Trump … Keeping Government On Your Mind, 24×7

Daily Bell articles used to be posted here with some regularity. Then they went off the rails. It seems to me they are back on track again.

Terrific little article re: how people feel about Trump. And an astute observation I’ve not read anywhere else … that Trump keeps government in our minds 24×7.

Trump is the counter-punch to political correctness.

He is the answer to what the left has long tried to shove down American throats. That is, belligerent tolerance, single-minded diversity, and the PC policing of our thoughts.

People were energized to get out and show publicly that they reject that mind and social control.

Trump captured that reflexive energy. That energy could have swelled the ranks of individualists refusing to be pigeon-holed into two political camps. It could have seen people turn off their tv’s, engage locally instead, and opt out of the political saga. We could have all just walked away, and made the societal change through the accumulation of individual action.

But what happened instead was the large swath of people rightfully pissed off at politically correct oppression played right into the hands of the controllers. They shouted back.

That is how these political movements can spiral out of control. Each side is reacting to crazier and crazier words and actions from the other side.

The Government Won’t Be Ignored

I don’t mean the government is trying to make everyone comply with all their laws. I mean they want to be on the forefront of every American’s mind, every day. They want to be melded into the fabric of every American breath.

Trump was a genius move to make everyone pay attention on a daily basis. His unwavering presence represents the government’s intrusion into your daily life. Not physically, but mentally.

With the exception of the mailman, when was the last time you actually saw a federal official in daily life? I see local and state police. Sometimes I am forced to deal with state motor vehicle departments. A state Fish and Wildlife Officer gave me a warning for not having a whistle while kayaking.

But it is certainly not every day I see someone from the IRS, EPA, FBI, State Department, a politician, or a federal judge. In fact, I have never seen agents of some of those departments. Maybe I am lucky, but I suspect most of their presence in our lives is largely on tv, and in the news. I have certainly heard about plenty of ridiculous EPA action. I know if I want to avoid meeting an IRS agent I need to pay them protection money.

Obama was boring by comparison to Trump. Sure, he roiled the right. But the typical consumer only tuned in to government affairs to offer their pavlovian approval when the Supreme Court struck down gay marriage, or to nod their head in agreement with “common sense” gun laws.

But Trump hits every facet of the market. Of course, there are the obvious demographics: the people who love him, and the people who hate him. They will pay attention no matter what.

Then there are the people who mildly supported Trump, who then suddenly do a double take when he backs off one of his hard-lined causes. Trump suddenly says he will consider allowing Dreamers to stay in the country, or compromise on a healthcare bill. This also alerts the low attention people who have thrown their hat in the “hate Trump” ring but aren’t really political junkies.

Then there are the Trolls who think everything Trump does is hilarious, like provoking a nuclear war. And on the opposite end, there are the people who are horrified by his lack of diplomacy and twitter rants. Others cannot help but click on the interesting political headlines. He said what? This can’t be real. The political headlines were so mundane under Obama.

Even people uninterested in politics are inundated with the circus it has become. They can’t help but think about the government on a daily basis. It is thrust into their faces, with the same fervor political correct censorship was shoved down their throats.

And finally, the largest demographic Trump has brought to the political drama industry is from his reality tv universe. These people are consumers of popular culture. They now get to be a part of the reality tv show, because it is all about America. They get to be part of the drama! The voting isn’t about American Idols, it is a real game of thrones.

Last Ditch Effort or Final Solution?

Box office sales are crumbling. Cable subscriptions are collapsing. Hollywood has always been the driver of cultural dogma. But now they are being challenged. Not only are Netflix and Amazon competing, but also peer-produced content on Youtube and Vimeo.

Sports entertainment is also starting to realize they cannot necessarily weather the pushback to their political propaganda.

Facebook may have a stranglehold on data now, but their monopoly is far from permanent. It is already waning among younger demographics.

In such an economy, where giants can rise and fall so easily, what are the controllers of society to do?

Throw the Trump card.

