The Thank You SOMEBODY Thread

What gets posted on the Internet is …. Eternally There.

So, this is your Big Opportunity, folks … to sow your seed of thanks. May your good thoughts return to you a hundred fold … blessings upon blessings upon blessings, shaken, pressed down, and overflowing.

Of course, many will be thankful for family members. This is well and good. Tell us. We want to know!

But, my dearly beloved of TBP, expand your mind. Be creative. For surely, there are Legions of others whom you have taken for granted for far to long.

—– a friend who made a big difference in your life

—– a fellow TBPer whom you secretly lust after

—– how about an ENEMY? Really. Perhaps your Word Of Kindness will reconcile the wound in your heart

—– it doesn’t even need to be a human. It can be a thing, like my dad’s ’65 Bonneville in which I gleefully lost my virginity to Cindy S. (to whom I’m also thankful!)

—— it can be a sports team, or mooovie that moooved you, your favorite porn site , or even a gooberment entity — like, if you’re a free shitter getting a SSDI check, shouldn’t you thank the fucken Social Security folk? Yup.

—— isn’t there at least one Kneegrow or Joo you can thank?

—— in short, ANYTHING is worthy … even a fucken cat.

Me? Thanks to ….

Ms. Freud — you know me better than anyone. Better than I know myself. Yet, you still put up with my shit, even love me. I don’t know how you do it.

Christine (my seester) — we agree on virtually nothing concerning the “real” world. I can’t fucken believe you still have that fucken Obama/Hillary bumper sticker on your car. But, I still love you. I don’t know how I do it.

Admin — you’ve given me a voice in this world, where I can rant about anything from castles to horse fucking … which has kept me from going Postal on the fuckers who own me.

Cindy S. and a 1965 Bonneville ….

The U.S.A.F. — I went in not knowing who the hell I was, or what the fuck I wanted out of life. All that changed four years later.

Tits — I lusted for a tit for the first time on June 14, 1965. She was a redhead in a weekly German magazine dad bought from the butcher shop. I have been infatuated with them ever since. Not a day has gone by whereby I haven’t pondered the beauty of some tit, somewhere. Big tits, small tits, saggy tits, torpedo tits, granny tits, neighbors tits, … loved them all, except for my ex-wife who had No Tits. I’m embarrassed that I never thanked any of them, which is why I do so now. Thanks, tits!!!

Your turn …..



Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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November 23, 2017 7:35 am

I’ve got to thank my adopted brother and sister. My parents adopted twins who are 5 years older than myself. My parents are pretty good people but the one thing I wish was different about my father was the way he treated them. Especially my adopted brother. To this very day he never misses a chance to make fun of him. Well my big brother is the only person I can remember who ever physically defended me. For whatever reason, I seemed to attract bullies. Once, at the bus stop he chased and beat up one of them. In revenge I attempted to get back at the bully while my brother was beating him up. I jumped up and down on what I thought was his lunch. Fuck if it wasn’t actually my brothers lunch. So, after defending me my brother had to eat a pureed peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

Thanks big brother and don’t worry about the things dad says. You are loved and appreciated.

November 23, 2017 7:35 am

Thankful that I don’t have to say “President Hillary Clinton”.

November 23, 2017 8:07 am

I’m thankful putting my feet on the ground in the morning. And for the love of my mom. And all the great dogs I’ve had. And for the talent the Good Lord has seen fit to loan me.

Lucia W.
Lucia W.
November 23, 2017 8:18 am

I thank God for my weird and wonderful family. Nobody “gets” us except us, and we like it that way!

Blessings of the day to all TBPers.

November 23, 2017 8:24 am

I am thankful I learned to have an attitude of gratitude.

Steve C.
Steve C.
November 23, 2017 8:57 am

I have made a few comments about my ‘ex’ from time to time on this site, so I think this is a good time to set the record straight.

On this reflective day of thanks, I must confess that I am actually grateful for the twelve years that she and I spent together.

They have made the last twenty years since she flew off on her broom sooo much more enjoyable for me.

Steve C.
Spring, Texas

November 23, 2017 9:07 am

I read this article last night.

I often criticize and mock negroes but I am so thankful I do not have to live among them and face the situation this negro did.

There is really something the matter with these people that this sort of thing happens.

Smoke Jensen
Smoke Jensen
November 23, 2017 9:14 am

I’m thankful to everyone on this planet that has in some way made this a world worth living in.
Friends, family, and TBP. Happy Thanks giving one and all.

