Stucky Sunday QOTD: Witches. Trump. Christianity.

Normally, when I add text to a QOTD, it is just to support my own answers or, to show why the question is interesting. Today is different.  You really need to read the article (only 1,100 words) before answering the question. So solly.

If you are a Holy Roller, try not to bust a vein, puke, pray to Jeebus for my damned soul, or faint.  For once in your little lives of closed-loop thinking, try to see things with an open mind, and from the perspective of the “other”.  It won’t kill you if you do that for 5 minutes, I promise. If not possible, read it anyway, then maybe you can quick go find a Safe Space.

Stucky Pre-Emptive Strike (Shock and Awe) :  AWB, Ditchner, and bb can go ruminate on the ample-sized urinary tool of an unhealthy Equus Asinus.

Now with that out of the way, just one more thing before we begin. As you read about each one of these highlights, ask yourself – “In and of itself (apart from the greater context) is this particular thing good, bad, or neutral?”  You might even want to keep track on a piece of scrap paper.

Image result for beautiful wiccan scenery

WICCAN BELIEFS (numbered for easy reference if/when commenting)

1)-  It is the fastest growing religion in America …. average annual growth rate of 143% in the United States between 1990 and 2001.  Link here

2)- It IS a religion, as ruled by the Supreme Court.  (“Cult” is a term used by others to denigrate, minimize, humiliate, and shut down conversation. It is like calling someone “racist”.)

3)- The word is derived from the Anglo-Saxon word wicce. It simply means to shape nature to your service. (This is no different than when God told Adam&Eve to “subdue” the earth.)

4)- As such, it has absolutely nothing to do with Satanism.

6)- However, they do consider themselves Pagan. That “loaded” word simply means they follow a “nature” religion … where god is manifest in all of creation. (Just like this; “The heavens declare the glory of God.”)

7)- Someone put it quite beautifully this way;

If you take the Christian Bible and put it out in the wind and the rain, soon the paper on which the words are printed will disintegrate and the words will be gone. Our bible IS the wind and the rain.

8)-  Wiccans hardly ever congregate in soul-less, mind-numbing, people-alienating stadiums. They prefer to form and meet in small groups called covens, groves, etc. (Christians call their small groups ‘church’.)

9) So, what do Wiccans Believe? There are many possible answers because Wicca is extremely decentralized. Many Wiccans develop their own beliefs, rituals, and other practices, which are often not known to people other than the solitary practitioner or to the Wiccan coven to which she or he belongs!

— Wiccans can believe in a God, or Goddess, who manifest in forms familiar to us in mythology, and/or established traditions … including Jesus Christ.

— Some believe in a supernatural reality of the Deity.

— Some view Deity as archetypal forces within the human mind.

10)- Wiccans love a good party. They love their festivals of eating, drinking, making merry, and celebrations.  (Just like Christians have Christmas and Easter).

11)- Yes, they can have rituals which are shrouded in mystery, highly symbolic, ritualistic, magical, and may even involve blood.  (In Christianity, it called The Eucharist / Communion.)

12)- Most Wiccans do have One Big Beautiful Rule: — “If no harm is done, do as you will“.  (This is no different than the Christian Golden Rule; “do unto others as you would have them do to you”)

13)- As you can see, Wicca embraces many possibilities — including sharing many similarities with Christianity. This may be confusing to people, because most people desire a more solid structure, they need to be told what to believe. As such, here is a very nice summary which encompasses the religion, as told by a Wiccan master:

“We see the divine manifest in all creation. The cycles of nature are our holy days, the earth is our temple, its plants and creatures our partners and teachers. We worship a deity that is both male and female, a mother Goddess and father God, who together created all that is, was, or will be. We respect life, cherish the free will of sentient beings, and accept the sacredness of all creation.”

14) However, despite some of the similarities with Christianity, there are also major differences. They ARE two different religions, after all. So, in the Wicca religion;

— There is no need for salvation from a pissed off god.

— The Deity has never killed anyone. Not. Once.

— There aren’t a thousand and one rules to follow.

— YOU aren’t an evil SOB who deserves to be tortured forever.

— You don’t have to get in everybody’s face and tell them how great your coven is. It is a non-evangelistic religion.

— There isn’t a hierarchy of priests, ministers, bishops, Popes, deacons, and ilk et all to rule over you for the rest of your life. You pretty much get to rule yourself.

— And, best of all, the Deity doesn’t need or want your money!

——————————————————– –

FOOTNOTE:  You can pretty much ignore all Biblical references to witches.  Like this one;  “A man or woman who is a witch among you must be put to death.”

— First of all, the book of Leviticus has 232 reasons to kill people, none of which were ever followed.

— Second, the word witch used 2,500+ years ago bears no resemblance to the 2017 word used in America.

— Third, the OT uses it to describe people (usually women, but not always) who uttered spoken curses to injure people or, destroy their property.

The Bible refers to this kind of witch.

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I’m talking about this, witches which are wonderful.

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******************* Finally, the Questions: ********************

Q1:  You now actually know a little Truth about WICCA. Don’t you think it’s just a beautiful religion, with much to offer?  Or, what?

Q2: America is so damned dis-united. Almost hopelessly so. Don’t you think that  WICCA is America’s last remaining hope … that it has a little something for everybody and, as such, can unite us?  Or, what?

Q3. I am thinking of forming an internet-based TBP-Wiccans, Inc. I will be in charge; “The Facilitator For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of TBP”Will you join my coven? Or, what?


Me? I was leaning towards becoming more familiar with Deism. But, this Wicca stuff seems really, really appealing! Truly so. All 13 points above were either positive, or neutral.

So, where are the negatives?? (Except maybe … that in some alternative universe, this stuff might piss off that particular Jeebus. I can see that.)  Other than that, I think it’s all-systems-go.

Wiccai has all the positive aspects of Spiritual Life but, without all the negative burdens of organized religiosity.  In that sense, Wicca does trump Christianity.

See you in my coven. Hopefully, soon.

P.S. Today is Ms. Freud’s birthday! Not kidding. I baked her a DEVIL’S Food cake? this morning. I think she might become my first “convert”. Hallelujah!!





Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 5, 2017 7:30 am

A1. No
A3. No

The only Make Benefit would be meetings that result in sexual hook-ups.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 5, 2017 9:27 am

Back to Q2 and A2 – my thinking of unity goes along the line of: When all that remains of humans on planet earth is two, a male and a female, then unity will exist.

November 5, 2017 7:51 am

“It simply means to shape nature to your service.” So witches caused global warming?

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
November 5, 2017 8:04 am

Stucky, I’m uh bonerfied wiccan witch and uh little piece uh witch history you might not be aware of is that ‘ridin uh broomstick’ can mean uh lot uh different things, and if yer serious about joinin the great wiccan religion I call dibs on yer initiation. Bring uh block and tackle, zip ties, and uh big bottle uh lube and maybe even that maple syrup you stole from Hardscrambled.

  Billah's wife
November 5, 2017 1:24 pm

Please put the ceremony on DVD. Guaranteed sale of 3 (AWB, BB, and me).

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 8:18 am

A.) Actually, I have had several Wiccan friends over the years. I even dated one for a while after my divorce. As organized religions go, I think it’s probably the nicest. Every one of the one’s I knew or know actually live by their belief of, “and do no harm to others”. I don’t know many Christians that behave as respectfully towards their fellow man.

One thing to watch out for though is what they call a “Hollywood Wiccan.” That’s one that thinks all of the rituals are really neat with odd-looking knives and such, but doesn’t actually practice the beliefs and lifestyles of being a Wiccan – kind of like many Christians…

And just for fun, I will let all of those bible thumpers that drive around with those “Keep Christ In Christmas” bumper stickers on their cars that the Christmas they celebrate is actually a Pagan (Wiccan) holiday. In fact, it’s their most revered holiday – the winter solstice. It begins on December 21st and runs for five days with the fifth day being the highest. It was stolen by the new Christian religion when they tortured and killed all of the non-believers (sound familiar?) and all but eliminated the Wiccans of their time – survivors had to go into hiding. The truth is that nobody knows for sure Christ’s actual birthday. Sometime in April was the last date I saw estimated by the Vatican.

On December 25th, you are celebrating a PAGAN holiday!

B) Our last hope? No, I don’t think so. I do think that if people spent more time actually living by the codes and beliefs of whatever religion they profess to belong to and less time demanding that everyone else should believe in what they say they believe in, but don’t actually live by, the world would be a whole lot nicer place.

C) Thank you no, Stucky. We Deists don’t need churches, temples, covens, or ovens.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 9:24 am

Thanks for the kind words Stucky. You too Zarathustra and RiNS (from the Russian article).

I have actually been reading TBP for a couple of years on a non-regular basis. I started reading it every day about six or seven months ago and then waited a few months to start posting anything. I try to be respectful and get a flavor of a site first before posting anything.

I also write essays, but mostly don’t have any place to post them. I would offer them to TBP, but I don’t have a website to pull them from and I don’t know where to send them.

Daisy Luther at The Organic Prepper asked me to write something for her a few weeks ago and I had just finished an article that would have been good here. I don’t know if Daisy will post my “Changing Of The Guard” article, but I sent it to her while I worked on what she asked for and told her I was giving her first shot at it. If she passes where would I send it for TBP?

I probably won’t get into too much of the sh*t f**t’s as you call them. That’s not for me, but I’m glad that all of you here in this rough-and-tumble group have a site such as this to enjoy in it.

