Don’t Understand Bitcoin? This Man Will Mumble An Explanation At You

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December 2, 2017 11:48 am

Sometimes they ALL seem to be saying this when the discussion is about MONEY and VALUE and Security. Sigh… bitcoin. Never had it and probably never will.

December 2, 2017 12:14 pm

I am watching this from Ann Barnhart’s blog. This is priceless.

“So easy to spread….”

December 2, 2017 12:19 pm

That was excellent:-D Bwahahaha ha
Clear as mud.

December 2, 2017 1:01 pm

If you cannot spend it at Wally World or Circle K / Speedway / 7 – 11 then it is worthless to vast majority of Americans. It is in fact a medium most appropriate for a crap shoot and nothing else……

December 2, 2017 1:49 pm

Bitcoin is nothing more nor less, than a de facto digital currency and thus yet another fictitious form of wealth, with a computer system as it’s counter party.

December 2, 2017 1:56 pm

My god that guy can’t talk. It doesn’t even matter that he doesn’t know anything about bitcoin, he couldn’t talk about what he had for breakfast. He couldn’t talk about how living in his mom’s basement is really getting to suck. He just can’t talk.

December 2, 2017 2:03 pm

Look, its not that complicated to understand.

A real dollar is a silver coin with 416 grains of silver per the Coinage Act of 1792.

The current dollar system is 99% a digital currency/1% paper and coin system, which is widely used and VERY corrupt.

Bitcoin and the other alt-coins are also digital currency systems, which are not evenly distributed and have their issues, but overall have much less corruption then the dollar system. It is that relative lack of corruption, which is driving their rise.

If you don’t believe in the cryptocurrencies, which is completely understandable, at the very least, save real money, which is gold and silver.

December 3, 2017 3:14 am

Dollars are the only real money on the planet because the US government is the only government that matters. Until another government replaces their currency as the currency oil is bought and sold in the dollar is the only money that matters for the masses. Anything can be currency between two or more people but if you can’t pay your taxes in a currency that the government accepts as payment then the government will just take your shit.

this is a karate dojo, not a knitting class
this is a karate dojo, not a knitting class
December 2, 2017 3:27 pm

Mrfl murmafa faffa murbl bitcoin

December 2, 2017 4:13 pm

I know that this is going to hurt Max Kaiser’s little butt hole, but let’s get real here.

Suppose you want to buy some bitcoin. Who do you give your money too? Who gives you some bitcoin in return? Now let’s say that you have your bitcoin, it’s worth billions of dollars and you are just over the moon. Who do you sell your bitcoin to? Who is it that gives you money for your bitcoins? If we are talking about stocks, it is someone else in the market that buys your stock. In all likelihood you are not a big deal trader on Whall Streak so most likely your brokerage buys your stock from you and gives you some of their money. But it could be that your stock goes up on the big board and some other sucker buys it from you. That sucker has given you their money just like you gave somebody money in the first place to buy the stock. Bitcoin can only work like stocks. There is no bitcoin bank full of world money from which to pay you. You can only turn your bitcoins back into real money by selling it to some sucker who you have convinced (or someone else has convinced) that they need to be in bitcoin. How do they convince you that you need to be in bitcoin? They run up the price. You give them real money. They dance to the bank. You hope and prey (that word is not there in error) that the value of your bitcoin goes up.

Well that’s how it works for us morans. How about for all of those Saudi princes who have to get their wealth out of SA before the king cuts off their heads. They are not going to be able to load up a ship with a couple of dozen tons of gold…to obvious. They can’t get two shipping containers of bills delivered to the 747 cargo plane sitting on the runway…to obvious. But they can’t just buy billions of dollars of bitcoin either. Who is sitting around with a couple of billion dollars of bitcoin that they can sell to a couple of hundred saudi princes? So you can bid up the price until you manage to buy all the bitcoin that you need to get your billions out of SA, but you can’t guarantee that you will be able to sell at the price that you paid so what to do? You publicize that bitcoin is going through the roof. Your buddies, a’ la Craemer on CNBC, get a little nose candy to hype things along, and Le Voila…you have escaped from your deranged cousin with your hoard in tact.

All that is left is for this mumbling idiot to extol the virtues of crypto, which he neither understands nor is capable of buying any. But do not despair, if you can’t understand what this idiot is saying you can always go and watch today’s Max Keiser Bitcoin Mania. I am sure that will help you understand what bitcoin is.

December 2, 2017 5:18 pm

Could someone explain to me why it seems the only parties who are capable of solving the extremely difficult code to mine a $hitcoin is usually Russia or China (not average people, governments)?

Who came up with that shit? Just wondering. mumble, mumble ……..

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
December 2, 2017 5:33 pm

I am going with the wood slime mix ! Think if it hardens we can mold into a nice club for protection.

  Boat Guy
December 2, 2017 5:49 pm

No way Boaty- That concoction has more bubbles in it than the American economy. I have learned to shy away from those damn bubbles, too risky. P-O-P…….kaaaabooom

  Boat Guy
December 3, 2017 12:01 pm

Go with wood
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December 2, 2017 6:29 pm

I am downloading The Max Kaiser opinion on bitcoin to see if it clears it up. I used to really like Max, when I could listen to this shit mindlessly while working on technical manuals for old US antiquity aircraft sold to foreign nations who would never be able to work on them anyway. They would need backward engineering, which would be contracted to the Original Manufacturer (Usually Boeing but sometimes Northrup Grumman or Westinghouse).

Those were the bad old days, folks. When I was being paid decent money to do stupid things for stupid people. Now? No pay but no stupid either. Worth it.

December 3, 2017 3:07 am

bottom line if I can’t pay my taxes with it, it has no value as a currency.

If you are into bartering then it may serve a purpose but the legal system will not be of any value if something goes wrong with the transaction.

Bitcoin is exactly the same thing as Facebook. It has no value because no one uses it. No one of any value uses Facebook. They may fart around on it but they are not being sold anything on it and have three other accounts because everybody knows you need one for the Public, one for your family, one for your close friends, and one for people you didn’t want to offend but don’t really consider a friend.

Anyone who could actually be influenced by social media has no money, is up to their eyeballs in debt, and can barely pay the interest so aren’t really of any value as a consumer.

December 3, 2017 4:38 am

Thanks to Bob and the others for their comments re that screeching idiot Kaiser and his constant, irritating, and actually quite suspicious Maxie Mouth rants re Bitcoin for bobbleheads. Really, I don’t know how screeching Maxie and his long-suffering spouse Stacy are able to book guests on their sinking show. I guess some folks will put up with anything to get on Teevee. Frankly, I don’t know why anyone would buy Bitcoin when there are so many bridges out there swaying prettily for suckers.

December 3, 2017 5:29 am

I always thought Stacy seemed like a financial version of Allison Krauss (country singer/violin… did the Whiskey Bottle Blues with Brad Paisley.)

December 3, 2017 7:18 am

I think I understand Bitcoin:
A-you provide me with goods or services, B- I remunerte you with some digital mages, and C-you have my assurance that someone somewhere will exchange those digital images for goods, services, or cash.