The Rout Is On

Hillary and Bill Clinton may well spend their final years in prison.

Guest Post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

SLL has run a series of articles (“Plot Holes,” “Trump and Vault 7,” “Calling a Bluff?” “Let’s Connect the Dots,” “Powerball, Part One,” “Powerball, Part Two”) advancing interrelated hypotheses. We’ve asserted that President Trump is far smarter and the powers that be far stupider and weaker than current consensus estimates. Trump’s primary motivation is power. The nonstop vilification campaign against him has little to do with policy differences and instead reflects establishment fears that Trump will investigate, expose, and punish its criminality. The upshot of these hypotheses: Trump is winning and has consolidated his power.

Is Trump Winning?” SLL, 8/6/17

If Washington machinations were a football game, Team Trump just scored its fourth unanswered touchdown in the first quarter. The rout is on.

On October 17, reported that the FBI, using an undercover informant, an American businessman, had substantial evidence of extortion, bribery, kickbacks and money laundering by Russian nuclear industry officials in 2009. That was well before the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS) in 2010 approved the sale of a majority interest in Canadian mining company Uranium One to Russian nuclear company Rosatam. That purchase gave Rosatam control of over 20 percent of the US’s uranium reserves.

Both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder sat on CFIUS. It’s conceivable Clinton didn’t know of the FBI’s investigation. Not so Holder; the FBI is part of the Department of Justice. The Clinton Foundation received donations in excess of $100 million from interested parties on both sides of the Uranium One sale. The CEO of Uranium One at the time of the sale, Frank Guistra, was a large donor and sat on the Clinton Foundation board.

Just before the sale, Bill Clinton received $500,000 from a Russian bank with ties to the Russian government for a speech in Moscow. He met with Vladimir Putin while he was there. Hillary Clinton has denied any connection between her vote to approve the Uranium One sale and the money her foundation and husband received.

Holder’s Justice Department took four years to bring an indictment against Vadim Mikerin, who led the Russian nuclear effort in the US. There was no public notice of the Justice Department investigation. Mikerin was arrested and charged in 2014, convicted in 2015—a plea deal for one charge of money laundering—and is now in prison. The Justice Department issued an innocuous press release announcing the conviction just before Labor Day. It also required the FBI’s informant to sign a nondisclosure agreement prohibiting him from testifying before congressional committees. It appears the department wished to attract no attention to the matter.

This brewing scandal is a gift that will keep on giving for Trump. It’s easy to understand and obviously damning for Clinton, Holder, and Obama. You don’t need to be a lawyer to spot the many potential felonies that the Justice Department and congressional committees can investigate, publicize, and prosecute.

But wait, there’s more! On October 24, The Washington Post reported that the Democratic National Committee and the Hillary Clinton campaign paid for Fusion GPS’s Trump dossier. “The dossier alleged that the Russian government collected compromising information about Trump and that the Kremlin was engaged in an effort to assist his campaign for president.” It was one of the factors that launched the Obama administration’s decision to have the FBI investigate the Trump campaign’s alleged collusion with Russia. “Officials have said that the FBI has confirmed some of the information in the dossier. Other details, including the most sensational accusations, have not been verified and may never be.” (Quotes from The Washington Post.)

This story throws off a host of investigation-worthy questions. Why did Fusion suddenly decide, after months of stonewalling, to disclose the DNC and Clinton campaign’s funding? Why did Fusion fight so hard to keep its bank records secret, even after that disclosure? (Friday it reached an agreement to make them available to the House Intelligence Committee, but they will not be made public.) Did Fusion receive payments from Russian operatives? What’s in the FBI’s documents concerning the dossier, which it fought for months not to disclose to congressional investigators? (It has finally agreed to release them.) Did it use the dossier as the basis of its investigation? Did the FBI pay former British spy Christopher Steele to continue the research he had been doing for Fusion, when FBI director James Comey derided the dossier as “salacious and unverified”? Why was Fusion not listed as a vendor in either the DNC’s or the Clinton campaign’s campaign-finance filings, as election law requires?

Mueller’s investigation will come a cropper, but investigations of high-profile and no sub rosa value leakers and Democrats—up to and perhaps including Hillary Clinton—will lead to indictments and either plea bargained settlements or convictions.

Is Trump Winning?” SLL, 8/6/17

Uranium One and Fusion have displaced the Trump and Russian collusion allegations, which SLL has said from the beginning are phony and politically motivated. These new stories have directed Russian influence and collusion charges towards the Democrats, are quite real, and will be with us for some time.

Robert Mueller was the director of the FBI during its 2009 probe of Russian criminality within the US nuclear industry.

For anyone who cares to look, the real problem here is that the FBI itself is so thoroughly implicated in the Russian meddling story.

The agency, when Mr. Mueller headed it, soft-pedaled an investigation highly embarrassing to Mrs. Clinton as well as the Obama Russia reset policy.

The FBI’s Political Meddling,” Holman W. Jenkins, Jr., Wall Street Journal, 10/25/17

Mueller wasn’t just heading off embarrassment to Clinton and Obama. He had a duty to speak out against the Uranium One sale and is certainly compromised. That he is investigating Trump for Russian collusion is downright ludicrous. This weekend CNN and The Atlantic reported that Mueller has a grand jury indictment against someone. The information had to have come from Mueller’s team, and you have to wonder if it wasn’t in response to the Uranium One disclosures.

