Obama Compares Trump To Hitler: “60 Million People Died So You’ve Got To Pay Attention, And Vote”

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It’s almost never a good idea for a political figure to invoke the name of Hitler.  In fact, that very mistake undoubtedly contributed to premature demise of Sean Spicer earlier this year.

Of course, the rules are slightly different for former President Obama as the media barely batted an eye when he compared the rise of Trump in the U.S. to that of Hitler in the 1930s and warned people to “pay attention…and vote” lest they want “sixty million people to die.”  As Crain’s noted, Obama’s controversial comments came at a speech before the Economic Club of Chicago earlier this week:

Still, the U.S. has survived tough times before and will again, he noted, particularly mentioning the days of communist fighter Joseph McCarthy and former President Richard Nixon. But one reason the country survived is because it had a free press to ask questions, Obama added. Though he has problems with the media just like Trump has had, “what I understood was the principle that the free press was vital.”


The danger is “grow(ing) complacent,” Obama said. “We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly.”


That’s what happened in Germany in the 1930s, which despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic and centuries of high-level cultural and scientific achievements, Adolph Hitler rose to dominate, Obama noted. “Sixty million people died. . . .So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”


Not surprisingly, while the media obsessed over Sean Spicer’s Hitler reference for days/weeks, we would challenge readers to find a single American mainstream media outlet that bothered to note Obama’s similarly outrageous statements in a meaningful way.  The closest we could find was a note from The Hill, entitled “Obama warns of complacency, notes rise of Hitler,” which didn’t even bother to highlight the clear Trump reference in Obama’s comments…in fact, they went out of their way to downplay it…


Obama told the forum’s audience during a question and answer session that the danger at hand was “grow[ing] complacent,” according to newspaper Crain’s Chicago Business.


“We have to tend to this garden of democracy or else things could fall apart quickly,” Obama said.


Despite the democracy of the Weimar Republic, Adolph Hitler rose to power, he continued.


“Sixty million people died. … So, you’ve got to pay attention. And vote.”


While some could see the remark as a veiled jab at President Trump, Obama did not mention Trump by name during the event, according to the newspaper.

Of course, the media’s efforts to protect their liberal heroes at all cost should come as a surprise to precisely no one at this point.

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December 8, 2017 2:07 pm

This kind of thing may seem bizarre to most of us, but the Leftists actually believe it to the depths of their souls.

They are incapable of understanding anything but their own version of morality, views, and positions can possible be anything other than pure evil that needs to be stamped out for the good of humanity.

December 8, 2017 2:14 pm

These leftists are fucking sick. They destroy everything they touch. The Hitler thing is so wrong in so many ways.

I’m waiting till the ‘real scoop’ about the EX-HNIC comes out. Where he was born, does Michelle have a dick? A strap on?

December 8, 2017 7:52 pm

Michelle/Michael has a dick. That’s why Ovomit was SO interested in pushing the ‘transgendered’ thing.

December 8, 2017 8:36 pm

Love that YouTube video of Obama giving a speech wherein he references “Michael and I…”

Seems like a pretty significant mistake. I have not once ever referred to my wife as “Dave”…

December 8, 2017 4:08 pm

If the Media and various others had been paying attention and DONE THEIR JOBS, Obama would never have been elected!

December 8, 2017 4:12 pm

I was hoping to never see his face or hear about him again.

Chuck soli
Chuck soli
December 8, 2017 8:25 pm


F *#!king


December 8, 2017 4:15 pm

OK then, if Trump is Hitler, then Obama is Mao, and Mao killed many times more people than Hitler

mike in ga
mike in ga
December 8, 2017 8:19 pm

Obama’s admonition ignores the fact that we DID vote and Trump is the people’s choice.

His infinite arrogance is inversely proportional to his complete lack of conscience.

Chuck soli
Chuck soli
  mike in ga
December 8, 2017 8:27 pm

Arrogant ass wipe

22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
22winmag - ZH refugee who just couldn't take the avalanche of damn-near-hourly Bitcoin and doom porn stories
December 9, 2017 3:50 am

Voting and tax=paying, the two worst threats to the Republic!

December 9, 2017 12:36 pm

Bathhouse Barry is and always will be an azzwipe!