Stucky QOTD: Comment Counts Conundrum

Llpoh wrote this early this morning.

Admin posts another tour de force, and this is comment number 39. What fucked up bullshit that is. Thanks Admin.

Stuck, and this is not meant as a dig at him, because he is the lifeblood of the place these days, posts a thread about hoarding, and gets 140 comments. It is not a comment about Stuck, but about the posters here. And the posters are not what they used to be, to let an Admin article, that takes much work and is based on many years of thought and experience, be so little rewarded with comment.

My red ass is likely to become increasingly scarce around here, for reasons I will not go into. You that remain need to lift your fucking game.

First, to Llpoh;   Excellent comment. I am not in the least bit offended.

Second; I agree. I went to bed early, around 8PM, because I wasn’t feeling well. As is my habit, I checked out TBP one final time before retiring. I saw the comment counts, for I am a comment whore, they say. I thought to myself, “Man, that’s weird.” And, “WTF?”. Honestly.

Third; I responded to Llpoh, “Well, now I feel like shit.“. Cuz, I do. I was going to respond in greater depth. And, I will. Later. But,, I don’t want to affect what readers have to say …. as your input is far, far more important.

Fourth, dont worry about my fucken snowflake feelings. Let ‘er rip. Seriously! If it turns out that I am the problem, I WILL curtail posting articles and/or comments.

Fifth, again to Llpoh: Your making yourself “increasingly scarce” helps Admin and his mission … exactly, how?? Listen, Lord knows I’ve had the same thoughts on a few occasions! I understand your sentiments intimately. Nevertheless, we march on … if only to piss off our foes. Lol. As you rightly said, we often learn as much from the commentary as from the articles. Losing your voice here on TBP even though just less frequently — at least you didn’t say “forever” — would be a grave injustice to us all, especially Admin. We need MORE Llpoh, not less, no matter what the cost. At least consider my words.

Q1: Why did the “Hoarding” article get more comments than the “Bull In A China Shop” article?

Q2: Is there a “fix”? If so, how?




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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October 31, 2017 8:30 am

Honestly I didnt even click on the Bull in a China shop article because after the market action last week I understand that we are about as far removed from Taleb and any sort of black swan that it would just make me feel burned out to think about it. Call it bull fatigue. A case of unfortunate title. It didnt even occur to me that the article might not actually be about Taleb…

Also, why do comment counts matter? Check out wccftech if you want to see something really stupid. There are articles with, I shit you not , 5k, 10k, even 20k comments, and its all just a bunch of mindless babble with mindless pictures thrown in. It blows my mindhow inane their comments are. Be careful what you wish for.

October 31, 2017 8:31 am


Do not curtail anything you are doing. Your articles are designed to generate discussion. That’s what I want on TBP.

TBP has changed and evolved over the years. I used to write something every day about economic reports. I got bored and so did everyone else. So I stopped doing that.

The article I wrote does not lend itself to comments. It is very long (3,300 words) and it ponders issues that people don’t want to contemplate. But I need to get these types of articles off my chest, so I write them anyway.

I think the lack of comments actually supports my thesis about no one being worried about a collapse in the financial markets. I wrote similar articles 4 or 5 years ago, so it is a little like the boy who cried wolf.

TBP has become more like a dysfuctional family of extremely intelligent people who like to banter back and forth on a daily basis. I think that’s great. We have a multitude of contributors with different perspectives, like yours. I wouldn’t change a thing at this point.

I’m am not in the least upset by a lack of comments. Keep doing what you’re doing.

harry p.
harry p.
October 31, 2017 10:51 am

100% agree, so many of Admins articles are so comprehensive there isnt anything to add. The regulars are nodding their heads as they are reading it and the morons who stumble thru it are too confused by the logic and maff to argue.
If its a 30 blocks of squallor article that usually ups the comments bc it pulls in some triggered douchebags that need to taught a lesson.

Please keep it up admin!

  harry p.
October 31, 2017 11:16 am

Yes, I wholeheartedly agree with you. It is hard to disagree with what Admin wrote. I was a very good piece.

October 31, 2017 9:43 am

Totally agree, the article was so well written, there was no need to comment further.

Thanks to admin, and you too Stucky !

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
October 31, 2017 8:39 am

I didn’t comment on either referenced article.
‘Hoarding’ just wasn’t of interest to me. I also think anyone that did comment to that article needs an Intervention.
‘Bull…’, well I first checked out the length of the article and it was too long cuz I had lost electrical power (hooked up my generator) and there were more pressing issues for me.

