“He’s afraid of what happened to Martin Luther King Jr. And I know from a good friend who was there when it happened, that at a small dinner with progressive supporters – after these progressive supporters were banging on Obama before the election, ‘Why don’t you do the things we thought you stood for?’

Obama turned sharply and said, ‘Don’t you remember what happened to Martin Luther King Jr.?’ That’s a quote, and that’s a very revealing quote.”

Ray McGovern, former CIA analyst for Russian affairs

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April 4, 2018 8:22 am

And I think that at a certain moment Trump was told to remember what happened to JFK!

April 4, 2018 8:45 am

This should come as no shock to TBPer’s. In fact it was previously explained a decade ago by an insider, John Perkins who wrote “Confessions of an Economic Hit-man”. You play ball with the owners like obummer, w, bubba and the other lackeys did and live the life of a Roman emperor with enough dough to last 10 lifetimes or you resist like JFK and have your brains exposed to the open air. Such is where democrazy has led us.

Vote, my ass.

Steve C
Steve C
April 4, 2018 9:09 am

“…I have this feeling man, ’cause you know, it’s just a handful of people who run everything, you know … that’s true, it’s provable. It’s not … I’m not a fucking conspiracy nut, it’s provable. A handful, a very small elite, run and own these corporations, which include the mainstream media.

I have this feeling that whoever is elected president, like Clinton was, no matter what you promise on the campaign trail – blah, blah, blah – when you win, you go into this smoke-filled room with the twelve industrialist capitalist scum-fucks who got you in there.

And you’re in this smoky room, and this little film screen comes down … and a big guy with a cigar goes, “Roll the film.” And it’s a shot of the Kennedy assassination from an angle you’ve never seen before … that looks suspiciously like it’s from the grassy knoll.

And then the screen goes up and the lights come up, and they go to the new president, “Any questions?” “Er, just what my agenda is.” “First we bomb Baghdad.” “You got it …” — Bill Hicks

April 4, 2018 12:22 pm

…because Obama was so ignorant of the machinations of D.C. that it all came as a big shock when his hillbilly midwestern ass showed up on the steps of the White House. yup