The US businessman (his identity is still secret) who served as the FBI’s informant in the Russian nuclear investigation has received a waiver from the Justice Department of his nondisclosure agreement and can testify before congressional committees. His attorney is claiming that Barack Obama received briefings and was aware of the FBI investigation well before the Uranium One sale was approved. Who knows what the informant will say before the congressional committees.

Uranium One and Fusion GPS are gold mines for Trump. There is no telling what other strands will unravel, who will turn state’s evidence and start squealing, and where all this will ultimately lead. It appears those who protected the Clintons for so long are now throwing them to the wolves. Anger runs deep in Democratic circles against Hillary Clinton. She screwed Bernie Sanders in the primary, lost the election she was supposed to win, and then hitched the party’s—and establishment Washington and its media lapdogs’—wagon to the star-crossed Trump-Russian collusion concoction.

It’s telling that the Uranium One scoops came from and the Fusion scoop came from The Washington Post, both reliable Democratic mouthpieces. There may be more than anger at work. The Clintons are perhaps being offered up as propitiatory sacrifices in the hope that Trump will be satisfied with their convictions and not proceed further. That hope is apt to be dashed. Further investigations will give Trump that much more sub rosa political leverage.

Absent a pardon or commutation, Hillary and Bill Clinton may well spend their final years in prison. Barack Obama will be problematic. He has no sub rosa value for Trump, and enough evidence against him may surface to convict, or at least indict. However, the Republican party doesn’t get many black votes and will get even fewer if Trump’s Justice Department goes after Obama. Assuming Trump has his eye on 2020, political expediency may allow the former president to skate. Eric Holder will probably not be so lucky. Lesser figures caught up in the various investigations will be either blackmailed—if they have sub rosa value to Trump—or subject to criminal justice process if they don’t.

Mueller and Comey are implicated in serious wrongdoing. The FBI has left itself wide open for a thorough investigation and house cleaning that would leave the agency stocked with Trump loyalists. While the CIA and NSA both played parts in the Russia-gate investigation, they will probably get a pass. Ostensibly they have engaged in less skullduggery than the FBI. However, Trump’s decision this weekend to release all of the Kennedy assassination materials is definitely a shot across the CIA’s bow.

It’s probably only a warning. Trump has the same regard for civil liberties as he does for kneeling footballers. He will do nothing to damage the government’s spying apparatus; he’s already taken steps to augment it. Trump is all about power and it’s the power calculus: you keep the agencies, with their troves of information and their surveillance capabilities, on your side.

Legions of worrywarts fret that an erratic, captured Trump will go off half-cocked and press a nuclear button or do something else almost as stupidly devastating. What should worry them are the precise calculations and bloodless strategies of the most ruthlessly Machiavellian president since Franklin D. Roosevelt as he further consolidates and extends his power.

So Deep It’s Sunk,” SLL, 9/3/17

Trump in full command of the intelligence and investigation apparatus gives those of us who worry about unchecked power still more to worry about.

Greene shook his head. “The Corleone Family don’t have that much muscle anymore. The Godfather is sick. You’re getting chased out of New York by the other Families and you think you can find easier pickings here. I’ll give you some advice, Mike, don’t try.”

The Godfather, Mario Puzo

Trump may be weak like Michael Corleone was weak, just before he wiped out his enemies, including Moe Greene. Like Corleone, Trump may be trying to further an impression of feebleness and for the same reasons: to make his enemies overconfident and to flush out traitors.

Plot Holes,” SLL, 2/26/17

That speculation met with considerable skepticism, even derision, at the time, but it’s been borne out. Everything that emerges in these investigations will redound to Trump’s benefit; he’s sitting in the quintessential cat bird seat. Establishment Washington made two colossal mistakes: assuming Clinton would win the election and continuing to underestimate Trump after he won. Trump does many things, some undoubtedly intentional, that lead his enemies to underestimate him. They forget the ancient wisdom: Never judge a man by his Tweets.

When Was the Last Time You

Didn’t Want a Novel to End?






Notify of
October 29, 2017 12:14 pm

I keep telling people Trump is a lot smarter than the press, politicians and late night comedians tell us he is, and I am ridiculed.

You think liberal progs cried loudly when Trump won the presidency? Wait for the absolute deafening wail when the clintons are prosecuted and the savior obama is disgraced.

  Robert Gore
October 29, 2017 4:20 pm

Love yalls enthusiasm, but I do believe it’s misplaced. While I have no doubt the muh Russians nonsense with trump is baseless and stupid, I don’t believe for one second that anything bad will happen to the Clintons. They’ve gotten away with so much for so long, I see no reason to think they won’t continue to do so. I’d love to be proven wrong though.

Mad as hell
Mad as hell
  Robert Gore
October 30, 2017 7:04 pm

Here is what concerns me from a pragmatic perspective. Yes, I like many will revel in the long overdue defeat and arrest / imprisonment of the Clinton’s and their cronies.
However, it may be the same reveling that the businessmen of Germany experienced as the Jews were put out of business after years of monopoly and dirty business deals. Then, once Hitler had all of the power, that is when the heads started to roll. Now, don’t get me wrong, this is not a “Trump is Hitler” post, it is more of a “be careful what you wish for” post. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts – absolutely. We will have to wait and see if this is a good or bad thing in the end….

