The Jew who isn’t afraid of Iran

Who Is Afraid of the Iranian Bomb?

I hate self-evident truths.

Ideals may be self-evident. Political statements are not. When I hear about a self-evident political truth, I immediately doubt it.

The most self-evident political truth at this moment concerns Iran. Iran is our deadly enemy. Iran wants to destroy us. We must destroy its capabilities first.

Since this is self-evident, the anti-nuclear agreement signed between Iran and the five Security Council members (plus Germany) is terrible. Just terrible. We should have ordered the Americans long ago to bomb Iran to smithereens. In the unlikely event that they would have disobeyed us, we should have nuclear-bombed Iran ourselves, before their crazy fanatical leaders have the opportunity to annihilate us first.

All these are self-evident truths. To my mind, all of them are utter nonsense. There is nothing self-evident about them. Indeed, they have no logical basis at all. They lack any geopolitical, historical or factual foundation.

Napoleon once said that if one wants to understand the behavior of a country, one has to look at the map.

Geography is more important than ideology, however fanatical. Ideologies change with time. Geography doesn’t. The most fanatically ideological country in the 20th century was the Soviet Union. It abhorred its predecessor, Czarist Russia. It would have abhorred its successor, Putin’s Russia. But lo and behold – the Czars, Stalin and Putin conduct more or less the same foreign policy. Karl Marx must be turning in his grave.

When the Biblical Israelite people was born, Persia was already a civilized country. King Cyrus of Persia sent the “Jews” to Jerusalem and founded what can be called the “Jewish people”. He is remembered in Jewish history as a great benefactor.

When the State of Israel was founded in 1948, David Ben-Gurion saw in Iran a natural ally. It may now sound strange, but not so long ago Iran was indeed the most pro-Israeli country in the Middle East.

Ben-Gurion was an out-and-out realist. Since he had no intention whatsoever to make peace with the Arabs, a peace which would have prevented the original small State of Israel expanding without boundaries, he looked for allies beyond the Arab world.

Looking at the map (yes, he believed in the map) he saw that the Muslim Arabs were surrounded by a number of non-Arab or non-Muslim entities. There were the Maronite Christians in Lebanon (not Muslims), the Turks (Muslims, but not Arabs), the Kurds (Muslims but not Arabs), Iran (Muslim, but not Arab), Ethiopia (neither Muslim nor Arab) and more.

Seeing this, Ben-Gurion devised a grand plan: a “partnership of the periphery”, an alliance of all these entities surrounding the Arab world and which felt threatened by the emerging pan-Arab nationalism of Gamal Abd-al-Nasser and other Sunni-Muslim-Arab states.

One of the greatest enthusiasts for this idea was the Shah of Iran, who became Israel’s most ardent friend.

The “King of Kings” was a brutal dictator, hated by most of his people. But for many Israelis, Iran became a second home. Tehran became a Mecca for Israeli businessmen, some of whom became very rich. Experts of the Israeli Security Service, called Shabak (Hebrew initials of General Security Service) trained the Shah’s detested secret police, called Savak.

High-ranking Israeli army commanders traveled freely through Iran to Iraqi Kurdistan, where they trained the Kurdish Peshmerga forces in their fight against Saddam Hussein’s regime. (The Shah, of course, did not dream of giving freedom to his own Kurdish minority.)

This paradise came to a sudden end when the Shah made a deal with Saddam Hussein, in order to save his throne. To no avail. Radical Shiite clerics, who were very popular, overthrew the Shah and established the Shiite Islamic republic. Israel was out.

By the way, another element of the “Periphery” broke away too. In 1954 Ben-Gurion and his army chief, Moshe Dayan, hatched a plan to attack Lebanon and establish a pro-Israeli Maronite dictator there. The then Prime Minister, Moshe Sharet, who knew something about the Arab world, nixed this adventure, which he considered stupid. Thirty years later Ariel Sharon, another ignoramus, implemented the same plan, with disastrous results.

In 1982, the Israeli army invaded Lebanon. It duly installed a Maronite dictator, Basheer Jumayil, who signed a peace agreement with Israel and was soon assassinated. The Shiites, who populate the South of Lebanon, welcomed the Israeli army enthusiastically, believing that it would help them against the Sunni Muslims and withdraw. I was an eyewitness: driving alone in my civilian car from Metullah in Israel to Sidon on the Lebanon coast, I passed several Shiite villages and could hardly extricate myself (physically) from the embraces of the inhabitants.

