FYI. Q Team has posted this evening:

POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

Two days ago T4C breathlessly posted the above info on the previous Q thread. I decided to assess this clear and concise prediction that something big was going to happen on Thursday. How else could you interpret this post by the mysterious insider – Q? The word PRAY clearly meant that an earth shattering event was going to happen on Thursday. Right?

I was going to give the Q-tippers the benefit of the doubt and watch the news on Thursday for something really really big. I waited and waited and waited. The stock market went up. The usual trade war blather with China. Trump said he was building the wall for the 5,000th time, even though it is not getting built. He attacked Bezos again. There was absolutely no big earth shattering news. None. Nada. Zip. What was I supposed to pray for?

So now I’m wondering.

Was POTUS up all night with the shits?

Was POTUS up all night banging Melania?

Was POTUS up all night watching a Stormy Daniels porn marathon on PornHub?

Was POTUS up all night playing 3D chess with Q?

I’m sure I’ve missed something that the Q-tippers will surely enlighten me about, because I’m clearly a dullard and can’t comprehend the deep deep nature of these Q posts. Did Trump use tippy top again in a sentence? Did he form his fingers into a secret message?

How do the acolytes of Q read this bullshit on a daily basis and then not judge what was said by the factual info that follows. Please tell me what happened on Thursday that required prayer and kept Trump up all night?

Sound of fucking crickets.

Let the outrage from the Q-tippers begin because I dared to assess an actual Q post.

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hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 9:08 am

Run a Google search on 578cDT324-45785sd4DMP. (From the most recent Q post.). Google returns no results.

Now do the same search at DuckDuckGo.com

If Q is a LARP, why would Google censor discussion around their postings?

Probably because they care a lot about us and wouldn’t want people to become distracted by a LARP in his mommy’s basement.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 6, 2018 9:37 am

Your problem is that you’re counting time in Earth days. When Q said “tomorrow”, that referred to a Venus day – which is about 225 Earth days. It’s obvious, really.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 9:54 am

I do not think that Q is a prognostication tool. I don’t think it is meant to tell us about future events. I do not believe it is a random LARP by some guy on his laptop.

I do think it is a psyops developed by an intelligence agency/operative with direction from a highly placed source either within the current Administration, the Deep State or some foreign agency within the US intended to disrupt and demoralize one or more groups that follow it. I do believe that it is effective in sowing discord- just look at this place as an example- creating divisions and unsettling people that work within the system due to their past behaviors. Clearly they have access to some degree of intel, they certainly are conversant with more than a cursory knowledge of SIGINT, PsyOps, internal government communications and the human resources angle- they know their shit.

I don’t know if the 4chan/8chan/pol aspect was intentional (I believe it was) in order to channel or focus that particular skill set or if it is some form of open platform recruiting tool of an intelligence agency to scout out new prospects and discover who has potential for similar types of operations.

I don’t think the who is as important as the why. It may be a precursor to finding some way to throttle the Internet- maybe as a part of a pincer movement along with the social media drive to shut out and isolate dissent. I don’t personally trust Trump or his administration as they have been proven to be incapable of keeping their word and this may very well be part of a clandestine operation to find anyone and everyone with a pulse who may throw a wrench in the bigger plan, whatever that may be. We may all be part of a much bigger scam to radicalize the Progressives in order to turn them into a new Cheka and to turn up the heat on what’s left of the Heritage Americans in order to start a shooting war so they can come down with both boots and not only disarm us, but silence all dissent.

No one knows except the perps and they are clearly toying with people for a reason.

Again, if it is a single person doing it for fun then they are extremely adept at keeping themselves concealed, they must have advanced skills in Tor/VPN/security and they clearly don’t seem to worry about the blowback coming their way should they be discovered by the powerful people they/he keeps poking his/its finger at. Maybe it’s a disgruntled former or current intel agent/cell that hasn’t been able to crack through the glass ceiling and is trying to make a point about his/their efficacy and skill.

That Google is deliberately suppressing searches for Q related posts is an indication that it’s a tad more than the pimple faced FPS whiz in the basement, but then maybe Google doesn’t really know what they’re doing and the algorithms/web crawlers is just a big load of BS. Except that it isn’t because we know what they can do when they want to manipulate search results for a reason.

What do I know, I’m just a farmer.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 10:20 am

That’s a lot like telling people not to look at an eclipse because it may damage their retinas.

It’s interesting. It shows some degree of insider knowledge. It is upsetting the kinds of people who deserve to be upset. It is being deliberately suppressed by the people who help you find things for a living. It is acting as an agent of Socratic dialogue in a generation of people who have never heard of Socrates. It is an open platform on a world wide web that that is growing more restrictive and less open every day. Anyone can join in and add their two cents without being demonetized, deleted, shadow banned or terminated for TOS violations that may or may not even exist. It has gotten people to actually start debates with those who see things differently so that people are able to formulate their thoughts into something resembling intelligent discourse. He hasn’t been doxxed yet, an almost certain improbability for an amateur. It reads like a Le Carre novel in real time. It is being completely ignored by the very people it talks about, something that NEVER happens in this culture. It called out one of the most reprehensible and loathsome people in D.C. (Tony Podesta) and within the month his once powerful and successful lobbying firm was tits up and NO ONE SEEMS TO KNOW WHY or even feign curiosity about it.

I could probably come up with another ten or twenty reasons why it’s worthy of note, but those seem fairly rational and logical to me. And once more, for the umpteenth time, if it is a LARP by some millennial with an over active imagination, then get that guy a contract with Hollywood because it’s way better than any of the drama they squeeze out these days.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 10:37 am

“If it is a patriot, they would have already Seth Rich’d him.”

That is an astute observation.

Hammer's Thor
Hammer's Thor
April 6, 2018 3:49 pm

Q: I have no powers. Q the ordinary.
PICARD: Q the liar. Q the misanthrope.
Q: Q the miserable. Q the desperate. What must I do to convince you people?
WORF: Die.
Q: Oh, very clever, Worf. Eat any good books lately?

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
  hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 11:20 am

“It has gotten people to actually start debates with those who see things differently so that people are able to formulate their thoughts into something resembling intelligent discourse.”

That description sounds suspiciously like another place on the web I’m familiar with.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
  Francis Marion
April 6, 2018 11:40 am

“I do believe that it is effective in sowing discord- just look at this place as an example- creating divisions and unsettling people that work within the system due to their past behaviors.”

He’s a plain-spoken farmer.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 7:13 pm

If the 2018 election has come and gone and none of today’s current politicians have been purged then the notion of Q is indeed bullshit. It would be studied as a modern day cargo cult.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 9:21 am

Hmm, it is interesting that the “premiere” search engine can’t find something. But it would seem Q’s credibility is rather, shall we say, shittier than shit.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 3:55 pm

Ran the searches. Your comment is the only thing that comes up on Google.

April 6, 2018 9:11 am

The patriots who believe the US is worth saving are desperate to believe there are some good guys in high places who just might plot to save the day and defeat evil!

Of course this is utter nonsense. Nobody….NOBODY…sniffs power in the imperial city without surrendering to the requirements. Q doesn’t exist because the very idea of Q is an impossibility.
Q is a brilliant troll seeking endless lulz at the expense of the eternally gullible.

April 6, 2018 10:12 am

There are a lot of the “eternally gullible”, those who look for what they want to see in place of what is really there.

If you ignore enough, you can believe anything.

April 6, 2018 10:23 am
April 6, 2018 11:49 am

R.I.P. Andy

April 6, 2018 9:16 am

There was a meeting behind Mrs. Crabtree’s garage on Thursday.

April 6, 2018 9:23 am

Occasional disinformation was promised, along with the genuine intel.

Big info on the FBI/DOJ corruption WAS revealed yesterday about Strozk meeting Pappagalous in London in summer 2016, before P. tried to “arrange meetings with Russians”. In other words, another deliberate plant in the Trump campaign, along with the more obvious ones. Also subpoena deadlines passed without answer, putting entities and persons in contempt of Congress.

Just because something doesn’t meet YOUR expectations of “big”, doesn’t mean it is wrong. Maybe your expectation was wrong.

You’re free to believe in what Q and the Anons are doing, or not. If it IS a LARP, then some hopes are dashed, and the country continues to slide into the shitter. If it is not, the country just might be saved.

Support what you want, but I hope the country is salvageable! I’ll be sad if you don’t agree!

Rather Not
Rather Not
April 6, 2018 11:50 am

My take was similar to yours…that was a prediction of something newsworthy, and I didn’t see anything particularly unexpected. Damaged credibility.