Why did Hoarding get more comments – I could state my answer, but won’t, as everyone that did comment to it would forever treat me like dirt.

October 31, 2017 8:40 am

Admin’s article is fantastic and why people gravitate here. I see it made Lew Rockwell this morning and will probably bring even more new folks to TBP.

Personally, I can be profoundly affected by an article and not comment. Perhaps because I said it so many times before, or maybe I have no fresh new perspectives to add. Sometimes, I feel too sad about my kids’ respective futures to comment; or depressed over what might have been.

TEOTWAWKI and the SHTF cometh. Nothing wrong with a little levity to brighten one’s days in the interim, or to cause readers to think “outside the box”, so to speak. Stucky’s question yesterday made me think about hoarding; the differences between hoarding and collecting; what I find valuable these days, why, etc.

I consider this place the cake with Stucky, and others, as the icing. All steak and no sizzle would be far less fun. One brings people and the other causes them to stay. Both are enjoyable and satisfying in their own ways. IMO.

October 31, 2017 9:02 am

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October 31, 2017 8:49 am

IMO – The Bull in the China Shop, should be retitled: Bullshit in the China Shop.

These ‘truth sayers’ are everywhere – explaining why things haven’t go to hell – but they will – soon. And then there’s the invisible system that tricks us into thinking…..

It has become old. There’s no intellectual value, why argue about it?

i don’t read this kind of garbage Zero Hedge keeps publishing. It’s for the lack of any real news.

October 31, 2017 10:39 am

Ummmm …. ADMIN is the author of “The Bull in the China Shop”.

Well I’m not ripping ADMIN, but the info is old, worn out, was once exciting- 5 to 8 years ago it was a refreshing realization, but not anymore. I’d say it’s common knowledge.

October 31, 2017 6:40 pm

Preach the Word
…4So they will turn their ears away from the truth and turn aside to myths. 5But you, be sober in all things, endure hardship, do the work of an evangelist, fulfill your ministry.

October 31, 2017 10:51 am

I thought the comment from ole Woody was awesome!

Bullshit in the China Shop.
Fucken’ hilarious!

It is honesty you don’t find many places on the interweb even if Dutchy didn’t realize it was authored by Jim.

Don’t get me wrong the stuff Admin posts is compelling commentary on the Ponzi scheme that is modern finance. Not that long ago, in 2005 or 6, I started reading economics blogs and much like Admin it was focused on the coming collapse in Oil Production. Somewhere a long the way I ended up here. I can’t even remember the name of that blog just that they were predicting precipitous declines in oil production. Here it is 2017 and still waiting. Yeah there are oil and resource wars are being fought but still oil market persists.

Someday it is going to collapse. Has to, entropy makes it inevitable. In the meantime the burn out has set in and moar chatter just makes me want take another chance on chambering a round.

Go all Dearhunter….

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October 31, 2017 8:50 am

Based on the name of this thread I am not sure we should even comment. What if a thread on comments gets more comments than the other thread that got more comments then the bull thread.

I am going to need a flow chart here……….

October 31, 2017 8:55 am

Q1: Most commenters on this site are familiar with the “Fourth Turning” and the inevitable economic collapse, So after reading a great Admin article the only response seems to be – Nicely written + I agree. The hoarding article was more open ended and light hearted.

October 31, 2017 9:08 am

I find it amusing that Llpoh bitches about the dearth of comments on Admin’s ‘Bull in a China Shop’ article. Yes, he commented, but not on the article – it was just to whine as is his usual wont.
‘My red ass is likely to become increasingly scarce around here, for reasons I will not go into.’
Sick of hearing it, Llpoh.

Robert Gore
Robert Gore
October 31, 2017 9:09 am

In the blogosphere posting is the sincerest form of flattery and I posted “Bull In a China Shop” on SLL the day it came out. I usually post a comment noting that I have posted an article and I forgot to do that with “Bull In A China Shop.” Obviously I thought it was a good article or I wouldn’t have posted it. It was a fairly long article and it’s been my experience that readership and commenting go down once a certain length has been reached, no matter how good the article. I notice this morning the article is up to 53 comments, and many of admin’s articles get 100+ comments. This one probably will too if he leaves it at the top for another day or two.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
  Robert Gore
October 31, 2017 10:05 am

Robert…………..nicely stated. The most precious element to our lives is TIME. Yes, I do on occasion check the length of a Post and if it is too long I skip it.
The demands on our Time are different for each of us and may even vary by the day. Such was the case for me on the ‘Bull’ Post.