  Robert Gore
October 31, 2017 3:19 pm


You are one of the smartest dudes around. All and all,
I really prefer to think along the premises you present.
Just excellent writing as well, beyond the theory.

Reality Checker
Reality Checker
October 30, 2017 4:41 pm

I agree 100%. I’ve been saying since last spring that Trump is simply playing “rope-a-dope” with both the entrenched DC establishment and their MSM minions and when the time is right he will act. I think we’re seeing the start of the counteroffensive now.

October 29, 2017 12:40 pm

I hate to be the cynic, but just because a small sample of crimes of the Ruling Class/democRATs/Establishment has been briefly exposed doesn’t mean that any of the criminals engaged in those crimes will ever suffer any negative consequences.

In this instance the criminal malfeasance lies in the fabrication and promulgation of imaginary crimes (Conspiring with and PAYING a hostile foreign power to create those fabrications) and then projecting those imaginary crimes onto their domestic political enemies. Just to make it more interesting, the fabricated crimes would cleverly shadow very real crimes actually comitted by those trying so desperately to project similar fabricated crimes onto their enemies. This way anyone not paying close attention will suffer from mass confusion about the who-what-when-where details, undercutting whatever possible damage revelation of the real crimes might otherwise incur.

And as usual all of these manufactured Fake Crimes projected onto the political enemies of the Ruling Class/democRATs/Establishment are quickly incorporated into Big Medias daily regurgitations of Deception and Misinformation and pushed 24/7 in every possible Big Media outlet so that no one could possibly escape the onslaught of fabricated disinformation.

That in fact has become the primary method of indoctrination used by the Ruling Class/democRATs/Establishment to create their desired synthetic reality in the minds of the public while at the same time ruthlessly filtering and scrubbing away all actual Reality that does not serve the interests of that Ruling Class/democRATs/Establishment cabal of corruption.

Mike Murray
Mike Murray
October 29, 2017 12:40 pm

“Hillary and Bill Clinton may well spend their final years in prison”.
HA, that’s a good one!
Yeah, yeah, I’ve heard it all before. Whitewater and Rose law firm records, tech transfers to and money from the Chinese, Bimbo eruptions, state police pimps, assorted sexual escapades and rumors of murder, emails and more murder, pay for play and the Clinton foundation.
The list quite long, and every time (just as with Barry O) the cry is always “THIS is the one they can’t get away with”.
I’d love to see it, but I’ll believe it when I see the orange jumpsuits vanish behind the gates of a Federal prison.

October 29, 2017 12:43 pm

RICO charges would be very appropriate for these crimes.
Also, confiscation of wealth as proceeds of crime!

October 29, 2017 12:46 pm

“Hillary and Bill Clinton may well spend their final years in prison.”

Are you serious???? On which planet? An alternate universe? In Bizzaro world? When? When pigs fly? When it’s Absolute Zero in hell?

Stop yanking my chain, man!

Stop smoking weed on Sunday, dude!

Seek medical attention IMMEDIATELY!

OK … now I’ll read the rest of the article.

October 30, 2017 8:32 am

Fucking Greatness Stucky!

October 29, 2017 12:52 pm

Billery’s and Hillery’s future retirement home – “Club Fed”!

Thats after they turn states evidence and make sure to bring down all those who threw them under the bus. Thats the way of things for them – If we go down? You all go down with us.
Both are firm believers in retribution. Rotten to the core.

October 31, 2017 2:33 pm

I agree with that, the Clintoons will never go down because they know where all the other players skeletons are. They have too much leverage and will never wear the orange jumpsuit.

It would be better than nothing to see Holder, Lynch, Lerner, Comey, and Mueller get there’s though. Maybe some of them will roll on some of the other elected ass wipes such as Pelousy, Schummer, Waters, Grahmnesty, MsShitstain, etc.

October 29, 2017 12:55 pm

If I were to put money on it, it would be on the Clinton’s going scot free rather than to jail.

FWIW, since it is actually known that the Clinton Foundation was involved in a criminal conspiracy, why can’t its assets be seized under civil asset forfeiture? (the thought came to me while reading this, which is a nothing to what the Clinton’s and their Foundation did:

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 29, 2017 6:59 pm

They’ll both die while their appeals are playing out. They both look like they might die any moment.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Iska Waran
October 30, 2017 12:53 pm

One can only hope that is true and happens soon.

October 29, 2017 12:58 pm

“The nonstop vilification campaign against him has little to do with policy differences and instead reflects establishment fears that Trump will investigate, expose, and punish its criminality.”


Republican controlled Congress. Can’t get the wall built .. ALL of it. Can’t get Mexico to pay for it. Cant get Obamacare repealed. Probably can’t get tax reform. Can’t make peace with Russia. DOES fill his Cabinet with Banksters, Billionaires, and Bitches.

But, HE is gonna punish the evil doers?

Haha haha I think you’re delusional.

OK … now I’ll read the rest of the article.

October 29, 2017 1:31 pm

It’s not that they -Congress- can’t get those things done, it’s that they don’t want them done.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 29, 2017 7:01 pm

It takes 50 senators to get anything through Congress. He’ll have 5-10 additional senators after the 2018 election. Prosecuting democrat lawbreaking only takes Attorney General Christie naming a Special Counsel or two.

