Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative

Guest Post by Kurt Schlichter

Thoughts and Prayers for Anti-Gun Freaks Grieving Over Death of The Narrative

The synchronized leftist response to this latest attack on normal Christians was pre-planned, and it didn’t matter that this time it was another militant atheist weirdo instead of an ISIS-loving foreigner. The memes and the lies were all prepped and ready, and the villain was already chosen. No surprise – once again, it was you, the normal American who keeps and bears arms to protect yourself, your family, your community and your Constitution.

But this time it didn’t go the way they wanted. Sure, they were giddy at first – the liberals got to trash people of faith for praying, they got to tell NRA members that there was blood on their hands, and they got to demand some sort of unspecified action. But then their lying narrative took a bunch of rounds and bled out just like that useless little creep.

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That’s what they are really mourning – the loss of what they saw as an opportunity to spread their poisonous lies in support of their effort to disarm Americans and change us once and for all from citizens into subjects.

Some still found something to cheer about. One Twitter low-life pointed out, “Sutherland Springs is in rural Texas, these were all likely 45 voters. This is karma in action. Good riddance.” Yes, that’s the kind of person who wants you disarmed, the kind that thinks it’s A-OK to murder little kids because their parents might like a different candidate.

Show of hands. Who is up to give up your ability to protect yourself because the same people who celebrate us being murdered demand it? Anyone? Hello? Bueller?

Once the news hit, the ghouls rubbed their hands and started with their coordinated demands that we “do something.” But did you notice how no one said exactly what we were supposed to do? That’s their new thing – no specifics, just some sort of ambiguous, amorphous demand that we wave a magic wand and dispel evil from our midst. They’ve been burned before, hard. They always start babbling about background checks and it always turns out that the scumbag got his guns legally or passed the check when he shouldn’t have. This pudgy meat sack was barred from buying a weapon, but he passed the background check because the government – you know, the same entity the gun-grabbers want to be the only people with guns – again screwed up and failed to put his domestic violence conviction into the database. BTW, want to know how many attempted illegal gun buyers Obama’s DoJ prosecuted out of 48,000? 44.

I don’t know about you, but I’m feeling pretty confident. I’m sure eventually the government will figure out how to tell if a nut or a felon is a nut or a felon. In the meantime, I don’t need the ability to protect myself or my family. Here, take my guns. Government, you got this.

Then, of course, the killing spree got stopped by the very thing that liberals insist doesn’t exist except for all the times it has existed – a good guy with a gun. A Texan exhibiting something liberals are unfamiliar with – manhood – took his rifle and went one-on-one with that walking chamber pot and put a round in him. The tubby terrorist, confronted with an armed American citizen instead of little kids, dropped his rifle and ran, gut shot. Let’s hope he suffered good and hard before he checked himself out like the coward he was.

It gets better, though it’s hard to imagine anything better than him with a bullet in his ample belly. The hero who plugged him was not only one of the normal Americans our fern-fertilizing betters in the coastal cities are so fond of looking down upon, but he was an NRA shooting instructor. You know, the focus of evil in the world – except he actually confronted evil and defeated it.

Bullseye, right between the eyes of the lying liberal narrative.

And as their narrative twitched, they still had to display their ignorance for the world. Professional anti-gun liar Shannon Watts really knows her audience – drooling idiots. She claimed, “That means he’s prohibited purchaser, but there’s absolutely no regulation of long guns (AR15s) in Texas. No background check required.” Um, no. And leave it to Alyssa Milano to parrot her pal’s lies: “There are no background checks on long guns (AR15s) in Texas. Thanks for the info @shannonrwatts.” Alyssa, time for some real talk. You need a better firearms advisor, just like you need a better tax advisor.

Oh, and the social media rando platoon piped up with their useful input. One suggested, “No one should have semiautomatics and large ammo rounds.” Time for some commonsense large ammo round control, I guess. That’s the kind of smart take by a trained pro worth listening to, says Chet, who is my unicorn.

These events are an opportunity for clarity. They bring out exactly what is in the hearts of our elite would-be masters. And what is in there is hate and contempt for normal Americans. From Hollywood, we got Michael McKean weighing in with, “They were in church. They had the prayers shot right out of them. Maybe try something else.” You know, I was thinking about no longer watching Better Call Saul because it turned Saul into a boring whiner, but now Mikey’s made my decision easy!

And then Wil Wheaton, who you might know if you watched some Star Trek show where he was a Spock or a Jedi knight or something three decades ago, tweeted, “The murdered victims were in a church. If prayers did anything, they’d still be alive, you worthless sack of [liberalism].” You know, I was thinking about no longer watching whatever he’s in, but Wil’s total lack of a career made my decision easy!