However, I have seen enough evidence (not proof) that I give Q enough of a the benefit of the doubt as to elaborate on what he meant. The subsequent posts indicate (without evidence beyond the claim) that the USAF Thunderbirds pilot killed was not an accident. Furthermore, there have been 4 military crashes in the last day. The F16 pilot, a Marine Harrier II and in a separate incident a marine CH-53 in Djibouti (enough to shut down all air ops in that base), and another CH-53 in Cali. Q seemed to be linking it with GPS spoofing of guidance electronics, which is also suspected in all the destroyer crashes. If someone (presumably Cabal or PRC) is spoofing our GPS to the point of killing our sailors, airmen and marines, that is indeed very important, even if we’re trying to keep it out of the news as ‘accidents’ for now. Furthermore, posts imply that we took over and killed their space lab (in retaliation for the destroyer crashes).

If in addition to the trade war, we’re in an escalating real war (they crash our destroyers, we crash their space station, they crash our planes/helos) that is indeed quite newsworthy, even if it won’t actually be understood as such until much later. While the credibility was damaged, to me, there is enough to check back in a while, and see if something important happened that the mass populace remained in the dark about, at least for now.

Credibility down a notch or two, but not yet brought to zero. If in a few months, everyone is still ‘April 5th, what happened that day?’ the credibility will drop another several notches.

But to me, credibility damaged, not destroyed, and set up for further damage (or restoration) based on subsequent events.

On the 29th of June 1914, the headlines were Archduke Franz Ferdinand assassinated…but no one yet understood that was the start of WWI. Heck, no one even called WWI WWI until there was a WWII. But at least there was a headline.

Rather Not
Rather Not
  Rather Not
April 6, 2018 1:11 pm


A ‘Q’ NYT oped seems like it is worthy of calling out as newsworthy to the Q community. Admin, is the decrease in credibility down from the original post (nothing happened) the same as magnitude as the credibility increase from knowing ahead of time the NYT was going to put Q into the MSM? If not, why not? (serious question…not snark)

Rather Not
Rather Not
April 6, 2018 4:02 pm

I think the credibility boost is from Q (quite probably) knowing that OpEd was coming ahead of time. Q missed it by a day, he thought that would be published yesterday as opposed to today. It would be interesting if Michelle Goldberg could confirm or deny if the NYT reached out to the WH for comment. (Q said yes)

I don’t think that oped was keeping the POTUS up all night, or what he was asking for prayers about it. I think that probably corresponds more to potential military tensions/activities. They are 3 separate sentences. I could see interpreting an implied link between the 3 without the hindsight, but that is from reading into and interpreting what was said, not what was said.

Although I initially read it the same way you did (without context, something major geopoliticaclly), but I think it is clear with the new information the oped is what he was saying. He didn’t say it would be geopolitically major….and this oped is major for the Q anon community.

Rather Not
Rather Not
  Rather Not
April 6, 2018 5:34 pm

I can’t reply to Admin’s post below (4:34) but that is what I am responding to. I think the OpEd does 2 things: One I think it will end up with many thousands of people becoming aware of Q anon for the first time, and many of them will type ‘Q Anon’ into a search engine for the first time, it is evidence of continued growth of awareness…ignoring has failed. And I think it will end up one of the more read OpEd pieces on NYT. I think it will be the first penetration of Q into MSM, not the last. First they ignore you, then they attack you, then you win.

Second, the fact that Q gave pre-notice is another bit of supporting evidence that he is connected to POTUS, especially if the NYT confirms they reached out to the WH. No one bit of evidence is definitive, but there are many cumulative bits.
Enough that anyone who truly wants to believe can, and anyone who firmly wants to deny can, and those who want to discern can as well. It will be your choice to know. Or not to know.

Admin, are you willing to make a gentlemans bet that this NYT OpEd will remain the only mention of Q in the MSM in the next say…nine months, end of ’18?

  Rather Not
April 6, 2018 3:01 pm

I have heard from a credible (to me) source that GPS spoofing was the hot topic last summer at certain locations affiliated with military navigation.

Those GPS satellite signals are so faint, that spoofing is possible. Not easy, just possible.

There are some simple fixes, yet those may be difficult to apply / update in existing military hardware.

The GPS issue needs resolved. Imagine the chaos a bad actor could cause with large numbers of autonomous vehicles…..

April 7, 2018 3:31 pm

Nov 4 2017 18:44:06 (EST) Anonymous ID: s4Iv8TW8 147981354
Very smart, Anon.
Disinformation is real.
Distractions are necessary.
SA is the primary, US is secondary, (Asia/EU)…
Alice & Wonderland.

This post was on only the 8th day of this exercise, now in its 6th month. He’s just begun signing as Q, and it is long before the move to 8 chan and tripcodes.

What do those 2nd and 3rd lines of the post mean to you?

To me, it is that I should NOT accept what is said as gospel, exact and predictive. In fact sometimes they are meant to be the otherwise.

That is why I questioned your expectation. Sometimes Q is fairly clearly predictive, but there have been many “predictions” that didn’t pan out. In fact, not even close.

This is the most fascinating thought experiment tied to collaborative research I’ve ever experienced. Could it still turn out to be total BS? I suppose, but too much has already proved true to be relegated wholly to the ashcan.

Like the 4th Turning, which I think Trump is tied to, it is hard to guarantee or predict from.

I don’t criticize you for not following along further with Q. My expectations aren’t as stringent as yours. That’s all.

I’d prefer that you allow those of us who want to be able to do so without needless negativity. Some of us find it interesting and entertaining. We don’t need the further divisiveness in this nation. There’s plenty already out there.

April 6, 2018 9:28 am

I’m fascinated by this Q phenomenon. I am somewhat skeptical and impatient for the irrefutable event proving Q. I don’t look to the Marxist media for anything since I’m convinced they will not report accurately something that could be irrefutably Q predicted.
The following MAY be something Q predicted and I found it on reddit. It is in reference to submarine bases, and honestly how is this one civilian (me) to know whether in fact sub bases are there or not.


A media report of an earthquake that had no after shocks the seismic record.
The seismic record:

View post on imgur.com

Fires at the shoreline:
comment image

Ridicule me for reading reddit if you care to.

April 6, 2018 10:15 am

Why do you say Q predicted something? All he said was to watch the news.

I don’t see any prediction in this drop:

Apr 4 2018 21:45:45 (EDT) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 33a3aa 899433
POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

April 6, 2018 10:43 am

“I decided to assess this clear and concise prediction that something big was going to happen on Thursday. …The word PRAY clearly meant that an earth shattering event was going to happen on Thursday. Right?”
Wrong..that was YOUR interpretation.

Name the prediction. You can’t because there isn’t one.

I think you are now hooked, evidenced by your attempt to interpret Q drops.

Welcome to the party!

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
April 6, 2018 11:14 am

RS….your ending was superb

rhs jr
rhs jr
April 6, 2018 9:36 am

Maybe it was misinformation by the Dark Side. Maybe the prayers worked and it didn’t occur. These things always happen.

April 6, 2018 9:41 am

So when Q is wrong, it is disinformation and intentional. When Q is right (ie lucky guess) it is also intentional. Right. Got it.

This is fortune teller bullshit telling people what they want to hear. Man are some folks gullible.

Robert (QSLV)
Robert (QSLV)
April 6, 2018 9:46 am

Easy. Trump decision to leave Syria. The deep state military will have him killed for this.

[imgcomment image[/img]

Robert (QSLV)

  Robert (QSLV)
April 6, 2018 10:05 am

Hasn’t happened yet. Just hot air.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
April 6, 2018 10:56 am

That’s not particularly comforting. I’d expected Trump to be whacked about a year ago. Maybe his playing footsy with the neocons and inability or unwillingness to build the wall has kept him safe thus far. If he really stands in the way of their Middle East plans (by acceding to Assad staying in power) he’ll be at much greater risk.

April 6, 2018 9:48 am

This is what TPTB want, they want us to fight each other.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 10:01 am

Then there’s that.

April 6, 2018 10:20 am

By fighting each other, we purify each other.

As Nietzsche would say, “That which does not destroy me, strengthens me”.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 11:44 am

Damn, Anon, you could have used the older – steel sharpens steel.

April 6, 2018 10:05 am

Q it not psyops. Its a bearded guy in his mother’s basement who got kicked out of his DnD group and needs new friends.

Ya’ll are so nice for being friends with that boy!

April 6, 2018 10:06 am

The praying worked. Crisis avoided. Simple as that.

April 6, 2018 10:30 am

Yeah! and I stopped a worldwide attack by malicious beings from another dimension yesterday using my chembuster and a powerwand. You didn’t hear about it because I stopped it.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 6, 2018 11:41 am

Says the guy who is concerned about the Kabbalah. Pot, meet kettle.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 9:37 pm

Thanks, diogenes, your a lifesaver!

April 6, 2018 10:27 am

The whole “Q” thing is humorous and a funny distraction, regardless of what you believe to be true.
I am curious……what would constitute a ‘crisis’ that would require non-specific prayer to avoid? According to the left, every day that Trump wakes up is a new ‘crisis’ so what do we (on the right?) consider to be a crisis-level event?

