Having bet on the losing side in the Syrian Civil War, Israel is pissed off and chomping at the bit for war.  Their war will be to invade Lebanon (once again) and Syria.  Our war, as dictated by Tel Aviv, will be to destroy Iran.   There should be no doubt that Trump’s speech yesterday about the JCPOA was written in Tel Aviv.  They put a few morsels in there that Trump was too stupid to notice but hilarious for most of the world that knows better. 

While he pretended to be a friend of the Iranian people, he referred to the “Arabian Gulf” which is a hot button that will piss off any Iranian, not to mention that his muslim ban  is acutally a thinly veiled attempt to isolate the American Iranian community from their relatives in Iran.  Look at any map and show me one that doesn’t say “Persian Gulf.”  This SOB is an imbecile.  Fuck, we though Hillary would be a warmonger and a lickspittle to Israel.  Trump is much more of that and he, unlike Hillary, is a dumb motherfucker to boot.

Is there any doubt that Israel is a menace to the entire world?  “Death to Israel” should be on the tongue of every American who loves life, liberty and justice.  The problems in the US can never be addressed as long as Israel exists.

Iran Must Be Destroyed

President Donald Trump has put the United States on the course for war with Iran.  That was clearly his objective last Friday when he refused to certify the international nuclear accord with Iran and proclaimed heavy sanctions against Tehran’s powerful paramilitary Revolutionary Guards Corps.

Trump’s move was also a clever ploy to deflect blame for abrogating the key 2015 Iran nuclear treaty that the US signed with Iran, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union.

Accusing Iran of ‘terrorism’ and ‘violating the spirit of the accord,’ Trump threw the Iran issue into the hands of the Republican-dominated US Congress.  He had to.  All of Trump’s senior national security officials and those from the treaty partners and UN reported that Iran had kept its end of the deal.

So Trump trotted out the old song and dance about terrorism – which means anything Uncle Sam does not like.  The same United States that supports the murderous Islamic State and its allies in Syria and Iraq.

There won’t be much doubt about how Congress handles this hot potato.  The leading senators and congressmen who will deal with the issue, like Bob Corker, Tom Cotton, and Marco Rubio, are all firmly in the pocket of pro-Israel lobbies.

The US vociferous ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, is almost a wholly-owned subsidiary of the Las Vegas gambling mogul and uber Zionist billionaire, Sheldon Adelson – who is also a key financial backer of Trump and Netanyahu.

In fact, Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appears to have more influence on Capitol Hill than President Trump. He used to show it off by humiliating former president Barack Obama.

Israel has just scored a major triumph by using Trump to sabotage the Iran nuclear pact.  Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has long been adamant in insisting that the pact be scrapped.  Having pushed the US to destroy its old foes, Iraq and Syria, Israel now has its big guns trained on Iran, the last regional power that can challenge Israel’s domination of the Mideast.  Iran, we should remember, is also the only important Mideast power backing the Palestinians and calling for a Palestinian state.

Trump is surrounded by a coterie of ardently pro-Israel advisors and cronies aligned to that nation’s far right wing.  So far to the right, in fact, that their Israeli opponents often call them ‘fascists.’  Trump, with this Mussolini complex, fits right into this mind-set.

In addition, Trump’s virulent hatred of Islam and his deep support from America’s evangelicals fuels his antipathy to Iran.  The Israeli lobby and so-called Christian Zionists that make up his electoral base are beating the war drums against Iran.

If the Iran nuclear deal is abrogated, America will have shot itself in the foot and shown the world it has fallen under the control of special interests for whom America’s national interests do not come first.  Europe, already disgusted by the Trump carnival in Washington and its religious supporters, will pull further away from the US and closer to Russia and China.  Who would trust America’s word after deal-break Trump?

Europe has lately signed billions in new trade accords with Iran, most notably and $18 billion deal with Airbus for the sale of commercial aircraft.  Boeing wants to sell 80 aircraft to Iran worth $16 billion. Thus Trump’s jihad against Iran will likely deny high-paid jobs to tens of thousands of American workers.   This from the president who was going to create jobs, jobs, jobs.

Iran handed over ten tons of medium-enriched uranium as part of the nuclear deal.  Will Tehran get this trove back if Congress scuppers the Iran deal?  Doubtful.  Iran destroyed many of its uranium centrifuges as part of the deal.  Can it sue Washington for breach of contract?

Meanwhile, the US heads towards some sort of military conflict with Iran at a time when it may go to war any day with North Korea.  Trump, who evaded the draft during the Vietnam War due to a trivial foot problem, is now clearly thrilled by all his new military toys.  Many of Trump’s close advisors fear Trump will trigger a nuclear war.  It may be time for his top officials to step in and take away the president’s nuclear launch codes.

Israel is determined to destroy Iran so that it can never pose a military or political challenge to the Jewish state. Call it Iraq II.  This means turning Iran’s nuclear industry and its civilian economy to ruins.  And maybe even breaking up Iran – as was done with Iraq – into Iranian, Azeri and Kurdish mini-states.

Rome’s famous statesman Cato the Elder used to end every speech with ‘Carthago Delenda Est’ – (Carthage, bitter rival and enemy of Rome, must be destroyed.’) Now, it’s Iran’s turn.


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Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 14, 2017 6:51 pm

Overwrought. Decertifying Iranian compliance doesn’t put us on a track to war with Iran. It just doesn’t.

  Iska Waran
October 14, 2017 8:07 pm

I think you’re flat out wrong.

If Trump backs out, how will he ENFORCE his plans on Iran? More sanctions? Oh, please. Most European leaders, Russia, and even China have already said they won’t participate in sanctions if Trump reneges on the deal.

Besides tough talk, what’s left to force Iran to do Trump’s will? Nothing, really. Except war, IF we’re stoopid enough to go that route. And if we do choose war, do you think Russia and China will side with us?

And don’t forget Trump said Iran will never never be allowed to get nukes. Again, good luck enforcing that without going to war.

This must rank as one of the dumbestfuk things Trump has thrown out there … for several reasons.

