Stucky QOTD: 1) Hannity 2) Niggardly in China

Major advertisers are pulling their $$$ from his show. Various and sundry pundits are saying SHIT (Sean Hannity Is Terminal). No

Q: If Hannity bites the dust, is that a good thing, or bad?

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The UCLA basketball team went to China for a game. Three kneegrows —- probable future first rounders making million$ —- decided it was a good idea to return to their roots by acting niggardly, and stealing shit instead of paying for it. They face serious consequences … up to a decade or more in prison. Trump is intervening, trying to get China to set them free.

Q2: Was Moses correct — “Let my people go!!”?  Or, Elvis … Jailhouse Rock?

Me? Here ….

He’s a life-long warmonger. Blowhard. Bite the dust! Not one tear will be shed. CLOWN!


Trump can be such a hypocrite. He wants send illegals back, but if they did a crime, first they must do the time. But, these links visit another country, commit a crime but now he wants them freed?? What a fucken joke. I hope they get a full ten years.



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 15, 2017 11:46 am

(Q1) F*** Sean Hannity and anyone else in the MSM on any channel.

(Q2) I gots no use for a thief with or without basketball ability. Lock ’em up as a good example to the rest of the kneegrows who believe they are immune from serving time for stealing.

November 15, 2017 11:46 am

I go hot and cold on Hannity. I get so fucking tired of his boot strapping litany. During the nomination, he wanted to give every candidate an opportunity to speak on his radio show. Fuck that too. Ask me if I gave a flying fuck what Lindsey Graham views on anything are. Or Jeb. Or Rubio. BTW, Limbaugh plays the same bullshit.

But he has been relentless about nailing Hillary. So there’s that. And just when I’m warming back up, he lays out an ultimatum to Moore.

He’s back on the shit list.

As for the blacks caught in China-apparently Trump put in a good word and they’re free. Fuck that triple time. They didn’t learn shit and Trump will never see a whiff of gratitude.

November 15, 2017 2:09 pm

“Alford is a POS.”
Really? You’re going to turn on one of your own Hoosiers? Damn, and a NCAA champ to boot. Though I do believe they should have served some time in China, I’ll wait to see what Alford/UCLA/Pac12/NCAA does in terms of punishment. Trump was able to secure their release rather quickly and easily. Obama probably would have sent China numerous pallets of cash and 10 vicious Chinese criminals.

As for Hannity? Could not care less about him. Watched him a couple of times 6 or 7 years ago and didn’t care for his garbage.

November 15, 2017 11:33 pm

We got a Roomba robot vacuum at home. We started calling it Rubio during the campaign last year and the name has stuck. It’s hilarious to hear my child taunting it with chants of “Roo-Be-OH! Roo-Be-OH! Roo-Be-OH!”
Why did we name the vacuum Rubio???

November 15, 2017 12:29 pm


It is a push because everything on TV is….


It didn’t matter that Moses let them go. Gettin’ lost for 40 years in desert granted the Pharaoh a merciful reprieve from his ungrateful slaves. As for those Freshmen in China. They should be behind bars because, well Niggas gonna Nig. It is a shame that the public won’t be granted the same timeout.

History might not repeat but it sure does rhyme.

November 15, 2017 3:19 pm

Wouldn’t hurt my feelings either..

The only difference between Hannity and Lemon is that…
Sean is a turd.
Don is a flaming one!

Das ist alles!

I am in total agreement with the lamppost idea. Folks looking to invest money in business opportunities should go long on boiled rope and pitchforks. Cause when shit turns south there is going to be money to be had supplying the pissed mob. In some ways Hannity is worse than all those talking heads on MSNBC and CuNNt news broadcasts. He talks like he is one of us.

But he is not.

Hannity is easily shown to be one with the Deep State Cabal.
Problem is many still can’t see that but for them when you look at the point of a knife you don’t see anyone.

This song has been an ear worm today for me. A cheesy Canadian classic from 80’s.
The hook is golden…..

November 15, 2017 12:53 pm

1. Could care less. Never listen or watch that distraction.

2. They committed a crime in another country. Play by their rules.

November 16, 2017 12:03 am

Couldn’t care less.

If you could care less, it means you still have some care to give.

November 15, 2017 1:44 pm

It seems like no one remembers how this guy was 10-15 years ago. The guy was neocon filth. He deserves everything he’s gotten and more. This is the problem with fake conservatives. Ann Coulter was the same way. I remember laughing when they threw that pie at her. Laura Ingraham was downright disgusting. And now we’re supposed to trust these people? They showed their true colors a long time ago. And they’ve made pitiful attempts at best to talk about how they’ve learned or changed since then. Maybe if they weren’t so damn fake before, they would have a little credibility now. But of course if they weren’t fake back in the Bush days, they would have been replaced by someone who was. Tucker Carlson was the only one who had the balls to actually talk even a little about 9/11 and by some miracle he’s still around. Even back in the day you could tell the guy wasnt fake like these Hannity’s and O’Reilleys and Limbaughs.