Trump is meant to increase the presence of the federal government in your daily life. If not physically, mentally. Maybe he scares you, maybe he makes you laugh, or makes you cry. Perhaps you cheer him on, or maybe you curse him. But he is the ultimate tool of the elite to make sure the government stays on your mind.

So there is only one question left.

Is this the government’s final and desperate attempt to stay relevant while their power fades? Is this all they have left to stir things up and cause some trouble, just to make sure their presence remains, like a washed-up pop star desperate for attention?

Or is it more sinister? Is Trump the final action to solidify their power over the masses? Does he represent the final piece of the puzzle to bring everyone and everything into their sphere of control, starting with the mind? Is he the perfect man to cause enough problems so as to require the government to stick around and solve them?

Let me know what you think in the comments.




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 16, 2017 9:53 am

You are already in their control. There is no need for prisons once the mind is placed into a prison.

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
October 16, 2017 9:55 am

We are in a cultural war.
Is your skin color your uniform?
Good or bad, mostly good I think today, he is our leader.

October 16, 2017 10:57 am

I think the premise is far-fetched. The hatred and continuing attacks on Trump by the masters indicate he is not their tool, although they are clearly working on it.

October 16, 2017 11:18 am

I don’t think about politicians 23.9/7/365.

October 16, 2017 2:44 pm

A very thought-provoking piece. Kudos to Stucky for finding and posting it here. It certainly deserves more comments than it has received.

My two cents: we can’t discern everything currently unfolding, because it’s ultimately a battle in the spiritual realm between God and Satan (laugh at that to your own peril, doubters).

The question is: how do you survive in this age of deceit? I suspect one answer might be provided by looking at the model of the monasteries during the Dark Ages. They simply just quit the system (aka: rat-race), waited for the chaos to abate, and thus survived it.

Everybody has a Plan B for their life in the back of their mind, but what about a Plan C (quit the system by moving to a rural area and living at whatever level of ‘hermit’ you are comfortable with)? I would advocate that U.S. residents should also have a Plan D , which is to relocate out of the country. Any plans should come from informed research, not reckless haste.

“The prudent see danger and take refuge, but the simple keep going and pay the penalty”. Proverbs 27:12

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 16, 2017 3:13 pm

Clinton screws up vs. North Korea, sends them oil & food to take pressure off their inefficient, failing economy and free up resources to use on nuke program. Also, he sells missile technology for campaign contributions from the Chinese; OF COURSE, the Chinese tell the Norks NOTHING about how to make missiles.
Obama screws up vs. North Korea, “engages” them to stop nuke program for some valuable considerations or other (we may not yet know all Obama gave them) to “stop” researching nukes.
Trump says no more, sends troops and ships to coordinate training exercises, flies B2s across peninsula, and so on. Suddenly TRUMP is a “warmonger”? Didn’t those other two contribute MIGHTILY to Nork ability to make war, at least with missiles?
The stupid, it burns. Neocons are trying to start war with Norks, no doubt, but Clinton and Obama made it possible (from the Nork side) to fire missiles, at least.

October 16, 2017 4:15 pm

Until Trump came along, I thought political correctness went hand in hand with globalism and all that new world order crap. Now I see that you indeed can have a politically incorrect “anti-globalist” globalist NWO stooge.

October 16, 2017 4:33 pm

I don’t find the Feds any more present in my life under Trump than I did under Obama.

With the moves cutting regulations and working toward more religious freedom, I find it a little less so.

October 16, 2017 6:32 pm

I think his tweets more than anything else keep everyone thinking about politics 24/7. But that is more about the man’s ego that some despotic plan, in my opinion.

Stuck, I’ve always liked the Daily Bell, why do you say they went off the rails?

October 17, 2017 4:30 am

“Facebook may have a stranglehold on data now, but their monopoly is far from permanent”

Weird…I don’t know one person who gets his news from Facebook….an occasional glance is not a “stranglehold” or much of anything, really.

October 17, 2017 11:46 am

i refuse to sign into any article that requires me to sign in to read it.
my fakebook info page is blank.