologies and scientists, slaves, human organs, prepubescent girls and boys to labor in the prostitution rings of the Europe, Turkey, the Middle east, USA, and even Africa.

The territories of the former republics were grabbed with all the people who lived there. They started devouring them slowly, waiting for the complete liquidation of Russia, to go on and to destroy them completely.

They digested separate parts of out broken nation into human manure, and started growing new managers to run this brand new world company with fully stolen ready to use industries and infrastructure.

They pre-printed maps with the new world order and borders, with China getting its part of the loot in the territories of Tajikistan, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan, and Turkey, taking over Azerbaijan and Armenia.

Poland, Germany, Britain, Spain, Denmark and others would have their own Russian slaves, territories and cheap prostitutes. The citizens of Israel saw themselves becoming managers of all those territories.

The USA wanted only one thing, the ownership of everything under our feet, all our mineral resources.

When Putin came, no one believed that he will be able to stop what was seemingly unavoidable.

He fought wars. No one noticed, and no one saw anything. His activity was phenomenal, like wind, invisible, but strong enough for everyone to feel the results of its input, especially when falling branches were hitting them directly over their heads.

His wars were like radiation, undetectable to senses, but surely with ever increasing concentration it was killing them slowly.

Years passed, and everything changed, as if on its own.

Before the last war, just in case, he was prepared to die.

He distanced himself from people he loved the most, so they wouldn’t die with him.  And, he went to war.

He dedicated his life to rescue us all.

He sacrificed himself and pried entire nations out of the Abyss’ jaws.

He changed the world forever.

Q1: Why can’t Trump be more like Putin?

Q2: Will Trump change the world? If “yes”, how?

Personal Note: At 1PM today the buyers will be signing their closing documents. I will be released from the burden of home ownership by 1:30. Free, free at last. Junk truck will be there in the morning. (Years of buying stuff only to be followed by PAYING someone to get rid of it!! That’s fucked up, man.) Movers will be there in the afternoon to put some stuff in storage. How sad is that?? PAYING to store shit!! (Yes, I am aware of that George Carlin skit about “stuff”.)

In other words, I won’t be commenting until late afternoon. So, c’mon, give me a “Good Bye, Home!” parting gift … get this thread to 100. You know I’m like a moth drawn to a flame regarding that.








Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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Achmed Foley
Achmed Foley
October 13, 2017 7:28 am

Q1: Trump is an insider, a swamp dweller. He played the outsider card well in order to get elected, but it’s not in his nature to upset the deep state. He may have a few squabbles with them but nothing major.
Even if he was Putin-like in his nature, he would still have to deal with a relatively powerful, hostile internal opposition. It seems Putin doesn’t have much internal opposition at all. Probably a number of reasons for that.
Q2: No, not in any historically significant way.

  Achmed Foley
October 13, 2017 9:14 am

They -the Deep State- seem to be very, very upset, And not just here but on a worldwide basis.

That hasn’t been seen before, there’s a reason for it.

  Achmed Foley
October 13, 2017 11:59 pm

Did anyone think he could pull off overthrowing and crushing the Bush/RINO establishment just eighteen months ago? Trump is historic as it gets. If a Democrat had the markets on fire and consumer sentiment and replaced the shitty agreements Trump has, we would be told that person was a friggin’ genius.

October 13, 2017 7:37 am


Do you want me to drive you to the airport?

October 13, 2017 8:31 am

Problem is, The Donald cannot ride a bear.

Aside from that mebbee….from one racissssss 2 another….he is…’ceptin 4 Donald’s swamp’s got a few bigger crocodiles and an alligator or two.