April 6, 2018 10:32 am

@BSHJ…you missed the subtle /sarc of my comment.

April 6, 2018 10:37 am

What comment? I was talking about the posting and the whole ‘Q’ thing.

April 6, 2018 10:28 am

Q is a strange phenomenon, unique in the history of public communication. As such, it is of some interest to some people, relatively few people. It interests me, but I recognize its weaknesses. I don’t see it as a fortune teller for the reasons you outline. It’s primary appeal to me is that it may give some clues about things going on behind the curtain, but I recognize my own hopefulness may color my interpretations.

What I don’t get is the anger about the interest in Q. Those who have a deep interest, like T4C, are trying to assess it the best they can. Who knows? At some point she may be the best source for a repudiation of all things Q.

April 6, 2018 10:33 am

You might be right Admin.

April 6, 2018 10:37 am

I had lunch with my lefty buddies yesterday. According to them: Mueller is “this close” to arresting Trump and all his cronies; Trump is getting wealthy while doing everything he can to wreck the stock market; Trump’s entire cabinet is corrupt.

Whatever info they are being fed via their liberal sources, it’s an entirely different script from what the Trumpian Q followers are getting.

This sure looks like a smaller part of a plan to keep the nation divided into two distinctly minority camps, feeding each group’s confirmation bias with what they want to hear, all to prevent a clear majority able to actually realize meaningful change on behalf of the plebs.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 6, 2018 11:32 am

We’re always fighting with each other in this joint. That’s nothing new. As for yesterday’s news we keep expecting big things to be covered by the MSM. That just doesn’t happen unless it suits their narrative. Admin gave me some advice a few months ago – and that was to follow the right people on Twitter – that I would get a lot of information there. He was right – I’ve been following Imperator Rex (Now Vachel) and he along with a couple of others provide good intel – they catch things as they happen and funnel information the MSM does not (and frankly do a better job of a lot of this stuff than the Anons on 8 Chan). Here is your big news…

[imgcomment image[/img]

It’s worth clicking the link below and reading his 20 some part thread to understand the ramifications of this.

Not Sure
Not Sure
April 6, 2018 11:51 am

Its the absolutism that bothers me. We are in control, don’t worry; these people are idiots!

Apart from a God initiated miracle like the parting of the Red Sea that destroyed the Egyptian armies, there is no conflict that has ever been initiated with such a high degree of confidence of the outcome.

But like a moth to a flame, I am constantly drawn back to the posts. Why? Because the goal of the Q’s posts match exactly the same goal I have in my heart for the country, the criminal political elite’s who are destroying it and for our constitutional republic to be restored.

I want the promises to happen and I have nothing that I can offer to hasten the outcome, so all I can do is watch and wait.

There is a real downside however; the most vocal of Trumps supporters who follow the Q posts, will be on a suicide watch, if Q is finally revealed as a deep state operative who was using the platform to lead the faithful over the cliff. If this is the case, the revolution will end in a whimper. Therefore I would caution the faithful to be open to skepticism over Q and to other ways of gathering information to buttress what the Q posts reveal, to maintain a balanced view of what direction the country is really going in; so that you can act accordingly when the time comes.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 12:00 pm

I gave up on cue right after the first few posts that Indentured shared. While the intelligence was interesting, the whole act is a long strip-tease. A flash of ass, a tip o’ nip, a hint of hair…

A lot of scandalous talk with juicy details that serves no purpose is known as gossip, best left to women.

As Gary Cooper might have put it:
All bark, no bite.

April 6, 2018 12:15 pm

When you have an enemy that follows a script, its easy to make accurate predictions. Sadly the best laid plans…. If Q and his team had something big planned and it didnt turn out that way, c’est le guerre.
More disturbing to me is the absence of pushing for local investiture of the political process. Its an election year and at more than just a national level. If Q is about taking the country back he would make more headway with friendlies in every State, City and County government than with a bunch of computer nerds. Not encouraging people to run, vote, organize at the local level makes me thing this isn’t the real deal.

April 6, 2018 12:21 pm

Tend to agree with Administrator 90% on Q. It seems like a mixed bag -some truths, some BS. Think the facts are that there is an intense power struggle in process in WH and government. Trump has limited real power, and only gets things done (NK) when he sneaks around the deep state’s back (got NK deal done secretly while he was in China). Trump also says what his base wants to hear, then finds out when someone squeezes his balls that he has very limited power to act (border wall). Trump close to winning power struggle, which will drag out through MT elections. IG report and Huber will be key. Q maybe associated with Trump, but his messages and lack of real results reflect Trump’s lack of power.

Revere highly the work of Administrator- his writing is brilliant and courage is admirable, especially having to deal with the 3rd world we know as Philly.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 12:39 pm

Ordinarily, the third world is a place for to rape and plunder. I suppose there are sub-categories to such; developing countries where we Hoover up the resources, backward countries where ruling juntas Hoover up the resources and plain old money sinks that are black holes from which no resources can escape – these are good for dumping coal ash as we tell the idiots that it’s not carcinogenic, nope, not at all.

  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 1:33 pm

An interesting aside: One theory is that coal ash is the main ingrediant of chemtrails.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 6, 2018 3:26 pm

They call them atmospheric aerosol injections and they will own them when you use their terminology.

  Mary Christine
April 6, 2018 4:06 pm

My bad, You are correct. Just not used to using that terminology . Just listened to Matt Landman today on youtube.

April 6, 2018 12:38 pm

“Let the outrage from the Q-tippers begin because I dared to assess an actual Q post.”


Now, THAT’S funny as shit!!!

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 12:40 pm

It comes from the old adage: Just the tip, Ma’am. Meaning that the info they share is just the tip of the iceberg.

  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 12:51 pm

Bullshit. He stole my joke from yesterday. Milton Berle feels vindicated.

Kelly the Deplorable
Kelly the Deplorable
  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 5:07 am

Just the tip… Just to see how it feels…

April 6, 2018 3:07 pm

Okay. Couldn’t resist. When I was young, the Q-tips were all over in Sun City and then Sun Lakes for the younger set. The ones in the immobile home parks in Apache Junction or Mesa didn’t count because they left for the summer. A big event was giving our parents a computer and AmericaOnLine!

Now, do we all hang out on the TBP comments? Or is there a new q-tip in the Urban Dictionary?

April 6, 2018 5:23 pm

I prefer Qballs.

April 6, 2018 12:47 pm

“Please tell me what happened on Thursday that required prayer and kept Trump up all night?”
—– Admin

Admin, the answer is in front of you, in plain sight. You simply need to understand which word needs to be emphasized.

“POTUS will be UP all night.”

The keyword is “up”. I believe The Donald accidentally took two Viagras and his TrumpPeter was UP for 8 hours … which could have killed him … which would have been Yuuge News. Missed it by that much.

April 6, 2018 12:59 pm

Damn, who would need to take viagra to get it up on Melania?

April 6, 2018 1:15 pm

Did I say Melania was involved?


I think he’s getting it on with Sarah Huckabee. Then again, that act with that woman would require the whole bottle, right?

April 6, 2018 1:29 pm

Holy Cow! Agreed!

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
April 6, 2018 12:56 pm

This goes back to some observations I’ve made before about the whole Q business. It’s all very interesting, but so far all we have to show for it is a single FBI badge-gang goonda getting fired. This means he’ll get a bit less of an over-generous Federal pension for his decades of service in criminal activity (which has already been more than made up for by donation from fellow leftists – all of whom seem to have endless sources of money). So much for Grand Inquisitor Sessions, who has all manner of Clintonoids and Obamabots – Horowitz, Rosenstein, Huber – investigating the Clinton/Obama/FBI plot to overthrow Trump. That’s some real 666-D underwater chess going on there. Torquemada eat your heart out.

Reality checks are important. As much as I would very much love to be proved wrong and see a great sweep of military coming in to frog-walk the likes of Pelosi, Mueller, Chuck-U, McStain and countless others away at gunpoint away to face military tribunals for treason followed by a fast trip to their eternal reward, we need to pay attention to what has actually been going on (insofar as it is possible to discern it). Here’s a little list for those who need a reminder:

*Trump signed the Porkulus..
This not only includes all manner of funding for enemy endeavors to destroy what’s left of the country but has new gun control provisions which are dutifully being written by Obama appointees in the BATFE even now (why are these folks still in federal positions again?). It was also a bill more or less designed to guarantee a D-jersey takeover of congress in the fall. Why the hell would anyone vote Repuke if what you get is the Donk agenda anyway? It’s quite a lot like Henry Ford’s famous choice of color for the Model T (You can have any color you like ma’am as long as it’s black). He could have vetoed it, but the Q-believers (a number of whom were celebrating the dead communist MLK on the forums as if he were a Christian saint the other day) inform us doubting Thomases that the military needed the money. Really? A department that can’t account for over a trillion needs just a bit more? To do what? Continue to guard the poppyfields of Pashtoonistan for Big-Pharma’s opioid machine??