And a reminder that I always add my name and location to my posts just to make sure that no one thinks I’m a troll.

I REALLY don’t like posters that use ‘anonymous’!

What’s up with those assholes?

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

  Steve C.
November 5, 2017 9:53 am

email your essays to [email protected] and if they are Shitfest-worthy, Admin will plop them in, I bet. Has to be more appealing that YoYo’s never-ending adoration of that which must not be named. And which, by the way? Is a sacred symbol in Odinism. How about that, RiNS?

November 5, 2017 11:13 am

While you are correct it was just another thing stolen by someone else.

Dem Basterds, eh!

The swastika was the victim of cultural appropriation. Once a symbol of good fortune it has in recent times fallen out of favour. And all because of an Odious Man with latent Socialist Ideals who yearned for control and planned for defeat.

Anyways using the Progressive left’s own rules I hereby take back that symbol. The Odinists are tired of things being stolen anyways.

The days of the week
The Holidays of the year.

The followers of Jebus Chrispin talk the good talk aboot 10 Commandments and right off the bat number 8 is in the dustbin. What kind of religion is this fraud that passes for a Creed that is flawed to the core. They ain’t commands if they ain’t been followed. Should instead be called the nine suggestions and the forgetaboutit epistle.


Nkit did a post about this a while back but thought I’d post the pictures again.

The Windsor Nazi Hockey Club

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A picture from back when the Nazis actually won something.

and not this loooooooser who managed to fuck up the conquest of Eastern Europe by being, as improbable as it was and still is to believe, an even moar despicable tyrant than Uncle Joe..

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Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 12:20 pm

OK, I just did a fast rework of an essay that I wrote about the F-35 Turkey and sent it to the email address you gave me.

Let’s see if they are interested…

Many thanks for the help everybody.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

  Steve C.
November 5, 2017 10:33 am


To post articles on TBP is pretty simple. I don’t have posting rights neither but really have no need for them either. All you have to do is copy your piece into the body of an email with your links to images in proper places and send it along to

[email protected]

All Admin has to do is cut, paste and presto bango it will soon appear. If you are moar ambitious you can set up a wordpress account and link to it in email. Both work and Admin I am certain would be more than happy to post anything you write.


Now to the Sunday task at hand.

Q1: You now actually know a little Truth about WICCA. Don’t you think it’s just a beautiful religion, with much to offer? Or, what?

A1: Man those witches have gotten a bad rap because there is much to offer. A simple creed with no words with the evidence all around.

Q2: America is so damned dis-united. Almost hopelessly so. Don’t you think that WICCA is America’s last remaining hope … that it has a little something for everybody and, as such, can unite us? Or, what?

The divide and Conquer of the tactics of the followers of Abraham might just be insurmountable but a last hope at uniting, yes. Slim as it is.

Q3. I am thinking of forming an internet-based TBP-Wiccans, Inc. I will be in charge; “The Facilitator For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of TBP”. Will you join my coven? Or, what?

Sure why not. One question though. Who will be bringing the popcorn? And will I still be able to make fun of my little trucker buddy, Ditch and AWB? If I can I am moving my chips



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November 5, 2017 11:28 am

If the Habs are looking to replace Price in goal then Andre Catsilevskiy is available…just sayin’

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Also, left you a couple of Odin links on FM’s Friday Graffiti post after the silver coins..don’t know if you saw them.
Okay, back to your regularly scheduled Sunday topic…

November 5, 2017 12:19 pm

I did see the links. Thanks for posting. I might have to get some of those coins. Pretty cool and made out of silver to boot..

As for Price. As crazy as it sounds it might happen. The Habs need a total tear down and by the time they are good again rice will be reading comic books at the end of the bench as back up. Might as well trade him while he is worth something..

I am going to Scotland on a trip in a couple of weeks. Outer Hebrides. Loads of Cetlic and Norse Runes there. With some luck I Hope to get some pictures and might if time permits write a post or two.


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November 6, 2017 7:27 am

One teeny weeny request..
Taking inspiration from the ads on TBP could we find one with nice tits.
Gettin’ some Wholly Spirit is great but it is always nice some fun bags on the side.

  Steve C.
November 6, 2017 6:13 pm

Steve C. says:

Thanks for the kind words Stucky. You too Zarathustra and RiNS (I owe you from the thing with the guy in the place).

Fixed it for you before Dennis Roe lays into you for violating some manly rule.

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
  Steve C.
November 5, 2017 9:39 pm

Steve C, there’s already uh shit ton of mongreloids droolin all over TBP, and no offense, but the last thing Admenstruater needs is Daisy Luther’s sloppy seconds bein dropped like uh massive turd right in ther middle of his life’s work. I think the title of yer retardation is quite all we need, so please just hit delete and let’s pretend like yer never was here showin off like you was King Dipshit.

November 5, 2017 8:24 am

Is it just me or is five missing?

And, if you renumber, the list will end at 13, which has far more significance to the superstitious minded than 14. Yet, you mention there being 13 points. Hmmmm… I guess I should read it more closely.

Good questions and good points. I’ll think about it while I stir the cauldron and prepare a love potion for my Nick.

November 5, 2017 12:45 pm

I don’t get SSS. He loves Netanyahu and hates Nazis. Why has it never occurred to him that they are one and the same?

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 5, 2017 4:00 pm

It’s like using your, there as the third person possessive. Or using substitute words like peak for pique or even peek; there just silly little inside jokes that irritate the noobs. I can’t say how many times Rdawg banged his head on the wall because he couldn’t teach me how to spell you’re.

November 5, 2017 8:49 am

Read it again, slowly, while the bacon is sizzling. It is an interesting question, in SPITE of your flippant framing for funny flamboyance. (This alliteration stuff is quite addicive. Perhaps it should become a religious ritual in your wiccan service.)

Now, time to make pancakes.

Later, big dude.

Lucia W.
Lucia W.
November 5, 2017 8:26 am

Q1: You now actually know a little Truth about WICCA. Don’t you think it’s just a beautiful religion, with much to offer? Or, what?
1. Wicca is a cobbled-together religion. It is no more or less beautiful than any other religion.

Q2: America is so damned dis-united. Almost hopelessly so. Don’t you think that WICCA is America’s last remaining hope … that it has a little something for everybody and, as such, can unite us? Or, what?
2. Nothing can unite us until we walk through the fire.

Q3. I am thinking of forming an internet-based TBP-Wiccans, Inc. I will be in charge; “The Facilitator For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of TBP”. Will you join my coven? Or, what?
3. No, but I wish you well.

All that said, as a bookseller I have to say that large numbers of people are curious about Wicca. My Wicca/Witchcraft books get more page views that almost anything else, although they are not among my best sellers. I also sell books on Christianity of all stripes and New-Agey type religions. Those get fewer page views, but sell a lot better. Many people seemed to be concerned with the state of their souls these days. Just an observation, for what it’s worth.

November 5, 2017 10:04 am

I would like to point out that Lucia is probably the feminine of Lucifer.

I hate this laptop. I just lost another whole train of thought into cyberspace. I hit CTRL instead of SHIFT to capitalize and the whole paragraph after my silly remark above this disappeared. I would probably delete that too, not wanting to offend Lucia, but the fact that it remained might mean something.

I will go to the real computer in my husband’s mancave and use the real keyboard to type my answer to you and to post on the 4th Turning article by JQ. (Is it discriminatory that I have this crappy laptop with an inferior keyboard in my Lady Loft while Nick has the luxurious keyboard under his control?)

November 6, 2017 2:29 pm

I truly learn something every day. The macro I learned for undo was Ctrl U. I wonder what I’ve been doing with that….

Holy CRAP… that brings up a tab with all the source code. That’s how I end up in that crap all the time. Thanks for the tip. I am forever in your debt. At least until I see what kind of insults you have tossed at me on the Moon Landing post.

Lucia W.
Lucia W.
November 5, 2017 1:56 pm

Both Lucia and Lucifer are from the Latin root “luz”, which means “light.” Lucifer was God’s favorite before the fall, and was called “The Light-Bringer” and “The Morning Star.”

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
  Lucia W.
November 5, 2017 9:46 pm

Lucia is a beautiful name! I love it!

  Lucia W.
November 6, 2017 2:33 pm

I am sorry… was my poor attempt at a joke. My real name is Martha and in spite of my argument that SOMEONE needed to make dinner for the Lord and his pals, the stigma remains.

November 6, 2017 3:00 pm

Martha was busy but like a total fem, she got irritated that nobody helped her. Men don’t get fried over stuff like that. So, she narked on Mary and it didn’t reflect well on her. Dang red ropes, always keeping track of what everybody else is doing or not doing.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 5, 2017 10:36 pm

I thought Lucia Mendez was shady.

  EL Coyote
November 5, 2017 11:04 pm

Now ‘neath the silver moon Ocean is glowing,
O’er the calm billows, soft winds are blowing.
Here balmy breezes blow, pure joys invite us,
And as we gently row, all things delight us.

Hark, how the sailor’s cry joyously echoes nigh:
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!
Home of fair Poesy, realm of pure harmony,
Santa Lucia, Santa Lucia!

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2017 2:35 pm

The count is approaching 200. I expect you to sneak in and grab the prize.

November 6, 2017 2:54 pm

Ha! I got it without even trying. The last two anons were mine.

November 5, 2017 8:38 am

1 It offers the wide path through the wide gate that leads to destruction.

2 Wicca is a part of what is tearing out nation apart, not something that will turn us away from division. But just a part of it, there are all sorts of other forces and moments on the same dark side it is.