October 31, 2017 9:10 am

Q1: Why did the “Hoarding” article get more comments than the “Bull In A China Shop” article?

I didn’t comment on hoarding because I don’t hoard nor do I know anyone that hoards.

I think the economic articles are fantastic reads, but most people are not edjumacted economists so have very little input other than, great article, I learned something today. How many ways can you write that?

I’ve suggested in the past if you want a barometer of a particular posting where comments would become an echo chamber, place a like or dislike button on the article itself but admin doesn’t really care about likes or dislikes does he?
I’m purely speaking for myself as a public high school edjumucated painter, but some of us (like me) have nothing much they can add to an already brilliant article, but the knowledge we can glean is worth so much more than a lame attempt at sounding like I understand because I don’t, but it gives me fuel to keep learning.

Q2: Is there a “fix”? If so, how?

Admin said we don’t need a fix and you need to keep writing your posts.


Tom S.
Tom S.
October 31, 2017 9:34 am

The “Bull” article was fantastic and well written. It kind of said it all, so personally, I didn’t feel like I had much to add to the discussion, and so didn’t comment.

The Hoarding thread got more comments first of all because that was kinda the whole point, it didn’t say a lot in itself, other than to ask for comments which would – and did – inevitably lead to more and more comments.

The amazing thing about this group to me is the WWI thread, which was a combination of an awesome article, along with a fantastic and wide ranging discussion.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 9:40 am

I think admin hit it on the nose. We can talk and banter about economics and politics all day long but the truth is, after a time, it starts to burn you out.

Shit is fucked up and shit and we’re not sure how or when it will end we just know that at some stage it will. That’s physics baby. And once we’re past that (for some of us it takes decades) it’s nice to have a little levity and the company of people who have come to the same place from different origins (which is part of what makes the joint interesting).

I’m glad admin has built and maintained this place. It would be a bit of a lonely world on an intellectual level without it. And Stucky’s posts are a nice distraction from the usual. Don’t change a thing.

  Francis Marion
October 31, 2017 8:47 pm

Ditto FM, “Don’t change a thing.” But like anything worthwhile, TBP continues to progress. In the 3 or 4 years I’ve lurked on TBP it has become my end of day go to site. I sift through all the email, blogs, and shit, saving TBP for last. Wonder who and what TBP will be this time next year?

Oldtoad of Green Acres
Oldtoad of Green Acres
October 31, 2017 9:44 am

It is going to be a long battle to survive, likely life and death.
Lick your wounds, take time off but keep your ear to the ground. You might just hear the train that will run you over.
Or my favorite expression is, Should we call a Waaaambulance for you?
You want to feel uncomfortable, read Vox Popoli,
People generally feel comfortable with people 10 points either way in IQ, be with people you are at ease with.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Oldtoad of Green Acres
October 31, 2017 11:49 am

Oldtoad @ 9:34am. Right! I’ve been following VD for a very long time. I would never stick my toe in the water over there. They will eat you alive, spit you out, reform the mess, then chew you up all over again… no thanks.

October 31, 2017 9:48 am

To echo sentiments already noted in this comment section, Admin’s posts are what initially drew me here. He writes brilliantly and beautifully and I hope he never stops.
Since then, I’ve come to greatly appreciate posts by others as well as the commentary that typically follows. I don’t comment on any of the posts. I lurk and contemplate.
Why comment now? I suppose I was caught by surprise at the notion that the number of comments meant anything to those who post, and thought that if that might be the case I should at least come out of the shadows long enough to express my appreciation for EVERYTHING that TBP is.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
October 31, 2017 10:07 am

I don’t usually comment on posts about economics. If I don’t have a different angle or something new to contribute other than great article, I won’t. Sometimes I don’t have a chance to comment until later when it looks like the comments are done and then I wonder if it is even worth it? Is it?

I agree with other posters, we need some laughs. It has been proven that laughter releases healing endorphins and who doesn’t need healing in some area?

The difference between the quality of the comments on the hoarding post and admins post are night and day. With the hoarding post, people felt free to go off topic and just post general comments about whatever. Some were hilarious! That’s why there were so many.

With a post like admins, I don’t want to derail it by going off topic.

I’m paraphrasing but I think Llpoh said something about “meat and potatoes comments” and “coming here to learn”..