October 29, 2017 1:06 pm

Robert, do you remember the Dacha Wars of the Soviet Union in the 1980s?

The political elite members of the Communist party had these palatial homes built for them by private business interests (my memory fails to provide exact details, but I know Putin had a nice little vacation place too) and the outrage caused by the terrible state of the Soviet economy contrasted with the way the members of the Politburo lived helped bring about the support for Perestroika when Reagan’s appeal to Gorbachev struck a nerve with the East Germans.

Tear down this wall!!!!

It is perhaps great irony that our own hope for rebuilding our nation into something great again involves building a wall, not tearing one down.

As for the Clintons, Obama and the Bush family, who appear to be profiting from our political industry as no other presidential seat warmers before them, I sincerely doubt justice will find any of them should these latest appearances of crime actually lead to filings and indictments. Rather than get the truth about the hundreds of millions of dollars these “servants” of the people have accumulated through “no fault of their own”, it is more likely Trump will find himself under house arrest via military coup like Gorbachev did in the fall of 1991.

That is how I envision the breakup of this country: Via executive order in a similar fashion to what was forced upon Gorbachev.

Now, do I join you in hoping for a rout? Sure I do. Such sadness envelops me when I realize any future grandchildren I may have will be living in what may very well be considered a third world country for real, not just by choice. But, with another old friend dead just this weekend from opiate-addiction and overdose , the evidence abounds that the corruption of our political elites has a trickle-down effect that Reagan’s economic advisors would recognize immediately. I can’t help but suspect the same folks who profited from drug-running operations in Mena, Arkansas during the Ollie North fiasco and managed to walk away without implication will simply shrug their shoulders, say “what difference does it make” (again) and retire to their estates in splendor to run their empires from the shadows.

If the Clintons get sacrificed, they won’t go quietly. They never do. Count the dead bodies.


October 15, 2006
US President Bush Makes Massive Land Purchase In Paraguay Ahead Of Expected War Crimes Charges
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
Russian Intelligence Analysts are reporting today that the American President’s daughter, Jenna Bush, has secured on behalf of her father, the American President, and the Bush Family, the purchase of nearly 100,000 acres of land in the South American Nation of Paraguay, and which is also confirmed by the Latin American News Service, and as we can read as reported in their article titled “Bush Buys Land in Northern Paraguay”, and which says:
“An Argentine official regarded the intention of the George W. Bush family to settle on the Acuifero Guarani (Paraguay) as surprising, besides being a bad signal for the governments of the region. Luis D Elia, undersecretary for the Social Habitat in the Argentine Federal Planning Ministry, issued a memo partially reproduced by digital, in which he spoke of the purchase by Bush of a 98,842-acre farm in northern Paraguay, between Brazil and Bolivia.”
The American President’s daughter had used the cover of a United Nations group to ‘cover’ her mission to Paraguay to arrange this massive land purchase, and as we can see confirmed by the Associated Press News Service in their article titled “Jenna Bush joins UNICEF program in Paraguay”, and which says:
“Jenna Bush came to this poor, landlocked South American country to take part in a UNICEF program for young professionals who volunteer in its activities here, the U.N. organization announced Monday. UNICEF released few details about the program involving the 24-year-old daughter of U.S. President George W. Bush, citing security concerns.”

I will probably post this then review for edits.

October 29, 2017 4:25 pm

Personally I think the Klintons will be the sacrificial lambs to try to take away the heat from everyone else. Then, as things start to close in they run to Dubai, from which they can’t be extradited and where they have already stashed millions of dollars for exactly that possibility.
It is telling that there is no heat, none, nada, zip, zero aimed at arguably the biggest political criminal family which is the Bushes. HillBillery has left a trail of bodies across the country. The Bushes helped off JFK. Their bodies are buried so deep there is no trail.

October 29, 2017 5:35 pm

And the Bushes were complicit in building 7, which did NOT get hit by any planes and just happened to house documents which might show where a couple trillion Defense Contracting Dollars got misplaced.

I really did like Condilesa (sp) Rice. I thought she had a lot of class. However, since she was trained by Kissinger, there’s a high likelihood she’s just as corrupt as the rest of the Bush Administration ended up being. I blame Cheney… I think young George is really as dumb as a post. I think Colin Powell left with a bad taste in his mouth from all the lies he had to tell under oath.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
October 29, 2017 7:45 pm

had to?

  Chubby Bubbles
October 30, 2017 9:59 am

Good point. Agreed to, then regretted?

October 30, 2017 9:28 am

The Acuifero Guarani is the second largest known aquifer system in the world and is an important source of fresh water. Water; the new oil and you can bet the Bushes are looking forward to billions in profits and the prospect of new war crimes.

Money makes the world go round.

October 29, 2017 1:08 pm

“Uranium One and Fusion have displaced the Trump and Russian collusion allegations, …”


Maybe on Fux.Newz.

The other MSM whores are giving it minimal coverage, or none at all.

OK … now I’ll read the rest of the article … even though it’s really starting to irritate me.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
October 29, 2017 7:04 pm

The other MSM whores have to be brought kicking and screaming to the truth if it involves democrat perfidy. Everyone understands that these days, even democrats.

October 29, 2017 1:22 pm

OK. Finished reading.

Wish I had my 15 minutes back. So solly.