3 No. I’m not a fool.

November 5, 2017 10:05 am

It’s on the same side, the anti Christian movement consists of everything not dedicated to Christ.

That makes it a part of it, by stating it is a part of it I pointed out there are other parts as well in case you have difficulty understanding English.

But I don’t expect you to understand that.

November 5, 2017 1:45 pm

You’re arguing with a guy who joined Jehovah’s Witnesses because they “seemed nice”. That should tell you all you need to know about his intellect and spiritual discernment (i.e. Wiccas are nice).

November 6, 2017 9:01 pm

Made you flinch!

November 5, 2017 8:54 am

Stucky –
With every single religion, it is the people coming together in something shared that is the primary reason for their existence. Religion is all about sharing common beliefs, supporting one another both physically and spiritually and acknowledging that there are mysteries yet to be discovered beyond what we “know”.

That is the gist of what a religion is. The larger ones have been swallowed up and overwhelmed in pursuit of money and control – why you are hoping and looking. They make token efforts at mouthing support, but it rarely manifests in some other person showing up at your door to help you change out your water heater. Which is a shame, because sharing work allows time to share yourself and your thoughts and beliefs – nobody makes the time for that anymore. At best, a rabbi, priest or other official shows up when you are in hospital or officiates at your funeral (for which they expect a ‘donation’).

As you acknowledge, it is decentralized today. As covens and groves grow, it is likely that sooner or later they will begin proselytizing, and then seek to expand and build or buy a “worship place” for their members (why not, it’s tax exempt). Then money enters the picture simply due to incurring the debt for the “worship place”. I say this because any religion is about people, and this seems to be what religious people do, whether it takes ten years or a thousand.

I agree that Christianity, Judaism, Islam and most other religions have been sabotaged trying to control their members and garner ever more – but that is the way of things when people are involved. Some people are about control, and many more unintentionally begin expanding their religion to make it more uniform and acceptable. Growth is what humans have been about for a long time, in every area of endeavor.

Wicca may be different as it starts, but it is unlikely that is how it will remain. As with any group with people in it, there are those seeking control. Abrogating that is what is required for things to remain focused on fellowship. Staying small is what prevents it. Excluding or otherwise nullifying ‘controllers’ is what must be for fellowship and service to members to flourish. Wicca is already in trouble in this regard.

Look within yourself, and then simply practice and exhibit the qualities you are seeking in a religion. The rest will take care of itself, because if what you seek is spiritual it is all in your head, heart and soul.

Soapbox away now…

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 3:07 pm

“Look within yourself, and then simply practice and exhibit the qualities you are seeking in a religion. The rest will take care of itself, because if what you seek is spiritual it is all in your head, heart and soul.”

I’m good with that.

Well said.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

Billah's wife
Billah's wife
  Steve C.
November 6, 2017 2:16 pm

Sorry ter all my fans ter have ter sandwich this comment between Francis M, the loose-anused fruit loop, and Steve C, the earnestly dipshitted Texan, but I feel like there’s really something I got ter say about how totally retarded this whole thing has gotten. Usually El Coyote is the one makin shit really retarded, barkin like uh gawd dammed chihuaha about ter diarrear all over the freshly starched sheets of Stucky’s brilliance, then after he explodes, Maggie climbs up onter the bed and rolls around in the mess and giggles, and while their co-dependent relationship is highly annoying, at times it is at least somewhat endearing, but now we got Steve C and Francis joinin in and I swear ter gawd that I just can’t take it no more. We’re talkin 10x retardation, and it’s really ruinin mah gawd dammed reading experience. i know Stucky is with me on this cuz he slept over last night and was bitchin up uh storm about the new retards on the block. So please, Admenstruater, do me and Stucky an enormous favor and ban Steve C from ever posting ever ever again, and make Francis change his avatar ter uh upside down rainbow flag as a warning ter all the true TBP readership. Sincerely, Billah’s wife

  Billah's wife
November 6, 2017 3:11 pm

BW and Stuck make revolting bedfellows. Maggie and me are not co-dependent, we can quit anytime we want.

November 6, 2017 9:40 pm

I just got to this encore performance by BW and, as always, am impressed by whomever wears the mask of Billah’s Wife. And never, never, never suggest Billah and BadAss Billy are one and the same. Well, YOU can, but I know better.

I was in the archives reviewing some 4th Turning articles of Admin’s and came across a couple of early BW comments.

That’s some funny shit right there and I can’t quit giggling.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Billah's wife
November 6, 2017 9:16 pm

BW, are you cheating on Billy or did you split up with the bro? Do you have one of those open marriages?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 5, 2017 9:07 am

Have known a few wiccans. Mostly nice, somewhat harmless people. A little too liberal for me. Attended a wiccan wedding once. It had no center or heart to it and seemed cobbled together and made up. Was sort of a reflection of the people whose lives followed a similar pattern.

It’s good to oberseve nature and to understand the world and yourself through it and to maintain a sense of wonder, but man also needs reason. The two things should work together. The wiccans I’ve known are heavy on wonder and pretty damn light on reason.

Then again they never tried to convert me either so it was easy to enjoy their company.

As for having it unite us, no. It’s too late for that.

I’m not sure you’ll find many ‘joiners’ lurking here. That’s gonna be a tough row to hoe on TBP. But good luck.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
November 5, 2017 11:27 am

RINS is too cynical. He won’t bite and besides Odin as a God is far to masculin to count on a conversion to a pratice that is more on the feminin side.

You need some pamphlets, a suit and a nice tie and a good pair of shoes. Then just start the rounds in your neighbourhood and work outwards from there. You’ll have your coven in short order. It will be mostly single, emotionally damaged women and lonely liberal beta males to start but who knows… maybe you’ll play match maker along the way?

  Francis Marion
November 5, 2017 11:43 am

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November 5, 2017 9:22 am

And all this from someone who kills a raccoon for swimming in his pool?

The League of Wrathful, Rabid, Raccoons
The League of Wrathful, Rabid, Raccoons
November 5, 2017 9:42 am

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  The League of Wrathful, Rabid, Raccoons
November 5, 2017 10:28 am

This is the engagement ring that Ricky Raccoon had just given to his fiance before he was brutally clubbed to death by some Wicca wannabe.

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November 5, 2017 12:03 pm

Goodbye you dirty coon
Though I never knew you at all
You had the grace to hold yourself
While those around you crawled
You went and reached for a tree
Then a 2×4 went thru your brain
The Evil Stucky set you on the way
And why the need change your name
And it seems to me you lived your life
Like a candle in the wind
Never knowing who to cling to
When your head caved in
And I would have liked to have known you
But I was just a kid
Your candle burned out long before
Your legend ever did
Loneliness was tough
The toughest role you ever played
TBP created a superstar
And pain was the price you paid
Even when you died
Oh the Copfuks still hounded you
All the papers had to say
Was that Ricky was found in the pool

He was a good raccoon, loved by many and all. Until the day skull was crushed in..

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He got a proper Chrispin burial though. Pretty Classy of the Big Austrian if I do say…

Even the Queen came…

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 5, 2017 1:35 pm

“Never knowing who to cling to
When your head caved in…”

That is pure comedy gold. This place, when it’s on is as good as it gets. Smart, funny and with a memory like a steel trap.

November 5, 2017 5:23 pm

Might be a good sideline. These days I am all out of outrage. Gallows humour seems the only remedy for this insane world. Especially reading the news today.

November 6, 2017 9:44 pm

Hey, I wrote you a poem the other day.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 5, 2017 10:48 pm

RiNS says: … you are correct it was just another thing stolen by someone else. Dem Basterds, eh!

No shit. I recall Big Mike introduced the QOTD and Stucky stole it and popularized it.
I too wrote several song parodies featuring Trump, Hillary, Paddock and most recently Harvey Weinstein. I never got the swooning commendations that RinSe did on a cheap parody of Elton John’s Homage to Marilyn.

Fuckers, I’m not even upset at RinSe but fuck it, fuckers. See if I take the time between scratching my nuts to post anything here and for what?, for shit!

Thank you Zara, for your kind words.

The pioneers get an arrow in the back and the settlers move in. – Doc Pangloss

November 6, 2017 9:20 am

She had been warned she would be unhappy; and she ended by asking him for a dose of medicine and a little more love.

November 6, 2017 2:51 pm

Whatever happened to El Magnifico? He posted once and disappeared.
One shot wonder like LAC.

November 6, 2017 9:46 pm

After seeing EC’s whining, I’ve decided to forget about the poem I wrote the other day. Disregard.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2017 7:37 am

Two comments are hardly a swooning commendations but I suppose it must soul a varmit’s soul when you spend your daze chasing something you can’t catch.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Later… gotta go!

[imgcomment image[/img]

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 5, 2017 4:20 pm
  The League of Wrathful, Rabid, Raccoons
November 5, 2017 12:01 pm

ROFLOL I wondered how long it would take B4 the raccoons came out of the woodwork!! Love it!!!

November 5, 2017 4:55 pm

It’s too late. The die is cast.
There’ll be no redemption
By kissing a coon’s ass.

November 6, 2017 6:11 pm

“little bastard?”

Murder is such a cold heartless business.