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 15, 2017 1:48 pm

1. I can’t stand listening to liberals so I wish the NYC nightly propaganda, PBS/NPR and all the Cultural Communist TV shows got the same boot. Roy Moore is being assassinated by the MSM and SH is just another Kapo. 2. The Chinese are right and the basketball criminals belong in jail for a few months but they are getting the Clinton treatment by Trump; those three Blacks and Trump’s reaction are both examples of Yankee liberalism.

  rhs jr
November 16, 2017 12:05 am

If Roy Moore were a Democrat, you’d be on his jock like white on fucking rice.

November 15, 2017 1:54 pm

The thing about Hannity is that he doesn’t debate at all, he just recites republican talking points. Even the questions he asks are merely to set up a canned response. I don’t know if he’s ever had an honest opinion about anything. Well maybe about house remodeling.

November 16, 2017 12:06 am

He did get it right when he pointed his gat at Juan Williams.

November 15, 2017 1:58 pm

#1. I sometimes listen to Hannity for 10-15 minutes when I’m driving home from work. The guy is a broken record.

#2. I know I’m hard on neegrows – but there’s a reason. WTF – these niggers were so stupid – stealing in a communist country – this is ‘Full Retard Stupid’. They should be back in China, making little rocks out of big rocks for about 10 years in a gulag.

November 15, 2017 2:05 pm

I’ll never forgive the prick for the way he treated Ron Paul during the 2008 presidential primary. I never watch his show and couldn’t care less if he went off the air.

November 16, 2017 6:35 am

Maybe, but he was one of the few out front giving odds to Trump over Hillary.

Limbaugh got on the bandwagon after the election.

November 16, 2017 6:42 am

TBP had Trump winning too.

Hannity is an asshole. He can eat shit and die for all I care.

Tom S.
Tom S.
November 15, 2017 2:09 pm

1. Don’t give a shit – wouldn’t piss on him if he was on fire. He’s a cranky whiner – always has been. Even though I often agree with him, I do not like him and never have.

2. Leave them there – period. One because it is right, both morally and legally. But also because we as a society are better off the more time dumbasses like that are locked up overseas where they can’t do any damage.

Not Sure
Not Sure
November 15, 2017 2:20 pm

1. It doesn’t matter if I like or dis-like Hannity (I actually cannot stand the same lines he mouths each show), but he is the first of many domino’s to fall. And if he falls, they are coming for the next one. This is what concerns me.

2. Do the crime, do the time. I do like the President was able to use his pull to get the release of the criminals, this may show his and America’s re-appearance on the world stage, but I agree that there should be some consequences for the crimes they committed. Punishment? More serious on them as they did not just shop lift, but were representing the country when the did it. I hope their coach or the school they represent will recognize this when they try to pick up with business as usual.

Edit: Well, I’m guessing maybe not, as that may be construed as racist.

November 15, 2017 3:02 pm


Someone just rolled over in their grave…

November 15, 2017 3:31 pm

Indeed it was. Damn good.

November 15, 2017 4:43 pm

it was so good and subtle that i missed it stucky until nkit pointed it out and i bet most readers did also–
i wonder if a guy like wooden could succeed today?

November 15, 2017 3:46 pm

I thought it was pretty good..Stucky

As for the newz conference..

Just watched it. Those had to be the three most insincere apologies I have ever seen. Those guys are only sorry they got caught. That’d be the truth.

And as for privilege.

Dem Black folks are flush with it. You are soooo right Stucky. Nigs get special treatment. Especially in the Media. For days the media did there damnedest to stay as far away from this as possible. Even that cunt Jemele Hill took a pass. Quelle Shocker eh!

[imgcomment image?quality=90&strip=all&w=664&h=441&crop=1[/img]

Lavar Ball – Racist Father of the Year-

If this was three white guys with slow feet ESPN would be on them like flies on shit.
Will it be difficult going forward for these niggas ta play on the Hard Court.
Will they get triggered every time they try to make a lay up.
Will it even matter.

Seems likely it won’t seeing as the Progressive media will forget about all this by Friday..