*The ‘Caravan of Peace’.
Despite all the bluster and B.S. – Obama’s army of MS-13 soldiers continues to make its way to the U.S. border. All they did was to split into smaller units to make the passage less noticeable. As for Trump’s sending the NG, it would appear that’s more posturing than anything else. Trump didn’t actually sign an order placing the Guard under his command. Note the Oregon governor’s refusal to send that state’s units? As Hunter Wallace notes, it’s basically a re-hash of the great immigration patriot Jorge W. Busheron’s (Murika’s 1st Mexican presidente!) bogus program for using the NG at the border. As Limbaugh used to say about the Clintons: Symbolism over substance.

*The Great Wall of Indictments.
According to the Q-faithful, it’s now at or near 25,000. Supposedly all sorts of big shots are on the list (Podesta, Clinton, Obama, Soros, et al). Not a single charge or arrest. 25,000 indictments with nowhere to go … Sad! Maybe they can join the Caravan of Peace. Related to this….

*The Smoking-Gun Memo.
Pretty much proves the FBI – whose legions have been appointed and promoted for decades by various Deep-State traitors (Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama and their various minions) – is little more than a murderous gang of heavily armed criminals who operate under the color of law. This was demonstrated in full glory at Waco in 1993, in case anyone forgot. Strzok and Page basically openly discussed killing Trump. Again, no charges, no arrests. Amazing the things which are allowed to go on, it’s almost as if Leona Helmsley was in charge from beyond the grave. Not only taxes, but even laws are only for little people.

*Syria and Ukraine.
Yet another white-pill filled with something dredged from the swamp. Trump says it’s time to get out of Syria, but just a couple of days later we’re informed – not so fast. Apparently Uncle Sheldon gave Donnie a call and said no cash for the Gay Old Pedobears in congress this fall unless the program (supporting ISIS while claiming to fight it) continues as before. Uncle Sheldon is joined in his desire for endless wars by worshippers of the Judeo-Christ such as the “Apostle” Kenneth Copeland (who’s net worth approaches a billion – nice work if you can get it). I note also that us zeks are paying to arm the Ukraine even more (to bring it into NATO – the EUSSR’s muscle) and generally meddling in Russia’s backyard to poke the bear into a war. (The bear thus far isn’t falling for it, thankfully). Aldolf Eichmann’s errand-boy George ‘Da Raisin’ Soros must be very happy – he didn’t even have to spend his own money.

Yes this is all quite the black-pill and (as noted above) I would be very happy to have to eat some very stringy crow in a month or so. Even so, Q looks increasingly like a psy-op. It’s a very well-done effort too as they are adept at pushing all the right buttons. I have a feeling that I’ll not be dining on crow any time soon. Before Trump was elected, Ann Barnhardt basically stated he was a total fraud. Kayfabe was the term employed, from professional wrestling. It’s a sad thing to say, but it seems every day that crazy-eyes might have been correct all along.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Gen. Kong
April 6, 2018 1:03 pm

That was an excellent analysis and there really isn’t anything you wrote that anyone could disagree with.

Sad. But true.

Rather Not
Rather Not
  hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 1:39 pm

While not completely, I strongly agree with Kong above…there is material evidence (not proof) of Q having insider knowledge/access. There is very little to zero evidence that the good guys are actually winning as Q claims.

The evidence is that Q is connected, not that white hats are actually winning.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
  Gen. Kong
April 6, 2018 2:46 pm

Oregon borders Mexico; wait, no it doesn’t; no wonder the Oregon Gov. can hype not sending Oregon NG troops to border.
The dummy must be looking for publicity.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 1:00 pm

Good News! The NYT is concerned about Q. Something about matzohs and blood libel and how certain people really, really want to think that elites do bad things as a way of being in control. Or something like that.

My favorite piece of projection-

“Publicly, many right-wing politicians and pundits disdain the Mueller investigation and pretend to believe that Trump’s ties to Russia are negligible. But among part of the Trump base, the effort to explain them away appears to be creating psychic strain.”

So much so that they’re dying their hair blue, piercing their face and getting neck tats.

Oh, wait, she said Trump base. My bad.

April 6, 2018 1:07 pm

Think you’re all looking in the wrong direction. Didn’t you guys just lose another Thunderbird, the 4th airforce crash recently. Q dropped a crumb asking what brought down the Chinese satellite? With your ships ‘accidentally’ crashing into other ships, maybe there is a secret war going on that the MSM aren’t reporting on….oh, wait a minute:


The big ‘drama’ of the so called Russian poisoning over here in the U.K. does look like neocons trying to drive us towards a nuclear war with Russia. And China has said ‘we’re with him’ so that’s two ‘superpowers’ lining up on the other side…..

Q refers to this Utube vid

Any connection to the sub standard steel from China used to build your planes? Electronic interference or ‘hacking’ your Navy? Where did the components come from? War takes many forms.

Wow, even the NYT picks up on the ‘conspiracy’…. but there’s nothing to see here….keep moving on


Q says they even called the WH for comment before publishing…..

Just a few thoughts.

Gen. Kong
Gen. Kong
April 6, 2018 1:46 pm

It’s not impossible of course (one of then things that makes the Q posts so effective as a psy-op). Sometimes it helps to use Occam’s rusty old razor through.

Here’s a little question which a lot here no doubt know the answer to:

Who’s been getting a lot of promotions to ranks of Captain and above (piloting ships and planes) since the Clinton Days??

As Obama’s Stepford Gen. Casey noted, those who run the military thought he greatest tragedy of the Ft. Hood shooting of unarmed soldiers on a military base wasn’t so much the dead soldiers, to wit: “And as horrific as this tragedy was, if our diversity becomes a casualty, I think that’s worse.”

The Super-Patriot Gen. Casey needn’t have worried, as diversity of all types have been continually promoted in the military, with many no doubt using their advanced super-intelligence to crash planes and ships. The old DWM (Dead White Male) Occam must be laughing out loud somewhere.

Foot in the Forest
Foot in the Forest
April 6, 2018 1:16 pm

Like all I have followed Q when possible but have not been that into it. I would love to think The Donald is going to ride his white charger to the halls of congress, pull his magical sword and banish all the evil doers. I sure am not counting on it. I am still focusing on my preps for what looks to be coming down the road. The economy is going to crash no matter what the pols. on both sides due. The Donald just seems to be speeding up the process. I voted for him as the lesser of 2 evils and still would. The “Q” is interesting but I tend to think it more fantasy then reality but who knows. I would love to be proved wrong, after all I am just a know nothing , deplorable, gun toting, construction worker in Colorado.

April 6, 2018 2:35 pm

My first experience with intrigue and an anonymous commenter was in 2008 on the USA Gold site. Two individuals, “Another” and his friend, friend of Another (FOA), told the story of the making of the Euro currency and the long-term plans to have it ready when the US dollar collapsed and lost reserve currency status. The story was fascinating and the story tellers being anonymous added to the mystery. The providers spoke of secrets gold payments made to ensure that the dollar would become the petrodollar; of the Saudis wish to turn one resource (oil) into another (gold). The discussion first started on the USA Gold site and then was moved to a private site. It has become a pay for play site now, but the archived information is still available. There is mystery. But less riddles than Q. It was an eye opener just the same. The site is currently run by (follower of friend of another). Hours of reading await you. Look to the right, there’s even a title, “It all starts here.”

April 6, 2018 2:48 pm

Some of us enjoy reading spy fiction. All of Len Deighton, John LeCarre, Frederick Forsyth, Tom Clancy, Robert Ludlum; heck even James Bond, M.I., and Jason Bourne movies. To enjoy it in real time, with a faint connection to “the news”, and catch an occasional preview like Greasy Tony Podesta, NORKs at the table, and troops larping on the border is a pleasant diversion from the ClearlyNotNews channels I cannot stand to watch. It’s even painful to see excerpts in Mark Dice videos. Of course, I could give up fiction and read bio’s of Beethoven and Darwin, because …

April 6, 2018 2:50 pm

Maybe POTUS fell asleep ….

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 6, 2018 3:09 pm


April 6, 2018 3:20 pm

This is how the story makes me feel:

[after cracking a secret code]

Ralphie: [Reading it] Be sure to drink your Ovaltine. Ovaltine? A crummy commercial? Son of a bitch!