November 6, 2017 6:27 pm

Billy’s tale of the gopher was more humane than the murder of the skunk. I do believe Stucky enjoyed bashing the little dude’s head in. He was splattered with blood and the delicate Mrs. Freud was aghast, but like Sapphira, she kept silent as Stuck denied everything to the cops. When they asked about the flecks of blood on his shirt, he claimed he’d been squeezing pomegranates for his prostate. Surre…

November 7, 2017 1:35 am

And, you know it was only the weekend before when Ricky was helping Stucky change his brake pads.. Singing about their friends in low places. Who knows? The man’s loco. Hangs out at those male strip joints…you know, where the men……could be anywhere..talking to the trees..

[imgcomment image#155[/img]

November 7, 2017 9:45 am

Aw, man’s best friend. I wonder what caused this happy time to turn ugly? Maybe KaiserSuzie knows.

November 5, 2017 9:30 am

Not possible
No. I resist/detest almost all groups, establishments and organizations. I detest them because they always fall into “traditions” that can’t be questioned or cliques or rules or group think or…

November 5, 2017 9:39 am


First things first: 226 comments on the Cliche # 5 thread. Yes, I do believe you provided the impetus behind that unusually high number (for one of my threads, that is). TYVM.

Second, reading i forget’s comments is like analyzing poetry. You have to imbibe more from the heart and you get out of it what you put in. Think SMASH THE CONTROL MACHINE.

Thirdly, I may not have commented on your WW I thread directly, but I did express my enjoyment of it in a comment (directed to you) on my own “beast” post.

Now, that all said, regarding this post. I did read with an open mind, and it made me think. It made think how a typical Christian Theologian might respond which would be as follows:

The Bible is more than words and pages; as the wind and rain is more than air and water. Pantheism = ideology. And when a Wiccan dies and stands before the Pearly Gates, how will they account for their sin?

That, I believe, is how a Christian Theologian would respond.

November 5, 2017 12:29 pm

IF it [Pearly Gates] exists, and if it doesn’t then accounting for one’s sin is irrelevant … and even if Pearly Gates do exist, Wiccans don’t buy into the concept of universal or personal sin.

That is the big “IF”. Moreover, if they do exist, then the Wiccan would need to accept how their lack of faith in swimming could not prevent them from drowning.

Again, that is what, I believe, the Christian Theologian would argue.

November 5, 2017 10:03 am

Wiccanism sounds like the perfect religion. You can pretty much believe what you want, as long as you recognize the sacred aspects of nature. You get to have lots of parties, and your thirst for the spiritual is quenched in mystical ceremonies. No one asks you for money or any other commitment to the coven. Just don’t do something harmful to anything. Of course it would be gaining traction in our self-centered and shallow and ignorant population.

I like to be a fruit inspector. How has Wiccanism, over the long centuries of its existence, contributed in any meaningful way to the formation of culture? In the name of this religion, has there ever been a hospital or a school built? How about a food pantry for the homeless? A shelter for battered women? Lack of confining structure is attractive, but it doesn’t get much done.

November 5, 2017 10:28 am

I love the “fruit inspector” term, Gayle. However, I have known more than one fruit inspector in my lifetime who refused to look closely at their own fruit rotting near their own root system on the ground. The fruit does not fall far.

I also like the way you inquire about the benefit to humanity of any religion (if I may expand your question). I really believe that many religious groups believe themselves to be sincere in their community outreach efforts. I think they want to be willing to embrace the nonbeliever in order to show that the nature of “their” version of God aka Supreme Being aka Mother Nature is truly one that is worth the time and effort to learn about and accept as a true Spirit of Good. To simplify? I’ve known a lot of church ladies who proclaimed themselves fruit inspectors and I’ve watched them ignore the plank in their own eye while picking at the specks in others’.

I present a real conundrum to a mother of three wonderful kids living within horse-riding distance (as well as bicycles, but I do love that the kids ride the horses over to see me on occasion… well the USED to ride over.) I won’t go to their church with them and since I don’t go to church now at all, their mother seems to have restricted their visits. I respect that. Hell, I appreciate that. What do I need with a pack of kids over here all the time. My child rearing days are done.

I taught Sunday School for years, dragged my kid to three or four churches over the course of his schooling and even taught in an adult Sunday School Class for a time. Now, I never JOINED any churches and at the one where I taught Sunday School, I was told by the pastor I couldn’t teach a class unless I joined the church. Since I had both of his grandchildren in the classroom, I was dumbfounded. I told him I was just “helping” teach the class and he agreed that I could do that. Idiot.

I was helping the Holy Ghost I guess because I sometimes had 20 or more 3 to 5 year old kids in there and sometimes would send my own (5) son to get one of the teenagers from the youth church to help ME keep them all in one room while I sang songs, colored pictures and generally had playtime while their parents worshipped the Lord in peace and quiet.

Matthew 7:19-21New International Version (NIV)
19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.

November 5, 2017 11:39 am

Maggie I understand what you are saying. Christianity has borne a lot of bad fruit, rotten fruit. Christ specifically taught that his church would be filled with wheat and tares (the good and the bad) and history has certainly borne out his prediction. He also taught that we are not to condemn the speck in someone else’s eye until we remove the plank from our own eye. This is one of his more challenging suggestions.

I don’t try to proselytize around here. If Stucky finds spiritual peace in a Wiccan coven, if that’s his truth, then he should go for it. If you are better off never attending church, I completely respect that. The great God above forces no one to do or be anything. We all have the terrible freedom to choose our path.

Christianity (and possibly Judaism) is often held to a higher standard than any other group. Christians retain their flaws because they retain their humanity, although over lifetimes those flaws are minimized in serious students of the Bible. Christ said the cross would be a stumbling block to many, and it is (remember the story this past week that the Peace Cross must be removed because it is offensive?) Everyone is free to follow the teachings of Jesus or reject them. What this means to the individual soul is not for me to say but JC had a few comments about it.

Back to fruit. Western Civilization, the loss of which is feared and mourned among many on this site, is inextricably linked to Christianity. Some would say that’s just a coincidence, though.

Maggie I bet your Sunday School classes were rollicking good fun. You would probably be surprised at the positive difference you made in some little lives. I am reminded of a seminary graduation exercise I attended a few years ago. One woman who received an advanced degree said in her little speech that she was so relieved to have her degree because now she would no longer be stuck teaching kids in Sunday School. I thought that was pretty sad.

November 5, 2017 2:52 pm

Not surprised at all. More than a couple (at least three hahahaha) of my “kids” saw me later in their teen years and squealed “Miss Marfa! Is it really YOU? I LOVED your classes!” I loved the kids and we all really learned a lot from one another (although my own son will NOT admit it). But, except for me, when it came to that unruly pack of wild children, NO ONE wanted to HELP the Holy Ghost teach them a damn thing.

One of the parents who sang in the choir (for both the early service and the main service, meaning her kid was there for over three hours) had the GALL to complain to the youth pastor (different animal than the “pastor” who refused to let a non-member teach a class) that I was giving the children snacks and it was ruining her kid’s appetite for lunch. When he asked me about it (apologetically), I explained to him that several of the kids were dumped off at the class without having been fed and they did a lot better if I gave them fruit, crackers and, EGAD, even homemade cookies or sweetbreads because hungry kids are unhappy kids. I reminded him that our Lord said to feed his children and I took that to mean literally. (No, Stucky, I did NOT raise rabbits at that time.)

He laughed and said there would be no more discussion about snacktime in Miss Marfa’s class. Bitch.

He started purchasing big boxes of those fish-shaped crackers and leaving them for me in the supply closet. He assigned a couple of teens to assist with my class and I had to clean up my act lest they rat me out for having WAY too much fun in church.

My son said “you didn’t have a Sunday School class… you had a song and dance party.” He was right and I had to stop bringing the “non” religious themed kids music tapes. This lady was one of the best in the business.

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 4:04 pm

When my first grade teacher Mrs. Hartman (I adored Mrs. Hartman) taught me my letters in the first grade, the stories that I started writing were so good that she used to have me read them to our class.

Then she started sending me around to the other first grade classes to read them and by the end of the year, she had me visiting every class and every grade to read my stories to everyone.

She not only taught me how to read and write, she gave me first introduction to speaking in front of people. See – you can learn a lot in first grade.

First grade – happiest three years of my life…

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

November 5, 2017 11:17 am

I am sure they’ve done their share at craft fairs.

November 5, 2017 11:49 am

No I became a Christian because I was born into a family that possessed a Christian heritage, I was taken to church from Day One and taught from the Bible. As a young adult I rejected much of what I had been taught. As I got older and was raising my kids, Christianity began to make sense to me again and I have pursued it with some seriousness since.

November 5, 2017 12:50 pm

Which is exactly how 99% of people on the planet acquire their religion. Every one of them believes theirs is the only true religion.

November 5, 2017 1:18 pm

But not true for you, right?

November 5, 2017 1:22 pm


Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
November 5, 2017 6:15 pm

1000 +

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 5, 2017 2:21 pm

Anyone with the slightest bit of human decency should turn away from a religion that’s big on head-lopping.

November 5, 2017 7:50 pm


I was sort of exposed to religion by my mother, who was Lutheran but she never shoved it down my throat. I was exposed to the Baptist church as a teenager by a neighbor who wanted to save my soul. I couldn’t get into that shit at all. I considered myself an agnostic. I don’t really remember how I came across Zoroastrianism, but I found it fascinating; especially its relationship to Judaism. By the time I went to Iran I was already aware of it and sought out places to study it, when I had the opportunity.
Over the years I just sort of adopted it. I internalized and synthesized it. It became a part of me in the way that the philosophy of liberty did, years ago. I decided that either Ahura Mazda is God (the best representation of it), or there is no God. I am very comfortable with that decision. God does not speak to me, in any way that I am aware of. My job is not to evangelize and I do a poor job sometimes of living in good thoughts, good words and good deeds, but I do recognize the virtue of it.

