State of Failure

Guest Post by Jim Kunstler

BEIRUT, Lebanon — Days after President Trump said he wanted to pull the United States out of Syria, Syrian forces hit a suburb of Damascus with bombs that rescue workers said unleashed toxic gas.

Fool me once, shame on you; fool me twice, shame on me, the old saying goes. So, tread carefully through the minefields of propaganda laid for the credulous in such low organs as The New York Times. There are excellent reasons to suppose that the American Deep State wishes strenuously to keep meddling all around the Middle East. The record so far shows that the blunt instruments of US strategic policy produce a consistent result: failed states.

Syria was well on its way to that sorry condition — prompted by an inflow of Jihadi maniacs fleeing our previous nation un-building experiment in Iraq — when the Russians stepped in with an arrantly contrary idea: to support the Syrian government. Of course, the Russians had ulterior motives: a naval base on the Mediterranean, expanded influence in the region, and a Gazprom concession to develop and manage large natural gas fields near the Syrian city of Homs, for export to Europe. The latter would have competed with America’s client state, Qatar, a leading gas exporter to Europe.

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But the US objected to supporting the government of Bashar al-Assad, as it had previously with Saddam Hussein and Muammar Gaddafi, as well as Russia’s presence there in the first place. So, the US cultivated anti-government forces in the Syrian civil war, a hodgepodge of Islamic psychopaths variously known as ISIS (Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), Daesh, al-Qaeda, al-Nusra, Ansar al-Din, Jaysh al-Sunna, Nour al-Din al-Zenki, and what-have-you.

As it happened, US policy in Syria after 2013 became an exercise in waffling. It was clear that our support for the forces of Jihad against Assad was turning major Syrian cities into rubble-fields, with masses of civilians caught in the middle and ground up like so much dog food. President Barack Obama famously drew a line-in-the-sand on the use of chemical weapons. It was well-known that the Syrian army had stockpiles of chemical poisons. But the US also knew that our Jihadi consorts had plenty of their own. Incidents of chemical atrocities were carried out by… somebody… it was never altogether clear or proven… and Mr. Obama’s line-in-the-sand disappeared under dust-storms of equivocation.

Finally, a joint mission of the United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) and the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) was called in to supervise the destruction of the Syrian government’s chemical weapons, and certified it as accomplished in late 2014. Yet, poison gas incidents continued — most notoriously in 2017 when President Donald Trump responded to one with a sortie of cruise missiles against a vacant Syrian government airfield. And now another incident in the Damascus suburb of Douma has provoked Mr. Trump to tweetstormed threats of retaliatory violence, just days after he proposed a swift withdrawal from that vexing corner of the world.

Surely by now the American public has developed some immunity to claims of nefarious doings in foreign lands (“weapons of mass destruction,” and all). The operative sentence in that New York Times report is “…Syrian forces hit a suburb of Damascus with bombs that rescue workers said unleashed toxic gas.” Yeah, well, how clear is it that the toxic gas was contained in the bombs, or rather that the bombs dropped by the Syrian military blew up a chemical weapon depot controlled by anti-government Jihadis? Does that hodgepodge of maniacs show any respect for the UN, or the Geneva Convention, or any other agency of international law? As in many previous such incidents, we don’t know who was responsible — though there is plenty of reason to believe that parties within the US establishment are against Mr. Trump’s idea of getting the hell out of that place, and might cook up a convenient reason to prevent it.

Lastly, how is it in Bashar al-Assad’s interests to provoke a fresh international uproar against him and his regime? I’d say it is not the least in his interest, since he is on the verge of putting an end to the awful conflict. He may not be a model of rectitude by Western standards, but he’s not a mental defective. And he has very able Russian support advising him in what has been so far a long and difficult effort to prevent his state from failing — or being failed for him.

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Capn Mike
Capn Mike
April 9, 2018 9:59 am

Cui bono?

April 9, 2018 10:02 am

You can bet that the mossad is involved in this. Israel cannot afford to allow its “bitch”, the USA to leave the middle east.

April 9, 2018 11:04 am

…It’s….. Spell check. I just do this for the negative hits. Have at it.