“Route”, my fat ass. You could have titled this “Clinton Sins”.

To which I say, we ALL already know them. Everybody. From top gooberment officials to lowly bloggers. Seriously, this is nothing new.

To which I further say — what does it matter at this point?

Nothing. The belief that any Clinton and/or Ilk will spend time in prison is pure fantasy. Or, fun stuff to post to start a shitfest. If that’s the case, consider this post my contribution to said shitfest.

Clintons In Custody might make a good Netflix special. But, it certainly isn’t something 95% of people will take seriously.

Over, and out.

October 30, 2017 1:18 pm

“what does it matter at this point?” Agreed and seconded.

It clearly demonstrates obvious and factual “wrongdoings” by all kinds of bad democrats who may be arrested any day now and blah blah blah….None of that fucking matters. Everything here is still the idea of fixing the system through the system. IT is a non-starter, period.

The system is beyond repair by Trump, Jeebus, aliens or the re-animated corpse of George Washington.

There is no cleaning up Washington, there is no draining the swamp (even if possible it would be quickly re-filled and smell fouler in weeks)….there is ONLY collapse.

In this light there are just three actions that make sense:

1) prepare yourself and family for collapse in whatever ways seem best and are feasible

2) IGNORE the system as much as possible…it cannot be fought–it is way too big, it cannot be repaired (I thought we all knew this), BUT it will die quickly and painfully if enough people withdraw their consent.

3) Spread the word about 1 and 2. You usually do a fine job of this, but this piece is fighting the wrong battle. Let’s say, just for arguments sake, that the Clinton’s, Holder and even the great Obama himself all end up in cells for the rest of their miserable lives. Besides a few seconds of elated schadenfreude, what does it really do for any of us? We here have never met any of these people, never will, and would not like them if we did…so why spend so much time thinking–and writing–about them?

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
October 30, 2017 2:34 pm

I’m guessing 55/45 at this point but not sure which is which.

October 29, 2017 1:28 pm

I enjoyed this article greatly and now have two (2) primary desires:

1.) That events play out the way you have outlined


2.) That this piece goes viral

But not necessarily in that order. Thank you, Robert.

EDIT: BTW – Tomorrow (Monday 10/30/17) is going to be a very interesting day. Ghouls, spooks, and clowns always make for a frightening, and entertaining, Halloween season.

  Robert Gore
October 29, 2017 1:58 pm

Robert and Uncola never mention Trump criminal activities and connections. They keep harping about the crimes of the Clintons being punished. These are very bright men, why do they skew the narrative to leave out select members of the criminal cartel?

There will be no rout of the Bush, Clinton, Obama, Trump gangs, you are both deluded.

  Robert Gore
October 30, 2017 2:39 am

I hope that your predictions about the bringing to justice of the criminals is correct. However, I also am concerned with the Teflon don acquiring complete power. He inherited a lot of potential for dictatorial rule from his predecessors.

October 29, 2017 5:41 pm

I hope the piece goes viral, as well.

Big Dick
Big Dick
October 30, 2017 1:00 pm

Careful you racist. How dare you implicate spooks. Oh never mind, that’s a word from years ago that had other implications.

October 29, 2017 1:47 pm

Robert, this guy has been coming for awhile. Think about how dumb every Republican has been in our lifetime (Reagan, Quayle, Shrub, Trump) according to the press. And those gifted and intellectual Democrats (Carter, Clinton, Gore, Bammy) just bursting at the seams with smarts and integrity and virtue. Well this time we finally got someone really smart. And really tough. And really patient. And really determined. You’re right, this is going to flip really hard, and really quick. Trump looks like he is going to be by far the most consequential President in our lifetime. He is, and was, the only man for the job. Great write.

October 29, 2017 2:01 pm

No one even remembers Mena.

I imagine Uranium One will turn out the same.

October 29, 2017 2:34 pm

Could be related to the Boggy Creek sitings.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
October 30, 2017 2:38 pm

Difference is that the Deep State has already made a YUUUUUUUUGE thing of some kind of amorphous “Russian” “Crimes” in the minds of the befuddled. Someone’s got to take the fall.

October 29, 2017 2:09 pm

Starfuk loves bankers and Goldman Sachs or he is as deluded as Robert and Uncola. Really SMART does not fill the swamp with the all powerful squid and private merc armies. Really smart does not hurt/kill the middle class that elevated him from “B” actor to the “A” list.

October 29, 2017 2:31 pm

Pootin from NJ, I told you years ago, that’s why I wrote those articles. Mine’s on paper with a date stamp. Want to compare crystal ball track records? I believe I’m batting close to 1000.

October 29, 2017 2:39 pm

Batting 1000% wrong. `

1000% fooled.

Never been to NJ.

October 29, 2017 2:42 pm

Here is a Stucky piece from a few years back, Robert. Same cast of characters, same devil-may-care attitude in the comment section. Funny stuff. The Donald Exposed (for starfcker and his Trumpeteers) – The Burning Platform

The Donald Exposed (for starfcker and his Trumpeteers)

October 29, 2017 4:48 pm

I am NOT doppeling as POOTIN.

So, blow me.

October 29, 2017 2:47 pm

Anything you have ever written is 1000 miles away from the truth if you were speaking of Trump.

You are free to have your opinions but batting 1000, not even close.