Damn, don’t know what’s up, but I can’t link a pic or gif to save my life today.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 6, 2018 3:48 pm

Thanks for the lunch break entertainment, Admin;)

If you are down on Q and need a dose of pessimism, listen to Roy Potter from today’s livestream. He’s getting really good at them and stays on topic. He basically says he does not think Trump is in control and the so called sealed indictments just possibly could be for us..haha. I think Admin may have mentioned that a while back. He is very concerned about the plane crashes and concedes there is some kind of war going on. Enjoy the show.

If you need a laugh

April 6, 2018 4:02 pm

Qballers don’t help their cause much when they call Jim Willy and Dave@x22 to the stand as “Expert Witnesses”.
Which reminds me, I finally remembered ( I’m 70) what was so fishy about the Q theme. (Some would call it Qullshit). If I remember correctly it was Qilly and Qave@Q22 and their ilk who began floating a trial balloon about Deep-State concerned “PATRIOTS” who were leaking info and plotting a COUP to restore American democracy. If you believe the patriots thing I’d refer you to Zarathusa’s reply @9:11 am.
I try to stay out of this debate until Q loyalists(Qoyalists) try to insert Sir Donald of Orange into it as an orange haired Batman coming to save us all from our past bad choices and fix things with little or no discomfort from the collapse of a Soviet like Bureaucratic nightmare coupled with an implosion of our Zimbabwe-esque Fiat money.

April 6, 2018 4:06 pm
April 6, 2018 4:50 pm

Unfortunately we have been buying Chicom made electronics for our warcraft for years now. It has long been suspected that they contain interesting bits of coding that lie dormant awaiting activation. Ever since the destruction of the Chinese industrial city Tianjin by our “rods from god” we have been in a slowly accelerating war with the Chicoms. Even if you don’t believe we did that, THEY do.
As far a the whole Q thing goes, I still remain hopeful because the alternative is so very bad. Both POTUS and Q are shown to at least have some potential due to the nature of their enemies.
So I watch and wait for something to actually happen while taking these few extra precious years that the 2016 election bought us to continue preparing and training. I have no doubt how things would have been if the Harpy had been given what she considered to be her due.
I also am a firm believer in the Fourth Turning and thus feel that no matter what we will wind up in a massive shitstorm before all is said and done. I only wish I was a younger man during this time. But will do what I can to keep my kids and grand-kids alive through it.
I really do enjoy reading the opinions of all of you btw. When Hardscrabble or Admin have a new post it is a make a cup of coffee moment so I can savor their writing. This is a unique spot in the interwebs.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 6, 2018 5:25 pm

“Ever since the destruction of the Chinese industrial city Tianjin by our “rods from god” we have been in a slowly accelerating war with the Chicoms. Even if you don’t believe we did that, THEY do.”

I had not thought of that but it is certainly plausible, especially the “THEY DO” part.

Another theory (ok, conspiracy theory for those so inclined), is that the NK mountain nuclear test site that had a massive explosion was also caused by the rods from god (U.S.), and coincidentally there have been no missile tests or launches since. This supposedly after Trump secretly met Kim at the Forbidden City in China (also a Q drop).

The recent military helicopter and jet crashes and Navy ship collisions are worrisome.

A new cold war with Russia and hot war with China at the same time? Trump better use that $700 omnibus defense money and get that military rebuilt quick!

Martel's Hammer
Martel's Hammer
April 6, 2018 5:04 pm

More comments than I would have thought on a Q post. Q is a “Cargo Cult” where the cult members are seriously deluded. No Cargo is coming, the war is over the US Air Force went home! Alternatively the even more simplistic…Emperor has no clothes meme. Jerome Corsi et al are strutting around fawning all over Q….but Q is trivial and nothing. Might even be some intelligence folks but it doesn’t matter….Q is not even a ripple in a pond and not even a drop in the Ocean of American politics.

If Q was Trump or Trump affiliated then going on 8chan might be the least effective way to “red pill” folks…..how many have been red pilled? 20,000? 200,000? 2,000,000? Even at 2m wouldn’t move the needle and I bet the audience for Q is closer to 200,000.

Q is good clean fun but will not make a difference even if legit.

Instead, Trump comes out and gives an address to the nation, brings out Jeff Sessions and reads of 10 indictments of Strozk, Mueller, Page, McCabe, Hillary, whoever…..that rocks the world. That red pills 20M? 30M? at a stroke.

Playing around with Q is like trying to pick the fly shit out of the pepper…….interesting but not so useful.

Not Sure
Not Sure
April 6, 2018 6:05 pm

Isaac Green has posted on Twitter a report from David Seaman who is claiming a confirmation of many of the Q promises are soon to be delivered, including his personally seeing an unsealed indictment of a major player. The extended post indicates the administration is moving forward on the operation as some leaked info forced their hand.

Go check it out and decide for yourself, I’m only the messenger, but if there is some truth to what has been reported, it may have been just a day late for whatever caused the all nighter Wednesday night.

April 6, 2018 8:38 pm

Admin – if and when, no matter how distant in the future, a single solitary indictment materializes, the Qballers will scream that it is proof Q is the real deal.

I truly would never have believe that so many TBPers could be so gullible.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  Not Sure
April 6, 2018 8:14 pm

I just watched that video before seeing your comment. How could Seaman have seen a sealed indictment? If he did, whoever showed it to him would have committed a serious felony, no?

I call BS on that.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
  Rise Up
April 6, 2018 8:29 pm

Seaman has a penchant for fictitious reportage.

  hardscrabble farmer
April 6, 2018 8:40 pm

Must be related to Yo.

April 6, 2018 8:46 pm

Well damn, I didn’t know Q had pissed off admin too.

admin said: “I decided to assess this clear and concise prediction that something big was going to happen on Thursday.”

Is there any chance “YOUR” assessment was incorrect? Q doesn’t predict things as far as I know. All I can offer is what Q has consistently offered…….”Future proves the past.” He never said how far into the future. Yeah, I know, thin gravy huh? I could detail several things that happened but to all the trigglypuffs out there, ANYTHING short of Hitlary doing the perp walk only proves Q is bullshit, fake, larp, hoax etc. Hell, even if she got arrested on live teevee the trigglypuffs would scoff and conclude that her lawyers will have her out and charges dismissed by Miller Time. Besides, I took an oath to Q no more, publicly, forever.

I admit I was taken aback that the most WOKE group of people I know on the innerwebz AND in the whole world, would be so resistant to *even the idea* that all of the things we have been hoping for and discussing since my arrival here in 2007/08, might possibly happen. I guess it goes to normalcy DOOM bias being so prevalent, in addition to the good, hard fucking we’ve received from nearly administration our entire adult lives. Just know that it’s ok. Unlike God, GEOTUS will love you all even if you don’t believe or repent. He’s going to drain the global swamp and set the human race free from 8000+ years of servitude. After that it will be up to us.

The only part that worries me is human complacency. I’ll go out on a limb right now and bet that in 200 years we hoomans will have acquiesced to the will of the global elite AGAIN because the majority of us are just too short sighted to see beyond our own lifetimes and fourth turnings. That and we’re too lazy to live up to the responsibilities that a Constitutional Republic REQUIRES of it’s citizens. I almost wish I could live long enough to collect on my bet.

Enjoy the show!**

**What do you have to lose? It’s not like you have or even want anything else to look forward to except MOAR DOOM right? Just DVR the DOOM, and watch it later when Q proves to be a hoax which should be any day now.

April 6, 2018 10:36 pm

Not defensive in the least. All Q has ever offered is “Future proves the past.”

Early on I got a bit over enthusiastic in interpreting (incorrectly for the most part) what his drops meant. I was even worse at the timing of it. That was my fault as I was doing the opposite of what I should have been doing.

I’m convinced Q is legit. Digging by the anons on numerous clues is “proving the past” on almost a daily basis. Not big “Hillary doing the perp walk” events…..yet. Indictments are being unsealed and served. More than enough Q drops have become reality for me to believe.

I have no way to judge timing but if the goal is for the anons to red-pill the masses about the topics being discussed before the big reveal, then I’d say we’re not there yet.

The part that mystifies me is how strong the resistance to even the idea of Q is. I can only conclude it comes down to mindset and normalcy bias. A good ass fucking is all we’ve ever had so I guess that’s all that most are willing to expect. My position on the subject of Q surprises no one more that it surprises me. Seriously. I feel like a stranger in a foreign land but strangely comfortable.


EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 10:41 pm

I-S, I thought you promised to Q no more (in public).

April 7, 2018 1:53 pm

“WTF does future proves the past supposed to mean? Please explain it to me.”

Q drops crumbs of information that appear designed to compel the anons to dig up information about those crumbs. If you keep up with the crumbs and watch the news you will begin to see stories appear in the news which match up with the crumbs dropped and information dug up. Example: for some time Q has been mentioning the tarmac meeting in AZ between LL, HRC & WJC. We all know that some major fuckery was underfoot there. Last night I saw that Loretta Lynch is arranging an interview with Lester Holt in the near future to discuss that meeting. Why would she want to discuss that particular topic all the sudden? It might be that the truth, including video and audio, is about to be released. The beauty of it, if correct, appears to be that the very tools the surveillance state put in place to spy on OUR every move, also captured THEIR every move…..time, date, GPS verified location, audio, video, etc. They will be brought down and tried using the very tools they intended to use against US. It doesn’t get more delicious than that.