April 9, 2018 1:39 pm

Bob, nice try as the spelling Nazi. Get it right, though.

The correct contraction of “it is” is “it’s”. Some people often get confused between “it’s” and “its”. It’s is the contraction of it is, whereas its is possessive. For example, the cat is wagging its tail as it’s walking. The correct contraction of “it is” is “it’s”.

April 9, 2018 10:58 am

I, too, thought this a Deep State event staged to keep Trump from pulling out of Syria. After all, why would Assad, on the edge of victory, do the one thing guaranteed to keep the USA interested in Syria? Why?

Lets look at this from a different standpoint – the Spanish Civil War. The Spanish Civil war was a way for the future belligerents to test out all their new weapons and as a way to get themselves much needed veterans. After all, a soldier that has seen combat is worth 5 that have not. Now, the Russians, Chinese and Iranians have had a front row seat as to how the US and its proxy armies operate and our capabilities especially our use of drones.

Allowing the US to go home means that they can not study our Order of Battle in a classroom separate from their homeland anymore. See, the Russians and Chinese have spent some good cash on some brand new weapons systems that they’ve not yet tested and we’ll spoil all the fun if we leave too soon.

April 9, 2018 11:08 am

Interesting. I love this site for the independent thinker.
I now longer doubt, unfortunately, that killing 50 civilians is a problem on the world chess stage.

April 9, 2018 6:47 pm

Neither is knowingly allowing the killing of 17 kids in Florida. Why can’t people believe that TPTB don’t care about anyone and will kill as many as they need to to push a narrative. Why is it so hard to believe in the evil in this world. It is so apparent to me.

April 9, 2018 11:41 pm

i’ve never thought of that angle nickel,very interesting–
following the same reasoning,how much does it cost us compared to the other nations to remain there?

April 9, 2018 11:19 am

Charges are made and blame placed with no one offering any evidence to stand behind them.

Syria could just have easily conducted its own false flag attack against its enemies to make it look like someone else is conducting a false flag attack against them just to manipulate the political thinking of the many parties involved.

In the middle east, nothing is as it seems with deceit, intrigue, and devious actions being the norm rather the exception.

April 9, 2018 11:39 am

I too find it curious when “trademark” methods are uses, supposedly by out enemies. When a father and daughter are poisoned in the UK, who thinks of anyone but Russians? And of course Syrians would use poison gas to kill a couple of dozen people, because why not use something that virtually guarantees the continued presence of the US in Syria and likely punitive measures, far outweighing the tactical value of the attack ?

Unless Putin and Assad suddenly got stupid, they would not use poison or gas, because they know who would be blamed.

A. R. Wasem
A. R. Wasem
April 9, 2018 7:38 pm


April 9, 2018 12:01 pm

The most powerful military in the region sits a few dozen miles from Damascus. If Syria is ‘threat’ to anyone’ it is a threat to Israel and they have the wherewithal to bring down Assad’s regime anytime they choose. Let the Israeli’s handle the mess there.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
April 9, 2018 12:12 pm

You are so far from reality.
The only thing that can make IsraHell the most powerful military in the region is Nuclear bombs, else they are crap.

The last two times they attacked Lebanon, they got their asses kicked. Now you want to tell me IsraHell is going to kick the asses of SAA, Iran Republican Guard, Hezbollah, and Russian air assets.

Good grief!!!


Well. it seems rather difficult to defeat them so far.

And it has been that way since they were brought back into being as a nation in 1948.

April 9, 2018 12:20 pm

Q speaks …. and it’s clear to me that Q is NOT Trump

[imgcomment image[/img]

April 9, 2018 12:55 pm

@Stuck –

How does this Q post make you sure Trump is not Q?

I read it a couple of times, but I don’t see what you must see.


April 9, 2018 1:16 pm

Well …. the Q post says “THEY are trying to start a war.”

But, Trump is sending tweets threatening Russia. So, how is that Trump can simultaneously blame a “they” when he is issuing war mongering threats himself?

Also, I just submitted a post from V.T. which states that Trump and Bolton are behind the chemical attack.