And what’s a tragedy without anti-Christian hack Stephen King weighing in? “Enough with the prayin’. Time to start legislatin’.” Well, I reckon someone’s drinkin’ again.

So, let’s review. We’re supposed to demand laws that make it illegal for human suppositories like this to have guns, even though it was already illegal for him to have guns. We’re supposed to rely on government background checks to protect us even though the government keeps failing at that. We’re also supposed to disarm at the behest of people who know literally nothing about guns or existing gun laws. And we’re supposed to not believe that we have the ability to defend ourselves, even though normal Americans do so every day – here, an instructor from the NRA literally ended this bloodbath. But we should ignore that for reasons and because.

But wait, there’s more. We’re supposed to disarm in the face of people who celebrate when we are murdered. The Hollywood types, taking a break from molesting each other, didn’t exactly celebrate our deaths, but they couldn’t help spewing their hatred for our faith. I bet if we were disarmed, and a government controlled by liberals had a total monopoly on force, they’d be totally cool and respect our religious rights. I checked with Chet and he thinks so – it’s not like right now they want to bankrupt people for not baking cakes.

Here’s the sad fact – the people who want us disarmed don’t care if we get murdered. Not at all. Chicago has a slow motion Sutherland Springs every two weeks and the smarmy Democrats who run that hellhole don’t care. If they did, they would unleash the cops, who know exactly who the crooks are. Remember how liberals howled about “stop and frisk?” That took illegal guns off the streets, but progressive politics always take precedence. Our lives don’t matter except as a tool to be exploited when they want to take normals’ rights.

Our elite doesn’t want gun control. It wants us control.

It’s no coincidence that the “common sense” measures they used to demand would never stop any of these killers. Killers are killers – they don’t care about the law. Only we do. And the gun fascists don’t care if we are at the killers’ mercy – that’s a risk they’re happy to take.

They lie when they tell you, “No one want to ban your guns.” They think you are too stupid to believe your ears when they advocate just that. Let’s be absolutely clear – if they had their way, that NRA instructor hero would not have had a gun, because he is a law-abiding citizen. But the killer would, because he was a criminal and criminals don’t obey laws. If you think we can ban guns and get them out of the hands of criminals, you’re a moron or a liar. If they don’t smuggle them in – gee, isn’t there a drug crisis? – they’ll just make them.

Of course, that assumes that liberals win the civil war they would spark and somehow manage to confiscate all 300 million of our guns. I’m not betting on Kaden or Ashleigh taking time off from coffee-slinging or their Feminist Mime masters studies to suit up in Kevlar and kick in doors in Red America.

Liberals so desperately want us disarmed because they hate that we hold a veto over their Venezuelan dreams. But they also want us disarmed because they hate us, and they yearn to break us and humiliate us and make us give in. When you own a weapon and can defend yourself and your rights, you are a citizen. When you do not, you are a subject. Your dignity gnaws at them.

They want to convince you to submit, but that only happens if you allow it. Their tool is the narrative, but a proud American with courage and a rifle just shot their narrative dead. And that’s the real reason the gun grabbers are grieving.

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November 10, 2017 3:15 pm

For the love of God, can we stop pretending the Las Vegas shooting HOAX actually occurred! I present the best video on the shooting HOAX I’ve come across. Of course, it’s all to push the 2nd Amend repeal. LAS VEGAS WAS A HOAX
3:30 reported as a shooting exercise on 30 Sept-day before
5:40 “fake gun shots”
6:00 “somebody tapped into the PA system”
6:15 confusion, not horror. If you saw pieces of people who would be horrified
6:20 “I don’t see anybody actually injured”
6:42 “It’s not gunshots
7:30 “it’s not a gun.
7:40 “I don’t see people injured, I’m not buying it
9:25 sisters laughing after being shot in hip and the other in upper chest
10:00 Shot in R arm and chest?
11:00 shot in ankle without swelling? Guy shot in neck-WTF?
14:00 why it’s important to expose this
16:00 perhaps the idiot is you (Stucky called me insane for presenting the HOAX)
16:40 the hospital. Where’s the blood, panic, pain—-just go back to sleep America
Here’s an actual GSW to the knee. Did you see any wounds like this????

November 10, 2017 3:55 pm

except that 3 of those shot ( 2 wounded and 1 dead) were extended family of a co-worker of mine. She has been a mess for weeks after attending the funeral, hospital and sitting with the kids whose mom was slaughtered. She recently returned to work and no longer smiles or jokes around anymore. I pray that she will heal and move forward…….
You are a TOTAL F*^&head………

November 10, 2017 3:59 pm

PS dipchit…here’s a full list of all of the slaughtered innocents–what do you need, death certificates, open casket pictures and video of the grieving families?
Do some homework, it is easily verified that these people were killed ad most have been laid to rest….