Yes I am here to learn. Most of the people here are much better at framing an argument than I am. If I decide there is a hill I want to die on, I will plunge in and let the shit fly. That takes time, so I have to be sure I have the time available to respond in a way that I hope won’t prompt someone to call me a moran. I can’t spend all day trying to come up with a new and different way to talk about how our whole financial system is all jacked up when other people can do it so much better than I can.

If admin decides to post some more 4th turning stuff, I’ll most likely comment. I’m a 4th turning junkie.

I’m glad Stucky is posting! The WWI post was awesome, a great mix of humor and stuff I don’t think I ever heard before.

October 31, 2017 10:15 am

I took Maggie’s advice to heart and restrict my comments to fluff pieces. I generally gravitate to Stuck’s articles. I read Admin’s article and promptly got lost. I perused the comments and decided it’s not my bag. I have the general idea that things are not going swimmingly. I understand some drastic measures need to be taken and probably are in the works. I can’t add anything to his thread, so I didn’t.

Stuck, I thought LLPOH said he would be more scarce for personal reasons, not because he is boycotting TBP. He would have to propose an issue before boycotting it. He also stated his concern that comments on Admin’s articles are too few. If that signals a decline in interest or if everybody has taken a flier from reality, who knows?

LLPOH is correct that disagreement and discussion are necessary to building the structure of truth. If we decide to stay in the sandbox, very little will get accomplished but we’ll all feel safe from the turmoil of reality. Nobody can be so focused on economics at all times and we can’t always live in the pub. We have both options here and that is great. At this point, you and Admin are the two legs of TBP, LLPOH was the third leg but he’s shrinking. Let’s not lose you too. That’s no way to win in an ass-kicking contest. You are Admin’s and TBP’s secret weapon. Without you, Admin’s blog would be something like Hannity or O’Reilly, a one-man show. Meh.

October 31, 2017 11:40 am

WTF? You are taking my name in vain, Me Hoe. It’s been years since I told you that you didn’t know what you thought you know.

As for me? I think the economic articles garner few comments for a couple of reasons: First, because economic issues are complex, so much so that most people’s (mine included) eyes glaze over at the mention of derivatives, swaps and anything investment-related with the word “hedge” in it. The complexity is intentional I think. Long gone are the days when a person might invest in a company or industry because the the product was effective (worked as advertised) and the making of the product was efficient (a good price to earnings ratio resulted.) Now that P/E ratios are old-fashioned and a product’s effectiveness is less important than how many discrimination lawsuits were filed against its executives and managers, economics is more of a social science than a practical field of study depending upon laws of supply and demand. So, if my own assessment has any value at all beyond my own point of view, an article about the bull market that is continuing up and up and up simply makes readers enraged at the obvious corruption by the rich and powerful; when readers are enraged instead of engaged, they are less likely to comment. What’s there to say?

Another reason people avoid these types of articles is mentioned in the Bull in a China Shop comments and in just about any post related to end-of-the-world-as-we-know-it topics. When is it gonna happen? When is the collapse going to happen already? For some of us who think the collapse is actually underway and suspect no sudden collapse will be announced, those articles are depressing and hard to read. I intentionally put off reading that particular article for a day or so for that reason. I don’t want the deterioration of our economy to continue, but I can’t think of anything I can say that might even help someone understand what they should do with their wealth to protect it from the thieves who are coming to take it away.

Those are the two main reasons I think economic-related articles intimidate readers — even the clever readers of TBP.

October 31, 2017 12:04 pm
October 31, 2017 1:46 pm

Why Anonymous?

October 31, 2017 1:58 pm

Does Alejandro ring a bell? Well it’s not him.

October 31, 2017 2:10 pm

@ Mags – about the pearl left in a field once harvested – there is some definite talent there. Also, I’m sorry for your loss. My condolences.

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October 31, 2017 2:24 pm

My elderly friend who walks with me each morning informed me of yet another. I think my time in MIC world sheltered me from the truth of drug abuse. As for the pearl? Is fun and keeps my mind at peace. Choice was inspired by a dark desert hiway. Am enjoying the memories. Ix Nay On Ellin Tay Eehoe May.

October 31, 2017 2:49 pm

Are you reading the Pearl of Great Price? Turning Mormon on us? Moving to Utah?

October 31, 2017 3:32 pm

Yes. After assessing my hoard of Mormon food I decided I was running low on pinto beans.