November 15, 2017 2:37 pm

Who gives a fuck, Haven’t watched cable news in probably 5 years.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
November 15, 2017 8:20 pm

Three little niglets went to China one stole his momma a hand bag , one stole his brova a watch da udder got caught WiFa silk shirt in his pants and all three went wee wee wee to Chinatown Jail . Along came the golden haired whitey from America and with a little help from the head Chinese Dragon he huffed and puffed and blew the jail doors open for the three little niglets . Now they will stick to stealing shit in America where they can get away with it
Does anyone think this was a first for these assholes , I sure don’t . They have a bright future in the NBA , this dip shit incident will make them famous especially with BLM
BLM probably thinks they should have refused whiteys help after all China is a racist nation and the three little niglets could teach them about the content of their carechtor

  Boat Guy
November 15, 2017 8:36 pm

[imgcomment image[/img]

November 16, 2017 12:28 am

1. Fuck Hannity.
I don’t know how that fake got as far as he did. I used to hear him every day on the way home, but I quickly grew disgusted with him as a fake conservative. He’s just a slickster salesman taking advantage of well-meaning, but dumb conservatives and their money. I hope he’s finished. Don’t worry about him, though. The machine will replace him with another Jerk-in-a-box to sell you shit.

There was a time when I really believed, but I think they’re all in it solely for the money. The more I’ve watched them and the so-called conservatives in the mainstream, the more I’ve realized they’re only pushing conservatism as a business. If it didn’t sell books and their advertisers’ crap, they would be on MSNBC or CNN or whatever. You can tell who the real conservatives and patriots are-they’re not getting rich off this. They’re having their advertising pulled by Amazon and Scroogle for keepin’ it too real.

Rush I can handle. The man is a terrific entertainer. I wish he was willing to actually use his platform for something, but he’s always quick when it starts to get too real to point out he’s merely in it for entertainment. And he has occasionally broken with the Repubes. I’ll never forget his angry anti-Repube tirade after McLame failed when he stated he was done carrying Repube’s water. It lasted all of a heartbeat, but it was still refreshing from most of the talking heads. I think he peaked around the time he was busted for opioid abuse. Since then, he’s not quite the same.

Look at Glenn Beck a few years ago, before he went stark-raving mad. A morning zoo radio host suddenly re-cast himself as a traditional all-American conservative repube and began marketing practically everything related to himself. He made a fortune out of well-meaning conservatives.

Alex Jones has done a good job of getting on the bandwagon, too. I knew he was selling a variety of books and videos and whatnot, but a while back I went to his site and was surprised to see him shilling some kind of patriot-themed vitamins and sexual potency snake oil.

Michael Savage is another one. I like to listen to him, but I do it assuming he’s putting on an act. It’s a good act, too. He created his “Michael Savage” persona and shopped his radio show idea around until he got a taker and started cranking out at least 1 book a year. I will give him props for putting his money where his mouth is, supporting Marines accused of violating terrorists’ rights.

2- Trump was a fucking idiot for helping those shitheads. They deserve everything the Chinese would have thrown at them. Go get arrested in Tijuanna and see what the USG does to liberate you.

November 16, 2017 6:41 am

2 – you’re wrong, as stupid as those niggas are, no one deserves being left to rot in jail in a godless country. The US is still a beacon of freedom and hope to the rest of the world. If Trump couldn’t get them home, he was done. I only wonder what it took.

Also, where’s the big announcement from Trump on his return. Did I miss it?

November 16, 2017 9:16 am

N0, I’m right. It doesn’t matter if they’re godless. They have the right to punish you when you break their laws. God doesn’t enter into it. If you’re serious about your god issue, why not apply “Spare the rod” to this issue? It’s a giant double standard. If Chinese break the laws here, are we going to send them back? Put them on the honor code they won’t do it again? Fuck no. You would want their hides. The Chinese would be clamoring for the return of their people from the godded country and you would want them in prison here. Americans who break the law overseas deserve the penalties they incur, especially when it’s a law they knew they were breaking. Using the presidency as a bully pulpit to force other nations to return our criminal asshole citizens is embarrassing for us and makes us look ridiculous overseas. Let the fuckers rot and hope they get their organs cut out to benefit wealthy westerners.

When you travel overseas, you are an ambassador for your nation.
When you travel as part of a sports team, you’re a representative of your school (or owner).
When I was in school, if you wanted to play for the team, your behavior mattered. You were expected to keep your grades up, dress in a shirt and tie for away game trips, and you were expected to behave with dignity. You were held to a higher standard, since you were a representative of the school. I know that’s not true now, but it ought to be. Sports ball players now are generally a bunch of criminals. Even the “best” colleges have been caught passing moron affaletes, providing them with cars and gifts, and brushing rapes and other crimes under the rug.

Watering down the standards for blacks is no way to teach blacks standards.

November 16, 2017 6:42 pm

What’s a hannity, never saw a single episode

Trumps a dooshbag for getting those guys home. Make stupid choices, win stupid prizes. Fuck em!