Having said all of that, I am still part Bokononist too.

November 5, 2017 11:31 pm

I doubt that Stucky is a Bokononist.
But, it seems likely that he is a practitioner of Omphaloskepsis.

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 6, 2017 9:59 pm

I was afraid to look it up (Omphaloskepsis) for fear it was the obsession with one’s own genitals.

Now, I know it is being obsessed with the lint in your belly button.

November 5, 2017 11:31 am

Wicca is a libertarian religion. The only rule that I have seen from wicca is that you can do whatever you want as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone else. There is no Wiccan rule about giving to charity. Since there is also no rule about proselytizing you won’t find Wiccans crowing about how Wicca is giving to charity or they, as Wiccans, are giving to charity. This doesn’t mean that Wiccans, as individuals, don’t give as much, if not more, to charity, they just leave out the fanfare. Which is “better” – someone who gives to charity because they are required to give to charity per their religion or someone who gives to charity because they want to do something good for other people with no recognition or recompense?

November 5, 2017 2:49 pm

What about Xmas? Xmas seems somewhat of a bribe to young kids to love Christianity. What young person would give up Xmas?

Big Dick
Big Dick
November 5, 2017 10:49 am

1. Who really gives a rats butt?

Big Dick
Big Dick
November 5, 2017 1:09 pm

Your little dick can’t cover anything as your mind is shriveled in confusion.

November 5, 2017 10:52 am

Stucky goes through religions like most people go through Kleenex. Not at all surprised he has now taken up the study of Wicca. Just another example of shit stirring on the platform.
My answers mirror KoKo’s and that is a BIG no as to my joining a coven run by Stuck.(or anyone else)
What’s next? The glorification of Satanism?

Steve C- I won’t be able to take you seriously until you can actually find the balls to type the words shit fest. That said, glad you are here! 🙂

Blessed be and do what thou wilts…….Stucky. Aleister Crowley

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 10:56 am

“…I won’t be able to take you seriously until you can actually find the balls to type the words shit fest…”

Is that one word or two?

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

  Steve C.
November 5, 2017 11:09 am

Steve….I type it both ways. Suit yourself, just do it. 🙂

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 4:23 pm

“Since where I MIGHT spend eternity has some bearing on my future, I kind of like learning about the options available … as OTHER BELIEFS see it.”

Almost sounds like you’re trying to decide which cruise to go on. Do I go through the Panama Canal, or do I do the Alaska cruise?

Seriously, there are three types of knowledge:
1. That which is known;
2. That which is unknown;
3. That which is unknowable.

Philosophy is really the study and discussion of the unknowable. Christians “know” where they spend eternity, but I promise you, occasionally they worry. Same with Jews.

I call myself a Christian, but more specifically am a Follower of Christ. Of his teachings about how to live life.

But, I have thought, since 1977, that all religions make an effort to explain the unexplainable, to proclaim to know the unknowable. In their purest form (and I am not including islam, because that is not a religion, it is a death cult) religions try to reassure the living about what comes next. In reality, they are about money and power. This is why I do not attend church.

In another post somewhere on this topic, I made what sounded like a glib reference to The Force, but this is the only “explanation” that has ever resonated with me. Yeah, came from Star Wars. But the idea about The Force encompassing all living things, throughout the universe, brings me a great deal of peace in my own mind, and then I don’t worry.

All living things, and I truly mean ALL LIVING THINGS, have souls. I will never believe otherwise. I believe that the souls of all living things exist after their worldly lives (on Earth or whatever world) are over. I believe that the concept of the “dark side of The Force” has merit. Just look at Washington D.C., or at islam.

So, if Wicca floats your cruise ship, go for it. Whatever you do, live life well, and make every effort to stay in The Light.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
  Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 6:22 pm

The Force being the Holy Spirit?

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
  Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
November 6, 2017 12:45 am

Sure. The Holy Spirit, the Creator, the Alpha and the Omega. Any or all of those.

November 5, 2017 8:30 pm

Ummmm…….let’s see Stucky. There was the JW and the Deist period in your life. You married the Mennonite so I guess you were into that religion also, it is a pattern of the advanced mind who just can’t seem to buy into these manmade concoctions so you keep searching for the real thing. I have explained the real thing and nobody listened. So yes, you go through doctrine like kleenex.

I am in TN looking at farmland for the next week so not being antisocial.

November 5, 2017 4:52 pm

For Pete’s sake, Stucky, get ahold of yourself.

November 5, 2017 6:54 pm

Yes, subconsciously I surely knew that you would relate to that admonition. Good one, Gayle.

November 5, 2017 10:54 am


Wicca sucks. I looked into it years ago and decided it sucks. It seems like it’s just an excuse to slapdash together any random hokum you want. I believe it was largely stuck on the map after the 1960s by a guy named Raymond Buckland whose book on it was available in bookstores for years. He at least tried to connect it to the old English witchery and paganism. These days, Wicca is so formless, shapeless, and without any possible history, believers can concoct any bullshit into their Wicca.

If you join a religion, shouldn’t there be some form to it? Because aside from that one rule you mentioned, there seems to be no form, no rules, no regs, and no definable characteristics to it. There is no history, no past to it. No records, no sains, no truth. It’s basically a DIY faith so formless and shapeless, you can make it into anything you want.

For instance, I have seen Wiccans claim to pray to Greek, Norse, and Egyptian gods and goddesses. Some even claim to pray to Satan, but he’s not the devil Christians claim he is. Maybe I’m wrong, but if you can toss such a variety of gods and goddesses and demi-gods into the mix, exactly what value is there in it? Are they all legit? Or none?
Why not pray to Joe Pesci?

Wicca is a perfect religion for pussies who can’t hack an actual faith with a definite belief structure, teachings, judgements, actual history, and an exacting code of behavior with specific rules that infringe on your idea of fun.

November 5, 2017 3:05 pm

If following other people’s rules, regs, and beliefs is your thing, go for it; Wicca is more suited for people who don’t want or need someone to tell them what to believe or think. Modern history, if you want it, more Gerald Gardner than Ray Buckland. Are all the gods and demi-gods legit? Well, I would say that each is as legit as any other. By the way, people who pray to Satan are called Satanists, not Wiccans.

November 5, 2017 10:56 am

So, wiccans do not have set beliefs or rituals, can worship all gods or goddesses, or not, believe in the supernatural or not, their guiding principal, “If no harm is done, do as you will“ is suitable to put on a Hallmark card, and they love to party.

Are you sure you don’t mean Episcopalians?

November 6, 2017 12:05 pm

Add Unitarians

November 5, 2017 11:28 am

I called Bullshit on this post on just about everything you wrote.Good Lord Stucky you know better.Are just trying to provoke or intentionally trying to decive ?
Wiccan is Satanic to the core regardless of what the Supreme court says.Fuck those pagans on the courts of this country. God forbids the worship of nature in any way .Next you will be saying astrology is ok for people. Your post does explain what happened to our Republic.We have nation of apostates who have committed apostasy on so many levels.Only Satan has committed the Greater SIN .We deserve God’s wrath as a nation.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 5, 2017 11:30 am

Never heard of Wicca before; Never met a Wiccan (didn’t have a sticky label on their shirt).

Don’t think I will ever meet a Wiccan

Lots of people seek out a religion for various reasons. Whatever the reason, if it makes them a better person or just makes them feel better, you have my support. Likewise, if someone wants a nose job or bigger tits, you have my support (but not financially).

November 5, 2017 11:43 am

Q1: You now actually know a little Truth about WICCA. Don’t you think it’s just a beautiful religion, with much to offer? Or, what?

The Wiccan religion has already been corrupted – there are too many vegan feminazi liberals who call themselves Wiccans.

Q2: America is so damned dis-united. Almost hopelessly so. Don’t you think that WICCA is America’s last remaining hope … that it has a little something for everybody and, as such, can unite us? Or, what?

No. See answer to Q1

Q3. I am thinking of forming an internet-based TBP-Wiccans, Inc. I will be in charge; “The Facilitator For Make Benefit Glorious Nation Of TBP”. Will you join my coven? Or, what?

I don’t join groups.

I’m surprised that you haven’t mentioned something that I would have thought you would consider one of the biggest benefits of Wicca, the propensity of some of the female practitioners to do rituals “skyclad” (i.e. nekkid).

Blessed Be.

November 5, 2017 12:59 pm

Could it be that Stucky wants converts so they can send him their tithe?

Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
November 5, 2017 1:32 pm

Wiccan ism sounds a whole lot like what was introduced in the soft seventies. Remember Mother Earth and Father Moon? Throw in a little esoteric astrology and a sprinkle of effeminate non-judgmental cowardice, turn the spigot on and water your vegetable garden children and watch them grow.
Everyday a Green Day
Good on you Stucky. Your research has uncovered the true source of our societal ills and the children that bear my generations confusion.
Religions GREATEST contribution to mankind is its incessant question,”Who the F+*/ is going to pay for this”?!
Sorry I didn’t answer your questions directly


I think it’s Father Sky…

Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
November 5, 2017 6:44 pm

No no no…the joos merely profit by it as all intelligent beings have a mind too.