1. Literally everyone — from the inspectors to members of Trump’s own staff says that Iran is in compliance! Trump’s claim about some unsubstantiated and vague “spirit” of the agreement is pure bullshit.

2. Tear up the agreement and Iran WILL immediately begin working on developing the bomb. From an international legal perspective, there is nothing to stop them.

3. It could be the final straw which shows the entire world that an agreement/treaty with America isn’t worth the paper it’s written on.

Trump’s foreign policy decisions have been mostly a total clusterfuk. And this one is the worst of them all.

Edit. I don’t know if Israel is behind this. BUT … there’s Trump’s Joo boy son-in-law with waaay to much influence …. and, there’s ZERO doubt that an American-Iranian conflict would be of great benefit to Israel. So, it surely is reasonable to consider the possibility.

October 14, 2017 8:59 pm

I can’t speak to the inside baseball with the Trump Admin, but in Israel everyone knows that Iran war is not happening. It’s a Likudnik fantasy that the left has bandied about for decades. Not that you couldn’t find an unhinged neocon to endorse it, but nobody else would table the idea as remotely serious. War with Iran would be a quagmire far more costly than Iraq and Afghanistan combined, not to mention an end to any fruitful relations between Israel and Russia or China.

October 15, 2017 4:40 am

Absolutely. War in Iran is not remotely feasible for our debased military, but more important, Iran’s neighbors include Russia, which will not tolerate such an attack on an ally and important buffer State. In a straight up conventional war on home ground, there is no doubt Russia could defeat the US, even without the Iranian forces….

October 14, 2017 9:00 pm

I thought this was an interesting comment from the article…

“Iran handed over ten tons of medium-enriched uranium as part of the nuclear deal. Will Tehran get this trove back if Congress scuppers the Iran deal? Doubtful. Iran destroyed many of its uranium centrifuges as part of the deal. Can it sue Washington for breach of contract?”

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 14, 2017 10:38 pm

Here’s my read: Trump decertifies. Maybe we reinstitute some half-assed sanctions, maybe we don’t. Iran gets nukes. End of story. Once they get nukes, we wouldn’t dare attack them – any more than we’ve attacked Pakistan. We’re not attacking anyone, no matter what Jared says.

October 15, 2017 9:33 am

You make things up with no facts to support them.

Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory
October 15, 2017 1:13 pm

Then point out where he is wrong.

Mac Tírè
Mac Tírè
October 16, 2017 3:39 am

Good comment, but you misused “it’s” six times. The word “its” is already possessive.

  Mac Tírè
October 16, 2017 6:47 am

If you are gonna Grammar Nazi, make sure you mention the use of apostrophe is not needed when naming a decade as a plural. I was born in the 1960s, though I am a 1960’s child, perhaps.

The problem with being a Grammar Nazi is that it is hard to find comfort when you are mistaken. There, Their, They’re.

October 15, 2017 4:41 am

“I don’t know if Israel is behind this.” You have to be kidding.

October 14, 2017 7:07 pm

You call Trump an “imbecile” and three words later have a misspelling. That didn’t help your argument.

October 14, 2017 7:52 pm

What a load of bovine scatology.

Sure, Israel wants Iran’s military neutralized. Who – sane that is – doesn’t?

You say “the world” says Iran is in compliance? “The world” is, once again, populated by people who think they can kick the can down the road, just like before WWII. Hitler’s Germany could have been stopped, but that would have entailed having a set.

In Shia Islam their version of the Messiah cannot come until a global, catastrophic world war. To them, triggering this by attacking the Jews – hated by Mohammed above all others because they didn’t kiss his ass – is a feature, not a bug. They’ve openly spoken and written about EMP-attacking America too. And that’s regardless of whether we “do Israel’s bidding” or not. We’re the GREAT SATAN, after all.

nkit at 1488 David Lane Rfd
nkit at 1488 David Lane Rfd
October 14, 2017 8:18 pm

Sounds like you get your information from your Iranian handler… When are you scheduled to go back to Parchin for your refresher course? You know, 30km SE from Tehran… You’ve seen pictures…….you’ve seen the devastation from the fires..

But they would never ever ever sponsor terrorism nor have they ever ever in their history had a desire for nuclear weapons… and they never ever ever would… They are, by far, the most peace loving totalitarians you could wish to live under. Nuclear weapons?? Parchin? Get the fuck out…

And what about Nantanz?, you know, down on old Kashan-Nantanz Hiway across a village called Deh- Zireh just 40 km SE of Kasahan? Yeah, you know…

October 15, 2017 6:26 am

Without identifying anyone I know, Zara or even Yoyo? What can you tell me about this organization? A friend of mine sends me literature from them and contributes a good deal of her time and money to this effort…

Christian Friends of Israeli Communities – Home Page

It sounds very reasonable…

Christian Friends of Israeli Communities (CFOIC Heartland) was established in 1995. as a Christian response to the Oslo Peace Accords in 1993. Christians around the world were deeply troubled by Israel’s major territorial concessions and felt compelled to stand with the people of Judea and Samaria
CFOIC Heartland provides a much needed vehicle for Christians to become better informed about the Jewish communities in the heartland of Biblical Israel, to visit these areas and to provide practical support for vital community needs.
Since its inception, CFOIC Heartland has stood steadfastly with those Jews who are at greatest risk in Israel, those whose core values are based on Biblical principles.
Through CFOIC Heartland, thousands of Christians from around the world have become valuable friends and supporters of the pioneers of Biblical Israel. Churches, ministries and individuals have visited the communities and biblical sites of Judea and Samaria and have connected directly with the people living there. The have provided financial support for community projects and have made a real difference for those living in the communities of Judea and Samaria.

October 15, 2017 8:34 am

When I was in the Middle East–and Israel–last November for a wedding ( it was a catholic wedding), I was surprised at how prevalent the Messianic Jewish movement has become.
Percentage wise, the messianic jewish movement ( Jews who are now accepting of Jesus Christ as the messiah) is possibly the fastest growing religion in the world as it doubles in new believers almost bi-annually.