However, when the Shiites realized that the Israelis had no intention of leaving, they started a guerrilla war against them. Thus Hezbollah was born and became one of Israel’s most effective enemies – and an ally of the Shiite regime in Iran.

But is the Shiite Iranian regime such a deadly enemy of Israel? I rather doubt it.

Indeed, when the religious fanaticism of the new regime in Iran was at its height, a curious business occurred. It became known as “Iran-Contra” affair. Some conservatives in Washington DC wanted to arm rightist insurgents in leftist Nicaragua. American laws prevented them from doing so openly, so they turned to – who else? – Israel.

Israel sold arms to the Iranian Ayatollahs (yes, indeed!) and gave the proceeds to our Washington friends, who transferred them illegally to the Nicaraguan rightist terrorists, called “Contras”.

The moral of the story: when it served their practical purposes, the Ayatollahs had no qualms at all about making deals with Israel, the “little Satan”.

Iran needed the weapons Israel sent them because they were fighting a war against Saddam Hussein’s Iraq. It was not the first one. For many centuries, Iraq served the Arab world as a bulwark against Iran. Iraq has a large Shiite population, but the Iraqi Shiites were Arabs and had no real sympathy for their fellow-Shiites in Iran. They still have little.

Israel helped Iran in that war because it feared Saddam Hussein. Therefore, Israel helped to convince the US to invade Iraq. The invasion was highly successful: Iraq was destroyed, and the historic bulwark against Iran disappeared. So it was Israel which helped to remove the main obstacle to Iran’s hegemony over the Middle East.

Sounds crazy? Is crazy. Ben-Gurion’s grand design has been stood on its head. At present, the “periphery” of Lebanon and Iran, supported by Turkey, is our mortal enemy, and the Sunni bloc of Saudi Arabia, the Gulf States and Egypt are our open or half-secret allies.

Here I hear the impatient reader shout: “Cut the bullshit, what about the nuclear danger? What about the mad ayatollahs obtaining atomic bombs and annihilating us?”

Well, I am not afraid. Even if Iran obtains nuclear bombs, I shall sleep well.

Why, for God’s (or Allah’s) sake? Because Israel is well provided with nuclear weapons and a second-strike capability.

Bombing Israel would mean the annihilation of Iran, the multi-millennial civilization, the proud heritage of innumerable philosophers, artists, poets and scientists. (The very word “algorithm” is derived from the name of the Persian mathematician al-Khwarizmi).

The current Iranian rulers may be fanatics (I doubt it) but they are not suicidal. There is not a single indication in that direction. On the contrary, they seem eminently practical people.

So why do they clamor against Israel? Because their aim is to become the dominant force in the Muslim world, and cursing Israel is the obvious way. As long as Israel does not make peace with the Palestinians, the Arab and Muslim masses everywhere hate Israel. Iran’s current leaders are very good at cursing the Little Satan.

Experts report that Islam has recently been losing strength as the main force in Iran, while Iranian nationalism has been gaining. The cult of Cyrus, who preceded Muhammad by more than 1200 years, is gaining ground.

Since the nuclear bomb was invented, no nuclear-armed country has ever been attacked. Attacking a nuclear-armed country simply means suicide. Even the mighty USA (the “Big Satan”) does not dare to attack little North Korea, whose endeavor to obtain a nuclear strike force is far from irrational.

So I shall sleep soundly even if Iran goes nuclear. Though perhaps with one eye half open.

Uri Avnery is a peace activist, journalist, writer, and former member of the Israeli Knesset. Read other articles by Uri, or visit Uri’s website.


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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 4, 2017 8:33 pm

Art…………..I had the opposite impression.


Ok, I spoke to soon. I stopped reading in the beginning after the “bombing Iran ” sentence. I really get tired of hearing/reading that.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 4, 2017 9:08 pm

OK, what happened to the 1st three comments


Can it be true? Is TBP now censoring comments like Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and all the Main Stream Media? If true, TBP will suffer a fate similar to the MSM where readership is in free fall…like the Twin Towers when they came down at the speed of gravity.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 4, 2017 9:17 pm

Seems like a good place to insert some important info on Syria, Lebanon, SA, US, Iran, Russia, IsraHell

Breaking: A New War in Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Beyond on the Way


From the article linked by Kokoda;


“Saudi Arabia has begun radicalizing the Kurds, who normally travel freely in the West. Their American armed and trained forces in Syria along with factions in “post-Barzani” KRG in Iraq will be Saudi Arabia’s new force.