October 31, 2017 4:07 pm

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Stucky…you didn’t think I was gonna make my Nick rely 0n an aging buck named Scrapper to provide sustenance and depend on a couple of water filters, did you?

See… This is why a hoarding post gets attention. And why economic collapse shuts us up. We gots canning to do!

Oh, yeah…[imgcomment image[/img]

The other B (Bible and bourbon) storage. Note the strategic placement of the Word on the Crown.

October 31, 2017 4:15 pm

By the way? I couldn’t resist. I tried and tried and tried to avoid giving you a money shot of my cellar. Haha… but I was born with a camera in my hand.

October 31, 2017 5:27 pm

Your stash reminded me of this scene where he says, “they call me the illustrated man” the clear joke is that he hardly has any tats. OMG, now I’m explaining my video jokes, no way, Jose, that’ll be the last time I do that.

October 31, 2017 6:02 pm

As if I am going to show you ALL of my tats.

Is all in good fun Me Hoe.

Stucky might even stumble upon the image later. I wanted to prove a point… Hoarding is INTERESTING and AMUSING to people. Economic theorizing gives us a headache.

October 31, 2017 10:22 am

It seems pointless to keep posting “WOOOOO EEEE JIM, I AGREE BROTHER!” every damned article.

I ALWAYS read his stuff. I very rarely disagree with his points. When I do, its a nitpicky thing and not worth the effort.

I frequently disagree with people in Stuck’s stuff. If its not too big of a thread, and I have the time…I’ll join in.

My curtailed time on the website is due to maturing responsibilities. That is all.

October 31, 2017 12:13 pm


james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 31, 2017 6:44 pm

On the other thread, I asked you for a link to a seed source, which you kindly provided.
Did you notice the new link I left you, or did you know about them already?

  james the deplorable wanderer
October 31, 2017 7:26 pm

I didn’t see it.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 31, 2017 8:07 pm

Here it is again.
Thanks for yours!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 31, 2017 10:37 am

Comment counts don’t matter. You won’t find better quality contributions anywhere on the Internet, period. My best piece (by my standards) got about 20 comments and that thing I wrote a couple of weeks ago- after you made fun of me for not getting any comments- went to 250 and it wasn’t something I was especially fond of, just a thought about current events that nobody is going to ever read again.

How many people stand around jack-jawing sunsets? Some things are best appreciated by reflection. Other things stir up a hornets nest but are forgotten in a day or two. That’s human nature.

And if Llpoh leaves we’ll be poorer for it. I don’t think anyone has ever given me more grief but every time he has something to say you know it’s true and based on a lifetime of hard work and effort- something that has more value to me than agreement.

You ever see the comment counts over at Zerohedge? On some of the most trite and shallow crap?

You ever read The Three Rules? Better before cheaper, revenue before cost, there are no other rules.

TBP is rule #1 personified.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
October 31, 2017 10:39 am

Off topic – check your email…

  hardscrabble farmer
October 31, 2017 10:57 am

…that thing I wrote a couple of weeks ago- after you made fun of me for not getting any comments- went to 250 and it wasn’t something I was especially fond of…

That was TBP gold. Your other pieces are nice but they are the equivalent of Simon and Garfunkel’s version of El Condor Pasa. Admin said his purpose is to piss people off. You did that. Congratulations!

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
October 31, 2017 11:05 am

High praise indeed…

A man gets tied up to the ground
He gives the world its saddest sound

  hardscrabble farmer
October 31, 2017 9:43 pm

Counts don’t matter but comments do. Sometimes I will skim a post or just quit reading and slip on down to the comments. If there are good, intelligent comments I’ll go back and re-read the piece. My net time is limited and often wading through a long article can be a struggle. Sometimes this crew can get to the heart of a matter that the writer has missed.

October 31, 2017 11:16 am


Some of the greatest comment generation occurs when someone satisfies the urge to attack someone personally during a thread. Then the great justification/insult war commences, others may enter the fray to defend their hero or to blast the opponent, and 50 comments can easily ensue. This obviously has no reflection on the value or interest of the piece, it just reflects people’s freedom to bicker in a way that is not usually possible in real, as opposed to cyber life.

Comments increase when a topic is controversial in some way. Admin’s pieces are not controversial, just educational. I concur with many that I don’t have anything of value to add to it and assume that by now Admin knows I really love his stuff and I don’t need to say it again and again.

Don’t mistake comment numbers for a popularity contest.