October 15, 2017 9:38 am

You lie. Because you have an agenda, and everyone can see it.

“There are 150-plus congregations in Israel with as many as 15,000 Messianic Jewish believers”

Israel’s population is 8.5 million. Now, what percentage do those 15,000 represent? Can you do maff? Also, can you do English? Cuz I’d like to know your definition of “prevalent”.


Messianic Jews will never ever be accepted amongst the general population. Here is what the vastly overwhelming majority believe about Messianic Judaism.

“It is dishonest, deliberately or inadvertently, to say that one can live in a Jewish faith community and accept another scripture or accept a different God,” Wolpe told JTA. “It’s striking that for thousands of years the definition of being Christian was believing in Jesus, and all of a sudden they’ve discovered, no, you can do that and be Jewish. It is, whether they realize it or not, a marketing tool, not a discovery.”

You’re entire characterization of Messianic Judaism is misleading, if not dishonest, and I don’t know why you feel the need to resort to such tactics … unless you have an agenda.

October 15, 2017 9:57 am

“Percentage wise, the messianic jewish movement ( Jews who are now accepting of Jesus Christ as the messiah) is possibly the fastest growing religion in the world …”

Another lie, most easily refuted.

They are neither the fastest growing religion by percentage or raw numbers.

In fact, the fastest growing “religion’ over the past 100 years or so has been atheism. See link below.

And before you condemn wikipedia for its inaccuracies, rest assured I couldn’t find ANY sources that mention Messianic Judaism even in the top 25.

Maybe your source is a Messianic Judaism web site.

October 16, 2017 6:51 am

I just wondered if the enormous amount of literature I get in the mail from them simply by being friends with one of the folks in the organization is worth my postman’s time. You really gotta wonder if people need the money when they send you slick brochures monthly asking for donations. I just wondered if they are legit.

October 15, 2017 9:39 am

But you don’t seem to be providing any evidence other than attacking the source (without saying why) to show that or any other information is wrong by providing the correct information in its place.

October 14, 2017 8:24 pm

“In Shia Islam their version of the Messiah cannot come until a global, catastrophic world war.”

Nitzakohn … sounds like Yitzak Kohn … or Yitzak Cohen. You a Jew? Just asking …

Oh, let me fix your quote;

“In CHRISTIANITY their version of the Messiah cannot come until a global, catastrophic world war.”

It’s in the book of Revelation, moron. Ya see? Two can play your idiotic game.

October 15, 2017 9:46 am

But in Christianity, it is account of what will take place as the end times approach, there is nothing that says creating those events will bring the return of Christ.

In Islam, they believe they can do it by starting them and it is their duty to instigate the wars to bring about the 12th Imam.

IMO, the 12th Imam will precede the return of Christ and either be a part of the Antichrist system or set the stage to have him/it rise to world domination during the specified times of the prophecies.

There are quite a few translated “sermons” by Islamic Imams available on the internet to demonstrate this belief. If you haven’t sought them out, you should.

October 15, 2017 4:42 am

Iran poses zero threat to the US, so you must be an Israeli….

October 15, 2017 8:19 am

Nitz–everything you wrote was simply factual and yet you got 17 down votes. This site has wonderful minds and deep intuitive thinkers, but there is a hard-core group here that are so filled with a vitriolic, HATE and LOATHING for “the joos” ( even rationalizing that the holocaust “wasn’t that bad” ) that any cogent, reasonable comment that doesn’t support “the joos” as the root of all evil is considered heretical and subversive.

October 15, 2017 9:51 am

Without regard to the posted facts or not, this site is dominated by antisemitism.

The antisemites don’t understand that they are a part of the prophecies, and on Satan’s side of them during the end times.

Probably because they haven’t actually read them, or paid attention to what Jesus as Christ taught us about what his followers should be doing if they really want to follow him and find salvation in place of damnation.

October 14, 2017 8:42 pm

Do not worry about Iran, the nation that happily sends its unarmed children by the thousands against machine gun fire and through minefields, despite the fact that aggression had ceased.

If there is no “legal” framework to hold Iran in check, then Israel will very possibly take things into its own hands, given Iran’s statements re Israel, and given its propensity toward fanaticism. You think Israel will sit by twiddling their thumbs while Iran tests missiles, like SK, Japan, etc. are doing re the NK tests? I think it unlikely.


October 14, 2017 8:51 pm

Yeah, but things change. Indians used to be the sole inhabitors of NAmerica, too. Arabian Gulf makes as much sense as Persian. More Arab nations surround that gulf than Persian.

October 15, 2017 10:05 am

So, Zara, exactly what worldwide accepted official name for the Persian Gulf should he have used?

What do all the other nations of the world call it and who gave it that name?

October 15, 2017 8:57 am

Yeah–and all of the great Ottoman and Persian wars for 400 years were the joos fault also.
and its the joos fault that Iran has been arming the Yemeni Shia t war against the Saudi Arabs also.
And I’m sure that it was the joos fault that the Iranian Shia turned Beirut, Lebanon, “the Paris of the ME” and 90% Christian nation into a terrorist, Hezzbolah run hellhole.

This logic is as skewed as Israel wanting this unrest in Syria–a border nation which they had decades of peace with. A nation that has been primarily secular in nature with many diverse beliefs–from Christian, Druze, Arab, Semitic, Sunni, Kurds, Yazidis, Bedoin, etc–yes it must have been the Joos who ordered the muslim-loving and jew-hating Obama to arm and outfit the jew-hating ISIS and Al-Nusra to start this whole dame Syrian issue…

Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory
October 15, 2017 2:46 pm

Yep, Obama hated Israel so much that instead of derailing the welfare gravy train filled with American tax money and headed to Tel Aviv he added another boxcar filled with an extra billion dollars a year. Obama hated those Jews so much he made them have to decide how to spend all that extra US tax money.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 14, 2017 10:43 pm

If Israel wants to fight Iran, let Israel fight Iran, but leave us the fuck out of it.