November 5, 2017 1:36 pm

The thought occurs to me…
Someone once said, “there’s nothing new under the sun….” I can’t help noting this so-called religion has only really cropped up in the last 40 years. So regardless of whether religion is real, or not (Stucky doesn’t have enough QOTD space for that one in a month of sundays.), I have one simple question that might shed light on the validity of this neo-spirituality.

Which socio-religious belief system constructed Western Civ and which one has only appeared during the collapse of that civ?

November 5, 2017 3:13 pm

Gilbert, news flash, Greece and Rome were officially and overwhelmingly pagan up until 325 AD, but I guess they didn’t contribute anything to Western Civilization.

November 5, 2017 6:49 pm

Today’s poseurs are not your great, great, great, great, great, great…. great grandpappy’s pagans. And despite their early beginnings, we credit them with being the foundation that ignited the mind of the greatest civilization in the history of the world. And Greece ultimately served as a vital part of the foundation of the Christian faith.

Miles Long
Miles Long
November 5, 2017 1:39 pm

1. Maybe if that’s what floats yer boat.

2. No

3. Hell no. Those who actively seek leadership roles are probably unfit to lead.

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 2:22 pm

Q1. No.
Q2. No.
Q3. No.
I am one with The Force. The Force is with me.

May The Force be with you.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
November 5, 2017 2:27 pm

A month or so ago I stumbled upon a little Wicca festival in a local park. All of the people were fat and ugly, despite being mostly young. Go do your Wicca thing, but it wouldn’t kill you to do a sit-up now and again.

November 5, 2017 2:47 pm

Here are your Wiccans.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 2:58 pm

Cool self-portrait. Which one is you?

  Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 3:11 pm

I dig the aloha shirt the dudes wearing, but I would never wear a T shirt underneath.

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 4:26 pm

I will now forever imagine you with a Hawaiian shirt and a feathered headdress ( and a teal backpack). It’s good to put a face with the screen name.

  Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 7:52 pm

I don’t have a beard.

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 3:08 pm

86 posts so far. This is truly sick. Stucky, you are a master bullshit artist. Methinks you are/were in sales. Probably sold Torah’s to Al Qaeda and anchors to drowning children.

Hat tip to you, sir.

EDIT: And you’re STILL selling Russian mail-order brides. How many millions could you possibly need?

  Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 5:07 pm

You are buying what he sells. What does that say about you… does that make you sick too or just a gullible dumbass

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 5:15 pm

Probably both. Except I have never bought a mail order bride, a Torah, or an anchor. Nor do I subscribe to the Wiccan stuff. So, exactly what am I buying, again?

  Hammer's Thor
November 5, 2017 5:18 pm

You are driving up the comment count that you then whinge about. That is what you are buying. Anyways so glad you can play.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 5, 2017 3:31 pm

Jews are not Christians and the Tanakh is not the Gospel so when you are putting OT words into our mouths, you could be trying to put square pegs into round holes. If you think anyone other than God and Jesus are Lord of Heaven, and could be central to Religion, then you need to rethink.

Gloriously Deplorable Paul
Gloriously Deplorable Paul
November 5, 2017 3:57 pm

Satan’s greatest triumph is getting people to believe he doesn’t exist.

November 5, 2017 4:15 pm

As a Pagan (not Wiccan) who has known many Wiccans, participated in their rituals, and called some friends, my response to Stucky’s questions:

Q1: Yes, I think it is a beautiful religion, but oddly enough, has become too structured/formalized for my tastes, i.e. it is difficult to assemble a substantial group except around certain key beliefs like the Eight Sabbats, the God (the Green Man) and the Goddess (usually an Isis/Diana figure). I certainly think it superior to Islam, and to be honest, the central idea of Christianity, God becomes man and is tortured and sacrificed to atone to himself for man’s (his creation’s) inherited sin, is to my mind gruesome and unnecessary.

Q2. Can it unite America? I’ll assume you aren’t serious. They can’t even unite among themselves.

Q3. No, and I don’t think you’ll find many converts here. Better try HuffPo or something.

Most Wiccans I have known are genuinely nice people, lacking in religious hypocrisy (easy to do when you have only one rule to follow), smarter than average, well read, the percentage of political libertarians is much higher than most religions but still shockingly low. They don’t seem as a rule to consider government theft/coercion to be “harming” someone, so most of them are fine with the welfare state, forced association, and laws and taxes to “save the Earf”. They preach freedom and vote Democrat (or Green Party, or somesuch).

Your point about “The Deity has never killed anyone.” Only true in the literal sense. There is no overarching Deity. Also most Wiccans understand the myths to be just that, not historical. But many gods and goddesses are recognized, some of them quite bloodthirsty.

To Gayle I would say, deprecating Wiccans for not doing charitable works as Wiccan organizations, seems to me unfair; for most of them, that’s just not what religion is for. I have known many of them to be charitable as private persons. And since Wiccans often form friendships that extend to outside the coven, your chances of getting one to help with your water heater are actually quite good.

To those who say that Christianity “built” Western Civ, I would say that it is historically contingent. Without Christianity, the history of Europe would definitely have been different. Would it have been better or worse? We can’t re-run the experiment to find out.

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 5, 2017 5:07 pm

“…But, dude, I’m working here day and night trying to come up with SOLUTIONS to unite ‘Murica. So, I thought I’d give it a shot…”

Maybe you should take a break from it for a little while and go read my article on the F-35.

Leave a comment. Maybe you can get the DOD to convert from the F-35 Turkey to the Su-35.

That would be a worthwhile conversion.

Let everyone else continue to believe whatever gives them comfort…

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
  Steve C.
November 5, 2017 5:18 pm

Good idea. Headed there right now.

November 5, 2017 7:56 pm

I think it was Tennyson who said that if Darius (or Xerxes) had subdued the Greeks, it would have been the end of Western Civilization. Considering that the greek society was based on slavery while slavery was abolished in the Persian empire, that the greeks had a ridiculous polytheist religion while the Persians were Zoroastrians, which is arguably the most advanced and humane religion man has yet created and a plethora of other things, I suspect the West would have benefited from a century or two of Persian rule.

November 5, 2017 5:31 pm

Here on the godless coast, it’s still yesterday. Damn time change. Q1-3 no, no, no. Still recovering from Pastor what’s his name. Maybe I’m in recovery, forgot the fucker’s name. Drove over another minister’s dog once. Minister’s wife cursed me, said I did it on purpose and was the agent of the devil. How could you, she screamed at me. We just paid to have her fixed. Wasn’t a smartass back then so didn’t answer that she’s broke again and there’s no fix this time. I was sixteen and this pastor isn’t even the fuck nut I’m still trying to forget. Olson, fuck. I even remember his first name now. Damn you Stucky. Always dredging up the future. Wiccans and shuttlecocks. Now there’s a Maxfield Parish image.

November 5, 2017 5:51 pm

Come to me, I have a plan. Details to follow.

I find it interesting that most Hindus worship Krishna in the form of the Butter Thief. That is, mothers and their children.

November 5, 2017 5:53 pm

Or, if you prefer, there is this. You can see my doppelgänger as the Larry David look alike in this video. Damned gremlins keep messing with my posts.

November 5, 2017 6:04 pm

Agent Kujan speaks.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
November 5, 2017 8:21 pm

Jesus, Mary, Joseph and the donkey too , Stucky.
What is your expectation of God???

February 21, 2019 4:30 pm

these people went straight to heaven idiot

November 5, 2017 6:42 pm

Stuck, just for you…

Wild Bob
Wild Bob
November 5, 2017 7:09 pm

Religion is the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on mankind.

November 5, 2017 7:46 pm

“Nature Has Its Own Religion
Gospel from the land.”

November 5, 2017 7:49 pm

Q1: A bit too auras-and-crystals for my taste. I lean more Discordian, personally. But beyond doubt infinitely preferable to any of the Abrahamic big-dictator-in-the-sky mind control scam horseshit.

Q2: Unity is overrated, and, beyond common acceptance of a few necessary standards of civilized behaviour, arguably harmful. However, I see nothing in Wicca contrary to those standards, and much to support them.

Q3: I’m not much of a joiner. But if you need help keeping the comments active, I’m game.

WRT the OP article in general: Bravo! You’ve outdone yourself this time, Stucky. I would take (mild) exception only to: This is no different than the Christian Golden Rule . . . As Walter Kaufmann* points out: The Golden Rule is intolerable; if millions did to others whatever they wished others to do to them, few would be safe from molestation. [. . .] The negative formulation is far superior: Do not do unto others what you would not want them to do to you. But even this rule, which antedates Jesus and was advanced by Hillel, and, much earlier, by Confucius, falls short of what is needed. As for what is needed, I know of no better short formulation than Frank Zappa’s:

Do what you wanna
Do what you will
Just don’t mess up
Your neighbor’s thrill
‘N when you pay the bill
Kindly leave a little tip
And help the next poor sucker
On his one way trip. . .

For more on Wicca, something I think you’ll find very interesting; basically, how a hard-line ASM (atheist scientific materialist) found his inner Pan.

*In Without Guilt & Justice – From Decidophobia to Autonomy. The entire book is available free online, and very much worth reading.

November 5, 2017 7:52 pm

A shirtless barefooted scrubby looking “songwriter” approached me one fine summer May Day on Pensacola Beach. I was impressed with his directness. He asked me for song lyrics. At that moment a snowflake fell between us. I told him there is your lyric. A snowflake falls in May.

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 5, 2017 8:01 pm

Probably a nice religion, as religions go.

Probably also has the same uniting effect as if we all became stamp collectors (I’ve met many stamp collectors, wonderful people).