November 23, 2017 9:24 am

Grateful, for:
-Lessons learned; Good Teachers, even the difficult ones;
-All those who encourage, to soothe the sting of the critics & judges;
-The love of a good woman, for this guy here. Her patience is appreciated.
-the lovable personality of a great dog; I’ve known a few, and felt bad when they passed;
-Kids, especially when they first start learning sentences, and a filled with curiosity, non-judgment, and laughter…nothing quite like seeing and hearing a kid laugh long and hard;
-A strong work ethic, taught by parents, teachers, and successful friends;
-A resilient body that heals after most injuries and illnesses, and still having 2 eyes to see Love, 2 ears to hear it (in voices and music); 2 arms to hug with Love; 2 legs& feet to get me around; the sense of smell and taste; a healthy brain and nervous system…
-Empathy for those who do not have a healthy body, mind…
-Laughter and those who spread it, which can soothe a lot of hurt…I like funny, even when I sometimes cross the line in trying to be funny.
-the rewards of Giving, Sharing, Forgiving, and Forgetting the hurts;
-the various Doctors who have helped me overcome and deal with challenges;
-the abundance of food and water so readily available, as there are many on the planet who do not have such blessings;
-Athletic skills and coordination…I’ve loved participation sports since childhood, and they’ve brought more lessons (teamwork, competition, acceptance of not winning every time…), and they’ve brought other benefits as well. That said, jocks are not superior to non-jocks, IMHO.
-relative financial stability, and all the sustenance that can be afforded, and for the wisdom of parent’s lesson to live within my means;
-Peace of Mind, in a crazy world gone mad; as I’ve seen the ravages of depression, and wouldn’t wish that on anyone who has Good in their heart;
+ Thank You, Jesus… I believe in God, who I consider the source of most blessings afforded to me just based on my own experiences and lessons learned. . . was raised with that belief, and
am grateful to have that.
I have been fortunate, but can also understand, if others don’t believe this way.
But, when I make my transition, and leave this place, I have Hope and Faith that I’ll see friends and family that have gone before me, because there HAS to be a place free from pain and hatred like what is so prevalent on this plane. I aspire to be there, when my time comes, and so try to act in ways that might, just might help me achieve that.
-Thanks for reading. I hope TBP’s BDRs and visitors have a great Thanksgiving holiday.

November 23, 2017 9:02 pm

You too.

Hollow Man
Hollow Man
November 23, 2017 9:26 am

Thankful for my wife and my parents. I am, what could be considered a rarity. My parents loved me and treated me like they loved me. As my wife does. And Jazzy my dog does. It’s wonderful.

November 23, 2017 9:33 am

I’m thankful for my best friend John C., of Alta Loma, CA for saving my life in Glamis back in the 80’s. I was drinking too much and flew off a razor back dune, across a 30 foot deep bowl and smacked right into the face of the other side, knocking me out, busting my jaw in 3 places, breaking many teeth.
My mouth was full of sand and I was literally choking to death. John got me to wake up and spit out the sand so I could breathe, he also put me on his bike back to camp and drove me to El Centro hospital where I spent the next 3 days.
I’m also very thankful to the Bell Moto 3 helmet I was wearing that also kept my dumb, drunk ass from crushing my skull on the triple clamps of my CR500.
I’m thankful for my wife Beth, who saved me from a lifelong place at the beach in San Diego in an alley apartment in PB. She taught me the value of being responsible and put all her trust in me. For once in my life I had someone who actually believed in me, that was 21 years ago and we have traveled so many roads, but always together. I’m thankful for the cancer doctors and nurses and drugs that saved her life when she was diagnosed with stage 3 breast cancer.
Finally, I am thankful for our wonderful, smart and beautiful daughters that we raised, and are still raising.
Life is a miracle, Happy Thanksgiving TBP!
Sean, Allendale, NJ

November 23, 2017 10:15 am


November 23, 2017 9:52 am

The thing is, when you start counting blessings, it becomes difficult to stop.

There are the big things: loving parents, grandparents, siblings and extended family; opportunities for education, work, travel; freedom of choice on innumerable things; good food and good health; security from the pain of war, hunger, and despair that so many in the world have to contend with. Then there are my fabulous children and grandchildren who have provided much joy and growth for me.

The little things that bring happiness: sitting here looking out big windows to a November tree aflame with gold while a big dog naps at my feet; the pies I will make in a while and take to a boisterous thankful dinner with people I love; the car that takes me places; even this Platform and the people who share their thoughts with me.

Last of all a loving God who holds my life in his big hands and never lets me go.

I hope you all have a glorious day.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
November 23, 2017 10:31 am

Freeway. You saved my life and you were just a dog. I have a hard time even thinking about you without choking up because every good thing that ever happened to me, even though I never deserved any of it, came about because of your influence on me. I still miss you.