October 15, 2017 4:44 am

“You think Israel will sit by twiddling their thumbs while Iran tests missiles, like SK, Japan, etc. are doing re the NK tests? I think it unlikely.”

Yes, 100% likely…Israel doesn’t fight its own wars, and if it attacked Iran, wouldn’t last 2 days.

October 15, 2017 6:38 am

‘ …. then Israel will very possibly take things into its own hands, ”


Iran is far away. I doubt Israel can successfully prosecute a conventional land war.

Of course, Israel has nukes. Are you suggesting they would use them? With, or without American permission? Regardless, introducing nukes would embroil the whole world, and send all back to the Dark Ages, or worse.

No. I think Israel will be content to whine and bitch till the cows come home, while continuing to extract many billions of dollars from America.

October 15, 2017 6:44 am

I think Israel would be likely to use whatever it has to prevent Iran building a nuclear arsenal. Iran has a track record of evil, and wants Israel destroyed. Israel is well aware of this, and they are not ones to take threats lightly. But that is just my opinion.

I do not believe that a world war would ensue if Israel takes out Iran. Why would it?

October 15, 2017 7:06 am

“I do not believe that a world war would ensue if Israel takes out Iran. Why would it?”

First, Good Morning! Or, is that, Good Morning mate?? (It feels weird calling YOU — a non-female — mate.)

The answer is simple. Iran also has treaties with countries. And even if not formalized treaties, certainly an informal understanding.

I believe China is making multibillion dollar deals with Iran … and more than just oil. Iran is on Russia’s doorstep, they are allies, lots of economic activity between them, and i can’t imagine Russia merely standing by as an observer. Russia is about 12% mooslim, and doing nothing would have serious consequences, for various reasons.

October 15, 2017 1:00 pm

Stuck – something would be done, of course. But the US fighting Russia/China because of something aisrael does? I do not see that. Why would that happen?

Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
October 14, 2017 8:55 pm

My my what a hot button topic.
Are there any adults beyond 29 years of age commenting?
Are they first generation Americans?
Have they a green pass?
Is it a wee bit possible that the BS coming from that region of the world for as long as I`ve lived, might possibly be a tad tainted? Meaning flat effing lies?
I guess setting each others hair on fire beats making your own little spit of land in the world and the community that surrounds that spit, a better place.
Spot on, Llpoh


“green pass” gives you away.

Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory
October 14, 2017 9:14 pm

War with Iran is every NeoCon’s wet dream. The sooner we deport every dual citizen, the better.

  Sean Mallory
October 14, 2017 9:21 pm

Every dual citizen, really? I think what you’re trying to say is, deport the Joos. Quit fucking around.

October 15, 2017 4:48 am

Most US jews are not dual citizens, but is it really possible to have 2 allegiances? David Brooks’s kid is in the Israeli Army, for example.

Sean Mallory
Sean Mallory
October 15, 2017 1:16 pm

I don’t care if they are Israeli, Irish, or Icelandic. Dual citizens must go.

  Sean Mallory
October 15, 2017 4:49 am

AIPAC should be declared a terrorist organization…

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 14, 2017 9:48 pm

Actually, the treaty with Iran and whether or not we go to war with them are two separate topics.

I will address the treaty in this post and share my thoughts (if you want them) about going to war with Iran in another post.

First up is that the president has the power to negotiate treaties. Obama did that. He did his job.


The Senate has to ratify any treaty with a two-thirds majority vote. The Senate did not do that. It was and is their job and they have all hidden under their desks for the past two years.


This seems like a very savvy political move by Trump. He has said that he isn’t going to take the responsibility for a treaty that was negotiated by Obama and was never ratified by the Senate. By doing so he has put the burden on the people where it rightfully belongs our US Senators. The issue is now in their court.

The Senate must now do one of three things:

1) They can either vote to ratify it.
2) They can vote to not ratify it.
3) They can keep their heads up their ass and pretend that it doesn’t exist.

If they continue to do the third thing I would expect Trump to get as much political mileage out of it as he can – and in this case, he should. Let’s see them squirm out of this one…

Steve C.
Spring, TX

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 14, 2017 11:10 pm

You assume that we have any credibility with other nations to begin with.

The world saw what we did to Gaddafi in Libya. We promised him that if he would just give up his weapons of mass destruction that we would be good with Libya. Gaddafi made the fatal mistake of trusting us and gave them up and as a reward, we orchestrated his torture and assassination.

We can pin the US/Libya lesson to the world on Clinton and Obama. “…We came. We saw. He died…” — Hillary Clinton

Any nation anywhere would be foolish to trust the US. And you’re worried about our credibility?


Steve C.

  Steve C.
October 15, 2017 4:51 am

Getting political mileage with people who did not and will not vote for Trump is just stupid…Especially with such a dangerous and isolating issue.

  Steve C.
October 15, 2017 6:51 am

Ratify, schmatify.

You’re talking about internal American political/administrative procedures.

As if the world cares.

Gotta dig up a tired saying: perception is reality. The PRESIDENT of the United States attempts a deal, then succeeds in making the deal, then announces the deal to the world, and then the USA acts as if the deal actually exists (!!!) ……… well, my friend, the whole world sees that AS A TREATY — internal administrative procedures be damned.

October 15, 2017 8:54 am

Gotta dig up a tired saying: perception is reality. The PRESIDENT of the United States attempts a deal, then succeeds in making the deal, then announces the deal to the world, and then the USA acts as if the deal actually exists (!!!) ……… well, my friend, the whole world sees that AS A TREATY — internal administrative procedures be damned.

So we need to abide by the Paris Climate Accords too.

October 15, 2017 9:12 am

No, Jack, we don’t.

Did you not read (for comprehension) this little tidbit … and then the USA acts as if the deal actually exists … and then ask yourself “when did America EVER ACT on the Paris Climate Accords?”

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 14, 2017 10:14 pm

From Eric’s very fine article.

“Trump’s move was also a clever ploy to deflect blame for abrogating the key 2015 Iran nuclear treaty that the US signed with Iran, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, China and the European Union.”