Were one to take the least conspiratorial view of ISIS, it is still unavoidable noting that it is a Wahhabist proxy group, organized and financed by Saudi Arabia. Saudi Arabia has always supplied economic and military support for ISIS and has done so publicly while the international community has remained silent.”


As I said in my mooslim thread a few days ago —. a damned good argument can be made that Saudi Arabia is the most dangerous evil fukwad nation on the planet.

They are not an ally. Yet, we play along with them.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 4, 2017 10:18 pm

I had 2 of the 1st 3 and I didn’t delete them. Also, none of the comments were offensive by any stretch.


November 5, 2017 1:27 am

Comments are regularly deleted so that the Republican snowflakes here are not offended. Trump got elected because he lied, and most twats here believed him. Some of these tossers are so retarded and stuck in their left-right paradigm that they would think anyone saying such things would be a Democrat. It is clear that such people are dead. But not to worry, their jeans get shredded slowly with each generation. But apparently cut up jeans with holes in are all the mode.. hahaaha. Until they aint.

Trumps handlers are the same as Clintons and they are slowly eating up you and your kids.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Have a great Sunday you’all!

November 5, 2017 6:22 am

Great post! Hard to get a good mix of nonsence, vitriol, and a truthful end line in such a short paragraph.

November 5, 2017 1:32 am

Comments are regularly deleted so that the Republican snowflakes here are not offended. Trump got elected because he lied, and most twats here believed him. Some of these tossers are so retarded and stuck in their left-right paradigm that they think anyone saying such things would be a Democrat. It is clear that such people are dead. But not to worry, their jeans get shredded slowly with each generation. But apparently cut up jeans with holes in are all the mode.. hahaaha. Until they aint.

Trumps handlers are the same as Clintons and they are slowly eating up you and your kids.
[imgcomment image[/img]

Have a great Sunday you’all!

November 5, 2017 6:24 am

Thank you for your insightful opinions. They help me form my own.

I have alluded to the King of the Gypsies and his legacy falling on me (I wish I was as good as Stucky or Maggie where I could show the link- btw Stucky, my 8th grade English teacher was named Mr. Stucky. I was his pet because we were both avid fishermen)

Yes, gypsies do steal your children; but not physically…first the mind then the body follows.

In my class of 90 doctor candidates many were Jews, at least 10 I can put names to, most from the Miami area. And at least 10 I cannot name. Some close friends – like war buddies almost. I like to say one of them made me an honorary Jew. It was confirmed by other members of our brethren’s’ cabal. One of the gathered’s father developed half of Orlando. When I visited him after graduation his father had hired a lawyer to be with him 24/7. He was a good man but he is not with us anymore. Too many days and nights in the penthouse at the Essex in NYC.

Let me tell you about one who I will call Dr. Stein (for effect). I would call him Dr. Berg but Norman S. Berg was a family friend. When Norman passed I received a pair of his shoes – Maine camp moccasins with cleated soles and 4 eyelet lace-ups. I called them waffle stompers. I hiked most of Georgia in them and some of Florida. I lost them somewhere in Turkey. Norman, of Gone With The Wind fame, was also known for his support of Pat Conroy. Pat had stayed on the island where my parents and Norman lived. Pat also dated the beautiful blond I dated in Turkey. Pat’s father and mine shared many qualities. I have been to the Officer’s Club in Izmir, where the Great Santini faux puked canned soup on the stage before the Navy brass.

Dr. Stein and I lived in the graduate dorm for over two years together. He is responsible for me getting the job in the blood bank of Emory Hospital. In fact, he was the one who told me of the gypsy curse going down in the reception area and why said curse was being cast. (see other post) Which is why I came to wear the mantle of the dying Gypsy King I attended to.

No candles the hospital said. I was incredulous to me as was it to Dr. Stein. I told him he should complain. He was more senior at the job. He hesitated. It took me a moment to understand why. As a Jew at a Methodist institution, in the deep South he knew better than to provoke attention. So it was I was the last to take the blood of the Don and usher him beyond our realm.

