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November 12, 2017 3:51 pm

Jah mein fuhrer

November 12, 2017 9:53 pm

Ja. No “h” required.

November 12, 2017 5:02 pm

There is no difference, there’s just fighting and dying.
Supposed freedom has some requirements, one of them being an inordinately large energy consumption to maintain the status quo.
Die for oil.
Die for freedom.
Die to maintain your societies dominant status on the planet or not.
You all seem confused about this idea that one thing is worth more than the other in absolute terms.
Warriors fight because its what we do, attaching a morality to it is for the rest of you.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 12, 2017 5:25 pm

We could easily have all the oil we as a nation need thru peaceful trade , fuck that we will create terror , shortages and wars after all the market is up up up And they all volunteer to die or be mamed so Fuckit we will call them hero’s . That will make everybody happy

  Boat Guy
November 12, 2017 5:58 pm

You assume our trading partners are peaceful and not cowed.
Mankind has such a great record of peaceful co-existence.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 12, 2017 8:20 pm

No assumptions Chuck , I am certain our American intellect is above the fray or it should be . How about a real novel idea we pay for our defense with tariffs and protect our economic system and industrial production.
You must admit what we as a nation have done since WW 2 & Vietnam have had pretty dismal results . We hung on into the early 70’s but it’s been a basic down hill from there for middle America .
Perhaps we could take a stabe at actually obeying the constitution , I know following the document that founded our nation that is supposed to assure us our representitives are held to account . Protecting honest and fair trade agreements would be a great deal easier if we were not militarily spread so thin for little or no gain to our nation . 16 years in Iraq & Afghanistan that’s costing a bundle in blood and treasure $6 trillion at last count but hey it’s only money and somebody else’s kids life or limb , the market is up

  Boat Guy
November 12, 2017 11:49 pm

1. Energy is power, otherwise we wouldn’t even associate with an up-jumped group of Bedouins, so,
2. There would be no “peaceful” trade for consuming most of the worlds supply. It would have to be a little bit more fair in the distribution side of things if it was going to be amicable. And. We. Dont. Do. That.
To be fair, neither would anyone else in our position.
3. The fall off from the 40’s to the beginning of the 70’s isnt the result of not following the Constitution any more or less than in previous eras. It stems from the degree to which life got easier for us once we secured cheap easy energy.
As the saying goes,
Bad times makes hard men, who make good times, which makes soft men, which makes bad times.
We are simply the victims of our own flawed (cyclical) nature.
Harbor no illusions about our exceptionalism, our justness, our history. If future mankind ever pulls himself out of the mess we are heading into, he will look back on us, as we look at ancient Rome today.
Insert pithy quote about not learning from history here.

November 13, 2017 12:26 pm

The US military (by their own statistics) is one of the largest consumers of fossil fuels ON THE PLANET!

Additionally, our “national energy policy” is specifically geared to provide FREE military security in foreign countries, and suppress the availability of alternatives. HEMP could be a great source of biofuel. HEMP oil can be fractionated like crude oil. It too can be made into plastics, pharmaceuticals, and the like….but OUR GOVERNMENT banned it decades ago on behalf of the paper, cotton, oil, and pharmaceutical industries.

The argument about sustainable energy supplies completely falls away in shambles when you take into account ALL that our government does FOR BIG OIL to the detriment of anything else that could serve as a energy supplement.

kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
kokoda - AZEK (Deck Boards) doesn't stand behind its product
November 12, 2017 5:37 pm

I$I$rahell supported ISIS
US supported ISIS
SA supported ISIS

We know who the bad guys are

November 12, 2017 6:03 pm

I’m sure ISIS knows who supports them too. Probably hard to be a Salafist jihadi, hating the hand that feeds you.
I’m sure I would be torn internally too, if I had any illusions about the way things worked.
What we do to maintain the status quo must look a lot like making sausage.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 13, 2017 7:18 am

Strict adherence to the rule of law and a sound money and trade policies certainly would have avoided or at least made the pitfalls our nation is about to encounter more tolerable . I think most of us can agree that we have become a nation of fat dumb and happy people . When an average middle American can tell me the injury stats on a string of NFL players or what some bimbo on cable has done on a re ent sexcapade yet has no clue who their representitives are or did to their economic well being .
My local government parasites announced recently that our privately held bank accounts and property are considered untapped resources of revenue . Most on this site know exactly where that statement is heading . They can and will tax us into total destitution to maintain this facade a little longer . Regardless who dies from it !

November 13, 2017 10:55 am

You’re holding onto an old way of thinking that made your own demise inevitable.
Power will, as power does.
Until it consolidated enough control to get away with ignoring you, you had a voice, but soft men gave up hard choices in trade for an easy life. This is what we inherited.
Rules and policies, followed or otherwise aren’t what makes a man or country strong.
Strong men and countries are forged with iron wills and a sense of purpose. Letting someone else pick up a weapon and enforce your trade policies, rules of law, or steal your energy for you, means you’re only along for the ride.
If you really think, that all that you have, wasn’t possible by someone else’s willingness to kill and take, then you deserve it when these same men come along and kill and take what you have.
The only way to be good at the game is to be on the field, and last I looked, there were several games being played right now.
Get some skills or get run over.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 13, 2017 3:01 pm

Chuck , being skilled and paving the way for my children is exactly what I did as far as being a hard man that has its time and place as long as it is tempered with intellect and self control . Look at our city streets with gang rule ,as for being run over , not likely for me or mine . I cannot speak for a large number of people I know that think the shit won’t hit the fan as our nation hits the wall .
I also never dreamed they would print currency to infinety and bail out a den of thieves but our government did