America’s Religion: OIKOS (Economy)

Let me forewarn you. Writing about economics is not my forte. This is my first attempt, and almost certainly my last. But, it’s Sunday (and religion is a forte), and the Bible certainly does have something to say about economics. So, I decided to combine the two …. in part, just to see if I can, as one who enjoys writing.

That being said, here are eight things we can comfortably say are generally true about RELIGION:

1)…  it gives humanity doctrines; a set of rules, regulations, and/or codes how things ought to be.

2)…  it makes many promises. For example, to name but a few; not going hungry, suffering is curtailed, tears are wiped away, prosperity and happiness cometh, and salvation.

3)…  it has ideologues so committed to the cause that their faithful will move heaven and earth to remake entire societies conform to their way of thinking.

4)… it has High Priests, prophets, reformists, moralists, and other elites in their close knit small hierarchy who call all the shots.

5)… it can be highly divisive. Naturally, differing religions will strongly oppose each other. But, it’s even worse within a religion; whereby someone holding a different opinion is quickly branded the worst possible name …  a Heretic.

6)… if you choose the right one, it will set you free. The prosperity of heaven is your destination.

7)… if you choose the wrong one, it will imprison you. The misery of hell awaits you.

8)…  is mostly based on faith. “Just trust us, we know!” say the High Priests.

In summary, religion will give its followers a grand narrative about the ultimate meaning of human history; why things went wrong, and how to put them right.

Trinity Church on Wall Street, New York

Now, go back to the eight points and replace “religion” with “ECONOMICS”. Is it not somewhat eerie that the statements are still true?  If so, why are they still true?

Nietzsche, usually credited with the philosophy of nihilism, actually wasn’t a nihilist himself. Rather, he was concerned about the effects of nihilism on culture. To greatly over-simplify his beliefs;  he noticed that the old values and old morality simply didn’t have the same power that they once did.  All around him he saw that God, — the traditional source of ultimate and transcendental value — in his modern (at the time) culture simply no longer mattered. Hence, his proclamation that in effect,God was dead (to us). So, what follows, then?

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First, a quick look at a great philosopher. Aristotle observed that nature requires every space to be filled with something, even if that something is colorless, odorless air. His postulate, horror vacui (see pic above), would go on to dominate scientific thinking for the next millennium-and-a-half, and is said to be responsible for the discovery of things such as; atomic theory, gas laws, and even the science of thermodynamics. So, what follows, then?

The economist priests, the highly educated, the Ivy League professors, the scientists, the mathematicians, and ilk – those elite who control all the levers (including the sheep who are led by them) became troubled and concerned by a great fundamental hole left by nihilism; that there is no afterlife.

Man is programmed with eternity in their hearts, but nihilism wipes it from our memories. As such, people are inevitably left with a subconscious nagging thought that life just no longer makes any sense. No matter how hard they tried to ignore this logical progression resulting from their philosophy, it was impossible to accept a finite mortal existence. What might be a logical progression of thought following such a moral dilemma?

Well, one might be familiar with the quote from ‘The Brothers Karamazov’  (by Fyodor Dostoyevsky) when Ivan Karamazov argues that – “if God does not exist, then everything is permitted”.

Everything was permitted! So, God was relegated to exile in church and church alone. And, even there, only as long as He remained mostly silent. Today even the faithful explode in condemnation if ministers or priests speak about economics, politics or social issues. “Shut your mouth! Preach the gospel only!!”.

Even the American Constitution banishes God’s followers from having any impact on the State. The separation between the two is sacrosanct, never mind opening prayers in Congress, “In God We Trust” on our coinage, ministers in the military asking God to bless our wars, and other religious trappings.  We like our gods silent. A silent God is easier to obey, and replace, if necessary. So, what follows, then?

Well, we fashioned a new and more likeable

God in our image; Behold, Oikos!

.We get our word economy from the Greek ‘Oeconomicus’  (oikos = house, and nomos = law/rule).  It is believed that Western economic thought originated with Aristotle. He examined ideas such as acquiring wealth, and questioned whether property is best left in private or public hands. Nevertheless, when Aristotle mentioned economics, he meant so only in terms of the practical wisdom of household management.

So it stayed – a philosophy, not a science — for the most part in the Western world for the next couple thousand years. Then came the Industrial Revolution; economics went from the philosophy of  “household management” to the science of “Wealth of Nations”. As never before in human history, economic growth would accelerate at warp speed, and also unchecked (as the world still experiences ever upward growth). What a remarkable coincidence that Adam Smith’s book was first published in the very same year America declared its independence!

Economy is now the giver of life. All good things come from it. We believe in it with all our hearts. Like God, no one discusses its existence much. The fearful ‘I Am that I Am’ becomes a more practical ‘It is what it Is’.  No one believes Economy is a bad thing, even when It behaves badly. It must be our fault, not Oikos, if only we try harder.  Economy’s beloved son, Money, allows us to do anything we want, buy and consume to our hearts delight, for like the cattle on a thousand hills, the bounty is endless. Economy demands little from us other than keeping the Prime Directive; stay busy.

In fact, do we not give our lives meaning by what we do, and not what we are? We hurry and scurry about our everyday activities which range from profane to profound. The busier the better. Keep doing! Keep working! Keep moving!  Movement is Life!!  On Sundays there are some who still give the old God some of their time. Perhaps an hour, perhaps two. Oikos gets the other 166 hours.

In the Carboniferous Epoch we were promised abundance for all,
By robbing selected Peter to pay for collective Paul;
But, though we had plenty of money, there was nothing our money could buy,
And the Gods of the Copybook Headings said: “If you don’t work you die.”

Kipling, “The Gods Of The Copybook Headings”

Yet, in the back of our minds, we fear this Oikos fellow also. We know he’s lying about wealth because it  is simply impossible to create prosperity for all. We intuitively know that it’s not possible for America to have 300 million millionaires. We know wealth belongs only to a few, that it is a relative term, that I can be rich only if you become poorer, that there has to be poverty somewhere in order to have wealth. (I’m sure that last sentence will illicit some serious criticism from the reader!)

There’s also one other Big Thing that scares us about Oikos. To give us the good things in life, this Economy religion destroys everything in its path; oceans, mountains, forests, fishes, and all kinds of living things, even ourselves. Oikus’ survival depends on Growth. Growth is movement, movement is life, without growth there is death. The Believers in Oikos simply will not accept that even at 2.5% GDP worldwide growth, in less than 100 years the world will literally run out of oil, coal, and other elements that sustain life for humans …  preferring instead the myth of Pretend and Extend.  The Economy-god has an infinite appetite, and they believe Earth has infinite resources to feed him!! Really. And even if we do run out of a certain resource, SCIENCE, the other Son of Oikos will save us! Deep down, we know that’s a lie also.

We ponder all these things in our hearts, we just won’t say them out loud with our lips, .. and we’ll crucify those who do. It seems to me that the proper response to Oikos would be “F**k Off!!”. However the religion is exceedingly powerful and like all religions has mechanisms to ward off heresies .. such as the heinous idea ‘Hey, let’s get rid of this bastard Oikos god, and try something new!”.  Speaking of which …..