October 29, 2017 6:08 pm

Blankets are easy, how about some specifics?

October 29, 2017 2:53 pm

Really smart bothers to research the puppet you vote for. Really, really smart does not vote and validate the bankster’s shills.

To Bea Not From NJ
To Bea Not From NJ
October 29, 2017 3:47 pm

If I recall correctly, both Robert Gore and Uncola have written critically of Trump. I wouldn’t call them Trumpeteers per se.

  Robert Gore
October 29, 2017 4:44 pm

Might never grow old, but it’s not physics. It’s a waste of time worrying whether or not power will corrupt Trump. He’s been powerful for quite a long time. He seems to be channeling whatever power he possesses into a direction that is positive for the country. bush/clinton/Obama were unquestionably corrupt. Let’s not let hypothetical worrying based on some limerick cloud our eyesight. What Trump is doing looks like it is getting results. More crooked stuff comes to light every day. And the guy exposing it, in the face of blowback few could handle, also holds the power to bring it to justice. Trump has gotten himself in that position. That’s impressive. Lot’s of people complain, and think they have answers, very very hard to get in THE position to do something about it. Be grateful, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen one of these. Guys like Trump made America great. It could happen again, if we can find a few more.

  Robert Gore
October 29, 2017 8:18 pm

“My writings about Trump are mostly descriptive and analytical, not normative.”

I don’t know what the hell that even means. And who the fuck uses “aphorism” in every day language? Try writing in plain English, rather than in long convoluted sentences and weird words and abstractions, trying to sound so mighty and learned. You can fool many but, not all.

Yeah, let’s talk about your “writings about Trump”. I know about it. Because I did check out the articles you linked in this article —- where you shamelessly use this blog to constantly promote YOUR blog, not to mention your using this place as free advertising to shamelessly promote YOUR book on every article you submit —- fuck, where was I … oh yeah, your “writings”. They reflect that you are a Trumpeteer through and through.

Whatever. I don’t give Uncola or starfcker or others too much grief about it. That’s because they’re out front about it. But you hide behind excessive wordiness and big thoughts to pretend you’re not. Pretending to be all open-minded, neutral, and logical. Give me a break. Your occasional criticism of Trump doesn’t hide the fact that you’re a Trump Nutsack Licker. At least be honest about it.

Blessings :})

  Robert Gore
October 29, 2017 10:19 pm

That’s it? That’s all you got?

You’re as boring and wooden as your writings …. which is like reading a textbook, only worse.

Blow me, pansy ass.

  Robert Gore
October 30, 2017 8:35 am

My objections are MY objections, not Admin’s. No need to drag him into it. I never called for censorship of your self-promotion. TBP gets 100,000+ visitors monthly (I think), yours probably does not, so if your piggybacking off his success doesn’t bother you, I suppose I should just shut the hell up about it.

I voted for Trump also. That doesn’t make anyone a Trumpeteer. A Trumpeteer

— pretends that Trump’s unfulfilled campaign promises are no big deal … it’s just politics

— gets their panties twisted in knots by any criticism of Trump, often even on minor issues

— engages in full time excuse making … Congress, the MSM, the MIC, this person and that person and this group and that group …. dammit, it’s everyone else’s fault that Donald can’t fulfill his promises

— refuses to even consider that this billionaire who filled his Cabinet with other Billionaires, war mongers, and Swampers ….. actually MIGHT be a Swamper himself, or morphing into one

— agrees that these are scary words, “Hi, I’m from the government and I’m here to help you!” ….. but not these words, Hi, I’m Donald Trump from the government and I’m here to help you!”

  Robert Gore
October 29, 2017 11:02 pm

Robert, Lord Acton also said “It is not that a particular class is unfit to rule, it is that no class is fit to rule.” Trump has if nothing else broken the vise grip of the Ivy League shithead uniparty class and the revolving door from big business to bureaucracy to big business to bureaucracy we have seen over and over. The Bush/RINO establishment has been grievously wounded at a minimum and the Dhimmicrats are now a regional coastal party centered around seven big city metros. A broad spectrum of non establishment types such as we Deplorables and the old Reagan Democrats elected Trump.
I will go out on a limb and state he actually gives more of a damn about us everyday folk than any President since Reagan, Machiavellian or not. He’s our Machiavelli. I hope and pray.

Or not to Bea
Or not to Bea
  To Bea Not From NJ
October 29, 2017 4:19 pm

Uncola? He practically called Trump the second coming of the messiah. Read his article again for the first time.

2B or Not 2B
2B or Not 2B
  Or not to Bea
October 29, 2017 4:41 pm

Sometimes I think Un does that shit to fuck with peoples minds and generate conversation.

  To Bea Not From NJ
October 29, 2017 4:44 pm

“I would not call them Trumpeteers per se”.

I would.

rhs jr
rhs jr
October 29, 2017 4:07 pm

Satan will soon give the Clintons, Bushes, Obamas. Soros, etc their Just Rewards but I pray Trump gets them first and gives them Justice for the Good Americans they killed and crapped on. Mr Robert Gore, you are doing God’s work (and Goldman Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein is doing his god’s work).