April 9, 2018 12:58 pm

Admin,Zara, and others made similar statments way before the stupid fuck above. Refering to Stucky’s post.

kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
April 9, 2018 2:38 pm

It seems that you just called Stucky a stupid fuck.


It does seem that way, doesn’t it?

I don’t care. Not in the mood for a shitfest.

Moon Of Alabama also has a very good article about this supposed chemical attack by Assad.


No I am calling the great and powerful Q a stupid fuck.

April 9, 2018 12:28 pm

A brief post, collating all the known events surrounding the build up to the alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, Syria on the 7/8th of April 2018.

February-April 2018: — The Syrian Arab Army has been making quick, decisive gains on the ground in recent weeks. Eastern Ghouta has all but fallen. Barring foreign intervention, the Syrian government’s victory is now all but assured.

March 13th 2018 — Russian military command claims US is aiming to strike Damascus on an “invented pretext”. Advises them against it.

March 13th 2018 — Syrian forces reported finding caches of chemical weapons in labs around liberated areas of Ghouta.

March 19th 2018 — Russian and Syrian military figures reported they feared the rebels would stage a “false flag” chemical attack in order to drag US/NATO into action in Syria.

March 30th 2018 — Donald Trump told a crowd at a speech in Ohio – and later repeated in a tweet – that the USA would be pulling out of Syria “very soon.” This is met with consternation in the capital and across the media.

April 6th 2018 — UNSC meeting convened – at Russian request – to discuss the alleged attack in Salisbury, UK. Every member of the UNSC who spoke was categorical in their condemnation of any use of chemical weapons.

Night of April 7th/morning of April 8th — …a chemical attack is reported by the US/UK funded “White Helmets”. The US blames Syrian govt. and holds Russia “responsible”.

With these facts as they are, we should ask a few questions:

1. Why, with the current international focus on chemical weapons, why would Assad hurt his cause by attacking a non-military target with chemical weapons?

2. With global political discussion focusing more on Saudi Arabian war on Yemen, the Skripal attack, and Israeli violence against Palestinians, why would Assad choose this moment to conduct a chemical attack and potentially distract from these issues?

3. The Syrian Arab Army is currently operating in Douma, why would Assad risk dropping chemical weapons that could hit his own troops?

4. The POTUS has publicly stated he intends to pull out of Syria “very soon”. Why would the Syrian Government endanger this development?

5. Cui bono? Who has the most to gain from this chemical attack? The SAA, who are already winning the war, or the cornered jihadist forces in desperate need of aid and air support?



April 9, 2018 1:00 pm

Hal Turner is a known and admitted government covert agent.

He admitted it in his trial when he got too cocky and started calling for attacks on Judges and publishing their addresses which got him sent to jail.

April 9, 2018 12:56 pm

Stuck, they were treating young victims with a water hose. Chemicals that poison peeps by inhalation. It is not convincing, same as last time.

April 9, 2018 12:58 pm

Too many powers profit/benefit from such an attack. To apply logic you pretty much have to know who was responsible from the outset, and in that quagmire its virtually impossible to uncover who is truly at fault.

The United States cannot “win” in Syria, or the Middle East.

Cut our losses. Bring our troops home.

April 9, 2018 3:31 pm

I too am a Doom Porner when it comes to changing things with our existing culture. Only a total economic collapse or depression is capable of snuffing out the Porkulas and the Liberal and Faux-Con ideology or religion that comes with it. If we could get enough people on the same page as to what to replace this mess with when it collapses.
At this point we are still in the phase of Identifying the Problem and haven’t begun forming much of a consensus on what to replace it with. Do we go back to the original constitution? Perhaps a limited Theocracy? What about “Compassionate” Fascism? Fascism gets a worse rap than it deserves regardless of my conservative libertarian leanings. I don’t believe anything like libertarianism and or anarchism can actually be implemented. My fear is “Warlordism” will erupt and remain the dominant form of governance for quite some time. Notice I’m having fun with the use of ISMS just as an in your face to any SJW lurkers who might be evesdropping as in LURKERISM.