I hear of the coming YUGE market crash, the 4th Turning, the end of things as we know it, etc. I agree with all of it. But, what comes after? The same old crap. Right?  You might say, “Democracy failed because it wasn’t implemented correctly … next time we’ll get it right!” Another might say,  “Capitalism failed because it wasn’t implemented correctly … next time we’ll get it right!”

Isn’t doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results the very definition of insanity? Also, when was the last time humanity as a whole learned from their previous mistakes?

Don’t get me wrong,  the capitalism/democracy combo has some pretty good points. For one thing, it has lifted more people out of poverty than any other “ism” to date.  And we all get to own .. STUFF!!! I do not hate capitalism!

But, here’s the thing. If all we do to start the new era is basically the same stuff we did in the previous era (except under new and improved leadership, supposedly)… then the cool new era will result in a really POS era, just like the last time!  I understand that’s the whole point of saeculums and cycles. Hamsters on a treadmill, stuck in an Endless Loop of existence. Surely, there must be a way to break this cycle. There just MUST be … something never tried before.

What is that something? Surely … someone, somewhere, out there, knows.

Or, is mankind doomed forever to the same fate as Sisyphus … forever carrying old Oikos to the top of the mountain, only to have it all crashing down again once the top is rereached. I want to believe we are better than that. No, to preserve my own sanity, I NEED to believe we are better than that.

Here’s something new.

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Why haven’t we tried this? God’s way …

Really. We’ve never truly given it our best shot. Just to be clear; I am NOT talking about a Theocracy! I am talking about only implementing economic truths as spelled out in the world’s Holy Books. (Meaning, I am not limiting options to what the Christian bible has to offer.) Truth is truth, wherever it is found. Allow me to briefly present three possibilities, just to get the ball rolling.

God’s Way #1: —  “I will let you dwell in this place, in the land that I gave to your fathers forever and ever.” The foundational bedrock of God’s Way is property ownership. Ownership includes things such as; the right to exclude (access is granted on YOUR terms), legal immunity from other people’s theft or destruction of your property, legal sovereignty (you can do with it as you wish), continued use in perpetuity (you can pass the land to your heirs with penalty), and other freedoms we either don’t have today, or are severely curtailed. Strong  property rights in favor of the individual, not the government, is key to everything that follows. What God has given, let no man cast asunder.

God’s Way #2: — “Thou shalt not steal.” The Ten Commandments tell us one thing in general; everyone is liable. “Everyone” includes people in government, therefore, it includes the whole of government. “Government shalt not steal” will be in the new Constitution. Applied more broadly, it means an economy where government theft, also known as taxation, is prohibited.

Concerning the command against theft, one author writes; — “This is really all you need to understand when it comes to understanding economics.”. Theft involves badges and guns. It’s about ethics and state coercion. The author continues on; — “Is the official who wears a badge and a gun truly acting in the name of the entire society, or is he acting on behalf of a special interest group?” Key to the New Way is to limit the authority of people with badges and guns for, ultimately, it is JUSTICE that produces prosperity. Not, Oikos.

God’s Way #3: — “For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: if a man will not work, he shall not eat.”. One always voluntarily OUGHT (not, must) provide for the poor, the widow, and the fatherless. This is Scriptural. However, if you do not work, go hungry! This, too, is Scriptural. So, there! In one fell swoop, God’s Way #3 just eliminated 90% of this nation’s Welfare Society of Endless Free Stuff. That’s how you make a country great again. For King Solomon said; — “Work brings profit, but mere talk leads to poverty.”

The first two points above come from Gary North’s Book, Christian Economics In One Lesson

Please, do not become bogged down by my three possibilities. if you don’t like them, discard them. Keep your eye on The Goal — finding a New Way. Now it’s YOUR turn. What do you have?

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Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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December 10, 2017 8:45 am

Haven’t read it. Just wanted to be first.

If I can’t win a prize, at least I don’t have to take sloppy seconds.

Not to make light of economic issues, but one time in Vegas, at the MGM Grand complexorama, I was trying to find a certain auditorium where we had tickets for a show. I think I was looking for the Emerald Ballroom. I asked one of the “moneychangers” on the floor which way I should go to find the show.

She said “All I know is that if you give me a dollar, I will give you four quarters. And that is all I am required to know.”

I found that profound economic advice and I’ve never forgotten it.

December 10, 2017 8:59 am

All right… I read it and am a bit disappointed that you did not delve into USURY.

Here, let me drop this turd for you and Yo right here.

The Usury Accusation

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 12, 2017 8:17 am

Hey Stucky. I got that retard fish all wound up and he pumped your comment count way over 100. It’s easy to see how people like Teresa May become prime minister in GB. I really have despaired over the ability of merkins to function in a democratic society but if fish is any indication of what walks the streets of the UK, god help them all. There is no hope.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 10, 2017 8:54 am

Read some of it. Just wanted to be second. No really, nice work Stucky. I applaud your bravery in conflating religion and economics as they are both faith based and have no rational physical backing. I do agree that economics, just like religion, is promoted by stupid people who have found their way into the priesthood.

December 10, 2017 9:01 am

But, at least an economist will give you four quarters for your dollar while a priest will give you nine dimes.

December 10, 2017 9:53 am

And to complete the deal, a jew or smart goy will take your four quarters and return it to you plus a pittance of the interest he made off of it. Or institutionalize the whole thing with the Fed reserve….and just print more to loan out to the faithful – zero cost basis fiat.

A dime to the priest would not be so bad if were not for the 25% paid to the tax man.

A Kurd once told me a gypsy can out haggle a Turk, and a Turkish Jew can out haggle a gypsy. I’m not sure where the Armenians fit in that scheme of things.

My grade school humor comes forth as Jesus Saves, Moses Invests

Indeed powerful, meinen herr Stucky, rote Pille Meister. Thanks for the thoughts. My mind may just become un stuck yet…. I take your three rules as gospel…

December 10, 2017 9:28 am

Stucky – basically you have it got it.

If one obeys the commandments everything works out.
For example: If the government would not steal – there would not be so many retarded, ugly welfare gits using up the worlds resources. And the strong and good would prevail and could affort to buy non-GMO food and meat without having been pumped full of hormones. Look at that retarded evil octomum Selueman muslim bitch!

“If though do not work though shall not eat”

Well this does not appear to be the case. In the real world:
“If though do not work though can vote to steal from the hardworking and fill your friggin’ cakehole and get a house and all mod-cons”

So I have a problem with God on this one.
But God still sits on his throne. So the only conclusion I have, is that God compensates and returns money to those who worked for it, perhaps over a generation or two.

Any thoughts out there, please, I just hate injustice.

Wishing all and especially Stucky a nice 2nd Advent!

December 10, 2017 10:49 am

Don’t go blaming God for the fact that you are ruled by women (Paul specifically warned against this in the church) who want to give everyone a handout, and you don’t do anything about it…You have free will for a reason…

December 10, 2017 12:49 pm

Well you can go fuck yourself for starters because I never voted for the bitch.
Secondly I did do something about it – I did serious protection money evasion with customers in Switzerland and Liechtenstein. Risked prison but had to come clean with the government because Swiss banks are run by NWO and were going to give information to government mafia.
The Germans haven’t got the balls to do such – their god is government -so just be careful about what you say before you start shooting your mouth off retard!

