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March 12, 2018 8:16 pm

Well done!

March 12, 2018 8:39 pm

The video. Pretty god damn funny, but Breitbart says it was in Brazil. Either way, what a dumb shit. Don’t fuck around like that down here. You never know who is armed. When I’m out in public, I assume there always 25% or more of the people carrying (I always am). Figure at least twice that has one in their car, and damn near everyone has one in their house.

March 12, 2018 9:43 pm

It’s probably bullshit. Texans prefer to use their Texas-themed mega-pickup trucks as weapons on the least in Dallas.

While we’re on the subject of texas, it’s time for a couple of jokes.

1) What do you call a hat on a pair of boots? A Texan with the shit kicked out of him.
2) What’s the difference between a Coonass and a Dumbass? The Sabine River. (you gotta be a local to appreciate it).

March 12, 2018 11:34 pm

Zara. Just Priceless. Those will get Rhs Jr’s panties bunched up.

March 12, 2018 10:10 pm

When criminals know that the number of folks POSSIBLY carrying is high enough to make anything they are thinking of doing, not worth doing, EVERYONE will have won….even those who choose not to carry. Sadly the anti-freedom types don’t even understand that they too will benefit, regardless of their hatred for guns and freedom.

March 13, 2018 12:57 am

Here in Colombia my friends from Venezuela told me that 10-15 years ago in Venezuela they would drench them in gasoline and set them on fire right in the street. The place got cleaned up for a short time at least. Hoping Colombia incorporates that system as well, we definitely need it.

Vixen Vic
Vixen Vic
March 13, 2018 1:26 am

One of the best videos I’ve seen in a long time.

March 14, 2018 12:36 pm

Looks authentic imo.
Bottom vid looks like the defender on the far left was the first to fire, in text book tactic. Scoots around the display rack to gain cover, & shoots over the top when the perp is distracted. Audio is weak, so can’t hear how many rounds are fired. 2?Looks like the other 3 draw after the perp is already down.
Seems the perps look for speed and element of surprise.
Situational awareness is vital if survival is desired.
Always observe others, especially in Cooper’s described yellow and orange potential danger environments.
That convenience store went from yellow to red in a heartbeat.
Good outcome. The stopper obviously had plenty of practice, & had VG accuracy because of it. Like.