And I will be grateful to you for the rest of my life.

November 23, 2017 10:59 am

I’m thankful that Roe v. Wade was not the law of the and back in 1950, and also, thank you mom, whoever you were (biological), for not killing me. You ought to see your grand kids and great grand kids. They’re thankful too!!!

November 23, 2017 9:06 pm

Unspeakable. Are you and I the only mutts in the place that KNOW Roe V Wade is the elephant in the room?

And the “prestige” is that you really can’t point at the elephant without pointing at yourself. Abortion. My bet is you had one or had a sister or at least close friend who had one when pregnant. So who will cast the first stone?

November 23, 2017 11:13 am

This year, above all else, I’m thankful Donald Trump is President.

And that the leftists are going insane over it.

November 23, 2017 11:24 am

For most of my life, I have felt very fortunate to have been blessed with the tenacity and persistence to kick the world’s ass on most fronts. However, being diagnosed with a serious illness, then taking care of dying parents with my young kids still at home, and the hopeless exasperation of losing one of my best friends to alcoholism, did take its toll. I began to feel less than invincible. Then, around six or seven years ago, as a disillusioned Neocon coming out of a trance, I began to experience an overwhelming righteous anger at the global geopolitics of the twenty-first century.

Beneath all mad is sad and beneath all that, I began to realize I was experiencing something I wanted to deny. It was a feeling I didn’t want to admit. It was fear. I was sad for my kids’ future and afraid for them. I was embarrassed that their generation was the first to experience the American decline. And, I was angry at the bastards who I helped to elect for selling us all down the river, so to speak.

I found TBP while in the throes of despair and at once felt a sense of community I did not have as a stranger in my own land. Call it Galt’s Gulch or the Island of Ideological Misfit Toys, in any case, I took comfort here. Over time, TBP became a process for me to test ideas and work things out. The airing of concepts, the debates, the music, the humor, and the overall irony of this place, eventually, made me want to pick myself up, shake off the lethargy, and get back in the game.

Around a year and a half ago now, I decided that wallowing in fear and self-pity would do no one any good; either my offspring or myself. I had to start taking right actions, even baby-steps at first. In doing so, I have traveled down new roads, both online and in three-dimensions. I first took steps I didn’t believe until, later, I had experiences I couldn’t deny. I’ve turned over my anger and I’m not afraid any longer. I’ve come to accept that all of it is way bigger than little old me. So, instead of living in despair, I am doing my best to take right action every day; even to the point of going down in flames with gratitude in my heart and all guns blazing.

So, my family, friends, health, and wealth aside, I am thankful for the TBP community.

November 23, 2017 1:03 pm

I am so glad I was fishing with Opie down the road at Andy Griffith’s place not long ago.

November 23, 2017 12:13 pm

I’m thankful for all the blessings and the banes, all the dreams and the drams, all the desires and the deniers.
Enough of that.
I’m thankful for it all, even the painful and depressing bits, for making the good bits even better. Until I quit counting I’m thankful for a brain that works and the early teachers and teachings that allow one to sort reality from hopeful lies, and how to act when you have. I’m thankful for BOOKS, that need no electricity and can last (nearly) forever, carrying insights and thoughts that I don’t have to come up with myself, often from bitterly painful experience. I’m thankful for my favorite authors here and gone, with the beauty, perception and wit that I lack to come up with gems I could not: Terry Pratchett, David Weber, Larry Correia, William Gibson, Simon R. Green, David Ringo, Dan Simmons, David Drake, and a thousand more. I’m thankful for all those who put up with me for over half a century, especially those related to me.
And I’m thankful for the merry-go-round ride, which destroys boredom, pain and suffering in wonder, delight and beauty, and gives me the motivation to get up in the morning and go see what the new day holds in store. Blessings on all, even the idiots who show me what I DON’T want to be, and those who suffer for no reason at all except fate. May the blessings keep coming, be distributed to all, and bring hope to the hopeless, friends to the friendless, and mercy to all, especially those who do not deserve it.

November 23, 2017 1:24 pm

Thankful for all the good things that God has given me. Raised in a great family, have a great family of my own, a beautiful wife, get to live in a wonderful place. All of this in spite of being one of the biggest assholes I’ve ever known.

Nick Danger
Nick Danger
November 23, 2017 2:26 pm

To all my American Friends: Thank you for continuing to provide a ” safe space ” for us to pursue our delusional experiment in Socialism Lite. A grateful Canadian.

November 23, 2017 5:28 pm

Cindy S? I knew her too! She got around.
Just kidding. I am eternally grateful to my wife of 48 years, 7 months, and 5 days (but who’s counting) for sticking with me and helping me to almost grow up. It’s been a steep climb!