Dr. Stein never had one date with one of the many coeds at Emory. Me, too many. And, I could tell he was lonely. He confided to me he was worried he would never have the skills to find a good wife. I told him not to worry. I told him when he started his practice in Miami he would meet a red headed Jew. And he would marry her. And he did just that.

You make assumptions I pray are accurate. Israel could be vulnerable. Maybe with help from those within? Is Iran a potential false flag op? I shudder with the thoughts of possibilities.

A black swan? Three black swans? The 12th Imam? The second coming? The Messiah?
Krishna is waiting. He is already there as the butter thief. The Shinto will continue to dance.
How would that change things?

November 5, 2017 7:16 am

Blah blah blah blah …

El Coyote! You indicated in another thread that you might know who this “KeyserSusie” ACTUALLY is. Care to spill the beans?

November 5, 2017 12:03 pm

No wonder my ears were burning.

November 5, 2017 7:03 am

GREAT article, Zara!!

A wonderful historical review. And done with brevity — one mark of a good writer.

Hey, where are all the Iran-phobes??? Crickets. Hiding. Nothing to say … and I don’t blame them, as this Jew guy just destroyed their illogical phobia(s).

November 5, 2017 8:46 am

Very interesting article. But I still maintain an “I don’t give a shit” attitude. Why the hell should I give a goddamn about the trials and tribulations of a gang of religious fanatics on the other side of the world? Aren’t we already beset with similar nuts in our own back yard? And don’t we have enough of our own shit to deal with here? I give religious people a wide berth. I recognize that there are very devout people out there that are a good deal smarter than me. Maybe they see something I don’t. Also, we all have to contemplate that deep, dark hole waiting for us at the end of this ride. How we all come to peace with that is for each of us to resolve. So believe what you want and I won’t interfere. But having a foreign policy, one thrust on me, slavishly devoted to a distant foreign nation because of the belief that some mythical figure no one has seen hide nor hair of for 2,000 years is about to spring out of the ground or drop out of the sky is fucking INSANE. And that is why I detest the NeoRats. They feed off of that insanity.

November 5, 2017 12:01 pm
Not Sure
Not Sure
November 5, 2017 10:26 am

Great article, it has fleshed out many questions I had from a back and forth posting a few weeks ago. Maps and history seem to be the best way of sorting through political landscape of the Middle East. Overall I have a better way of cutting through all the posturing to get to the true dynamics of the conflicts in the Middle East; although it seems the best way to analyze is to realize the US likes to drum up conflicts to keep its war coffers filled to the brim. Actual interests of the various countries don’t really seem to matter much.

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
  Not Sure
November 5, 2017 6:15 pm

Aren’t you ignoring the financial aspects involved? The Saudis made a deal with the US Devil (at the time, probably Kissinger): they would sell us oil and we would provide military protection for them. Kept us from invading Saudi Arabia (not counting the odd military base, there more for response than conquest) for decades. At the same time Israelis are benefiting from shared intelligence (a one-way street, frequently), foreign aid (to the tune of BILLIONS of dollars, not counting Hollyweird revenues, synagogue gifts and various other grift and blackmail of US politicians) and military assistance / cooperation (despite the USS Liberty and other incidents) and diplomatic cover in the UN.
Whether one Israeli or millions is fine with an Iranian nuclear weapon, it’s really irrelevant. The rug merchants and fruit sellers in the Teheran bazaar found a genuine idiot in Obama, and took him to the cleaners. I doubt anyone knows whether the Iranians can, have or even want a nuclear weapons program; I know any agreement Obama was party to was a loss to the US in any important aspects. What surprises me is that Iran hasn’t imploded from the inherent conflicts between the various factions. They have just as many reasons not to get along as we do.
An Iranian professor came over to study at my university. He was the most _apolitical_ person I’ve ever met, which puzzled me: most academics are as political as a party convention. Lots of American professors are socialists / communists and don’t hesitate to tell you so; the engineering professors are frequently conservative, as folks who have to actually deal with and use reality are. Professor K never expressed a political opinion in my presence; if I tried to tackle a political subject, he would deftly switch to something else, until I quit trying. It wasn’t until later, after he left, that I wondered if he thought I might report his conversations to someone else and get him in trouble. I would hate to live like that.