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February 11, 2018 8:33 am

I likey. Thanks, made my day.

Payback is a bitch!

The Last Mile
The Last Mile
February 11, 2018 10:39 am

Can only hope this really happened

February 11, 2018 12:10 pm

during the fall of ’16 while the prez campaign was going on there was a video going around about a guy who electrified his signs after having to replace them multiple times–
it was entertaining to see the culprit doing the shock dance–
good post indecent–

February 11, 2018 1:32 pm

Yet another case of evil paying itself. If you just left well enough alone, you wouldn’t end up with punctured tires. Heard a story once about a guy who had his mailbox smashed in driveby “mailbox baseball” attacks, so he replaced it with a steel beam made to look like wood. I can only imagine the surprise when they tried to hit it again.

February 11, 2018 1:56 pm

I lived for years on a fairly remote farm. The local teenagers got on a kick of trashing mailboxes with jacked up, stomper trucks. I was included in the fun. Threw old box and post away. Welded a box out of half inch plate, mounted on heavy well pipe, buried in 4 yards of concrete. Painted the roof red and the rest white. Looked like a big bird house. Couple of weeks later, cops and a tow truck came to remove a badly damaged , high centered truck from its’ perch. Cop offered to press charges. I laughed it off and reset the trap

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
February 11, 2018 2:04 pm

During the election a friend of mine had a couple of gigantic Trump signs in the middle of a big hay field at the juncture of two state highways. Someone tore them down the first night so back he went and put them up again only this time he took a bunch of used axle grease and mixed in a fair amount of iron savings from his shop and broken glass for good measure. He applied it liberally all along the frame and posts of the sign. He called me up a couple of days later and told me that you could see the hand prints from where they had tried to grab it and pull it back down before they discovered what they’d grabbed onto and left.

I don’t understand what prompts some people to wreck other people’s stuff, but I certainly get the desire to make them pay for their efforts.

  hardscrabble farmer
February 12, 2018 10:48 am

I don’t get it, either, but I think it’s something in the mentality of these libtards. They really approach the world from a childish state of mind where even the sight of a single dissenter drives them into hysterics.

February 11, 2018 2:07 pm


I will add this to the Baby Steps thread:

You can drive nails through 2X6’s spaced out and leave them nails into the ground off to the side of your home, barn, chicken coop root cellar etc. Also stack bails of pine straw or what ever cover is appropriate for your geography.

When the SHTF deploy the portable punji defense and cover it!

About a 100 years ago (at least that’s how it feels) I used to teach a class on avoiding and detecting the above.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 11, 2018 9:18 pm

Those are the traps the Vietnamese used to cover with fecal matter for U.S. soldiers, if I remember correctly. Nasty.

February 11, 2018 2:52 pm

I recall a picture of a Bernie sign with half missing and a note which says something like:
“I took half your sign because you had one and I didn’t. I’m sure you understand.”

Bernie Sanders Sign Defaced in Illinois – Vandals Leave Message

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
February 11, 2018 9:22 pm

What would be bad for this woman is if she’s a feminist and she had to have her tire changed by a man. She could end up banned from the sisterhood – or ze-hood or they-hood or whatever.