You have no excuse ‘cos you have the secodn amendment – but fucking big-mouths like you have no balls – which means that your 2nd amendment means shit. Pyrruss – your children will either turn to drugs or become whores – poverty will overcome them in your USA. Opiode epedemic in USA. You had a free will and you fucked up – you did nothing!.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 10, 2017 2:23 pm

“Profanity is the effort of a feeble brain to express itself forcibly.”

― Spencer W. Kimball

  Hollywood Rob
December 10, 2017 2:32 pm

Talkin’ out of your arse to hide the uncomfortable truth.
Spencer Kimball was a pathetic mormon – a NWO whore – check out the symbolism:

I have an honours degree in engineering from one of the best universities in UK, was first in my class at school, speak four languages and have a succesful company with international clients. What’s your friggin problem tosser? Pissed off that you have no bollocks – so you suffer the inevitable consequences? Got nothing to say yourelf eh? – all you can do is quote a fuckin’ balding four-eyed retard who believes in magic underpants? comment image

“profanity is the language of those who undertake brave, very successful missions against all odds”
– Green Leader –

Am 23.12.2006 veröffentlicht
Warning: Strong Language

December 10, 2017 4:21 pm

“all you can do is quote a fuckin’ balding four-eyed retard who believes in magic underpants?” “Profanity is the language of those who undertake brave, very successful missions against all odds.” I’m going to go out on a limb here and declare Catfish the winner by knockout

December 10, 2017 6:15 pm

Catfish, “profanity is the language of those who undertake brave, very successful missions against all odds”
I guess that makes the majority of blacks in this country brave and successful?

December 10, 2017 9:01 pm

“I guess that makes the majority of blacks in this country brave and successful?”

Well, I don’t know about brave but because you aint got no balls either they’re breeding the fucking shit out of you at your expense. In contrast, Green Leader bombed the fuck out of thousands of black socialist soldiers whilst they were all on parade – “like fuckin’ ants” if you listen! “Those bombs are fuckin’ beautiful”.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 12:30 am

So proud of your accomplishments. Your best university in the UK where the headmaster buggered you all night long. Where your pussy asshole father had to wimper in a basement while real men fought and died so you could live in a fantasy world ruled by muslims. You can’t even go into your stinking capital city for all of the lunatics killing people with cars and trucks while your muslim mayor makes sure that they get out of jail for raping little girls and your favorite, raping little boys.

Where your PM sucks muslim dick so she can stay in 1o Downing street. Where your criminal compatriots in the “Shitty” oh wait, I mean the “City” steal all of your money from your international fuck house of boys. Yeah, if I had your resume I would be talking trash on TBP too. But alas, I don’t have your bona fides so I guess I will just have to shut the fuck up. Now won’t I you little pussy. Go play some more green bleeder on your computer games so the grownups can discuss religion, not your fav of course, that would be islam, and economics. Not your kind where your muslim overlords force you to submit to buttfucking. The kind that Australians are trying to teach you. Too bad your too stupid to understand.

I pity your employees, if you really have any.

  Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 6:50 am

If you read what I wrote I went to war. And won. It is due to “Verjährung” (German law) of all “protection money offences” more than ten years old. Look up the word tosser. So that means I only started paying taxes when I was 41 years old. That’s serious cash that I keep and doesn’t go to help breeding big muslim wanker families.

And what have you done?
All you can do is shoot your mouth off and complain. German and UK are finished, but USA too. Welfare niggers gonna fuck your kids and eat their money up – that is if they don’t turn to drugs and prostitution first due to their coming poverty.

Whats your problem – envy? You must be poor, diseased, retarded or just downright fuckin’ ugly. Or just a big fuckin’ coward! Maybe a sodomite mongrel like Obama? Or a mormon moron?

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 12:12 pm

So Catfish is an admitted criminal. He laundered money and avoided taxes and he is unrepentant. He is proud of his activities which I would have to guess would not be considered to be either brave or praise worthy here on TBP. He puts up computer game videos to immortalize the horrific deeds that his forbears perpetrated and sings the praises of acts of slaughter. Not his of course, but those that he could only hope some day to emulate as they killed people in the name of Cecile Rhodes, whose statue is now under assault at the very university he attended.

I think your skirt is just a bit too tight for your fat ass Catfish.

  Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 12:38 pm

I, for one, am enjoying the current cluster of TBP shit-flingers and flame-throwers. It warms the blackest portions of my heart and instills within me a sense of shining hope and optimism.

  Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 2:40 pm

Criminal? What the fuck are you smoking? – no – the fucking government is criminal – theft and extortion – everyone knows that. If the “Selbstanzeige” is accepted there is no crime involved – no criminal record. Besides God says render unto Caesar what belongs to Caesar. Rappen and Swiss francs never belonged to the DE government.
Even under German law – slavery is a criminal offence – the constitution is above the tax law. But he who has might is always right.
Criminals always get punished- I’ve personally visited those who stole from me in hospital – I did nothing to them, but then I didn’t need to. Disease is no coincidence.

Moving my company to Balkans next year – already found a house – hardly any tax there. They have had their socialism and lived under centuries of muslim rule. The Serbs know how to deal with that scum – even when up against the world and yankees. So West Europe and USA can go sink into their muslim socialist paradises – the gates of Vienna have been breached long ago.

It looks like Hollywood Bob is an envious bad loser.

As for Rhodesia – they declared UDI- but your oh so wonderful Australia have no independence. And horrific deeds? – it was payback time for the black terrorists downing of Air Rhodesia flight 825 and all killed in the Green Leader raid were floppy terrorists.
Rhodesia went from the bread basket of Africa to basket case of Africa with black majority marxist rule and hyperinflation.
Same is happening to your country – just slower. Nignogs breeding the shit out of you – helped with your hard work and cultural marxism.

So Mr. Bob – biggest and baddest loser – enjoy your slow but inevitable decline.
Having no choice but to eat your GMO hormone-pumped yankee food, cos you cannot afford the real deal, I do believe you and your missus (or probably sodomite nignog mormon boyfriend) have the biggest cowardly arses.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
  Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 5:30 pm

It’s Rob you idiot. And by the way, don’t come to the US as everything you have admitted to has been recorded by the NSA. They will arrest your ass the minute you step off of the plane. Just last week I had a young Serbian over to the house for dinner. He was glad to be out but I am sure it will work out better for you. The good thing is that once the NSA reports your escapades to the MI5 you can expect a visit – that is if they ever get out of the Pakistani grooming houses. Actually, I am pretty sure that your comments run afoul of the Sharia Laws that your country now operates under. Do remember to pack some Vaseline in with your toiletries.

Oh and thanks Un. It is fun to play with him isn’t it!