October 13, 2017 12:32 pm

Yes – Putin Offers Millions of Americans Free Home In Russia

A fascinating Security Council (SC) report circulating in the Kremlin today recommends that the State Duma begin the approval process for a set of initiatives set forth by the Agency for the Development of Human Capital in the Far Eastern Federal District (HCFE) that, when fully implemented, would make available a free hectare of land (2.5 acres) and state financial support to millions of American citizens—and that follows President Putin’s directive this week that foreigners having Russian ancestry, and who have a desire to work and create strong families, be allowed to receive free land, and who stated: “It is necessary to expand the opportunities presented by this program to our compatriots who arrive in the Far East from foreign countries.”

October 13, 2017 8:21 am

I double-triple dog dare you to watch these videos. You want some truth?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 13, 2017 10:16 am

Reality sucks, hey BL?

If welfare in the west is often multigenerational in nature can you imagine the damage that full political marxism has done to the Russian psyche? It will take generations for the Russians to recover from the damage that the Marxists have done to it.

It’s why I don’t buy the propoganda about how wonderful Putin is. You can’t be a nice guy if you are in charge of a damaged people and screwed up political/economic system.

That being said – we appear to be heading down a similar path with a slightly different theme and tune.

As for Trump not being like Putin, we are not Russians and would not tolerate the real deal here.

A better way to view Russia and Putin than what is often promoted here by some (and in other media) is that Putin is an angry mental health nurse and Russia is in recovery for substance abuse and under his charge. He might be the right guy for the job but the situation ain’t rosy, recovery takes time and relapse is always a danger.

  Francis Marion
October 13, 2017 11:23 am

Sadly, you are wrong. Russians are nostalgic for the good old days of Communism: free education, free health care, no fear of starving.
Russia in 1916 was a 3rd world nation.
Russia in 1991 was a 2nd world nation despite all the Western world could do via embargo, military threat and literal sabotage. Prior to the last 30 years of China, Leninist Russia was the single greatest example of economic bootstrapping that the world has ever seen.
The devolution of Eastern Europe was proper and necessary, but then again the original incorporation of it was also understandable: there were Latvian, Galician (Ukraine), Polish, Lithuanian, Hungarian, Estonian and more divisions under the Waffen SS. Slovakia and Romania outright allied with Nazi Germany. It is true that at least some of these people were fighting Russia overlords rather than look too closely at their Waffen SS masters, but the reality is that most of the USSR territories in Eastern Europe had contributed soldiers against Russia in WW2.
And while I cringe at the pro-Christian (note that Russian are Eastern Orthodox, not Catholic or Protestant) and pro-white screed of the author (Russians primarily care about if you act Russian. A “black” Russian is one from the Caucasus, Dagestan, Uzbekistan etc but that only matters if they refuse to assimilate in Russia), it is true that Russia has completely turned around since its 1999 nadir.

October 14, 2017 12:53 pm

That’s what I love about America.
People are such morons that they can’t escape their ideological mental prisons.
What I wrote above is literally true. The “Free Market” and “Democracy” experience sucked ass for the 99.9% of Russians who weren’t thieves.
America is now getting the exact same treatment.
But hey, keep on bashing Communism – because that’s what’s fucking America up. Not.

October 13, 2017 2:31 pm

WTF! I didn’t think I would see a Bernie supporter posting on this site.

  Francis Marion
October 13, 2017 11:38 am

Francis- Before I leave this thread, here is a little levity. Want to see a regulah Russian’s idea of great fun? Not a movie, a play or a theme park, it’s really rather sad that a trip to McD’s or THIS would send them into a euphoric state. The fun starts at 6:15… 🙂

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 13, 2017 6:31 pm
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 1:55 am

BL, seems he’s excited about his American car, as many people in America are. I get excited about a new used car, too. Seems he’s also exaggerating for more viewership. He’s also young, which explains a lot.

The deficit in, say, air conditioning in the car is the same in the rest of Europe, which I consider 2nd world, especially when it comes to everyday cars. But they do have an advanced payment system. And at least the guy learned English.

This guy is not stupid for a young guy with a wife just starting off, apparently with young children. He sold his other home and was able to buy a same-size home in a brand new building that isn’t even finished yet and a new used car. Not so dumb to me. Try buying an apartment in New York and see how much square feet you get for your money.