If your into nature and looking for a peaceful happy existence while you live here on the blue/green ball, maybe Wiccan is for you.

If you sense there is eternity within man, you will need to look for answers that are beyond the here and now, Wiccan offers nothing, nor will any religion that has humanity as it’s starting and ending point.

The promise of the Bible goes beyond any human experience, as it is the intent of God as inspired in all the writers of the Bible. His intent is to show us we have no hope apart from Him and to offer man the promise to be with God forever. God has fulfilled His promise in sending His Son, Jesus Christ, to become the bridge restoring man to God.

Yes, there are many poor examples of those who believe and probably just as many good examples of ones who might even pass your exam. But it is not because of any of these why one should consider becoming a Christian, it is because of Gods promise and His providing man a Savior that we should consider.

My heart is so sad at the tragic loss of life today at the church and I ask for God to comfort those who grieve. But His promise is not for unity in this age, but the hope in the next age where those who were senselessly killed will one day be united with their loved ones.

If your looking for unity and happiness today, become a stamp collector.

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 6, 2017 1:28 pm

Actually lots of strife, but that’s most anywhere. FWIW, the Christian life IMO, is not seeking unity and happiness, but in the struggles, strife, dis-unity and such, find peace in their hearts knowing Jesus and waiting for His return. Sounds foolish? If there is no resurrection, your right. But if there is a resurrection from the dead in Christ Jesus, our hope is for eternity; that is the hope we live for, not seeking after unity and happiness in this age.
So like I said, if you want unity and happiness right now, I hope you find it in whatever floats your boat, but you probably won’t find it in being a Christian. There are more than enough examples of ones who suffered and died with no reward in this age to point to that will prove your point.

November 5, 2017 8:07 pm

Oh, look. A squirrel.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
November 5, 2017 8:18 pm

Most of these stupid motherfuckers think you’re the fun clown. I just think you ‘re a shit for brains in desperate need of attention. You’ve committed the worst sin….you’re boring. Go fuck yourself Religion Boy.

Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
Two, if by sea. Three if from within,thee
  Dennis Roe
November 5, 2017 8:38 pm

There, that’ll teach me!

  Dennis Roe
November 5, 2017 9:35 pm

I’m sure that you can think of better criticism than “go fuck yourself,” Dennis. Think hard and take your time. Nothing? I thought so.

Dennis Roe
Dennis Roe
November 7, 2017 8:19 pm

Go suck nigger dicks at the bus station is a little harsh for this Country Club, lobster eatin crowd of over educated jerkoffs, so fuck you too.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Dennis Roe
November 7, 2017 9:32 pm

Denny, while your responses are very apropos to the site, the fact you take so long to come up with them sounds like somebody is helping you. It’s hard to have an impact if you are going to take so long. Even as a child, I could come up with a witty rejoinder overnight. You are playing with fire fucking around with SSS. Stucky is pretty safe. Even LLPOH is quite tame. Try sharpening your skills with Admin and then come back for an ass-kicking from SSS.

  EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 9:46 pm

Tell him to look for Billy Badass while he’s at it. I saw this earlier and wondered if that is the real SSS or is it a Doppler?

Not Sure
Not Sure
  Dennis Roe
November 5, 2017 9:54 pm

Who me? Oh your profanity has truly hurt my deep sensitivity, I shall have to complain to the church ladies at the next church rummage sale.

But seriously, if these topics bore you, perhaps you might look to other articles to amuse yourself.

Oh wait, I have just the article for you, you should find the post about Stucky’s new Christmas present, it would be perfect for your attention span; it’s an electric master bater. Why it’ll give you hours (maybe minutes) of enjoyment and you will have your entertainment for the rest of your life; then maybe you would not have to depend on boring religion folks to waste your time on with insulting comments.

November 5, 2017 10:00 pm

Here’s another religious topic for your QOTD.
America was founded by people who were overwhelmingly christians–can America survive if the citizenry does not return to it’s christian roots?

November 6, 2017 12:23 am

Hold on there TRed…….
This country was founded by a group of Masonic Deists who were also
thought to have been dabbling in the occult. These were not exactly choirboys Red. And to top it off they smoked a lot of weed. Hardly holy rollers.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
November 5, 2017 10:20 pm

Q1. Yes my daughter was a wiccan for a while when she was in high school. Then something scared the shit out of her and she gave it up and burned her books. The woman who taught her about wiccans was her best friends mother. She is now a raging alcoholic and her daughter will have nothing to do with her.

Q2. No

Q3. No and this will be all over with by tomorrow.

There is a supernatural aspect to this. You can’t just try on religions like clothes. You may not believe in the supernatural, Stucky but it believes in you…;}

I’ll say that Maggie, Gayle, Oilman2, Steve C. , Annie and AnarchoPagan all had very good points so the supernatural is the only thing everyone left out of this whole discussion.

And just because someone had to do it…..

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 1:07 am

1) I don’t think he has much to offer.
2) It’s the same type of pagan earth-worship that has been around since ancient times. “Nothing new under the sun.” They don’t work.
3) I wouldn’t join.

As an aside, after posting a while back the Osmond Brother’s medley of “The Plan” and a link to the full album, based on their end-times religious beliefs, I became curious about the Osmond’s religion, Mormonism, because I didn’t know much about it. My curiosity really peaked when I realized that these guys, some of the most famous entertainers in the world, and Donny as the biggest pop star in the world, had no bad publicity around them for all those years. They were respectful, religious guys (and gal, including Maria), who married respectful, religious women, and brought up well-behaved, religious kids. In fact, when Donny’s career was flagging after the “Donny & Marie Show,” someone advised to him to get arrested for drugs and said it would wipe away his good-boy image and restart his career, but Donny said he couldn’t do that to his family and it would be an embarrassment to his children.

So what is it about this family that made them such good people? It appears it’s their religion. Now, I’m not thinking of converting to Mormonism because, first of all, I don’t believe there is any leader out there after Jesus that should “invent” a religion based on his “revelations.” Second, I’m not sure of all of their doctrines. I still believe the religion is “cultish.”

But this religion does offer something others don’t seem to. They highly emphasize family, to begin with. They encourage marriage and children (lots of them). They even recommend that families have a family night every week to bring the members of the family closer, including extended family.

They emphasize chastity until marriage for both sexes. They allow gays into their congregation as long as they practice chastity. And they do not allow gay marriage. So, in essence, you can be gay, but you can’t act on it.

I’m not sure how they handle divorce. I know Maria got divorced, but she didn’t seem to get pushed out of the church. (However, Maria is the only one that had bad publicity when her son died of an overdosem though not connected, I’m sure.)

During an interview during a British special, Merrill, the lead singer, who had been married for a year, along with oldest brother, Alan, who had been married for a month, were asked by the host if it was hard to find women to marry since they were such big celebrities. Merrill said that in the Mormon religion, the girls are more sheltered and that, to them, the Osmonds are just like every other guy. So they shelter their women more. Yet, the women do not come across as “oppressed” or unworldly or stupid backwards people. In fact, they’re very smart.

This religion also stresses outreach to the poor and service to the church. Jesus Christ is the main focus of the religion.

This is what early Christianity used to be about. That’s why I think this religion works. And the church doesn’t change with the times to include things like women preachers and gay leaders. And this church is growing at the fastest rate of any other church in the U.S. It also has expanded to South America.

As I said, I don’t know a lot about their doctrine and texts, but I think Stucky said he was once a member of the Mormon church, so maybe he could enlighten us. But the things they focus on, I think, should be brought back to the Christian religion.

For anyone interested, here’s a link to the Osmond Brothers’ “The Plan” medley.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 1:15 am

Sorry, misspelled Marie’s name in that. Called her Maria.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 1:29 am

One thing I forgot, the Mormon’s also place a huge emphasis on fidelity in marriage.

  Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 6:19 am

An emphasis on fidelity for a marriage. Really!

If one needs a book for a marriage to work then the Union is nothing more than a fraud folded in the pages of a sham.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 7:50 pm

Mormans are no longer allowed to practice polygamy.

Steve C.
Steve C.
  Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 7:59 pm

‘Practice’ polygamy?

Does that mean that instead of a marriage license they could just get a learners permit…?

Do they still need to wear their secret underwear?

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 9:02 pm

OK, so the Mormans put great emphasis on fidelity because they are no longer allowed to practice polygamy. Sounds like a rational conclusion.

BTW, Stuck, are they still handing out the Zerbina awards? I might have a nominee.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  EL Coyote
November 6, 2017 9:54 pm

I’m not defending Momonism. I don’t know enough about it anyway. All I know about them is what I wrote above. I haven’t read their doctrines, texts, etc.

All I’m saying if that the tenets of the Mormons stated above, which is a brief overview, were the same tenets of early Christianity, which should be emphasized again in the Christian churches, instead of changing, depending on which way the wind blows.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
  Vixen Vic
November 7, 2017 12:11 am

Vix, I was not commenting on your defense but rather your syntax makes you sound naive even if your not.

Vix, one thing everybody loves about Maggie is she is never seriously offended and doesn’t worry about offending anybody, least of all me. BW even claimed we are co-dependent, like a couple of drunks holding each other up.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 12:21 am

OK. EC. Sorry about that. But I work with editing all day, so when I get on a forum like this, I don’t care about how I sound or if my spelling or sentence structure is correct. I never proofread what I write here. In other words, I can cut loose. Sorry if that offends.

