Schiff Democrat Memo

Via Branco

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February 8, 2018 9:21 am

Enough of the memos. It is time for some REAL open records action.

c’mon Qanon… drop the goods.

February 8, 2018 9:38 am

Is this “Schiff” related to the Jacob Schiff who financed the bolshevik revolution??

February 8, 2018 11:29 am

All Jews are Bolsheviks in Their hearts . Many Jewish Elders will admit Judaism is best expressed in Marxism.They rejected ” The Christ ” who is Logos in the flesh.This is why Jews worship all this vile shit.As the apostle Paul said the Jews are the enemies of all mankind.Google it.

February 8, 2018 12:01 pm

They are getting desperate now. Today’s headlines say things like:

“George W. Bush: There’s clear evidence Russia ‘meddled’ in 2016 election” (Politico)
“George W. Bush: Russia Definitely Meddled in the 2016 Election”” (Daily Beast)
“George W. Bush: ‘Clear evidence Russians meddled’ in election” (USA Today).

Then when you actually read the stories, the man said that there is “pretty clear evidence that the Russians meddled” in the election.

I don’t know about you, but ‘clear’ and ‘pretty clear’ do not mean the same thing, so USA Today and Politico get a failing grade already for omitting the word ‘pretty’. Then Daily Beast has to go even farther from the truth and change ‘pretty clear’ into definitely.

All three of these articles offer zero insight into what the actual evidence might be. There is nothing in them at all but a headline designed to influence the small minded.

Fuck them all. Either provide the evidence or shut the fuck up.

Also, who came up with the idea that they should all lead with very similar headlines? Are we supposed to believe that three journalists independently came up with the idea to start their headline with “George W. Bush:”? The rot is so deep in this country. Where is the investigation into the collusion among the media and their inability or unwillingness to create factual headlines and stories?

The more I see how Trump pisses off and scares the shit out of the deep state the more I like him. I still think he is a bluffoon, but looks like I may have to change my mind and just think of him as a buffoon since it doesn’t appear that he is bluffing. I hope he can continue the work he is doing and survive long enough to see it through. Six months ago I was convinced he had no idea of what he was up against, but now I think he knows exactly what he is up against and yet still chooses to fight.