Russia, according to this video, is no different than the rest of Europe.

In fact, I liked this video and may subscribe to him.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 1:57 am

Second video was pretty ingenious. Just like a redneck.

  Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 8:04 am

Vic- The Russian guy in the video is not that young and has been making big money off his YouTube channel for a long time, which I give him credit for being a go-getter. He has been married a long time and has a child , not just starting out in life.

Don’t get the impression that I was making fun of the guy in the vid, I was saying that thing are still BAD for 80% of the Russians (true) and if a car wash rocks your world, well that’s kinda funny.

You are typical of Americans, because the Russians have elevated a small portion of population in a couple of large cities, you think that everyone is living better in Russia which is not true. Yes, they are able to get what they need but poverty is still a big problem.

Vic, do watch his videos, I have watched most of them and found them very interesting.

October 14, 2017 8:14 am

Vic- He does not live in Moscow, he lives 1000 miles away in Ufa. He is living large for Ufa and making quite a bit of money for that area. A lot of hard working Asians live in that area and trade with China which gives them more money than would be typical for that side of Russia. So that is not like buying an apartment in NYC.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 13, 2017 10:36 am

The money to produce this came from???? CIA?, NSA?, DIA?, or an NGO?

October 13, 2017 12:13 pm

Want some truth. Geeze Bea! Anytime a conversation starts out with that it seems the shite ain’t far behind…Comparing Russia with India and Sri lanka. Seriously! I doubt living in Russia is a bed of roses but these dispersions are a Touch Too Much…

Besides Russian women are HOT until they turn into babushkas!

See below.. what’s not to like!

Here is a video for Stucky. He can use it to celebrate ridding himself of the joys of home ownership! Just try not to hurt yerself big guy. We need you around here! Go easy with the hands you need to at least be able to type …

October 13, 2017 2:44 pm

Hard to say who but can vary a guess or two. The entire premise of that video BL posted was ridiculous.

Yeah Russia has problems. As if there aren’t problems here.
Yeah there is poverty. To which the reply is one word.

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The video might as well be written by the Council of Foreign Relations who it seems have a chronic and ongoing case of butt hurt with the Russians taking over the Northern Eurasian Landmass.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 2:05 am

Dancers are always in great shape. This only shows that dancing is the best exercise. Just look at ballet dancers. Good video.

Edit: Believe it or not, I used to have a body similar to hers. Lost it after child birth and sitting on my ass at a computer. I’m not fat, in fact, I’m skinny, but just out of shape.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 2:08 am

Although, as the Russia video above shows, they’re starting to catch on to consumerism.

  Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 8:49 am

Vic- They have gone from chanting “American Capitalist Dogs” to wanting the American consumer lifestyle so bad they can taste it. Batlykov is the poster boy for that mindset. The kids in Russia are doing an instant replay of the 90’s skate-rat , break dancing thing and loving anything American. American crap fast food is beginning to have an effect on them also….not for the good.

October 13, 2017 3:32 pm
Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 1:33 am

Why should I trust a Romanian guy?

October 13, 2017 8:27 am

Great QOTD StuckInNJ.

Countries have unique histories and challenges to or have overcome.

What other mission does he have than to be the champion for his people?

BL says they ain’t so great. Maybe, maybe not. Do they have a right to exist BL? Do you have any doubt that America would like nothing more than to control the entire world? If America does want to control the entire world, is that a good thing? If so, please explain why.

October 13, 2017 8:49 am

Workovski- Look comrade, truth is Merika sucks and Russia sucks. The truth does not play favorites.

The Rothschilds control the world far more than Merika dipshit, we are just the muscle for the ruling cabal.

October 13, 2017 9:09 am

So, if America sucks how about you going somewhere else that doesn’t and make a little more room for all those millions desperately wanting to get here?