  Hollywood Rob
December 12, 2017 1:12 am

Hahaha … Hollywood Rob you think you can scare me with that shit you loser slave? You must take me for a scaredy cat like yourself. They got nothing on me – I know fucking the law. Otherwise I would never have published this shit. It’s over baby-VERJÄHRT … capiche retard? I played it and won. Mind you – your owners do not need to follow the law anyway – it only applies to the sheep. You – apart from feeding your ugly cakehole with cheap GMO, hormone-pumped yankee shit – you also take the shit up the ass every day of your pathetic life – risk nothing cos you’re a fucking coward. As for NSA and MI5 well they don’t scare me. I have seen those attempting to supress and enslave me in hospital wards and their children in the hospice. They know that too. Genetic disease, cancer – like to see NSA and MI5 file a law suit with their shysters against God for GBH or ABH.
As for your Serbian friend – he’s probably a loser hanging around with you.
Besides – would never want to go to USA anyway. Turning into a third world shithole. There are many little, envious, ugly, diseased, sodomite, mongrel mormon slaves – you got the IRS on your back – all over the world – wherever you go – gonna shaft you bigtime – gotta pay off the national debt. 20 trillion and counting …
You’re just a bad loser – sour grapes. So slave away for the rest of your life to feed your detroit and philly nignogs, the military industrial complex, Israel, the banksters, and God knows who else. No wonder there is an opioid epedemic in USA.

  Hollywood Rob
December 12, 2017 2:50 am

And for your information. The Selbstanzeige is already known to the German authorities. Here is the law:
Mit dem Jahressteuergesetz 2009 ist die Verjährung für die in § 370 Abs. 3 AO genannten Fälle besonders schwerer Steuerhinterziehung an die steuerliche Festsetzungsverjährung angepasst worden und beträgt seither gemäß § 376 Abs. 1 AO ebenfalls zehn Jahre.
Das Gesetz eröffnet in Fällen der Steuerhinterziehung die Möglichkeit, durch eine Selbstanzeige Straffreiheit zu erlangen (§ 371 AO).”

There you go: “besonders schwerer Steuerhinterziehung” = “cases of extreme tax evasion”, “Verjährung” = “statute of limitation”, “zehn Jahre” = “ten years”, “Straffreiheit” = impunity.

I think you should acquaint yourself with the law before shooting your ugly cakehole off!

  Hollywood Rob
December 12, 2017 2:52 am

Here is Hollywood Rob’s and his satanic mormon moron friend Spencer W. Kimball’s attempt at preventing themselves from getting a good shafting by the IRS:
magic moron mormon underwear. Hahaha … Mind you, I’m not sure which belongs to Rob and which to Dr. Kimbollocks, maybe they swap them when they are soiled!

[imgcomment image[/img]

  Hollywood Rob
December 10, 2017 10:04 pm

Fuck yeah!

December 12, 2017 3:06 am

“Don’t go blaming God for the fact that you are ruled by women (Paul specifically warned against this in the church) who want to give everyone a handout, and you don’t do anything about it…You have free will for a reason…”

Pyrrhus, in the light of what I have written – it would seem that you shot your pathetic cakehole off too soon. Engage brain before writing next time!

December 11, 2017 11:20 am

And in the meantime “we” get to watch countries/peoples
blown to smithereens so some real time gamers can blow
off their toys. Money and power, don’t you know?

December 12, 2017 2:18 am

Stucky – you are one of the few people who can amend, retain or reject their opinion on something based on the objective observation of facts, reasoned logic and critical thinking.
Most people are dogmatic and stubborn in their opinion, and change only through pain and hardship.
Well done!

December 10, 2017 9:43 am

Stucky, this is actually brilliant, maybe not exactly word for word, but the big truth you are eyeballing here is dead on. It’s not that complicated. Economics is really quite simple, common sense stuff, much in the same way the basic tenets of the Christian faith are. It’s when people start stretching the boundaries that it becomes confusing and murky. Corrupted in other words. The last 25 years have been spent filling our heads with little bits of dogma that go unchallenged by most, and are usually attributed to someone who is dead or should be. Nice work.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
December 10, 2017 9:44 am

Holy crap! I didn’t know you knew anything about religion. But you are definitely on the right page. Not to put religion in a box (as you point out above) but I think it is more proper to say that economics is a division of ethics since it is concerned with values and goods. That is not a profound statement, I know, but it seems this allows more people to think about and discuss economics and in more creative ways than they often do. I find when ‘Murkans discuss economics, they fall into only two or three camps; there are the ‘gibs me dat’ sobs, the fat baby-boomers who are always talking about ‘let the market take care of that’, except, of course, when the ‘market’ does take care of things to their personal detriment, then, it’s all about “The gubment’s got ta do somethin bout jobs.”; yer fukkin pathetic baby-boomer jobs. And then you have the fukkin old ladies of both sexes that are always whining about how we need to use our excess resources to take care of some street-shitter on the other side of the world. That’s about it. If you want to understand economics, reject the university mathematical models, stop thinking economics is only something the “experts” can understand; read about it and think. Don’t just regurgitate what you’ve been told all your miserable ‘Murkan life. Read Adam Smith (fag); read Karl Marx (satan); for God’s sake you should even read that stupid bitch Ayn Rand. The point is that ‘Murkans, because of their own moral and intellectual laziness are every day sold a box of goods and values and they don’t even know what’s in the fukkin’ box. Come on people; you’re better than this.

  Aodh Mor MacRaynall
December 10, 2017 11:28 am

Do our offspring (younger than sixteen) even “read” any more? If it isn’t on You Tube or other video source, would they even bother?

Is that your point, Aodh? Are you, by chance, Irish?

You know my friend Annabanana (one of the McCorry wives?)

December 10, 2017 12:34 pm

“Do our offspring (younger than sixteen) even “read” any more? If it isn’t on You Tube or other video source, would they even bother?”

(forgive as I roll into a rambling maggie rant)

I recall in 1964 knowing a class mate who said he wanted to study computer programming. A unique profession at the time. He was not all that sharp intellectually but was the Junior High School quarterback.

In 1971 I had the best summer job ever. I was among three Emory dental students chosen to help develop computer generated instruction and testing criteria for ‘online curriculum’ for the just commissioned dental school at the University of Florida. They took me, a redneck from the Florida Panhandle (i even have a Sturge-Weber like port wine birthmark on the back of my neck), a Jew from Miami Beach and a geek from Jacksonville – yes, he wore a pocket protector in his shirt pocket and recorded every gallon of gas and mileage that went into his car.

No coding needed but we did work with PhD’s in education instead of the usual dentists who think they know best how to educate. The University had one central printer – a dot matrix machine – where we could pick up copy of our work.

In those days classroom lectures were the best way to gather cloistered knowledge along with a bunch of reading. Today a teen ager could be more informed on any particular subject than a PhD from online education.

As a child, radio music was more enthralling than tv for me. Heck, I remember seeing my first tv in my home circa 1953. I was not impressed with the programming designed for adults. Then in 1955 watching cartoons in Spanish while in Puerto Rico was not interesting either.

I often wonder how not watching tv for the first 7-8 years of your life affects one. Or how being immersed in a digital world from birth affects the young and old.

It is reported comic books are selling better than ever. Partly because of synergy with movies.

ebooks have added to a resurgence of book sales in a non traditional way.

