Attention Bigfoot

Has anyone seen Bigfoot?

No, seriously. Has anyone seen him?

He won the


If you’re reading get a hold of JQ and we’ll ship your prize.

Email JQ at [email protected]


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February 28, 2018 10:27 am

I haven’t seen Bigfoot, but I love prizes. I would be happy to accept his award on his behalf and give a speech.

February 28, 2018 10:29 am

What a tangled web we weave, Maggoo. Hypocrite much?
You used your Pa’s monicker.
Lee Chen

February 28, 2018 11:21 am


February 28, 2018 12:13 pm

Oops, I thought it was your dad who wrote that post office blog, wore size 13 shoes. Planted a cornfield. Had two daughters. One of them strangely never mentioned except in passing, as in, my older sister…

Pa, the counterpart to Ma.

Maggie's Paws
Maggie's Paws
February 28, 2018 2:19 pm

Actually, my father wore size 14 quadruple E shoes. And the column was “From the Himmel Post Office…” which was actually a post office he dragged down to the farm when I was about 10. I thought it was to be a play house for me.

It was a play office for him. When he wasn’t “farming” he liked to stoke up the old wood stove and read his collection of old newspaper articles and write commentary about a wide variety of issues.

People in the local area claimed to love his “column” and when he stopped contributing to the paper, the owner called and asked him to resume due to complaints from people claiming my father’s column was the only reason they subscribed to the paper. To some extent, I think that might have been true, but I suspect many of them just liked the pictures and read his little “articles” and thought to themselves “That guy sure can write. I wonder what it all means?”

I probably know what it all means.

That is why when “the older sister” declared she was undertaking self-publishing the collection of his articles, I opted to steer clear of the enterprise. I hope she got her investment back; there is a niche market for his writings in the local community, but many of the columns are linked to local history and folklore and do not translate easily.

Without being too snarky, I will post a few images and let you enjoy the amateur work on the “book.” I did a search and there are some used copies for sale… I probably have a couple of them I’d sell. Even my own copy, which is signed, dated and has a note to his “youngest daughter” could be parted with, if the price was right!

I’m from Missouri… Show me! (the $)

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This one is really, really, really funny. They hired an “editor” to type and index the collection. Apparently, the “editor” was unfamiliar with the idea that “THE” should be considered invisible in a title, as far as indexing goes.

There are several pages of “Titles” beginning with T. The bound book is almost 400 pages, but I can’t imagine paying $75 being asked online. However, my personal, signed copy? I’ll sell it for a thousand dollars. The other copies I have are negotiable. I think the “older sister” sold them for $25.

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  Maggie's Paws
February 28, 2018 3:09 pm

You always have innarestin stories, Maggita!

February 28, 2018 3:38 pm

I come from interesting stock.

February 28, 2018 5:48 pm

Here’s another you will like. Found in a box of pictures and memorabilia I’m sorting through to either “do something with it” or burn. Quite a bit is being burnt.

I do come across some “gems.”

Talk about a story! My uncle died of polio in 1950, I think, at age 14, a couple of days after swimming in this very ditch or one very much like it connected nearby. In the Mississippi floodplain, many thousands of miles of drainage ditches were bulldozed into the region by the Little River Drainage Project, a federal project which probably exceeded the TVA initiative, which was also a federal project to tame the environment of the interior in ways which would be deemed impossible today. This changed the landscape here from swampland to the agricultural mecca it is today, with some of the farmers in the region farming land in their family for a hundred years, my own family included, though our farm isn’t typical of the region. As you might grasp… my father was extra-ordinary, eccentric and some even might say, weird.

My maternal uncle, whom I never met, is on the left side the bank. I think he is the young man who seems to be texting. Can you imagine how many of those children would be in protective custody for safety issues and the lack of shoes? This image was made, according to my grandmother’s handwriting, in 1949 and the uncle died a few months later after swimming with friends. None of them caught polio. My mother was 18, soon to marry my father, who took the photo. No, that is NOT her crack you can see and no, I do not know if that is why he took the photo. My mother is more likely to be up on the hillside, close to the road. She was twelve years younger than my father.

I think you and I should write a story about crossing rivers… one from your point of view and one from mine, using this as our illustration. C’mon… whatcha got to lose except your good name, which nobody around here has known from comment to comment for several months, if not years. As a matter of fact, I’m not even positive I’m even talking to you, Me Hoe. I am not sure I’ve managed to follow your transition into this new persona you are creating.

So, we’ll call it EC and Mags Collaborate on the Rio or something similarly clever and punny. I won’t even bring up the Cuban. What do you say? We can write it right HERE or we could go offline via email.

We could discuss current events as if seen through the eyes of you, I and a few of these country bumpkins (ironically photographed by a man just returned from POW status in Japan) who’d won the war against communism abroad only to bring its evil twin, progressive socialism, to the homeland.

We could also invite the tadpole… he is quite the metaphorical dream weaver.

*Once in a while I throw out a titillating little factoid to see if I get a nibble.

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Maggie's Paws
Maggie's Paws
March 1, 2018 12:39 am

Nada… not even a nibble. I guess I’ll have a beer and go to bed.

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March 1, 2018 9:35 am

You can get my email from Admin, Maggoo. give me a week to check it, I have 8,000 in the queue.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
February 28, 2018 10:50 am

I took a picture.
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  Iska Waran
February 28, 2018 11:12 am

I anticipated some time ago that she would be running. The captured media is now promoting the idea.
Lee Chen

February 28, 2018 11:24 am

At least remind us of his entry…..

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
February 28, 2018 2:07 pm

Lets not discuss why or how i happened to be in a ditch at 3a.m. imitating a bigfoot, but only one car drove by and saw me, and within 48 hours like ten people claimed to have seen a bigfoot, one sighting of me carrying a deer over my shoulder. True bigfootish story.

  Martin brundlefly
February 28, 2018 3:07 pm

Marty, apparently you won something. No other Sasquatch has come forward.
Maggoo doesn’t count, she was trying to impersonate her dad for filthy lucre, SMH.

February 28, 2018 5:30 pm

If Bigfoot doesn’t step forward, who was #2 in the count?

I was pretty high up there for awhile but got some thumbs-down, too. But FM said the thumbs down don’t count

Maggie's Paws
Maggie's Paws
  Francis Marion
February 28, 2018 7:01 pm

Tell me it isn’t a Buck knife? I would have tried harder.

  Francis Marion
February 28, 2018 10:20 pm

Probably good for skinnin’ coons..

  Francis Marion
February 28, 2018 7:15 pm

We must ban 2X4’s, they are a gateway weapon. Next, he’ll want a buck-knife, a machete and then who knows?

  Francis Marion
March 1, 2018 4:57 am

Francis, don’t forget to include a penny for Stucky to give back to you lest you sever the relationship!

March 1, 2018 1:18 am

I don’t know if I’m surprised or not that Ann Barnhardt has been put on a “list”… I bet she’s on a lot of lists.

Zay’ve gott eine kleine liszte, I’m on eine kleine liszte!

However, she linked a song that is a GEM.