October 13, 2017 1:01 pm

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October 13, 2017 1:02 pm

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Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 2:10 am

In fact, BL,America (and its handlers) are the New World Order, which the majority of Americans don’t seem to catch on to.

October 13, 2017 3:40 pm

Even if you say so yourself Stucky….errr Work- In- Progress ?

October 13, 2017 9:08 am

Trump can’t be more like Putin because he doesn’t have the near dictatorial powers or support of his people Putin has. Heck, he can’t even get a simple temporary travel restriction for high probability terrorist areas without spending months and months in court.

Trump can change the world. In reality he already has if you look at his being the most visible leader of the anti elitist movement and his election making every other country’s resistance movement feel strengthened and gain more and more members on a daily basis. He’s proof to the world that those who want to protect and preserve western civilization can actually take power on an effective level and do something.

October 13, 2017 9:23 am


Name anything anti-elitist about Trump.

October 13, 2017 9:43 am

Yeah, he must be an elitist because the elite hate him so much.

Open your eyes and quit letting the elite manipulate your thinking.

FWIW, the elite absolutely love Obamacare (trump just made another move against them and it with an XO), open boarders and unlimited Muslim migration (Trump has finally established an anti-elitist travel restriction after months and months and months in the Courts and work towards a border wall is progressing and a bill funding it is in Congress, Christianity and Christian religious freedom and on and on and on.

Is that enough to satisfy “anything” in your request or do you need some of the hundreds of other things listed as well?

I suspect you’re just a leftist propagandist trying to sew dissent between Trump and those that (should be) supporting him.

October 13, 2017 11:08 am

You didn’t name anything anti-elitist about Trump. Didn’t ask about Obama.
Have you seen any progress on a wall?

Anon, Trump tower anything like where you live? Do you hang at Mar-A-Lago with the liberal elite billionaires? Doubt they would let you on the property. Are you wearing a 25K suit at work today? Doubt that too. OBTW, how many jets do you own?

If Trump isn’t an elite, then what is he? The answer is not Joe Sixpack. Also ,why would the elite hate Trump, he just keeps filling their pockets with cash?

October 13, 2017 11:52 am

OK, so define exactly, and exactly enough to defy interpretation, what you mean by “anti-elitist”.

To me it meant against the wishes of the elite (to put it mildly) but obviously it must mean something different to your.

BTW, did you actually read those links I gave?

And a question for you, a simple yes or no will suffice, on each of those 4 issues against the elite I presented: Do you support or oppose them?

Pleas don’t reply if you don’t, can’t, or won’t give an answer to that.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 13, 2017 10:52 am

Anon at 9:23 A.M.

Trump is for nation states; i.e., against Globalism.
ALL the elites favor Globalism.


KoKo – Globalism has NO deterrent as long as the Zionist/Khazarian Mafia is running amuck. Trump never met a Khazarian/Rothschild bank he didn’t love.


Hmmmmmm then why does he suck Goldman Sachs dick everyday?

October 13, 2017 10:19 am

Trump doesn’t have the Political will to do what is necessary.He is also surrounded by people who are doing their best to sabotage his agenda but for whatever reason Trump will not get rid of these backstabbing son of a bitches. Trump is better then any of the others so for now I will continue to support Him.
Putin is a good leader for the Russian people.They have been through hell this past century and deserve God’s blessings.

October 13, 2017 11:02 am

What, in your view, is necessary?

(a question, not a challenge, I’d like to know what you’re thinking)

October 13, 2017 10:35 am

[imgcomment image[/img]

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 13, 2017 10:54 am

nkit…..that. is. a. wow.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic

I really like Putin. But you can’t forget that Putin was KGB, along with all the psychological warfare, etc, which actually makes him incredibly successful. He knows how to play to the common people. He knows how to handle the global people. That’s why you have to admire him. And at the same time, he’s actually looking out for the citizens of Russia. That is the difference. He knows if he doesn’t support the nation, all is lost for him. He also knows what he is facing in the West. The man is smart. Don’t underestimate him.