Culture is transmitted various ways. Some value the struggle to learn and some do not.
“For the most part in American culture, intellectual struggle in schoolchildren is seen as an indicator of weakness [or as a sign of low IQ ], while in Eastern cultures it is not only tolerated but is often used to measure emotional strength [with resulting higher IQ/s ? ].”

“We did a study many years ago with first-grade students,” he tells me. “We decided to go out and give the students an impossible math problem to work on, and then we would measure how long they worked on it before they gave up.” ….

…”The American students “worked on it less than 30 seconds on average and then they basically looked at us and said, ‘We haven’t had this,’ ” he says.

But the Japanese students worked for the entire hour on the impossible problem. “And finally we had to stop the session because the hour was up. And then we had to debrief them and say, ‘Oh, that was not a possible problem; that was an impossible problem!’ and they looked at us like, ‘What kind of animals are we?’ ” Stigler recalls.

I am glad to have learned how to internalize information in books early on. I try to transfer the skill to this computer screen filled with screeds.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
December 10, 2017 12:36 pm

Maggie, our offspring didn’t make the world into the shit-hole it is now; they’re just inheriting it. They don’t read because their parents haven’t taught them to read and they haven’t taught them to read because they don’t read themselves. Don’t criticize them for using Jewtube. I use it to great benefit myself. If yer masters ever handed you a better weapon to use against them, I don’t know what it would be except the printing press. Children growing up now get their information from youtube and the like because they only ever saw old fat people getting their information from the likes of that fukkin Bill O’Reilly and the race-traitor Alex Jones. I’ll take Youtube over that garbage any day.

I’m not a plastic paddy if that’s what you’re asking. And I have no idea who these people are you’re referring to.

Tom S.
Tom S.
December 11, 2017 12:48 am

I’ve got theee of them under 16. Two of them read voraciously. The other one only does when she needs to, but Amos up for it by tinkering incessantly.

FWIW most of their Caucasian, Middle Eastern, African, and Asian friends do as well.

December 10, 2017 12:45 pm

Shovel! It is December 12th in Nova Scotia and still not a lick of snow this season. High of 55 today. Ain’t Climate Change Grand.

Maybe it is all about faith…..

December 10, 2017 1:29 pm

Limp Bizkit’s front man Fred Durst once gave his heart away to my neighbors daughter (and likely got some nookie). She now has a good husband and a charming 5 year old daughter who holds hands with my grandson…

The first time I witnessed the power of rebellious youths (angry at their dads kinda kids) was at U of Florida in 1964 when I drove 300 miles with a classmate for an Interact Club function and witnessed rowdy and probably drunken college students celebrate a Gator football game victory. They had to bring out the fire trucks to disperse the crowd.

I like George Michaels version better.

Nookie/Tush could be found in La Grange Texas…I drove through it several years ago. It predated the thing called a rave…

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 10, 2017 10:11 am

This is not capitalism or democracy. It is fascist militaristic bankism.
The Only Things That America is Exceptional at are Fascism, Terrorism, and Corruption – Andrea Iravani

The Only Things That America is Exceptional at are Fascism, Terrorism, and Corruption

December 10, 2017 10:39 am

“Even the American Constitution banishes God’s followers from having any impact on the State.”

Wrong. Eight ratifying States had State religions at the time, and the Constitution says “Congress shall make no laws” to prevent interference in religion, or State religions. Atheistic Justices later perverted the meaning of this Amendment to ban religion.

December 10, 2017 12:55 pm

At the time of the Constitutional Convention, the diplomatic meaning of the word “state” was quite different from our own idea of 50 states. In fact, I have letters from a Virginia ancestor writing to my grandfather congratulating him on his graduation from the University of Missouri with a bachelor’s degree in the science of agriculture. In 1920, Grandpa’s grandaunt wrote to wish him great success in his chosen profession in a more farming suited “country”. I know it said “country” because I asked my father about it when I came across it in my grandmother’s things. He said that his highly educated Ruste of Virginia ancestors considered Virginia its own nation-state. Like Texas is fabled to be. So, when the “Congress shall make no law” is read from the Original Intent perspective, it actually should read closer to “the Nation shall make no law.”

At a point in the 1970s, when gold no longer was needed to back US money and oil became so scarce there were gas lines miles long and oil embargoes and Vietnam and Patty Hearst kidnapping and Watergate and other major social adjustments resultant from the recent tax boom to the economy. It is a pure stroke of luck the tax revenues from the feminist move helped fund the Great Society for a full decade. Does that make sense?

December 10, 2017 1:24 pm

I apologize but my laptop died mid ramble. The point I hoped to make was this and it is profound. Stucky should lookee.

When the American economy became an interchange of money between government and banks rather than true interstate commerce (all intrusions of federal jurisdiction ride in on the “commerce clause” ), state boundary lines blurred. By the early 70s, the locomotive pulling the US economy needed more horsepower. It needed the tax revenue that could be generated by turning women into men.

Except women really were NOT men. But back then, in the 70s, before women were rendered OBSOLETE in the aftermath of US Supreme Court decision Roe v Wade (can elaborate if asked), the economy, partly fueled by an oil boom and bust, shifted dramatically toward becoming a welfare state and all the shifting of block funding from Fed to State does not remove the burden from the TAXPAYER, who has to pay both Peter and Paul.

When Clinton vowed to “end welfare as we know it” in the 90s, it was the image of those single mothers without husbands aka Welfare Queens created by events set in motion in 70s.

December 10, 2017 10:43 am

Reading this article, I immediately noticed that it fit the Global Warming religion perfectly….Whereas many actual religions do allow dissent, doctrinal arguments, and are not authoritarian. The real American religion has proven to be an infinitely powerful State, in which illegal aliens and cops can murder innocents and be acquitted by juries…

December 10, 2017 11:25 am

“Hamsters on a treadmill, stuck in an Endless Loop of existence. Surely, there must be a way to break this cycle. There just MUST be … something never tried before.

What is that something? Surely … someone, somewhere, out there, knows.”

In order to try something new, imo, you have to change human nature.

1) the poor will always be with is.
2) the few will always have most.
3) greed is just as bad as jealousy, they are related.
4) welfare does nothing to curtail the lazy, the low IQ, theft, immorality etc.
5) natural law rules.
6) humans are designed, not unlike any other living thing, to think of him/herself first.
7) IF a thing CAN be done, a man is justified in doing it.
8) get rid of Satan before you can ever expect to get any improvement over anything that has been tried before.

December 10, 2017 11:38 am

Stucky hits another home run on the Lord’s day.

I read through the first four points in the beginning of the article and I thought it was about the Trumpeteers (just kidding) not. Very well done, and I too ask the question why do we keep rolling from era to era making the same mistakes. The lever pullers only have a few scripts and as they play out, people connect the current f**k up to the past and remind us that it has all happened before. The big question is how do you place a stick in the cogs of the machine and stop the never ending system by which the generational .001% get three quarters of the wealth while the sheep fight over the crumbs that are left?