“I’d love for you to address some of the earlier banter between myself and HSF. If this Q really was an inside patriot working solely for the benefit of the American people (like Seth Rich), you really think our massive surveillance state wouldn’t focus all resources to kill him, especially since no one knows who he is? If he was real, he would be dead. ”

I didn’t read the banter between you and HSF……just the article and your replies to my comment so far. (I’m busy preparing documents for a Tuesday court hearing.) All I can say about who Q is is that in all likelihood, he or they are NSA/Military Intelligence. I do believe that the deep state, including rogue elements in the intelligence community are trying to stop Q and POTUS. I think that is part of the reason that POTUS is guarded by USS, Marine Corp Special Operators and his own private security detail.

Let’s suppose your conclusion is correct that all of this is only keeping the deep state firmly in control. If Q had not appeared, how would things be different today? Would the deep state be more in control or less? Let’s assume this Q business IS giving the deep state more control. So what? What would you or I or anyone have done differently to to change that?

If Q is bullshit then everything will continue to degrade along the path we were already on right? You might be able to argue Q accelerated that a bit but proof would be mighty thin. Either way our ultimate destination is the same right? Maximum doom porn fourth turning is still incoming. Most here seem to be very accepting of that.

Like I’ve said many times here on TBP, my doom porn odyssey hasn’t been conducted to seek out doom porn just to reinforce that doom porn is the only possible outcome. My intent has always been to seek out info that indicates an outcome other than maximum doom. Q fits that bill perfectly and appears to address nearly every concern we TBP’ers have had about the deep state in addition to addressing real solutions just as discussed by many here myriad times. Those that started following along with Q early on seem to share that opinion. Those with little to no experience in following the drops and subsequent digging by the anons…….no so much. The further we get from Q 00:01 the more difficult it is to follow along. You’ll just have to wait for the movie. It is what it is.

I’m still mystified that so many here are completely resistant to even the idea (even as fantasy) that something like Q could be real. Part of that I suppose is my fault. I’ll gladly accept the village idiot title when it all turns out to be a hoax.

That’s all I got. Ridicule away.

April 7, 2018 2:34 pm

“Why would I suddenly become a believer in an obscure phantom called Q?”

I guess my being mystified comes down to our individual states of mind. I’ve always been looking for a solution or options other than doom. We’ve all discussed these kinds of solutions that would work if only there was a bit of sanity left in the world. This, in my mind at least, is exactly what Q is implying is about to happen.

I guess I just lean more toward the possibility of a solution than the certainty of doom. The Q phenomenon struck me as something that woke INTJ’s would dig on and see potential in. It does involve a shit ton of time to read along and keep up so understand that precludes most from following along. Even I’m not completely up to speed myself. The last three days in particular, I’ve had no time to read just as Q ramps up the number and frequency of drops.

April 7, 2018 3:06 pm

I honestly don’t think that is the kind of solution Trump is aiming to deliver right now. Eventually he will have to follow that track but he has a bigger interim solution in mind I believe.

Read this EO closely: https://www.federalregister.gov/documents/2017/12/26/2017-27925/blocking-the-property-of-persons-involved-in-serious-human-rights-abuse-or-corruption Read down to POTUS signature.

These asset seizures are going to be put to very good use. In essence he is going to seize the assets of all the individuals AND ENTITIES involved in human trafficking, human rights abuses, corruption and activities that do harm to the economy of the USA. These assets will essentially be all of the wealth the deep state has been transferring from us to themselves. The amounts are staggering even if you exclude the possibility of the FED being one of the ENTITIES seized. Include the FED and my bet is that the total dollar denominated assets seized will easily exceed the entire US debt and deficit. That, in and of itself, will leave quite the conundrum for the FED bankers to explain will it not?

Again it’s just too delicious for words. We’re going to seize their wealth and assets to rebuild the country, extinguish the debt and prosecute, imprison and execute the deep state scum that has bent over the human race for 8000 years. The only way that could be any more delicious is if they pipe CNN into their prison cells during the trial phase showing this happening in real time.

Pie in the sky? Maybe, but to many who have been following along, there is little doubt. Now we watch the news.

April 7, 2018 4:06 pm

As far as hiring GS scum goes…..many of Trumps cabinet were suggested by deep state assholes in sheeps clothing. If you notice, Trump has had many people like that from the beginning. If you also care to keep track, he is slowly weeding them out. He’s doing so by telling secrets to each one, secrets that differ slightly, then he watches the news to see what comes back. He simply ties the leak to whoever was told that bit of news and…….they’re gone! I think he accepted bad actors in his admin, at the behest of others, to give the appearance of being somewhat on-board with having some of the deep state actors around so as not to panic them or to lull them into a false sense of security.

The daily subtleties that are being revealed in these sorts of actions make me smile all day long. Many people are simply playing roles. Some are deep state others are anti-deep state. Some, on both sides, are providing truth and lies. I think HSF has come closest to describing the beautiful simplicity of what is going on constantly, just under the surface. DC is currently akin to the magma dome building under Yellowstone. Some are under enormous pressure and stress and others are inducing the pressure and stress. It’s beautiful!

I can’t wait to see what Lynch has to say. Maybe she’s trying to get out front of the story and put a spin on it or maybe she’s going to come clean and admit her complicity and rat out the Klinton scum? I expect the former. After all, the cunt didn’t want to talk much about it at the time so why start talking now? It sure as fuck wouldn’t be up for discussion if she who was never meant to lose had won.

April 7, 2018 8:47 pm

SHEEEIT Negro…….That’s not a squirrel! It’s a prairie dog!
[imgcomment image[/img]

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 7, 2018 11:23 pm

What makes a great movie? Great actors.

April 7, 2018 2:15 pm

Going back to my original response to your article:

“Is there any chance “YOUR” assessment was incorrect?”

What say you?

My original assessment of Q and my poor attempts at communicating that assessment here on TBP was certainly incorrect. I do regret that not because I’m embarrassed or give to shits what anyone thinks of me because of it but because I probably hindered a broader understanding of what Q was/is all about by more people. That was partly due to excitement and exuberance but mostly due to the timing. I sincerely thought shit was about to break bad any minute. I had no basis for that interpretation and it probably led, in part, to disappointment in many when my wild ass “predictions” didn’t materialize within hours or days.

I suspect that like me, you projected an outcome based on poor interpretation of the info dropped by Q. Q is tricky that way. Welcome to the club brother.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 2:33 pm

“I will continue to be skeptical, until proven wrong.


Not to read into it but did you mean we should pray for you to be proven wrong?

April 7, 2018 4:14 pm

If you follow Trumps twatter posts you notice that he very frequently is up all night. Q has pointed this out in the past several times. Why? In short, unlike Obama, Bush or Felonia, Trump WILL be taking that 2am phone call. While we may not be able to see it in the daily news, Trump is putting troops in harms way. Battles are being conducted. Soldiers are being injured and killed. He cares. I think he’s up monitoring worldwide operations and like an old mother hen or squadron commanders counting bombers returning from bombing raids on Germany, he’s waiting for news that everyone is safe.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 7, 2018 6:34 pm

“One soldier killed in last few months.” -Admin

Are you asleep at the wheel?


Rise Up
Rise Up
April 7, 2018 8:25 pm

You are missing the big picture…these could be targeted kills by the Deep State or outside foreigner(s):

Apr 7 2018 11:02:43 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 383caa 936050
Statistically impossible?
Day [1]

April 7, 2018 11:15 pm

admin said:
“In combat you nitwit. Crashing planes is just pure incompetence.”

That’s some funny shit!

I always liked this observation on one aspect of our aviation prowess:

“Mankind has a perfect record in aviation; we never left one up there!”

The same can’t be said for spaceflight or sailing/shipping or mountain climbing etc!

April 7, 2018 11:21 pm

Admin, keep an ear toward the news with respect to stories about the “actual quality” of steel the US has been buying overseas versus what we have ordered and actually received.

April 7, 2018 4:30 pm

It’s not that Q is too deep for you or anyone else. It’s that the volume of information being dropped and investigated is is fucking ginormous. Most of the anons can’t even keep up.

A good analogy would be YOU reading the 4th turning cover to cover a dozen times along with all of the other reading you do regarding economic matters and our village idiot reading the table of contents from the 4th turning plus a bunch of unrelated comic books and then trying to debate 4th turning subtleties with you. You put in the time and trouble to build an understanding while he didn’t. No contest.