October 13, 2017 10:55 am

I will contribute what I can to boost this to 100.

As for the question(s)?

Trump can’t send his political enemies to Siberia or have them disappeared very easily.

Trump could quite easily change the world, but it wouldn’t be for the best imho. I am still sure he isn’t Hillary, but I suspect his good intentions (if they existed at all) have begun to fade now that he realizes there will be no support from DC insiders.

I read an article the other day that claimed Trump’s “instability” is just an act designed to encourage mistakes by his enemies. I HOPE that is true.

October 13, 2017 11:09 am

That “instability” stuff is just propaganda aimed at reducing Trump’s support among his base.

No real people ever get quoted as making these statements and no real examples are ever given to support them.

An analysis of the news reporting indicates a negative propaganda campaign against him by the mainstream sources.

October 13, 2017 11:30 am

Pretty idiotic.
The fact that Putin reined in the state company plundering oligarchs is very impressive – and *none* of them were sent to Siberia.
What Putin told them was: you can keep your ill-gotten gains, but from now on you have to deploy them in a manner acceptable to the Russian government (me).
The ones that accepted this gracefully are still around: Abramovitch, Deripasky, Prokhorov, etc.
The ones that didn’t – fled Russia or got thrown in jail *then* fled Russia: Berezofsky, Khodorkhofsky, Gusinski, etc.
The difference between Putin and Trump isn’t the ability to put people in jail.
The difference is that Russia has multiple power groups which actually care about the nation as opposed to their own selfish interests. The conservative “Right” groups want ever more scope for their Libertarian sponsors, the liberal “Left” groups want ever more scope for their Education and Technology sponsors. The banksters sprinkle money on both sides. None give a crap for the American people or American society as a whole.

October 13, 2017 11:21 am

And so it begins…………………

Do your schtick Yoebbles, I have a busy day anyway. Don’t forget the 14, 88 etc.

I’m outta here.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 13, 2017 11:57 am

BL….’Yoebbles’, now that was funny (seriously); and then I got to the 14 and 88 which lost me.

October 13, 2017 11:22 am

I believe that life must suck in Russia, considering the fact that beautiful Russian women will marry American men who look like Harvey Jewstein or worse to get the fuck out of there.

October 13, 2017 11:34 am

Never underestimate the power of propaganda and/or money.
Average Russian wages are still a fraction of that in the US.
But as someone who actually has been to Russia – what I can say is that the main reason you think beautiful Russian women will marry American men, outside the Melania types, is that American men are so whipped that they think even the ugliest Russian women are hot.
Most “Russian” women in the US aren’t really “Russian”: they’re Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Belarussian, Jewish etc. The ones who are, are too old to be considered “hot” outside of the few that have migrated into mingling with the international money class.

October 13, 2017 11:32 am

Part of the conflict comes from the fact that the US government/CIA is actually funding, arming, supporting, creating, enabling, etc. terrorist groups all over the middle east, especially in Syria. Their plan is to ensure non-stop war for non-stop profits for their friends in the banking, oil, and arms cartels, and to undermine the governments in Iran, Syria, and others. This poses a serious threat to Russia who, UNLIKE THE US, is actually a neighbor to all of these countries and knows the REAL THREAT Muslim terrorists can pose to their country. The US always tries to play both sides of the fence. That is why we always fail in our overseas adventurism and why it must stop.

October 13, 2017 11:36 am

Also, I believe that Trump and Putin are lifetime actors (In the words of Joe Atwill) playing out their parts to bring in the new world order.

October 13, 2017 11:51 am

1 million thumbs up !!!!!!

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 13, 2017 11:51 am

Putin is former KGB. He’s not afraid to kill anyone who gets in his way and most likely already has.

Trump isn’t a murderer. He has different challenges than Putin. The Russian people have a national identity that goes back a thousand years. We don’t have anything to identify with, other than the constitution and that’s not enough.