You pointed out that economics are spelled out in the Bible, that God intends ownership of property to be passed down to heirs which is a great point and that goes hand in hand with Common Law/ God’s Law which comes from the OT and STILL STANDS TODAY. Corporate law does not trump Common Law and the sheep should be mindful of this.

When Stucky asked the other day for verses from the Bible to make America great again
(MAGA), I simply answered that the Ten Commandments were all we need to accomplish that goal and Stucky rightly touched on that today. All “isms”, communism/capitalism/fascism etc. are also an economic treatise conjured by the lever pullers and while not perfect, capitalism seems to have the ability to work with God’s Law.

Great job Stucky, thanks.

December 10, 2017 11:49 am

Sorry to tell you this but, the Lord’s day is Saturday not Sunday. The Catholics (Pope) changed it.

December 10, 2017 11:54 am

Wip- I was raised a Baptist in da south so to ME, this is the Lord’s day. Everybody else is on their own. 🙂

December 10, 2017 1:35 pm

Yeah, I didn’t need to post that. Carry on.

December 10, 2017 2:31 pm

Obviously, there is a Catholic Yankee in the community with a itchy downer finger. Can’t please everybody.

December 11, 2017 11:19 am

Stucky- Should you not have waited til I handed over some ideas before you pissed me off? Are you and Star in competition ? Come to KY and meet me, bring Star and his banjo with you. As Billy once said, “Gawd….you people make me crazy”.

December 11, 2017 11:40 am

Star and his banjo?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
December 10, 2017 12:13 pm


Interesting post. Had lunch a few days ago with a good customer of mine who is a real estate developer from out east. We had a discussion about this topic. Commerce, as we know it, is a substitute for warfare in the modern world. It is more competitive than cooperative so given man’s nature, which is corrupt, it has a tendency towards corruption itself. We now use it as a substitute for plundering one another with sticks and stones. Preferable, no doubt, but off the mark somehow.

I think we are more similar to Sisyphus than we would like to admit, that as a species we are caught in an endless loop. Capitalism is preferable to socialism but still ends up in the same place (conflict/death) because as a species our nature is to remain within the loop, always trending or revolving between enlightenment and destruction. The individual can see the problem, the species appears to be stuck.

I will admit at times, that I grow tired of the way things are. I am restless whether times are good or bad. The system is poised for a reset, the cycle moving towards peak corruption once more. There is a better way. We’ll find it eventually but we’ll suffer for it. Then the cycle will start over.

That’s the way I see it.

December 10, 2017 12:35 pm

And some believe that it has always been economics as the search for gold started the whole ball rolling.

December 10, 2017 1:03 pm



December 10, 2017 1:50 pm

Towel and rod of iron? Who can translate?

December 10, 2017 2:09 pm

Maggie- Jo’s point is very BOLD, or is it just me?

December 10, 2017 5:23 pm

Bea… I was just curious to see the terms all intermingled. A rod of iron to poke humanity? A towel to dry off after the bath? As for the sorting, I’m still trying to figure out if that is in a money sense or a Last Judgment sense?

Not really harassing Jo, but think the intent got lost.

If Jo is saying that God will one day soon collect the harvest and sort the wheat from the chaff and beat the tares with a rod of iron, then I get it.

Aodh Mor MacRaynall
Aodh Mor MacRaynall
December 10, 2017 2:35 pm


December 10, 2017 6:28 pm

Another ukulele, no doubt.

December 10, 2017 1:32 pm

I agreed with #1 and #2, at that point you made a left turn and lost me.

Findlay Austin
Findlay Austin
December 10, 2017 1:46 pm

Leviticus 9:9 says that you are to leave the edges of your fields, this was so that the poor may then harvest their own grain. All over the old testament the poor are provided for, but they must work for it, while the rich must not be so greedy. Today it is about the bottom line, so some of the rich want to give paltry offering to the poor while they make their wealth, this will never work.

  Findlay Austin
December 10, 2017 2:22 pm

Bingo Findlay!

The Bible says that they should work for what they get, the modern version of helping the poor has nothing to do with God’s word. The “new” technique for charity is corporate, your company strong arms you to give along with all the other employees (WE need 100% participation) Then the corporation heralds the great charitable works that company has done (?). All the while .gov is stealing the pants off the same schmucks only to hand the money back to the corporations/.001%/Isreal and a small amount to the non-working to insure their vote come next election. We are Waaaay overdue for a house cleaning by da Lord.

  Findlay Austin
December 10, 2017 2:28 pm


In years past when I would speak of God and his bible teaching to my recovering Catholic son his response would always be “What about Leviticus?” Too many allegorical gory stories there for his consideration. So he would use the dictums presented there to reject the bible and Christianity as not relevant today.

“God required Israel to drive out all the inhabitants of the land they were entering, because allowing the Canaanites to live among them would mean allowing these evil spirits to continue their activity. By purging the inhabitants of Canaan, they could get rid of most the demonic activity that dominated the region.

“The book of Leviticus contained a set of rules and regulations that would give Israel a unique identity. This would keep them distinct from the nations round them. Leviticus is all about separation and holiness.”

“The book of Leviticus was given to the people of Israel to shape their lives in the time before Jesus came to earth and changed things forever. The instructions of Leviticus are not mandatory for Christians, as they are not relevant in the modern world.”

“I find it ironic that Christians reject many of the requirements, because they are harsh, yet they want to retain the harsh treatment of homosexuals. A more consistent approach is to accept that all of the laws in Leviticus have been made redundant by the cross.” [And forgiveness afforded by Jesus]

December 10, 2017 2:25 pm

Good article, Stuck.

I’ll just say that what separates me from mainline “right” libertarianism is property. For Randroids, property is inviolable. They like the idea of allodial or the king’s title. Who is above the king? Nobody! (unless the king reports to another king aka. the Persian empire). Allodial property cannot be taxed or regulated in any fashion because their is no higher authority than the title holder. Believe it or not this is the way it used to be in the US. During the colonial period, all property was owned by the english crown, just as it is today in the UK, if only symbolically but in those days it was literal truth. So when the US was established and that link was broken, the kings title became whomever owned the property. How this system ultimately broke down is a subject for another day (Hint, civil war…).

My problem with this is that it encourages the concentration of wealth and is thus immoral. Assume for a moment you are llpoh. You own a manufacturing business. After years you get a case of the fuckits and move your operations to China, then retire to the land of snakes and spiders. Your factory building sits idle, deteriorates and becomes a community eye sore. Because it is paid for and owned by somebody, nothing can be done about it, although the community is still reponsible for things such as fighting some fire that a bum might start, or busting the creeps that may be using it as a rape den.

My belief is that property must be justified by purposeful labor. This was the idea behind the homestead and mining acts…two of the best pieces of legislation ever produced. I think if some entrepreneurial guy or gal fixes up the factory and puts it to good use, then llpoh should forfeit his ownership. I believe in squatters rights. Fuck (this mythical) llpoh and fuck Randroids.