November 12, 2017 8:29 am

Yeah, yeah, yeah. You sent me to this site and this guy was hit in the lower back TWICE with .556 bullets and he’s up and talking about it. He would be D-E-A-D. Who’s delusional????? I am a former paramedic and spent 20 years in the military. There are no believable videos or photos of the injured/dead. #Psych-op, sucker…

November 12, 2017 9:43 am

Except that you are a govt shrill playing the good sheep no keeping a narrative alive……just because they died does not mean they died in Vegas bro, govt narratives get people killed a lot these days, maybe their death was not in Vegas but at the hands of someone continuing the narrative. If everyone would accept the second amendment and stop trying to remove it all this bullshit and needless rendition will cease. Until then more people will be snatched up slaughtered and used in the narrative…..

November 10, 2017 6:11 pm

Best explanation that I’ve seen, so far, of Vegas shooting:

The Las Vegas shooting and the mass arrests in Saudi Arabia. What connection could there be?
byu/psy_raven inconspiracy

Read the whole thing. It’s the only explanation that feasibly ties up all the loose ends.

November 10, 2017 10:31 pm


I must admit that it does tie up those loose ends. It explains a lot.

November 10, 2017 3:47 pm

Steve. Get back on those meds man. You are just too stupid to be off them. We are all here for ya man.

Get well soon.

November 17, 2017 9:05 am

Robby boy,
Ad hominem; look it up Robby boy. Direct me to a legitimate video showing real injuries. I can show you 30 that are BS with preposterous outcomes and bad acting. No pinhead, you’re not “here” for me or anyone looking for the truth.

November 10, 2017 4:33 pm

How can anyone not see the potential for a subversive, clandestine cabal behind these mass murders? How can any sensible, intellectually curious person not wonder just WTF went on in Las Vegas? How many changes to the timeline? How many conflicting stories? The guard was interviewed by fucking Ellen? Only? You want me to swallow this bullshit story? How on earth have the ‘officials’ earned the benefit of the doubt? We’re engulfed in corruption and false fronts so endemic it’s hardly even disguised anymore. NBC and CNN claim the high mantle of objective journalism? Bezos and his $600+ mil cia payoff? You got to be shitting me. How can you not apply critical analysis and offer alternative scenarios?

A man I trust and admire (and I don’t give a shit about religion) is pastor Chuck Baldwin. Here’s his latest on the subject:

Never Depend on the Cops

November 10, 2017 4:44 pm

Quite often, firearms owners are their own worst enemies. The duck hunters don’t like the AR-15 “black rifles” so they see no problem if attempts are made to ban them. The traditional rifle owners don’t like machine guns, so they have no problem with them being legislated out of existence. Some pistol owners see nothing wrong with certain long guns being outlawed just as some rifle owners would have no problem seeing pistols banned.
Friends, ALL firearms advocates must “hang together” and realize that an assault on ANY means of firearms ownership and self-defense is an assault on ALL forms of firearms ownership and self-defense.
There is absolutely NO ROOM for complacency among ANY Second Amendment supporters. An attack on one is an attack on ALL…
ALL firearms laws are unconstitutional on their face. Imagine the hue and cry if “reasonable” restrictions were placed on First Amendment activities, especially with the “mainstream media”. The Second Amendment is clear–what part of “shall not be infringed” do politicians and the media not understand…of course, they understand full well…it’s part of their communist agenda…

November 10, 2017 6:46 pm

Firearms laws like the NFA stuff are actually legal because they are, in reality, tax laws on items traveling in interstate commerce. As long as you pay the appropriate tax you can own anything you want to own.

All other firearms restrictions, even age restrictions, are only technically legal since the USSC has left it up to the States to determine what firearms regulations it wants by determining that the second amendment applies only to the national government and not the States.

As far as “prohibited persons”, that falls under the same legitimacy as barring felons from voting.

There are tons and tons of case law over firearms and their restrictions, and it all comes down to whatever some Court says in place of the clear intent of the Constitution in limiting government’s right to interfere with people’s rights.

November 10, 2017 7:20 pm

Really, the anti-gun people need to obtain firearms, and shoot themselves in the head – to demonstrate to the rest of us just how dangerous guns really are. Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer can go first.

November 10, 2017 8:03 pm


November 10, 2017 9:30 pm

Great article.

It will get through to no liberals because it is logical. Most are people that think a man can change into a woman and vice versa, denying all biology and science.

November 10, 2017 9:33 pm

One more point, citizen NRA instructor used an AR to stop the killer. He shot the killer twice, once in torso, once in leg. What is not making the news is the killer was standing in front of the church shooting survivors as they came out the front door.