I am sorry to say this but I think we are toast.

Enjoy your freedom from home owner slavery!

October 13, 2017 2:43 pm

What about Alexander Litvinenko?

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 14, 2017 1:09 am

I don’t have evidence it’s just heresay but stuck do you think he’s pure as the driven snow?

He sure looks good with his shirt off, though, assuming the pics aren’t photo shopped?

October 13, 2017 12:19 pm

October 13, 2017 1:43 pm

For T4C

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 13, 2017 2:18 pm

Putin loves his country and puts it above all else in the world. As for Trump, well, America being 2nd in importance is an improvement over what we had with Barky.

October 13, 2017 3:16 pm

Yeah, Trump sold us out to international banking the first week, doubt Putin would have done that.

October 13, 2017 2:18 pm

54 down, 46 to go

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October 13, 2017 2:43 pm

Russia under Putin is doing what Poland and Hungary are doing, and what the French used to do: protecting their culture, which is rooted in Christianity. Poland and Hungary apparently have no problem bucking the EU, and Putin everybody in the world. Say what you will about them, the Russians are proud of their heritage and not willing for it to be destroyed for anything.

As an aside, I’m always amazed at the ability of Christianity to flourish, except under extreme duress by governments. For 75 years, it was ruthlessly suppressed by the communists in Russia, and now 30 years after the wall fell , it’s baaaack. In China, they are not so aggressive, and as a result I have read that in 20 years, China will be the most Christian country in the world.

October 13, 2017 3:09 pm

Truth is there was a huge jump in Russians who identify with the Russian Orthodox Church but only one in ten actually attend a church service each month. There are many Russian Church tours but the churches are not used for services.

Edit- the tours of churches include the smaller churches outside of the large cities.

October 13, 2017 7:16 pm

Congrats Stucky!!

And congrats to AWB for getting off the shit list….for now.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 3:54 am

So happy for you, Stucky. I know you’re relieved. One less burden.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 11:10 pm

LOL. Anybody come out of the neighborhood alive in that dream?

October 13, 2017 7:17 pm

Gee whiz. I had to run to town for beer and hunting tags. As a landowner I got 2 firearms deer and a crapload of archery deer and turkey tags. Crapload being more than I would need even if I used a bow.

Putin probably could take all 8 turkeys. Am thinking Trump does not hunt. Could be wrong

October 13, 2017 7:55 pm

No bunny tags. LOL

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
October 14, 2017 3:57 am

I know Trump’s sons hunt.

October 13, 2017 7:54 pm

Here is my bunny picture for the day. It has been unseasonably (and unreasonably) HOT here so I decided NOT to pickle any bunnies. However, this image is always good for a laugh.

And, this will put you one comment closer to that coveted hundred.

[imgcomment image[/img]

That’s all I got for today. Time to shut the world out of our little piece of heaven.

October 14, 2017 8:19 am

Russia Russia Russia. And this article has already been banned by the entire internet except for here!

Putin was the head thug in charge. Like any monster (like Al Capone) he knew to get and remain in power he needed to be loved by the people. He did this with a populist nationalist agenda. If he adopted our Constitution and it amendments and fought for those vehemently Russia could quite possibly be a great country. Until then it’s still a corrupt, fear the thug in charge nation that’s poor but has people support with nukes.

What the elite globalist did to Russia they are now targeting the USA. Go read the problems Russia was having and we have the exact same but racial division they didnt have to this degree. The social aspects are the foundation of the denotonation they want here.

Lastly, why is it any atte,
Not to mention much less preserve white culture is systemically rayciss? Good question. Maybe a snowflake could answer my question! Seems every other culture has a “right” to preserve their culture…….

October 14, 2017 10:36 am

Just checking in to see if you got to a hundred with this, Stucky.

And, here is the money shot for the archery tags… Vlad is welcome to hunt here.

I couldn’t get the bow hunting shot to load…. this one seems “inviting.”

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