EC, I’m not offended because I don’t care how I sound after working hours. I have to devote too much time to that. But just be warned, when on this forum, don’t expect perfect spelling, perfect syntax, perfect punctuation, or anything else that describes correct grammar. As I said, I can cut loose here like nowhere else.

By the way, as an aside, did you know in Journalism classes they teach to write to an 8th grade audience? It’s true. Maybe that’s my problem, and I let that go to my head. But on this forum, I”m actually writing to an audience far above that group. (Although that doesn’t excuse the syntax, but I don’t care after hours, as I said.)

  EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 9:30 am

Oh, ok. I read and write at a 3rd grade level so it must’ve been over my head. Peace, Georgia Peach. I know, So. Carolina, what do they call those folks?

  EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 9:18 pm

Co-dependent. Drunks. Giggling and shit.

Very funny stuff there Me Hoe.

Somebody thumbed you down. I evened the score.

VV, you write just fine on this right peculiar post of Stucky’s on Wiccan rite. If the witch could stitch she might use a wich, which is truly a word of which you’ve not heard.

Word games are how editors entertained one another back at the sweatshop where I worked. Back before I became a bunny farmer.

  EL Coyote
November 6, 2017 10:15 pm

I read an article in a Women’s Magazine (probably Cosmopolitan long ago when I subscribed to magazines like that for the coupons) by a former Mormon woman who’d divorced her husband and left the faith. She told all about the cray cray underwear she had to wear under her lovely wedding dress and quite a bit about the strange beliefs.

She also said that when a woman marries, she is give a secret name known only to her husband so that he can call her into Paradise (his). She asked for everyone reading the article to holler SARAI as loudly as they could to try to get her in, just in case. I thought that was pretty funny. For a Mormon.

Also, was in Vegas one time at a comedy show and a couple at the front table were engaged by the comedian, who asked them a few questions and discovered they were Mormons visiting from Utah. He said “Oh, you are here in Vegas listening to raunchy jokes, drinking beer and smoking cigarettes. So Mormon is basically Catholic?”

November 6, 2017 10:33 pm

As a non-believing descendant of Mormon stock, I find the magic underpants, golden plates and all that shit as funny as the next guy.

But I could never understand how it was somehow weirder than the guy swinging the smoking ball around, or eating the flesh of your god, or drinking the blood of your god.

Anyway, around here the joke goes like this:
Q: How do you keep your Mormon buddy from drinking all your beer while you’re watching the game?
A: Invite your other Mormon buddy.

It’s an open secret that all the Mo-mo’s drive to Wendover, NV or Evanston, WY to get their booze. Can’t risk anyone seeing you at the state likker store.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 10:47 pm

Rdawg, what do the golden plates means?

November 6, 2017 10:57 pm
EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 12:19 am

Raydawg, some of the most crude jokes are made by folks who’ve been taught but are still disbelievers.

You are mixing Catholic practices with bible teaching. The smoke and water sprinkling are Catholic stuff. It’s harmless. The bit about eating the host and drinking the blood come from the bible:

The Last Supper
While they were eating, Jesus took bread, spoke a blessing and broke it, and gave it to the disciples, saying, “Take and eat; this is My body.” Then He took the cup, gave thanks and gave it to them, saying, “Drink from it, all of you. This is My blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins.…

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 12:27 am

Now the golden plates were supposedly given to Joseph smith by the angel Moroni.
(Since Smith had prayed for direction concerning the true church) Joseph and his friend translated the plates through the use or the help of some special rocks. The plates were then lost. Joseph Smith produced 2 testaments, The book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price. The stories are compelling, more so than the moronic Wicca. However, we are forewarned about this from Paul:

No Other Gospel
…8But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be under a divine curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you embraced, let him be under a divine curse!

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 10:44 pm

That’s funny, Maggie. Now I know why the guys were commenting about underwear. That’s just weird. When I was researching this, I just went for facts, and preferable something brief. The weird stuff wasn’t in what I read. As I said, they sound “cultish” to me.
Since the name wouldn’t be used much on earth, I wonder what would happen if the guy forgot the woman’s secret name when he got to heaven. Or how many would respond that had the same name. 🙂

  Vixen Vic
November 7, 2017 9:27 pm

Geesh… somebody just travelled through here thumbing you down like a whodunit.

I liked it better when my son first learned some computer coding stuff and had time (and was more willing to do things for me) to get rid of annoying things on my computer for me.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
  Vixen Vic
November 7, 2017 9:59 pm

Yeah, Maggie, I think every comment I’ve made on Stucky’s Wicca post received a thumbs down. Oh, well, that’s what happens when you decide to participate in a shitfest.

November 6, 2017 10:53 pm

It’s not just the women that get a secret name, the men too.

My cousin got his secret name revealed to him in a temple ceremony when he was in his teens. After he returned from serving a mission in Haiti, he revealed to his family and the church that he is gay. He was promptly excommunicated.

So I wonder, since he already has his secret name for admittance to paradise, does that mean they’ve taken him off the Master List? Sort of like a celestial Maitre d’: “I’m sorry sir, I don’t see your name on the list…”

November 6, 2017 11:56 pm

What’s “Heaven” for a Mormon?

Where they can all drink in front of each other.

The same is true of Baptists and many other denominations. Hypocrisy will always be with us. Don’t quit the faith because of it. Jesus saved his harshest words for the religious ‘leaders’.
Then he chose the modern equivalent of 12 Poor White Trash souls to begin Christianity.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 7, 2017 12:43 am

Raydawg, there was also the story of the kid who went abroad on a mission and when they learned he’d gotten involved with a young grandma, he got excommunicated.

I read that one primary purpose of the missions is to make the missionaries rely on each other more closely as they face life in a totally new environment. They have made major inroads in Latin America. I met a couple of girls who said they belonged to the Mormon church here, Hispanic girls. Weird.

Still, Mormons are much nicer than the Hispanic JW’s that I’ve had the displeasure of meeting. Those guys are assholes. But, to be fair, I had a couple of visitors, ladies, who started a conversation as I was outside gardening, they had their ducks in a row. Just don’t tell them God bless you, that is not a standard greeting for them.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 7, 2017 1:02 am

That’s funny. I read the link you send on gold plates. Man, that is odd. Yeah, that’s just too strange for me.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 7, 2017 5:00 am

I assume that response was EC?

November 7, 2017 9:40 am

Oh sure, RinS gets a pass for the same comment but, me? I’m being jerky.
I said she sounded naive in a cute southern lady sort of way.

November 6, 2017 7:34 am

Your own definition of Wicca was to bend nature to its own cause. Again, religion is nothing more than a man made item in order to control masses and keep a few in charge and wealthy. Some unknown never seen before deity claimed by a few to have some form of special relationship have been anointed and therefore they are the chosen, the powerful, and if you don’t recognize this power then these newfounded powerful can legally kill you for your disbelief of THeIR power…what a genius way to get rid of your challenger to the dictatorship within a caveman clan….religion has killed more people than anything else combined. Every religion throughout time has changed and bent if not broken their own rules when it suites the leaders…religion is such a waste of time and controlling….the Dead Sea scrolls and the Bible say you do not need a church or facility, nor tithing, nor a human leader… long as you have a relationship with God is key. Of course humans wanna profit off God, hence religion…look at the Pope today, he is in desperate mode, catering to gays, lesbians, abortion, global warming, diversity, and even priest marriage to keep his cash inflows of tithe ongoing, he will soon change the rules to include more people just for the tithe! Another human shrill out for another dollar.

The foundation of most religions is this:
Believe and have faith in me. (But I refuse to show you I am real and deserve your worship)
Follow me. (Where the fuck are you never seen you nor nothing proves even of your existence!)
Do as I say. (How do I know what you say as humans are the only one that said what you said, I don’t trust humans can you blame me?)
Trust me. (Why? What have you done to earn my trust?)
You were born a sinnner and must repent. (WTF did I do so bad BEFORE I was even born?)
Then you will be rewarded after you slave and pay tax and homage, once you are dead and can no longer serve. ( I see you use me as a slave while living but promise greatness and peace after I am dead….bullshit)
I will protect you. (More Bullshit) because the meek shall inherit the earth (with their dead ashes)

Sounds more govt authoritarian to me. Religion was a farce made up by humans that were not man enough to enter the ring to prove their manhood in order to lead, some snowflake made it up because he was too chicken shit to fight for the throne of power.

Anyone or anything that deserves this respect should show its face and prove it is worthy or such worship and commitment. It should prove its ability to protect by protecting. Then we shall have faith and commitment. Show us what we shall receive, whether it be the pearly gates or 33 virgins (do I get to pick the pretty virgins?) if this thing (diety) gets its panties in a wad because I want to verify I am actually worshipping it vs Some human Made up bullsht then it is of low intelligence and doesn’t deserve my worship. All I am saying is that I would hate to be following the wrong deity or religion and go to hell for doing so. So, if you are the God almighty show me and I will follow. Is that too fucking hard to ask? Otherwise you put me in a predicament of possibly trying to follow you but being fooled by the devil or humans and I follow the wrong one and end up in hell anyways. I would rather deserve to go to hell for my actions than being fooled. It is real damn simple. Prove to me and if I reject following you, then burn my ass good, otherwise fuck off as I am not certain of anything and therefore won’t waste my time. Stop playing bullshit get real or fuck off.

November 6, 2017 12:15 pm

I wouldn’t be surprised if one day geneticists find a “God Gene”.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
November 6, 2017 7:55 pm

As I’ve said before, people were made to worship. It’s what they worship that determines their destiny in eternity.