See the word treaty anywhere?

Steve C.

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 14, 2017 10:32 pm

Eric is a good man. I wish we had more like him.

Steve C.

October 15, 2017 4:53 am

Margolis is posting a warning, which is his job. But there will be no war…If there were a war, it would be disastrous for the US and Trump.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
October 14, 2017 10:27 pm

Lastly, I don’t think anybody cares about Iran.
I don’t believe anyone believes this will lead to war.
Its been a fact that Iran already has nukes (dirty ones but who cares how clean the explosion is)
Every American is sick to death of Iran being any topic at all and would just as soon see it swept under a rug.
We won`t do so because it would be yet another shithole to maintain with our troops and treasure.
We know it. They know it.
Best to hope for is another Green Revolution that this president wouldn’t pass up.


It’s not a fact. Nothing is easier to detect than dirty nukes.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
Two, if by sea. Three if from within, thee.
October 15, 2017 12:00 am

You know Iranian nuclear experts who also happen to be Iranian? How many Russian nuclear experts who work for Iran are there and what are their names? Chinese?
But seriously, I would have to mention a Jewish scientist of ours ( you do live in America, right?) by the name of Samuel Theodore Cohen. Instantly that would disqualify me, I regret.
However, if those who avidly follow your every word might partake in a slice from the opposite end of the pie to get to the center of knowledge in an exciting new way rather than the same old, same old, it might shed some light. Maybe.
Who knows…you and they could even make a hobby of discovering an entire collection of Jewish scientists that have saved countless lives with their discoveries. Give it a crack. Regards.

October 15, 2017 12:33 am

Israel is gassing Palestinians? I’m not challenging you but if you believe Germany didn’t gas the jews, in what way is Israel treating Palestinians worse? Seriously, I’m just curious. I am interested in the jewish question.

October 15, 2017 2:35 am

I reread my question and it didn’t even make sense. Anyway, I believe people on TBP are listening to you. Sceptically maybe but listening.

October 15, 2017 6:24 am

Zara got more thumbs up in this thread than all prior years of posting combined! Lol People ARE listening.

Steve C.
Steve C.
October 15, 2017 10:44 am

“…If we had to get involved in the Great War it should have been on the side of Germany…”

I will agree with you on that. Although I don’t think that we had any business getting involved in that European war, we were eventually sucked into it on the wrong side.

Remember that the first thing that England did after hostilities broke out in August of 1914 was to cut the underwater cables from Europe so that all news and information about it came from England – with a decided slant in their favor of course.

They also had a complete department set up in the US to insert news favorable to them in our newspapers and to stir up hatred of Germany among the US population.

Does that sound familiar? Sort of like what Israel does today? The BS that we get in what passes for a news media in this country is always the Israeli version of everything.

At the Treaty of Versailles in 1919, Great Britain took the opportunity to carve out new territory for themselves from the defeated nations and thus added over one million square miles to their empire.

The US added none.

With friends like England who needs enemies?

If you are interested in reading about the origins of The Great War one of the best books that I have found is called, “The Sleepwalkers – How Europe Went to War in 1914” by Cambridge professor Christopher Clark. I found it via a book review of it by none other than Eric Margolis.

It is a difficult read even for a history nerd like me, but you can read Eric’s review of it here:


I also recently watched a video by James Corbett of The Corbett Report from a presentation that he gave in Copenhagen, Denmark in September where he showed the similarities between the conditions just prior to the outbreak of WWI to today.

You can watch the presentation here. It is about an hour and ten minutes long and is very interesting:

Echoes of WWI: China, the US, and the Next “Great” War

Corbett also references a book about the origins of WWI in his presentation. It’s called, “Hidden History: The Secret Origins Of WWI” by Gerry Docherty and Jim MacGregor.

I have not read this book yet (but I’ll have to get it) so I can’t comment on it.

So many books. So little time…

Steve C.

“…What we learn from History is that no one learns from History…”
Otto von Bismarck (1815 – 1898) – German aristocrat and statesman; Prime Minister of Prussia (1862–1890), First Chancellor of Germany (1871–1890)

Two, if by sea. Thiree if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Thiree if from within,thee
October 15, 2017 2:58 pm

You’re correct.
I’m a British plant. My pseudo prose must have been what exposed my attempt.
For my North American brethren I sincerely ask you, while occupying their great homeland, the United States, as an invasive species, if it’s not too late, please make a concerted attempt to not impregnate anything. Much obliged.

October 15, 2017 9:42 am

Here is where I stopped reading:
“…So far to the right, in fact, that their Israeli opponents often call them ‘fascists.’…”
Imagine that, actually being called a fascist. My Oh my, if someone calls you a fascist, you must surely be a worse than Hitler, Pol Pot, and Mao all rolled into one.

October 15, 2017 9:59 am

Takes out Iran….

So exactly how would Zion accomplish this task llpoh.

Boots on the ground. There are the obvious problems of the logistics involved in that. Christ sakes they can’t even win a war in Lebanon or Syria and those countries are right next door. Of course they can use nukes but then what. Iran is the key that unlocks the soft underbelly of the Former Soviet Union. Those siding with Israel and thinking that Russia or China will stand idly by and let that deed go unpunished… well

This speech by Trump is a day late and a dollar short. Why is that. Well because Iran doesn’t need nuclear weapons. China and Russia already have their backs. And not because both countries have a deep and abiding concern for Persia.


They understand what is at stake. Fuck it is all laid out in black and white in the papers written for The Project For The New American Century.

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Think not that Russia wants this shit on their doorstep..

Besides the nukes are just plane ride away in Pakistan and Russia. If Israel wants to be a proxy then anything fired will be returned in kind and shoved directly up their ass.

Lookie here, guess its just a coincidence that this happens just as Trump pulls out his cock to stroke for all to see on his world stage.

Whatta fucken’ wanker he has turned out to be..

Pretty sad when a schmuck like me has moar faith in Putin than the leaders of the West.