December 10, 2017 9:38 pm

Zara. That’s a good post. If you didn’t personalize it by including Llpoh, it would have been a really great post. Not defending Llpoh, he is able to take care of himself, but the c***suckers you’re talking about are far more Randian than he will ever be. I’ve had long back and forth with him on these subjects, he tends to favor a civil society without starving people. But under harsh terms (starfck- give them bread. Llpoh- give them FLOUR. I’ll never forget that one) The Paul Ryan’s of the world would look at the starving and say they deserve it. I’m in favor of the estate tax, not a popular position around here. One of those dogmatic sales jobs that has been foisted upon the general population when in fact the estate tax is the only thing standing between us and hereditary oligarchy. Yet every dip**** in the world will stand up and tell you why it’s immoral. It’s immoral to let staggering wealth passed from generation to generation. Ever played Monopoly? It’s fun till somebody wins. But your can’t can’t play again until you redistribute the money. You can set the estate tax so high the only people it would affect would only be in the dozens. We don’t do kings and princes in the United States. The second generation is almost always f*** ups. Let them go out and do something useful.

i forget
i forget
December 11, 2017 12:15 pm

Why would Paul Ryan, political hack\r (fix is in via color of law) scumbag, be a cite?

“It’s fun til somebody wins” could be a bumper sticker on the ass end of those Subarus I see with the “Bernie for president” ones.

Monopolies are Frankenstein creatures of “law.” Without those color-codified scaffolds & armor, they would not be. More precisely, the attempts would be short-lived.

But…monopoly of force is just too compelling; most everybody wants it. So, coloring book salesgangs have amazon, tesla, valuations.

Here’s a dogmatic that don’t hunt: holding variables constant in models made of the same thing modelers feet are made of :: clay. Would it were more Cassius Clay footwork. But it just isn’t. Butterflies & bees are in worldwide decline while ones pin-drilled fast & curated in glass cases are stacked to the warehouse ~ countries ~ rafters.

Everything moves. Can’t step into the same stream twice. Or even once. Color of law is the coward’s attempt at stopping movement – the would be hereditary oligopolists strategy. AND the strategy of would be opposition to oligopoly – so they maintain. Buncha beavers. Buncha groundhog days. But even color of law merely slows down movement. Even swamps move, sheeting action.

Ozymandias is gone – long live Ozymandias. It’s so simple, so obvious, but the quaking ass-pens, full of envy & malice & Nurse Ratched control freakiness can’t stand chips falling where may. Gotta’ “systematize” – institutionalize – chip placement.

And no matter how many times in a row this venality turns everything into cow chips, they can’t help themselves but to do the same thing. Again. & again. & again. Once more into the rectal marsupial breach, dear friends, my as is feelin’ hollow.

When I was younger, breathed excess fire, I was angered by the fellowman surround. Age & perspective, less fire-breathing, more laughter now. And that’s better. Because it is what it is. And refusal to accept reality is windmill tilting. Cray cray crustaceans – water bugs & red lobster franchises from see (nope, blind) to shining see (as in holy catholic – talk about color of law booty amassment – batman…or buttman).

December 10, 2017 2:26 pm

This piece is quite profound, Stuck. I very much appreciated the OIKOS-as-god construct and will be thinking about it over time, for sure.

As long as people are alive, they have the need for trade. This means, while mankind exists, the economy will never die. By that definition then, OIKOS is eternal; which seems to correspond with what Jehovah God is credited to have claimed in ancient scripture. Some even believe it was Lucifer, reigning by way of the King of Tyre, who was being addressed in the Book of Ezekiel, chapter 28:

In the pride of your heart you say, ‘I am a god; I sit on the throne of a god; in the heart of the seas.’ But you are a mere mortal and not a god, though you think you are as wise as a god…. Is no secret hidden from you? By your wisdom and understanding you have gained wealth for yourself and amassed gold and silver in your treasuries. By your great skill in trading you have increased your wealth, and because of your wealth your heart has grown proud….

You were on the holy mount of God; you walked among the fiery stones. You were blameless in your ways from the day you were created till wickedness was found in you. Through your widespread trade you were filled with violence, and you sinned.

In any case, it appears wealth, pride, widespread trade and violence have been around for a long time.

But is consumerism the void that must be filled? In the words of Nancy Sinatra: “Is that all there is?” Can man, indeed, live by bread alone?

Regardless, it appears OIKOS-the-Economic has the power to both bless and curse. The Beatles said “love is all there is”, and the Christian New Testament claims “the love of money is the root of all kinds of evil”.

Definitely, much to unpack there in your very poignant and thought-provoking piece.

Truly, what good is a Fourth Turning and economic reset without a plan? What comes next, after the forthcoming fall? It has been reported that one-third of today’s millennial generation prefer communism over capitalism and the snowflake generation considers socialism a safe space.

Perhaps collectivism seeks salvation in man whereas another type of God blesses (by way of OIKOS) through Adam Smith’s invisible hand. Or maybe OIKOS is simply an instrument that delivers what man deserves during any given cycle.

So what will the next round look like? Subject to the will of OIKOS, the future could either be the Jetsons, or, cashless and monetized by the remaining human capital and natural resources of mankind’s gray earth.

Which will it be? Star Trek generations? Or 1984?

Place your bets folks, but remember, as the world turns, things can often spin out of control thus creating devastating indebtedness and losses of great magnitude:

[imgcomment image[/img]

December 10, 2017 5:03 pm

I am just an avid reader with an open mind, Stuck. Your OIKOS transcends my meager references to Sisyphus last week in so many ways. Truth is, even before my first ever TBP post, I was inspired by your fearless curiosity, honesty, and sardonic whimsy. From ancient castles to war machines, from Noah’s Ark to copfuks and perishing Procyon lotors; I am always waiting to see what you will regale your readers with next. I know it goes without saying, but I’m a fan.

December 10, 2017 5:32 pm

I’m glad you saw my advice about how flattery goes a long way with Stucky. You already knew that about the coyote.

December 11, 2017 8:00 am

NO! Not cheap. High quality. We are talking “executive” level whore.

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
December 11, 2017 12:40 am

I just want to say that as far as I can tell both of you are stepping up your game. This is great as it makes TBP a much more interesting place. I think of TBP as what we used to have in the neighborhood bar. There we could talk about anything our drunk little minds cared to consider. Now you can only carry on these discussions at a few places and this is one of the best…thanks to your considerable efforts.

Thank you all.

December 10, 2017 4:34 pm

If only god would send a kinsman redeemer to pay our debts and save us.

December 10, 2017 5:30 pm

You sure know how to spread Cheer and Optimism at Christmas.

i forget
i forget
December 10, 2017 7:03 pm

Religion’s one of the parasites. Economy – the emergent sum of individuals’ efforts – is the host.

Nihilism & make-believe, cultural or otherwise, is a false dichotomy. Which is the favorite kind.

Humanimals, mostly, love a vacuum. That “giant sucking sound” too – so long as the suck is in the right direction.

How is mortality a moral dilemma? How is soothing make-believe moral?

Ivan, you dumbass. Gods everywhere & when have not only coexisted with “permission granted” – those fictional deus ex machinas have been used to justify the licentiousness. Revisit lampooner Twain’s war prayer, for example.

