Trump Vows Syria Retaliation WITHOUT Investigation

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April 11, 2018 4:06 pm

I’m having a hard time with this. Last time this happened, Trump launched a bunch of cruise missiles that had their payloads removed into either the ocean or vacant lots. I believe he did this to keep the heat off of himself over the screams that he was only in power because of the Russians. What is happening now just makes no sense so lets try to figure it out.

1. Trump announces that with the defeat of ISIS we can finally leave Syria.
2. Within days of this announcement, Al qaeda tweets us some images of people playing twister and says it was a chemical attack.
3. The entire deep state and MSM begins howling for war.
4. Trump’s personal lawyer and long time friend has his office and home raided undoing the Attorney – Client Privilege foundation of our legal system.
5. Trump buys time by tweeting the most ludicrous of things imaginable.

All I can tell from any of this is that a very serious game is being played. On one hand you’ve got the MSM screaming that Trump is a traitor/rapist/madman which, of course is bad thing while simultaneously screaming for war and murder which they present as a good thing.

I didn’t even bring in the Petro/Yuan or any of the trade war stuff going on with China.

I can’t make heads or tails from any of it. Anyone???????

April 11, 2018 4:52 pm

Petro Yuan, look no further.
Here is why. by way of the Zion controlled Federal Reserve bank the Petro Dollar is a WORLD TAX or a tribute leveled on all Vassal States by way of annual debasement. It goes from the Fed to Money Center Banks (also Zion owned) for a small interest fee (Debasement + Fed Funds Rate) who by way of fractional reserve banking can loan it out to other banks etc. There are so many dollars outstanding that the more Nefarious U.S. Govt. Goon squads can afford to counterfit plenty to keep their dirty little Regime change protection racketts going without Congressional oversight.
In the bad old days we would use drug money for this but now even that is chump change and no longer needed for budgets. It’s just needed for regime change justification without representation. I know of this first hand. Well meaning patriotic zealots will tell you otherwise but that won’t change it.
Where the Petro Yuan comes in is it is a more dangerous version of Iraq and Libya demanding gold or Euros for oil. It kills our world wide Tribute system.

April 11, 2018 5:03 pm

yeah, sometimes you have to look at what isn’t being mentioned and I’ve seen little to no mention of the Petro Yuan and if memory serves me correct, we will straight up murder anyone that dares challenge the Petro Dollar.

In the end, it is hard to feel pity for the population and what is coming. I’ve tried to explain the Petro Dollar to any number of people and they simply refuse to see the significance of it or take the time to wrap their mind around what the USA would look like the very day we no longer have the world’s reserve currency. Perhaps the millennials need to go die by the millions to drive the point home. After all, it is the fate being planned for them.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
April 11, 2018 4:19 pm

Madness has seized our country. This mess will not be resolved without some kind of meltdown. Either Trump declares war on the Deep State (ending this Syria nonsense) or he and we are lost. He should arrest Mueller immediately and confine him at Gitmo, together with a host of others. I fear it may be too late for Trump to regain his footing. If he doesn’t, prepare to batten down the hatches.