October 31, 2017 11:31 am

Yeah, or else Hillary would have won.

October 31, 2017 11:53 am

Since most of us can feel the wind generated by Admin’s fingers pounding the keys, commenting seems like unnecessary noise that will only draw attention our way. Just envision me nodding my head as I make paranoid glances from side to side. I hope they come for Admin first. That’s my mantra “I hope the come for Admin first. Breath, breath, “I hope they come for Admin first.” You will give us a heads up, right?

October 31, 2017 12:48 pm

I probably won’t have time to give you a heads up.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
October 31, 2017 12:39 pm

Sometimes (frequently?) someone else reads my mind and posts my comment before I get there; it makes little sense to comment “me too!” so I don’t. Also, on occasion they post my comment BETTER than I could say it, making “me too!” a form of dancing in the stands when someone actually down on the field scores.
The real question is how so many folks are reading my mind so often. I need a better tinfoil hat …

October 31, 2017 4:42 pm

If I don’t have anything constructive to add, I don’t say anything.

If I disagree with something small, I typically don’t say anything.

If I wholeheartedly agree and have nothing to add, I will occasionally say: Fuckin-A, Bubba.

Someone mentioned the other day that I might not be provocative enough. I have no real desire to provoke. Stirring up shit is not my thing. I look for new ways to look at old things. Admin’s articles do that to a great degree, but the depth of his analysis is a few layers deeper than I wish to go into financial shit. Suffice it to say that the financial system is fucked beyond repair and will at some point in the future fail utterly.

My big question to everyone is not “when will it crash?”–timing that sort of thing is a fool’s errand–but “what are some of the signs that the crash has well and truly begun?”

October 31, 2017 5:38 pm

Druddy, even when you try to avoid controversy, you triggered it. It’s the opioid epidemic, that’s a reliable sign because it involves white people. When white people begin to lose it, you know something is going down. Yet the media has deliberately ignored it for so long, while pretending not to have a clue, clue one, why Trumpy won. They don’t want to paint the picture of white men being down. They’d rather blame it on racism. They need for white men to be ‘privileged’. Otherwise, they can’t justify the victim politics with its free-shit programs.

I had my wake up call when I tried to act all deprived with Raydawg and the dude had the nerve, the nerve!, to grow up poorer than me. WTF?

October 31, 2017 10:05 pm

EC- I think it is time to nominate RawDawg into the caucus. He has proven himself to be a genuine freedom fighter.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 1, 2017 12:16 am

Can you imagine me shaking hands with that scunbag YoBo after the way he treated Rawdawg? The fucker would turn into Harvey Weinstein once we were alone. This is one scary mofo.

November 1, 2017 11:03 am

Never said I try to avoid controversy, just that I am not provocative for the sake of being provocative.

Interesting answer and one that doesn’t immediately leap to mind.
I think the Opioid epidemic is a major part of the cultural decay we have been experiencing for decades now (the gradual part of collapse)…my question was based more around the suddenly part of this collapse. What event(s) tell us that we are weeks or months away from truly needing our beans and bullets?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
October 31, 2017 9:44 pm

Nobody is giving enough credit to that cock-sucking asshole destroyer of TBP, the inimitable thorn in the side, YoBo. He’s worth 10 to 20 comments refuting his astounding ignorance. His support is growing by leaps and bounds, I wonder why they are playing nkit leapfrog. He has attracted 2 minions, wow. Every time I pull up his post, I have to reach for the febreeze.

Did anybody notice Cornholio didn’t volunteer to shut up? Stucky was unnecessarily tortured with guilt but Cornholio only made fun of his own destroyer of blogs reputation. Keep up the shitty posts, fat boy. Your priceless, you middle-age Rambo in tights.

October 31, 2017 11:01 pm
November 1, 2017 10:21 am

I thought the Hitler goin’ ta Heaven video was a real nice touch….

November 1, 2017 10:41 am

Stucky tries to help and just fucks it up even worse. Now Llpoh is gone for sure. It’s the fuckin’ jooos I tell you. Their making us all frivolous in our heads and not caring about the economy and shit. We gots to get more better at being serious, y’all!!! Damn strait! WTF?!!!

November 1, 2017 10:42 am

That last post was me.

November 1, 2017 11:45 am

YoBo’s humor fails even when it fails. Now he’s trying to paint me like a gangbanger just cause I’m Hispanic. SMH.

Stick to what you know, bro – nothing, or rather, nothing but natz.