Shit is gettin’ real alright but it seems to me that the band on stage is playing a different tune then what is shown on playlist. The ill gotten gains of the NeoCons and Zionists are finally being rolled back by Russia. Even Turkey is now smart to the game and understands that their national interests are more aligned with Russia then the good ole…….

™ Stuckmeister

And with the introduction of Kalibr missile into region the calculus has changed forever and for good. 1000 Ton missile Corvettes in Caspian Sea are a very real threat to every major asset, with US Navy Aircraft Carriers and their 5000 men crews at the very top, .

Whether that gulf is Persian or Arabian but one thing is for certain. If the shit winds turn south, it will be the graveyard of that Fleet.

Trump and Bibi hopefully aren’t…

And if for whatever reason it turns out they are indeed fools I will channel our TBP Bard, and make it my dying wish to see both those men choking for an eternity on a bucket of diseased donkey dicks.

October 15, 2017 4:27 pm

Rob – Israel would not need to step foot into into Iran to take out Iran. In fact, my understanding is they told the US not to step foot into Iraq, but to use air superiority and then install a puppet. The US should have listened.

October 15, 2017 5:23 pm

You say the USA should have listened to Israelis. Isn’t that the problem now.

And they cannot go it alone and bomb Iran in a meaningful way without US help. So this plan you talk about and taking it on alone if required is fantasy.

Bomb from afar then like magic wait for some Stooge to take charge and start singing from Zionist/NeoCon playbook. Brilliant strategy and bound to work like a charm. Are you serious!

Didn’t the West try that in Libya. That was a huge success right..

Yeah this great plan is to bomb a huge and they will fold up like a cheap tent. Well sorry to be the one to break the bad news but that ain’t gonna happen. That was tried in Vietnam and still it needed GI’s to go out in Jungle to tame the locals. While Iran doesn’t have the Jungle it does have the advantage of geography. Borders a Gulf with mountains all along shore and a choke point where all ships are easy pickings from the hidden SSN-22 and SSN-26 super sonic missiles.

You are way smarter than me Lloph but I don’t mind saying that your idea is seriously flawed!

Throw 15 to 30 thousand short range missiles that Hezzbolah have.
The S400 air defence system of Russians in Syria.
Kalibr cruise missiles in Caspian

Sounds to me like the makings of a real bad day in Zion.

To beat a bully one needs to be crazier and capable of doing anything to get even. Iran will do what it has to do to be left alone. If USA and Israel decide to go rogue then they will get what they deserve.

Mullahs in charge in Tehran would likely wait for smoke to clear then send out the spies and locate all the ships of 5th fleet. Sink an Oil tanker and wait!

I give it a week tops and an aircraft is sent to bottom of Persian Gulf.

Now one might say. Dem fuckers wouldn’t dare do that. To which the simple reply is why not?

Then what?
Moar bombs?


But bombing rubble loses it charm. Especially when the rubble getting piled up is in Tel Aviv just as much as it is in Tehran.. or New York

October 15, 2017 7:24 pm

Rob – Israel could turn Iran to dust at any time of its choosing. Israel has a range of ways to deliver nukes if it decides ever to do so, and Iran would be at its mercy.

Given Iran has stated that it wants to destroy Israel, and nukes would so allow, Israel may just act pre-emptively. I have no plan, and could not give a shit either way. I am just saying that Israel has the means, the motive, and the opportunity, and knows a little about what happens when folks threaten to exterminate them and they take no action. I would be surprised if Israel permits Iran to become a nuke power.

Hezbollah and its missiles are not a new threat.

October 15, 2017 8:13 pm

Pretty hard to install a puppet when turning a nation to dust. You have managed to move the goal posts and now you are talking crazy which surprises me quite frankly.

Iran and Israel have in fact much in common. Yeah the Israel is on its surface secular but its raison d’etre is as a Jewish State first and foremost. They are both Theocracies in name and essence.

You started out saying that some bombs and a change in leadership will make the Persians moar agreeable. Now you are advocating wholesale genocide. Your making Hitler look like a piker when it comes to solving demographic challenges. And there are challenges a lot closer to home. Soon, if not already, the Jews will be a minority west of River Jordan. Once that happens all it is going to take is a sensible Arab politician to step to fore and make the

[imgcomment image[/img]

“I have a dream speech”

Then all the musings and shenanigans of the Lukidniks and the NeoCons will blow away like the sands of the Negev when the One State finally emerges.

It can’t happen soon enough.

And you should give a shit because if they go with the nuke plan ya best channel Mel Gibson cause it will be Mad Max for you and yours in the outback……

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October 15, 2017 9:07 pm

You know what Zara all this talk about the real men going to Tehran is just shit gettin’ thrown against the wall. The world economy wouldn’t survive intact a shut down of oil trade thru Hormuz. All this effort to protect tankers by 5th fleet will not matter when the terminals loading Oil in Gulf are bombed out of commission.

Trump is just talking shit. The US and Israel can’t beat Assad in Syria, Iraq is a mess and now they are going to take this on as well. Ain’t happening. Just grist for Sunday talk shows. That is it.

October 15, 2017 8:48 pm

Rob – how about this- go fuck yourself, asshole. I advocated nothing, you fuckwit. Nothing. Why? Because it is none of our business.

I also said that the puppet was Israel’s advice to the US, re Iraq.

You are pissing me off with your bullshit lies about what I said or advocated.

October 15, 2017 8:54 pm

Hilarious. You are an unabashed apologetic for Israel. I get it. Enjoy it while it lasts. I knew just by the way you were couching your thoughts how this would end. I wasn’t being rude even if you started out with the asinine suggestion that all that needs to be done is drop a few bombs on Iran.

October 15, 2017 9:17 pm

Rob- you suggested I advocated genocide. Where did I do that? You compared me to Hitler. You are a fucking asshole to think you were not being rude. I said nothing about a change of leadership in Iran. I said nothing about making Iran more agreeable. You made that shit up, and tossed in the genocide bullshit to boot, but you were not being rude? Fuck you and the fucking horse you rode in on.