November 23, 2017 5:31 pm

A thank you and a curse…….

A BIG, GINORMOUS thank yew to whoever invented yoga pants, especially the see through kind! That was brilliant! It was a million to one shot that today’s wimmens would go for them but they did so BIG WIN!

And curse whoever decided to make them in jumbo size. Those money grubbing bastards should be shot!

November 23, 2017 9:17 pm

Very good point. Do they need ro make XXXL?

November 23, 2017 11:38 pm

this applies to both sexes–
there needs to be an application process for certain items of clothing to be purchased or worn–

November 23, 2017 7:08 pm

On a more serious note………

I thank me and my wife for sucking it up and becoming completely…..and eternally debt free on 9-26-17.

I thank me also for doing right by my parents in their final months and days this year. Dad had about the most comfortable and easy passing as I can imagine. Mom’s passing was a bit less so but that was her own doing. In any event she was unconscious for a week before passing and went peacefully and hopefully without the demons occupying her thoughts.

I’m thankful for finding a tremendous woman to adopt as my older sister after I had to kick the idiot formally known as my middle brother to the curb. I always wanted a sister and Pam fills the bill! She won’t hesitate to slap the shit out of me if and when I need it.

I’m thankful for my “till death do us part” friends. Though few in number they are equal to family in every way and the best part is…..we picked each other!

I’m thankful to my small family and a few rediscovered family members. My little brother and my father’s twin sister have been especially amazing. My little brother and I kept each other sane during my mother’s final eight months. It was a miserable experience with his help but it would have been an impossible nightmare without his help. A curse on my mother for keeping Aunt Nonie away from us for 50 fucking years! That was a low blow but we’re making up for it now in spades! I love hearing her stories about my father and she’s as easy to talk to as my dad was.

Mostly I’m thankful to my wife and dogs. They both put up with my dumb ass with great aplomb and endless love and enthusiasm. We’ve been married 29 years and I could not have picked a better woman to compliment my misanthropic ways. While the wife might not always be thrilled with everything I do, the dogs just don’t care about such trivialities when there are ears to be scratched, tennis balls to be chased and scooby snacks to be eaten.

November 23, 2017 7:38 pm

A big thank you to TBP’s own AWD who died three years ago. It was his advice that ended a dozen years of constant, agonizing, chronic pain for me. For that I’m eternally grateful!

A couple of AWD’s favorite hotties:

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November 23, 2017 7:43 pm

Is that Jabba the Hutt’s wife?

November 23, 2017 8:04 pm

It’s Trixie, the truck stop whore that BB frequents.

November 23, 2017 8:25 pm

Heh! I was just reading some old AWD posts in the archives. It’s amazing how frequently he told bb to go fuck himself!

If you go back to the archives and search on AWD then go back about 12 pages you get to some original AWD content. The guy was great and prolific. Makes me miss him all the more.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 23, 2017 8:43 pm

I thank the Lord who made women of all colors, and races. Tall women, short women, beautiful women, ugly women, women with big noses, women with small noses. Skinny ass women, fat ass women, women with big tits, women with no tits. Women with red ropes and women that put you on the ropes. I thank God for all of them.

I recall always the tale of the woman who had accompanied her hubs to California during the gold rush of 1849. She said she was never a handsome woman but when the men heard there was a woman in the diggings, they came around to stare at her from a distance, one even began to cry on seeing her.

We may try but we cannot replicate the natural beauty of women. Yes, there are trannies that can accomplish this with lots of makeup, implants and surgery. There are even some men that are just as pretty as women. Still, God made beauty in abundance and gifted us with that beauty.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights, with whom there is no change or shifting shadow.”

  EL Coyote
November 23, 2017 9:06 pm

Good for you EC, good for you. Marvelous that you can find beauty in all its forms.

Many years ago my father had a friend who was dating a very…robust woman. One day dad commented on the excessive volume occupied by said woman. His friend opined: “Somebody’s got to fuck the fat ones”, to which dad replied: “Sure, but why does it have to be you?”

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
November 23, 2017 9:40 pm

It’s platonic appreciation for the fatties. You should have been around when AWD posted the big-uns on a regular basis. Me and Stubby and Ed and sometimes Vodka were big fans.

November 24, 2017 10:45 am

She used the word handsome, apparently that was acceptable use at the time, it was 1849, after all and people probably called God ‘aweful’.

November 24, 2017 11:13 am

not as bad as zimbabwe–
speaking of zimbabwe,the military threw mugabe out of office–
there is still hope in the world–

rhs jr
rhs jr
November 25, 2017 12:13 am

Thank you Jesus.