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 29, 2017 4:33 pm

Great piece Robert. Sun Tzu would be proud of Trump. He has played the Demoncrats well, he is toying with the deep state in a manner previously thought to be impossible and he is doing what all good emperors do very well: consolidate power. And he’s doing it all to the applause of his broader support base. I’ll admit – it is hard not to cheer him on when the possibility of seeing Billary behind bars is suddenly plausible.

Too bad that at the end of his Presidency the apparatus and control he will have put in place for the next President and his minions will be something that would make even Barack blush. That’s assuming we all make it that far.

October 29, 2017 4:44 pm

The fetid indigo black slug staining the whole D[e]C[eit] Cesspool is so perverse and pervasive that the utterly ruthless bottom-dwellers/feeders – still living AND dead – therein, will never be brought to surface/light short a catastrophic [cleansing] event.

October 29, 2017 5:27 pm
Not Sure
Not Sure
October 29, 2017 5:57 pm

Let’s divide President Trump’s accomplishments so far into pre election and post election. The pre election activity has shown Trump to be on top of his game in handing the media their collective asses and also offered the pollsters a humiliating smack down in the failure of their predictions of who will be the next president of the United States.
Well played sir. This in and of itself shows the president to be a formidable opponent. The evidence of what he can accomplish is overwhelming that he kicked the rivals ass and anyone else that could be called a Hillary supporter.
Now we are into the second chapter of post election and right now, the, Russian narrative tying Trump to Russia has completely reversed to now the Clintons are shitting their pants that their support base is ready to throw them Under the bus. Wow, that’s a lot to absorb, but it is safe to assume that #resistance is not in control. Future predictions? Not going there, as there are too many variables to work through, but I will say the likelihood of some black swan event is increasing as the power continues to slip through the hands of the elite; but hasn’t this been one hellacious ride of our lives? Hold on for more twists and turns, the rides not over.

  Not Sure
October 29, 2017 6:15 pm

Watch for the Leftists to do something dramatic to shift any small amount of media and public attention away from Hillary & Co. and put it back on Trump and his supporters.

I’m thinking by the end of November at the latest, probably a whole lot sooner if there is any indication the Clinton’s are being scrutinized by too many people that they don’t want to scrutinize them.

Big Dick
Big Dick
  Not Sure
October 30, 2017 1:11 pm

Ask the ghost of JFK the proverbial “all it takes is” question. The answer is pretty clear. Or ask the ghosts of McKinley or Lincoln.

The Breakfast Club
The Breakfast Club
October 29, 2017 5:58 pm

Uncola is a Trumpeteer.

  The Breakfast Club
October 29, 2017 6:15 pm

And you are?


  The Breakfast Club
October 29, 2017 11:56 pm

He called Trump the ooompa loopa man for chrissakes and a clown among other things

October 29, 2017 6:25 pm

Rome wasn’t built in a day nor was it demolished in one. The power structure we are against has been around a long time. I understand everyone’s disbelief that the Clintons or others will ever pay the piper but perhaps people became a bit careless with decades of success at avoiding consequences. Unlike some people I don’t necessarily fear Trump, we have went from pure evil to an unknown quantity and at this point it is natural to be wary of anyone in a position of authority. I agree with the author’s idea that Trump is about power, how else does one win a war which is what is going on. With the new media, people have greater access to information, be it true or false, than ever before; the days of Cronkite telling Americans what is what are over. The patriots are fed up and it is unlikely things will ever be as they were before with the silent majority quietly eating what was fed to us and holding our noses every time we voted. Trump was/is the right guy at the right time but he won’t be the last. Like most of us here, I would like to see the criminals get what they deserve but not so much for vengeance or even justice; this will be the only peaceful way of restoring law and order and faith in the watchers. The conservatives and patriots are more frustrated and angry now than before the election, everyday the left makes me hate them more but now is the time for more patience and to hold our representatives feet to the fire. The MSM is a laughing stock, the Rhinos days are numbered, the Democrats seem unable to not shoot themselves in the foot and I am hoping there is a true civil war going on within all of the alphabet agencies. I feel like a storm is brewing but am not sure of its nature. One thing does seem to be true though, many of the masks have fallen and people have no where to hide anymore.

October 29, 2017 6:47 pm

This is not about putting the Clintons in the slammer, so to whom is this leading a path?

October 29, 2017 7:23 pm

Here you go Vladio Iglesias Pootin’ Since you are looking for dirt on Trump, perhaps you can tell me a bit more about this Sheldon Adelson whose name keeps popping up in stories I am reading regarding Hollywood and Big Pharma.

October 29, 2017 8:41 pm

The article poses a vain attempt at a compelling case that soon some of those miscreants will get their comeuppance. However I can’t see it ever happening. Trump or Christ himself won’t ever be able to overcome the societial derangement syndrome protecting this privileged class.

All thanks to endless years of Cultural Marxist programming.

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It would be great if the author is proven correct with time.

But I ain’t holding my breath..

Reading this I seem reminded of my youth and wandering the pages of The Sears Wish Book. Searching for presents and hoping like hell that Santa would come thru. Being congenitally skeptical I would fret and wonder how that fat fuck was going to pull it off.

He never did because there ain’t no Santa.
There ain’t no Easter Bunny either

The Rabbit got thumped because he kept shooting blanks.
The same fate awaits Trump if he can soon find at least a few swimmers.

Annnnnd last but not least

so the Trumpeteers prayers won’t help becuase they will fall on deaf ears..