Here it is again you fucking simpleton:

Iran has said it wants to erase Israel. Many times it has said so. Israel has a certain history that makes it tend to believe that threats against it are real. Israel has the capability to eradicate Iran, and it is my opinion there is a discrete possibility that should Iran get close to nuclear capability, given it wants to erase Israel, Israel may well decide that the risk is too great to bear. In that case all bets are off, and Israel may act unilaterally.

I do not give a shit what happens in that part of the world. Iran the political entity is pure evil in my opinion, based on little things like it sending its children and elderly to clear minefields by walking through them. I do not give a shit whether Israel survives or not. I do not support giving them aid. I do not support it having influence politically in the US or elsewhere. I simply think I understand them better than many, and understand why they do what they do. They are simply defending what they perceive to be their interests, and they are damn good at it.

You were not being rude? You fuckwit. Of course you were rude. You were lying out your ass, casting aspersions on me, and inventing shit.

October 15, 2017 9:26 pm

You started out by saying that to solve the problem a few bombs needed to be plopped on Tehran. Then install a puppet. Then proceed to lecture on Israel’s right to exist. Hypocrite much! And yeah I was being rude but I was playing the same game as you.

Deal with it..

October 15, 2017 9:49 pm

Rob – you lying piece of shit. You say:

“You started out by saying that to solve the problem a few bombs needed to be plopped on Tehran.Then install a puppet.”

You are a lying cocksucker. I never said that. Not even close. Post a quote to back up your shit, why don’t you.

You said: “Then proceed to lecture on Israel’s right to exist.” I never said that, either. Post where I said that, or shut your fucking cockholster.

You should spend less time on your knees and instead spend some time learning how to read. Given your history, I would have thought you would be more careful about what you say and do. I mean, how many lives were lost because of your carelessness? Remind me again, asshole.

Out of nowhere, you turned me from friend to foe. Good luck with that.

October 15, 2017 9:53 pm

Z – anyone would have to be nuts to think about invading Iran. Even the Russians could not handle the Afghanis. Iran would be Afghanistan times 1000.

October 15, 2017 10:40 pm

So lets recap lloph. You are an expert on what some unknown expert said in Israel.

Then you call me a fuckwit… yeah whatever…

As for lives lost it was twenty six. Man that was pretty cheap even for you.

So what exactly are you advocating..

Anyways if that is how you want to roll then fine by me.

Sad really

October 15, 2017 10:48 pm

Man. Having a disagreement about foreign policy, conducting spirited shit-flinging-style debate and such is one thing.

But bringing up that mine accident is pretty fucked up.

October 15, 2017 11:00 pm

Rdawg – anyone who says I advocate genocide, given MY fucking background, gets what they fucking get. All bets are off. My people suffered genocide, so I know a little bit about this stuff. Accusing me of advocating it is fucked up, especially when the entire accusation is invented. Fuck him.

Rob created this for who knows what reason. I did not attack him, and was civil entirely. Then he accuses me of advocating genocide, etc., which is some fucked up bullshit. Whatever possessed him to do such a thing I will never understand. I will kick him in the nuts every time I see him, though, owing to his gross stupidity.

By the way, I would suggest you mind your own business. I am not feeling all soft and fuzzy at the moment.

October 15, 2017 11:04 pm

Pardon me. I thought this was an open forum.

October 16, 2017 1:20 am

Rdawg – it got personal when he said I advocate for genocide. My advice is re getting involved in a personal dispute. He has stirred up a hornets nest. But if you do not mind getting stung, be my guest, and prod away at that sucker.

October 17, 2017 12:46 am

Rob – I apologize and withdraw my comment. It was not appropriate and came from the heat of the moment. I found your genocide comment, and your comparing me to Hitler, quite insulting and offensive, Especially given my background. I do not know why you attacked me, and feel it came from out of the blue. We were having a civil conversation, or so I thought.

I never have had a bad thought of you previously. The genocide/Hitler comment really came as a shock to me.

October 15, 2017 10:03 am

Has anyone read “The Israel Lobby” by John Mearsheimer and Stephen Walt which really should have been titled “The Jewish Lobby”? AIPAC and other organizations that form part of the Jewish Lobby are so powerful that they control US foreign policy in the Middle East and elsewhere. NeoCons, the modern neo-Bolsheviks, who form the core of this Lobby have been the main force behind wars in the Middle East and Africa since 9/11 and they have been promoting a war against Iran for some time. The fact Trump has decided not to certify the international nuclear accord with Iran is evidence that the Jewish Treason Lobby still controls US foreign policy which has been the case since the turn of the last century (source: “Against Our Better Judgement” by Alison Weir). The only question that remains is Trump buying some time with this decision before purging the US of this treasonous lobby or is he in fact deceiving the American people on who he really represents?

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
October 15, 2017 10:14 am

In 1953, the American CIA, acting as whores for British Petroleum, kidnapped Mossadeq, a democratically-elected, leader of the Iranian People. Teddy Roosevelt’s nephew, “Kermit”, led the CIA-orchestrated kidnapping and coup, “Operation Ajax”. The phony war in Iraq is an intentional lie to defund the Euro. The Euro, when Cowboy George and male bathroom attendant Tony Blair cooked-up the intentional Iraq LIE, was trading evenly with the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve” currencys (bonds, bills and notes).

Iran, at the time of the Iraq LIE, was promising a “Bourse” for their oil. The “Bourse” was advertised as a direct confrontation to the criminal parasites in the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve”. Iran was advertising they would sell their oil to any country that used Euros instead of the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve” currencys (bonds, bills and notes). Read the “Chilcot Report”. It demonstrates the Iraq LIE as what is: an intentional deceit. The time is fast approaching the “Brexit” will be used to topple the already-hopelessly-rigged, “Stock Market” and the English Pound, now-depleted, will rise again to confound the truth and torment Humanity ad infinitum. Since Bretton Woods, in 1942, the ONLY thing the lying criminals in the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve” have exported, is WHAT IS PERCEIVED TO BE: American Debt.