A better analogy might be HSF’s very astute observations of the subtleties of his numerous jobs and what he draws from them. Q is much like that in terms of subtleties. It’s LOTS and LOTS of tiny things that add up to a broad understanding but never being 1oo% certain because everything is in a constant state of change. I sort of get off on that kind of thing myself. My current job of growing semiconductors is ALL about subtleties. Quite often they are a curse but the observation and interpretation goes on. It’s infuriating and satisfying at the same time. I’m a glutton for punishment!

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 7, 2018 11:30 pm

This is one of the reasons I’ve cut back on writing lately. It’s getting hard to keep up – the narrative keeps shifting and the one thing I am sure of right now is that I’m not sure WTF is going on in the world at any given moment.

Things were simpler when the Globalist ship was full steam ahead. 4th turnings. They fuck things up for everyone.

April 9, 2018 2:56 pm

Wrong Admin,Connor McGregor threw a bunch of shit at a bus and subsequently got arrested. That was what Q meant.

The Qbalz all have dick breath.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 7, 2018 8:50 pm



Stephanie Shepard
Stephanie Shepard
April 6, 2018 9:25 pm

This blew up rather quickly. I’m sad I missed out on most of the fun today.

In reference to Admin’s original rant, don’t read the news for information. I repeat, don’t read the news for information.

Observe the news for their reaction. For example, Roseanne Barr got 25 million views for her show in which the MSM had to report the success of her pro-Trump, pro-deplorable, pro-family show. The show’s plot was normal 20 years ago and not controversial except for a few liberal social issues. Today, it is completely a fringe type of show. A show about poor blue collar workers from Illinois is a threat today. It brought attention right to the heartland and the very people who voted Trump into office. It confirmed the popularity of Trump and the support of his base.

A couple of days later she tweeted about Trump combating human trafficking with whitehouse.gov and L.A. Times sources in her tweets. Absolutely no mention of Q on her Twitter other than her one-off posts from mid-November when Q was mostly unknown outside 4chan.

The mainstream media had a meltdown and instantly started attacking everything involving Q and labeling her a conspiracy theorist. Note again, she only posted official news stories and .gov sources about human trafficking. The reaction was very transparent. The media has been so nasty it’s easy to spot their weaknesses. First, they tried discrediting people by calling them “racist, sexist, bigots, homophobic, etc” and people stopped listening to them. Now, their latest label has been “conspiracy theory” which will backfire. They’ve cried wolf way too many times for people to believe them.

Ergo, observe the news for their reactions. Watch to see who they attack in the news. Remember Saul Alinsky’s “pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it.” Read the news to see what they’re calling “conspiracy theory”. Pay attention to their labels. Pay attention to their polarizing arguments. There’s a lot of information that can obtained by simply observing their behavior.

Don’t read the news. Observe the news.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 6, 2018 9:44 pm

Ever prescient HSF posted this several threads back (substitute NYTimes for Snopes/ADL/SPLC):

hardscrabble farmer says:
April 5, 2018 at 8:26 am

“The moment the MSM responds with a citation from Snopes/ADL/SPLC you have triggered them big time. If you see the phrase ‘conspiracy theory’, or the word ‘debunked’ it is almost certainly an actual conspiracy that has not been debunked. If they repeatedly use “quotation marks” around groups of words for “no discernible reason”, you are “onto something”. You can “take that to the bank”.

All of these tells are things that most readers here are hip to by now. They prove that the bullshit salesmen are hard at work trying to obfuscate and misdirect from the things that are important.”

Is HSF Qanon?


Rise Up
Rise Up
April 6, 2018 9:47 pm

Let’s see if this comes to pass…MZ=Mark Zuckerberg/Facebook. @Jack=Jack Dorsey/Twitter

Apr 4 2018 15:39:57 (EST) Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: 72997f 894699
MZ to step down as Chairman.
MZ out of US.
Good luck.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 9:52 pm

“Don’t read the news. Observe the news.”

There was a time when some big shit congressman got some anthrax dust in the mail. Later, there was a curious story of an anthrax expert who jumped off a bridge. He felt such a sudden urge to do so that he left his car running and left all his personal effects in the car.

Back in Feb 12, maybe a day or two earlier, Jr’s wife got some strange powder in the mail. She was hospitalized for observation. On the 12 of Feb, an expert from the CDC went missing. No clue as to why he disappeared, he was a respected worker bee. Weeks later, his body is found in the river. The story also surfaces that he had been passed over for promotion. That little detail was not mentioned back then. Nor was the story that his mom had gotten two missed messages the day he went missing.

I just wondered if Q knew anything about these two unrelated items.

Rise Up
Rise Up
  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 6, 2018 10:06 pm

Not quite, EC, regarding the promotion–see below.

“When Cunningham first went missing, there were reports that he had recently been turned over for a promotion.

But the CDC issued a statement saying that wasn’t true and that Cunningham received an ‘exceptional proficiency promotion’ in July, and was promoted to the position of commander – an early promotion reflecting his excellence as an employee.”


[imgcomment image[/img]

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
  Rise Up
April 6, 2018 10:13 pm

It’s just an interesting coincidence. Today’s fake news reports do mention both that he was promoted and that he’d recently been passed over. Where is the truth?

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 6, 2018 10:14 pm

I think this was posted by Q around the time the CDC employee went missing:

Feb 7 2018 22:26:50 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 296675 300885
How many top medical researchers found dead in past 5 years?
Why is this topic relevant now?
Why does the US taxpayer subsidize meds for the rest of the world?

April 7, 2018 9:02 pm

And this over the top nonsense from a guy who commutes to work in the hellhole that is Philadelphia, PA….

April 7, 2018 5:25 am

Right now 77% of the American people believe that the MSM puts out fake news. So Trump has done nothing much?

Right now the U.S. is not part of a climate treaty, nor part of the TPP. That’d be because of Trump.

Right now the Nat’l Guard is heading for the border. Trump again.

Trump has also got his birddog, Sessions, pointing toward some Deep Staters. Rosenstein is in the crosshairs right this moment.

With Trump in office, we have seen a reduction in taxes and repatriation of profits sitting in other countries.

Trump has endeared so many of us with his nicknames: crooked Hillary, Pocahontas, crying Chuck, and now cheating Obama. Then there is “Fake News.” Who else could get away with this?

North Korea has experienced Trump and had gotten the message. Who would have thought? And he gets no credit here on this site? Trump has done nothing much?

The trade war with China is long overdue. China has gotten U.S. technology for a pittance. Much of it stolen, much of it sold by U.S. politicians and CEOs. The U.S. sells about $150B to China and China sells to the U.S. more than $500B. China at maximum can only put tariffs on $150B, so who has the upper hand? Trump breaks some rice bowls on both sides of the Pacific that needed breaking.

Every day the guy works at killing the opposition who would weaken the country. And what do we do around here? Pretty much what the Democrats in D. C. do and most of the Republicans for that matter. It’s pathetic.

As for Q, I see the phenomenon. Out of chaos comes order. Like Emerson observed, “A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds, adored by statesmen and philosophers and divines.” Oh yes, the logical mind can spot those inconsistencies a mile off. So offensive they are. Even when that same logical mind knows itself to be inconsistent, regularly. But out there it’s damnable, it’s a downright horror, it’s a sign that things aren’t right, that it’s a big, fat warning that something could go wrong! Godallmighty we cannot have that!

Who or what the hell other than Q could have made millions of people aware of the out-of-site tempest going on in D.C.? You think that is nothing? You think that if Q gives a wrong signal that this proves he, she, or it is worthy of shit-canning, ridiculing, and condemning with all your being?

There’s some crazy shit going on these days and a good share of it goes on right here.

April 7, 2018 4:36 pm

“Belief” has nothing to do with my observations.

Alex Jones has several million subscribers. Corsi writes articles for that site and is often interviewed there. Scores of other sites talk about Q, each having tens of thousands of subscribers.

Wasn’t there an article in the NYT? I see leftist opinion writers all over the place waxing eloquent about the ridiculousness of the conspiracy of child trafficking being brought to the fore by Q.

It’s adding up. That is not ‘belief” as you categorized it in your attempt to undermine the thesis that Q has legs and is legitimate. Insofar as what Trump is doing, I have made some points on that and each of them is a far fucking cry from what Hillary would have done to us, and in fact are good for the country. I did not say Trump was saving the country nor is that my “belief.” The facts stand for themselves and it is pathetic that so many people on this site can’t see past their prejudices and experiences. You are like the old scientists who have to die off before new discoveries made by younger ones can change the entrenched paradigms.

In your case it is not your careers at stake but your self-image as being above it all when it comes to understanding this world that is full of lies and corruption. You cannot afford to think ever again with your experience with Harry Browne and Ron Paul coloring everything you “know” for certain, that something new and so outrageous as the Trump character and “his sidekick” could make some waves that might turn into big waves that wash out the sewer that is D.C. No, you once believed and now you never will again. Too painful is it? Poor, poor little boys. That cat that sat on a hot stove? It never will again, nor will it ever sit on a cold one. A Mark Twain observation.