October 29, 2017 9:58 pm

A rabbit got thumped? Really? Tell me more…

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Br'er Rabbit
Br'er Rabbit
October 29, 2017 11:58 pm

It was that woman, Scrapper.

  Br'er Rabbit
October 30, 2017 12:11 am

Brer Rabbit was my first buck. He did indeed get thumped when he got wry neck and the does wouldn’t accept him. Let’s keep the bunnies in order, folks.

The gray rabbit was Brer Rabbit, with Beatrix and Shirley.

[imgcomment image[/img]

October 30, 2017 12:04 am

Scrapper did NOT get thumped. He is safe for another season, since Shirley Godbunny is carrying kits which will be arriving in a week to ten days and are perfectly timed to make great Christmas pets for lucky children.

The Bunny and Dumplings were made from 2 lesser rabbits who were never given names.

[imgcomment image[/img]

I asked the guy with the lop-eared rabbits to sell me a male next litter. While Scrapper is still functioning quite well as a sire, he is all WHITE and Shirley is all WHITE. My large grey doe died of natural causes. I really need some color in my gene pool for pelts with value to a furrier.

I still have the bunny balls in quinoa sealed in a jar. A friend of mine wants to feed them to her brother without him knowing. I think it will be a nice little Halloween prank.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 30, 2017 1:08 am

The sexy mulatta says she was at the Mexican market the Vallarta Mexican market, a man got excited at the bull balls, he told his wife he’d like to have them in ceviche. My wife laughed at the woman’s reaction, she stared at him like he had asked for anal sex, the poor guy left crestfallen.

I said, she fucked up, those things are supposedly good for performance issues. The sexy mulatta said she would never make any for me. I said, too bad, I would have killed your pussy, they used to call me El Mata Cucas (Pussy Killer) I lied. The sexy mulatta did not bite.

A side note for linguists: Mexicans use the word for a particular sweet bread (panocha), the Spanish word chocho is used in some places and I learned the Salvie term from my wife.
Salvies are not shy about the terms for dick or pussy. My wife uses the Salvie expression her brothers use to describe a really great thing – vergon, or to be drunk – a verga.
I have no idea why they call a pussy – cucaracha or the short term – cuca, but they do.

October 30, 2017 2:53 am

So, the little cockroach has yet another sidetrack?

Do you want the Bunny Balls? I offered them to Admin but he declined. I’ll send him the $5 it would take to mail a jar of bunny balls in quinoa.

I labelled them “BB and Quinoa” hoping it helps the toadster here heal.

And now we are chattering on Robert’s piece. We have no shame Me Hoe.

October 30, 2017 6:18 am

“Both Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Attorney General Eric Holder sat on CFIUS”

Actually, they didn’t.

Assistant Secretary of State Jose Fernandez represented the State Department.

DOJ is represented by someone from the Foreign Investment Review Staff (FIRS), which would rule out Eric Holder.

“FIRS is also DOJ’s representative on the Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States (CFIUS).”

October 30, 2017 10:12 am

tRump has done two good things. Got us out of Transpacific Trade Agreement and the Paris Climate Accords. Can anyone list any other CONCRETE achievements?

Dance Macabre Group

October 30, 2017 1:39 pm

The biggest one of all Diogenes, Felonious Von Pantsuit is not our POTUS. I was not a Trump guy. But when Rand Paul got bumped out I went full ABC. Anybody But Clinton. No matter how bad it gets under the stewardship of the Teflon Don I remained convinced that it would immeasurably worse under her.
As an aside, although he would make alot of noise about doing something in Syria the fact is he stalled and dragged his feet giving Assad and Putin time to take apart Isis, something which the previous administration only gave lip service to because Isis was our rabid dog. Now we are not involved in a war fighting Russia in Syria which was the deep state’s preferred way to cover the collapse of the eCONomy . So I would call that a concrete accomplishment as well. YMMV.

Miles Long
Miles Long
October 30, 2017 1:30 pm

I dont know if the orange one is winning or not, but the shit sure is getting stirred. We can only hope the 4D chess master, or whatever he is, really is working for us if all that’s happening isn’t just kismet.

Speaking of kismet, the new Goad piece is on exactly this question:

Cry, Losers, Cry

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 30, 2017 3:03 pm

I don’t make predictions, even when I was sure Trump was going to win, I kept to myself. I prefer to stand back and watch. The MSM is doubling down…so it’s a fight to the death, of someone, anyway.

Other people aren’t so timid, though.

“So, if you haven’t understood the game as yet: repeat this sentence, again and again: “Russia hacked the election.” Then put two bullets in the back of Seth Rich and call the Special Prosecutor in the morning. Trump is going down next! I say again, even if Trump was in bed with the Russian mafia, Russia did not hack the election. Russia did not want Trump to be president. They wanted Clinton. Those who have followed the Clinton career, with its communist ties and its trips to the Communist Bloc, knows that Russia has only pretended to dislike Mrs. Clinton. Russia only pretended to like Mr. Trump.”

I fear JR has stopped blogging, which would be a shame. There’s been no new posts since August.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 30, 2017 6:33 pm

Don’t forget the SCOTUS pick, which at least did not go to a SJW.

October 31, 2017 8:04 am


Your article is on the front page of russia-insider under the title; “How to Lose an Empire: An American Story.

Congrats!! Really.