It isn’t. Instead, it is counterfeit US Debt created by criminal imposters to the well-being of US Finances in the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve” system. The banks and their COUNTERFEITING US CURRENCY AND SECURITIES, HAVE DESTROYED THEMSELVES, NOT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE. WHEN THE TIME COMES, THE AMERICAN PEOPLE MUST ICELAND THESE CRIMINAL FILTH INTO OBLIVION FOR NOW AND FOREVER MORE.

~ Michael Keane copyright 5/16/17 all rights reserved.

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Two, if by sea. Thiree if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Thiree if from within,thee
  Michael Keane
October 15, 2017 2:48 pm

Kermit Roosevelt was president Theodore Roosevelts second son

  Michael Keane
October 15, 2017 4:29 pm

Michael Keane – Where have you been? Keep posting please.

It is difficult for me to fully “get” what you are saying but, to me, the focus of your writing about the Federal Reserve is spot on. I am sure it is all about the money.

Federal Reserve – SHOW ME THE MONEY!!!

October 15, 2017 10:45 pm

i’ve always liked you until this comment-
why the hell are you encouraging him?
another positive comment and he’ll be back to posting the encyclopedia britannica–

October 15, 2017 11:00 pm

Couldn’t have said it better. Let sleeping dogs lie.

October 16, 2017 12:04 am

Come on now guys, I’m one of the good ones.

What, you don’t think he brings anything good to the table?

I just wish it was written in a more understandable way. At least for me anyway.

October 17, 2017 12:55 am

You are one of the good ones. I was referring to Keane, whose writing is too arcane, too overwrought, too cut-and-paste-y. I dunno, his prose makes me think he’s the secret love-child of flash and i forget; all wordy and opaque at the same time.
Plus there’s that god-damn insufferable “copyright, all rights reserved” bullshit.
I mean, who the fuck does that?

October 15, 2017 11:29 am

If Israel wanted a war with Iran, the first thing they would do is detonate a huge bomb in Israel, and then blame it on Iran.

Then they would start beating the war drums in America by having the Zionist controlled media continue to reinforce the perpetual victim status the Zionists have cultivated for more than 100 years, (add infinity!)

TV Christian Evangelists will also help by telling their congregation to support Israel till the end of time, irrespective of the fact that if Jesus showed up in Israel today, they would happily crucify him all over again, because Lucifer is the GOD they worship, and is their father!

Then as usual they would follow their Satanic mind, and do war by “Way of Deception,” and con the United States into not only fighting the war for them, but paying for it too, while we pay them more than 2 million dollars a day, for the pleasure of having them exploit, and work against our freedoms!

Problem solved…

October 15, 2017 3:10 pm

Today TBP has treated us to a two for one barrage of Trump-hate and Antisemitism penned by two remarkably ignorant lightweights Zerotruster and the other guy.

Here is the Summary (combined}
Trump sucks
Bebe sucks
Putin rules
Israel and U.S. are war mongers
Iran can be trusted
The IAEA knows what they are doing
Jews can’t be trusted
The End
Rating -1 *

December 29, 2017 10:43 am

What do you say about this Zionist Jew who opposes the Islamic invasion:

The Islamic Invasion: Not Judaism – Leftism

And who loves America with the same pride as his Revolutionary War ancestors:

Nitzakhon: A Guest Blogger Introduction

October 16, 2017 6:55 am

So sorry. I just didn’t have time for bunny pictures yesterday.

Mordechai Katz
Mordechai Katz
October 15, 2017 7:02 pm

General George Marshall’s Israeli prophesy comes true.
General George Marshall who also became Secretary of State was an icon: The one officer who, more than any other, was responsible for the American victory in World War Two. He was the most important soldier of his generation – and a man of great moral and physical courage.
Marshall predicted Israel would create endless trouble for the United States. In late 1947, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) had written that “A decision to partition Palestine, if the decision were supported by the United States, would prejudice United States strategic interests in the Near and Middle East” to the point that “United States influence in the area would be curtailed to that which could be maintained only by military force.” That is to say, the concern of the Joint Chiefs of Staff
was not with the security of Israel- but with the security of American lives.
In the period between the end of World War Two and Marshall’s meeting with Truman (May 12, 1948), the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) had issued no less than sixteen papers on the Palestine issue. The most important of these was issued on March 31, 1948 and entitled “Force Requirements for Palestine.” In that paper, the JCS predicted that “the Zionist strategy will seek to involve the United States in a continuously widening and deepening series of operations intended to secure maximum Jewish objectives.” The JCS speculated that these objectives included: initial Jewish sovereignty over a portion of Palestine, acceptance by the great powers of the right to unlimited
immigration, the extension of Jewish sovereignty over all of Palestine and the expansion of “Eretz Israel” into Transjordan and into portions of Lebanon and Syria.
Israel and the middle east are clearly winning the policy of bleeding America to the point of bankruptcy.
And This one from Admiral Moore:
Admiral Thomas Moorer, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff under Ronald Reagan said this:
“I’ve never seen a President — I don’t care who he is — stand up to them [the Israelis]. It just boggles the mind. They always get what they want. The Israelis know what is going on all the time. If the American people understood what a grip those people have got on our government, they would rise up in arms. Our citizens certainly don’t
have any idea what goes on.”

  Mordechai Katz
October 16, 2017 3:12 pm

Hey Mordechai Katz, do you have a pdf with this information, I’ll be happy to post it on Twitter.
I’ve been looking on this site:
But haven’t found it yet.

This was from a time when this Country wasn’t as Politically Correct as it is now, and people spoke their mind.
It would be good to read the warning, and then compare it to the mess we are in now.


October 15, 2017 10:57 pm

for all you pentagon lovers and critics,here is an article from the lobe log–
the scandal of pentagon spending–

The Scandal of Pentagon Spending

October 15, 2017 11:38 pm

switching to n.korea,according to this article from armstrong economics,n.korea may have tested too many nukes and it is causing earthquakes in the region–

Rocketman May Have Destabilized the Ground in North Korea