Zero sum’s dumb. But not as dumb as “in less than 100 years” __________ will happen. Which doesn’t stop wholesale efforts at erecting zsum cages, nor nostradumassing. Extend the prehensile reprehensible pretend, indeed.

Capitalism is an unknown ideal. Pragmatic humanimal never has, never will, go for that…or any other ideal. Shortcuts to the short time preference are what’s compelling. Little kids in the marshmallow experiment grow up to be little kids in the marshmallow experiment. It is indeed what it is.

I want to believe…there’s the Sisyphus boulder, the millstone, the albatross, & the cement galoshes. And the x(ring marks the spot)–files. Bulls eyes & pecu-people & CAFOikos – oh, my!

Ozymandias & Harriet just keep making those marshmallow gobblers…whether you can accept those limitations, or not. It’s feature, not bug.

Well the deputy walks on hard nails
And the preacher rides a mount…(he sure do)

Would that it were. But mostly, it isn’t:

  i forget
December 11, 2017 8:42 am

I forget, because of you I remember – Rodney’s name resonates with my love of country music. I have seen his name on album credits more than many others.

I was unaware of his song you posted. Great lyrics with Crowell, he crows~well, as are your posts, even the ones I cannot decipher.

“let’s have fun dancin’ circles round the sun”

circles and light theme again.


Diffident, indolent, reticent, shirking the heart’s infamous past
Knowing too well what troubled heaven was not meant to last
Mindful engagement sublimes bereft of complicated math
No key combines to unlock to-morrows’ shrouded path
Stammering silence flees from eclipsed memories
Funeral for those un-virtue’d absent miseries
To-days’ play scrawled across this marquee
Creating endless circles floating free
In the fifth dimension
Blushing crimson

July 16, 2009

i forget
i forget
December 11, 2017 11:56 am

“No key combines to unlock to-morrows’ shrouded path… Creating endless circles floating free”

Good stuff.

Stoics in “the west,” similar in other directions, are the Mr.’s bigstuff.

But, as said, fluffy marshmallow stuff is the more preferable calories. And one now – right now – is better than delaying gratification a bit & having two. Reverse compound interest. Bad leverage. Too big to fail & it’s perfect dance partner too small to succeed.

Wanting to believe is about as far away from wanting to know as can be got. Antonym’s curiosity, aeSOPs grasshoppers. Maybe call that nervous system configuration the sigh•entific method actorman. Because sighs are what it generates. Among other despondencies & exsanguinations. Doing the same thing over & over & wanting to believe – hopium – in different results is how house of man is wired. It’s code. Mostly.

free your inner mr. big….. schumpeter drumming…demolition can be creative…

tilt, Quixote, tilt…pins balls indeed : game over (no matter what the matrix is beaming into those brains)….

December 11, 2017 12:33 pm

That dood must be related to RE.

i forget
i forget
December 11, 2017 12:52 pm

Stuck…assuming you’re not exaggerating…one question – answered to clarify – at a time would probably decode by Christmas. If not sooner. Awhile after that you prolly wouldn’t need the decoder ring anymore.

We are all related, Zara, but who is RE?

  i forget
December 11, 2017 12:57 pm

RE = Reverse Engineer. A dood who used to hang out here.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 10, 2017 9:10 pm

Paul Ryan Challenger Tells NY Post Writer to “Eat a Bullet” – Andrea Iravani

Paul Ryan Challenger Tells NY Post Writer to “Eat a Bullet”

  Andrea Iravani
December 10, 2017 9:21 pm

That’s right Andrea, lift your leg and put your mark on yet another post.

Nothing to do with the topic, not responding to other comments, just spraying your (shitty) blog links all over the site.

December 11, 2017 2:59 am

You say you don’t know much about economics. You’re right.
Confusing what passes for economic thought today vs what economics actually is, is what gets the unprepared and ignorant in trouble.
Economics today is a product of big money paying University of Chicago to push the neoliberal creed.
Economics in the past was about studying how the real world worked and to try and fix the less beneficial behaviors.
As for democracy/capitalism bringing more people out of poverty: that’s true only if you consider Communist China democratic and capitalist. Which is to say, a lie.

melvin keeney
melvin keeney
December 11, 2017 7:11 am

It is pretty simple really. You have to eliminate psychopaths. No matter what system you try to install it will eventually be taken over by psychopaths. They have no moral handcuffs that prevent them from doing immoral acts. They get things done as long as you don’t care how. So after they get control of whatever system is in place there is complete corruption. People see the rule of law doesn’t apply to them so why should it apply to me? So until you prevent them from taking control, yes you are rolling a stone up the hill.

December 11, 2017 10:27 am

If I was God and I wanted people to know that I was real I would have inspired people thousands of years ago to predict future events. Then when the events came to pass the people living in that time would know that I was real.

Revelation 13:14-15, worshipping the image of the beast.

Ezekiel 43:1–5, Christ returning to a 3rd Temple.

Trump’s Jerusalem declaration sparks talk of 3rd Temple

December 11, 2017 11:16 am

After reading the prophets on Zero Hedge and The Burning Platform I think Oikos will soon judge the U.S. and maybe the whole world.

December 11, 2017 11:24 am

I thought that was a yogurt…

December 11, 2017 1:27 pm


When I first read this Stucky I thought it would be a stretch to connect religion with economics. But further thoughts and I realize that they are one in the same. You’re right, it is a confidence game that always promises a tomorrow. Only question being whether it will be redemption or retribution.

The use of faith is what underpins them both.
And it is the definition of insanity to wait for the crash and expect better next time.
So when does it end or is it Turtles all the way down.

December 12, 2017 8:27 am

Noted. I had my eyes dilated yesterday, measured and tested in preparation for cataract removal, proving I am an old lady, my hour come round at last, slouching toward elderly.

December 11, 2017 2:37 pm

#8. “It is mostly faith based”. No, religion is all faith based. An honest money is the driver of an honest economy. Granted, some regulations may be needed to quell those who find the greedy loopholes, but an exchange of goods and services aided by honest money runs rather smoothly. When the king corrupts the value of the coin, the economy attempts to adjust and will adjust until it can no longer function as an economy. The outcome of corruption? We are all about to witness the finale first-hand. In the mean-time, we all use the corrupted money as best we can. What in religion can be compared to honest money? Honest money is real or backed by something real. There is no faith of unseen things involved in an honest economy, value is traded for value. What is the value for value exchange of religion? Faith for heaven? Your undertaking is flawed, you’re comparing need with want.

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
December 11, 2017 3:54 pm

The Incompetency of Wisconsin’s Local and State Governments – Andrea Iravani

The Incompetency of Wisconsin’s Local and State Governments

Andrea Iravani
Andrea Iravani
  Andrea Iravani
December 11, 2017 4:37 pm

..Silicon Valley Headquarters Use Unsecured Websites – Andrea Iravani

Muck About
Muck About
December 11, 2017 4:35 pm

Not a shabby post, Stuck.. Trying to explain economics religiously (or is it the other way around) is a very novel take on the subject.

I am setting the post aside (I do that with very few posts) to re-read and think about without fretting when it will vanish into Post-Hell…

Try writing one now about economics without the religious links and see if there are any differences..
