How You Can Be 100% Certain That QAnon Is Bullshit

Guest Post by Caitlin Johnstone

President Trump has yet again advanced an evil longstanding agenda of America’s depraved intelligence and defense agencies, so as usual the QAnon cult is out in force telling everyone not to worry because this is all part of the plan. Ever since WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange was slammed by Trump’s Justice Department with a mountain of espionage charges carrying a possible sentence of 175 years in prison, QAnon acolytes have been showing up in my social media mentions with screenshots of a new post from the mysterious 8chan anon assuring us all that Assange is actually being protected by Trump.

The post reads in the typical QAnon cryptic word salad style that its adherents often annoyingly imitate when normal people try to engage them in an adult conversation:

“Under protection.
Threat is real.
Key to DNC ‘source’ ‘hack’ ‘187’.

I find this subject very tedious, and my regular readers aren’t generally the types to fall for this sort of toxic propaganda construct, but I’m putting this information out there anyway as a public service since many people are being deluded by it.

Continue reading “How You Can Be 100% Certain That QAnon Is Bullshit”


FYI. Q Team has posted this evening:

POTUS will be up all night.
Watch the news tomorrow.

Two days ago T4C breathlessly posted the above info on the previous Q thread. I decided to assess this clear and concise prediction that something big was going to happen on Thursday. How else could you interpret this post by the mysterious insider – Q? The word PRAY clearly meant that an earth shattering event was going to happen on Thursday. Right?

I was going to give the Q-tippers the benefit of the doubt and watch the news on Thursday for something really really big. I waited and waited and waited. The stock market went up. The usual trade war blather with China. Trump said he was building the wall for the 5,000th time, even though it is not getting built. He attacked Bezos again. There was absolutely no big earth shattering news. None. Nada. Zip. What was I supposed to pray for?

So now I’m wondering.

Was POTUS up all night with the shits?

Was POTUS up all night banging Melania?

Was POTUS up all night watching a Stormy Daniels porn marathon on PornHub?

Was POTUS up all night playing 3D chess with Q?

I’m sure I’ve missed something that the Q-tippers will surely enlighten me about, because I’m clearly a dullard and can’t comprehend the deep deep nature of these Q posts. Did Trump use tippy top again in a sentence? Did he form his fingers into a secret message?

How do the acolytes of Q read this bullshit on a daily basis and then not judge what was said by the factual info that follows. Please tell me what happened on Thursday that required prayer and kept Trump up all night?

Sound of fucking crickets.

Let the outrage from the Q-tippers begin because I dared to assess an actual Q post.

Continue reading “UP ALL NIGHT – Q”