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 7, 2018 4:53 pm


Check out the number of views on these Q videos by various posters. Isaac Green has a single video that has 124k views, and he posts several times a week.

A million is a low estimate of people aware of Q.

Francis Marion
Francis Marion
April 7, 2018 11:37 pm


These boys haven’t figured it out yet.

You are a bigger troll than Trump is.

BTW – Q is real.

April 7, 2018 9:14 pm

There are dozens of YouTube channels following Q, each with tens of thousands of subscribers….Do you do Math?

April 7, 2018 9:24 pm

Same fucking subscribers each site.

April 7, 2018 11:13 pm


SGT has 300k subscribers

If you watch this video you might replace the certainty in your mind that keeps you from recognizing reality with something like sweet reason. Horse, water.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 11:20 pm

As YoBo might tell you, 300K does not equal six million. Holo-hoax meet Q-hoax.

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 2:14 pm

“Why does the US taxpayer subsidize meds for the rest of the world?”

A lot of the Q cues are fraught with insidious propaganda. Meds are cheaper abroad but I don’t believe the US is subsidizing them. It may be true in the sense that taxpayers subsidize many products that are later handed to industry for marketing. If afterwards they are sold abroad, then they are, in a way, subsidized. But the folks making the profits should be the object of scorn here and not Jose or Josip.

  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 6:46 pm

The US Big Pharma machine operates within the Federal Reserve system. They have to report P&L in dollars, not yen, rubles or gold ounces. There are more Federal Reserve dollars available (to rip off) in America, so they market here. American tax laws allow deduction of research expenses for drug makers; American patent laws allow private monopolies for 17 years, then renewals with subtle, inexpensive changes (sometimes even packaging!) to keep the rip off going.
So yes, American taxpayers subsidize the world EVEN BEFORE you notice that the same drug costs $X in Canada but $2X in America, yet you cannot fly to Toronto, buy a suitcase full and bring it back to sell at an instant profit, because that’s price gouging you know and also against the law. Wanna talk about how many new drugs come from America versus the rest of the world (you can discount the drugs that kill you if you like; the useful ones are still mainly invented here)? And if you don’t think that the drug companies price their drugs higher in America because WE CAN AFFORD TO BUY THEM then I have some seaside property in Arizona I’d like to sell you …

April 7, 2018 9:17 pm

Still, a ton of people are buying generics (some of which are not approved yet in the US, for reasons that are obvious) through various Canadian and Indian pharmacies, at drastically reduced prices.

  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 9:15 pm

Often cheaper by a factor between 10 and 100…Big Pharma doesn’t even claim that the US market isn’t subsidizing the world….

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 2:28 pm

Damn, Bigfoot as drank the Kool Aid or Purple Drank. Trump is the Storm as Q likes to say. When he said America would get tired of winning, what he meant is that she would get tired of his endless, pointless battles for points if nothing else. As Charlie Sheen used to say, Winning!

All we need to see now is Trump doing a side commentary on his emotions as the shit was going down, the way they do in reality shows. His ham-fisted diplomacy will finally alienate even hardcore US puppets. I used to think Trump had stolen Ron Paul’s shtick, now I think he stole Larry Flynt’s, Milton Berle must be proud.

  EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 4:46 pm

“Ham-fisted diplomacy” you call it. What, I wonder, do you call all the “diplomacy” that has led to all the wars going on right now? How about all the treaties negotiated with the regular kind of “diplomacy?” What the fuck do you want, more of what has been done and failed? Trump is chaotic and the other side of the negotiation can’t find a foothold, especially when Trump has the trump card that is American power and wealth. Give me ham-fisted when it comes to NK, NAFTA, the Paris Accord, TPP, the border, Obamacare, and a jillion other things that have been negotiated with your non ham-fisted method. For fuck’s sake, Coyote, you clever bastard, wake up.

April 7, 2018 5:22 pm

I’ve done stupid things. I’ve acted stupidly. I am stupid in many ways. You would be stupid to believe me if I were to say I am not stupid.

You see, Admin, we are all ignorant. We can never know everything about anything. We live in ignorance every minute of our lives. A stupid person is not reflective, but is a believer. Belief in the face of evidence that refutes that belief is stupid.

Some of us on this site are presenting opinion, observations, and facts concerning what you call “stupid.” Not hardly. Your one-offs and memes don’t get it done. Just to let you know. Indeed, I am wondering if you are not stupid. I’ve read your stuff and liked it, but you seem like a blind mouse going up the clock to be struck dumb when it comes to the current topic. I hope you are one who can recover your senses.

Having said that, I assure you that I do not think Trump and Q are saviors of the kind at the end of movies where everything in the future will be blessed and full of light. We will all struggle just as before simply because that is what life is and is what we are here for, in my opinion. What I most protest here is that we who are most likely to give aid and comfort to those who fight for what is right are now fighting to degrade the effort. I find that stupid, but not only stupid, but tragic.

April 7, 2018 6:05 pm

Admin – Qballers are a form of truthers. No amount of evidence and science and witness reports and facts will change their minds. They will create proof out of thin air, or when that fails say it was intentional disinformation.

I admire and respect IS, but damn, really?

As you said earlier, if this was real, Q would have been routed out and exterminated already.

April 7, 2018 11:58 pm

“You are presenting opinions and observations. Do not try to tell me you are presenting facts. You most certainly are not.”

I put up plenty of facts concerning what Trump has done.

As for Q, the fact is that Trump and Q communicate and have made their communication with each other crystal clear. As for the predictions that don’t come true, why not let Corsi explain something to you? You won’t like it. At first. But once the newness wears off your critical thinking skills will likely come in handy.


By the way here are some of the beliefs you have that you have arrived at with your critical thinking skills: Jesus existed. Jesus walked on water. Jesus rose from the dead. God created the world. Adam and Eve were in an enchanted garden and she ate an apple offered by a snake. Moses brought down from the mountain tablets carved by God. Moses parted the Red Sea. Noah built a boat large enough for two of each animal and from that the animals repopulated the earth before they ate one another. Shall I go on?

April 7, 2018 9:19 pm

Admin has failed to process the fact that we are already infinitely better of under the “flawed” Donald than we would have been under the demented, alcoholic Deep State pawn that is Hillary….too bad, so sad

April 7, 2018 9:35 pm

But he is a Constitutional lawyer!

He says.

April 7, 2018 8:07 pm

If Q is fake, it’s being driven from the top. Remember, POTUS tweeted this long ago:

Right click on the image, and hit “Save Image as” and see what the filename defaults to. Here’s a hint: “DOITQJ8UIAAowsQ”

Could it be this obvious?

Rise Up
Rise Up
April 7, 2018 8:57 pm
April 7, 2018 9:59 pm

Did Q predict this? If it was his office I hope he had a paraQute.


Fire on the 50th floor of Trump Tower. A 67 year old man was killed. 67 – 50 = 17. Q is the 17th letter of the alphabet. Somebody say it ain’t so!

April 7, 2018 11:40 pm

I dunno about Q, but I’m pretty sure you are half-baked, not uncooked.

April 7, 2018 10:32 pm

The CDC guy was missing for 3 weeks.

He was found “drowned” in a creek bed that hadn’t seen water since before his “disappearance”. His body showed little sign of decomposition, like it had been “on ice”.

Reminds me of the Clintoncides with two bullets in the back of the head!

“Nothing to see here! Move along! Move along!” says Admin.

Q is entertaining and hopeful! If you don’t agree, ignore Q and discussion of him (it).

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 11:12 pm

Curt, thanks for that. I questioned the coincidence, I did not know your particulars.
However, Admin only questioned the Feb 7 Q post because it doesn’t seem to be addressing this news.
He didn’t say, nothing to see here.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 7, 2018 10:35 pm

I don’t think the stupid is bothering you at all, Admin. I think you are having too much fun with this.

Too much fun? That’s news to me. Too much fun? There must be…
A whole lotta things I never done
But I ain’t never had too much fun.

  Mary Christine
April 7, 2018 10:59 pm

Apparently you’ve never done many drugs or much alcohol or both at the same time. Hell, I passed right by fun like it was sitting still on more than one occasion then caught back up to it before the night was over! I don’t have many stories of having too much fun but the few I have are enough to know it’s definitely possible. Ahh…..the good ol days!

EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
EL Coyote the Dumbfuck AKA
April 7, 2018 11:07 pm

I-S has gone bye bye.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 8, 2018 9:06 am

Just a quote from an old Commander Cody and His Lost Planet Airmen song. I don’t talk about highschool. I’m just glad we didn’t have social media back then.