We all hope that we have it all figured out

Robert Bronsdon (Hollywood Rob) April 2018

Many of us like to expound on the truth of things. I personally have done so on this site.  Some resonate with our inner most thoughts, others clash with our views of how the world works and why things are the way that they are.  By now you have all been exposed to Jordon Peterson and if you care to, you can spend endless days listening to his classes on Psychology and what he thinks.  I am not here to delve into his past thoughts.  I want here to offer to you his insights.  I find them profound.

I am sure that each of us will focus on a specific part of his presentation. I have my own gems, but want you to express yourself and your views.  If you have commented before, well then have at em.  If you have never commented, however, I am particularly interested in your perspective.  I don’t intend to debate anyone on the points raised.  Your insights are the most important thing to me.

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April 24, 2018 7:54 am

“This video is unavailable”

Oh, well. So much for that.

April 24, 2018 7:56 am

Poof !

Joe Fahy
Joe Fahy
April 24, 2018 8:00 am

When I tried to access the video, youtube said the account had been terminated. Is this video available anywhere else?


  Joe Fahy
April 24, 2018 8:08 am

Looks like someone doesn’t like what Jordan Peterson has to say. We’ll try to track down another link.

April 24, 2018 3:24 pm

Take the same Youtube url and paste it into hooktube.com.

  Joe Fahy
April 24, 2018 10:40 am

The video appears to have just now been restored, as I write this. Or another copy has been found.

April 24, 2018 8:13 am

Well, I guess I clicked on it just in time. That’s what happens when you wake up at 3:00 AM on the west coast.

Well worth the hour and 23 minutes. There was not one controversial statement in that whole video. This country is in BIG TROUBLE if what he is saying is deemed inappropriate.

I was hoping to share the link….. Oh well…
The truth will never die.

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
April 24, 2018 8:54 am

It was a Jordan Peterson video? You seem to be the only one who managed to watch it before the video was disabled.

What was he talking about?

April 24, 2018 9:24 am

When you see a video -or news article- someone high up in the chain might not lie, download it immediately. By screen capture if necessary.

You can always just delete it later if it stays up.

Too much stuff just disappears. It used to be hard to scrub something from the internet but the various PTB have gotten rather good at it over the past decade or so.

April 24, 2018 9:52 am

IF it’s and hour and 23 minutes, it must be this one interview in Australia.
The interviewer is great too.

To get Jordan, you have to get his semi-religious mostly Christen message:
That is life starts out innocent, we learn and experience suffering and evil ,
and it is by dedicating ourselves to reducing human suffering in ourselves and others
by telling the truth and doing good things with a goal of doing a lot of good,
that we transcend the suffering.

His personality online test is excellent and both myself and wife took it, and it
explained why on occasion we have emotional tifs, which has made life now easier to understand
at home and even to avoid doing things that aren’t going to work vs someone else’s personality.

If you don’t get the first sentence, you get this taken from one video :
Dr Jordan Peterson says radical Leftists don’t approve of him because:

“I don’t approve of them”
“I don’t like the resentment, I don’t like the ideological pre-conviction, I don’t like the emphasis on equity, inclusiveness of diversity, or all those buzzwords, I don’t like the damage they have done to Universities, I don’t like the spill-over of that into larger society, I don’t like the totalitarian presuppositions, I don’t like the history of radical history of murderousness, I don’t like the failure of academics to take responsibility for the role they played facilitating that through the 20’th century , and I don’t like the ongoing demolition of the universities. That’s why they come out in droves to protest me.although they never do it on the basis of my arguments, it’s always name calling, noise , derision, and insults.. and juvenile behavior., and they are punished quite badly in the court of public political opinion. “

April 24, 2018 10:01 am

Cleaning up on Patreon, 34k$ a month.
Perhaps admin needs to look into Patreon.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 24, 2018 10:11 am

Patreon is not bad idea. I think they take a small percentage though.

I like JP. I hope he’s mentoring some kids. We need more people like him.

They haven’t taken down his account yet. I’ll listen to the presentation if you figure out which one it is.

April 24, 2018 10:04 am

“…. you have to get his semi-religious mostly Christen message:
That is life starts out innocent, we learn and experience suffering and evil ,
and it is by dedicating ourselves to reducing human suffering in ourselves and others
by telling the truth and doing good things with a goal of doing a lot of good,
that we transcend the suffering”

That’s the Jewish (Hebraic) view, the Christian view is that we are all born sinful, carrying the original sin of Adam, passed down from father to son throughout the ages, and have a sinful nature that cannot be redeemed with good actions but only through the forgiveness brought by Christ. A major difference between the Jewish and Christian religions, there is no earning your way to heaven in Christianity (something that seems universal in all other religions).

April 24, 2018 4:01 pm

There are about 60 variants of Christianity (check wiki-pedia on the subject). Jordan doesn’t adhere to ANY of them, he has his own personal mostly SEMI-Christian view ( as I said). Actually he dabs into Taoism , Buddhism, to round out his perspective. He doesn’t even think for sure there is a GOD, he only says he’s afraid there MIGHT be one (funny ha ha but I think he means it too).

April 24, 2018 10:22 am

Not sure if this is speech but listened to it yesterday. Pretty good.. as always

deplorably stanley
deplorably stanley
  Hollywood Rob
April 24, 2018 11:51 am

You must be outoftheloop Hollywood, youtube has been on a tear for about the last year and a half, issuing strikes and deleting channels and all their videos like there is no tomorrow; youtube can’t delete that shit fast enough.

Jordan Peterson has had his email disabled, his google+ account disappeared, his youtube channel deleted. Now what’s the commonality between all of those things?

They all belong to Alphabet.com, aka Google.

Mary Christine
Mary Christine
April 24, 2018 5:03 pm

The only reason I can figure out why this might be banned is the one reference to women having so much more power within the political system and how that might have not be a good thing. I’m paraphrasing since I did not sit there and take notes.

Can’t see how anything else he said is a problem. I can’t disagree with him at all. Women do want powerful men that are…was civilized the word he used? I can’t remember. We don’t want another kid to take care of. The reason why boys have become so squishy is because strong, caring fathers are absent. Mothers can be suffocating and need to be tempered. I raised girls so I’m a backseat driver.

You know what struck me the most was the way he talked about his wife. He said she makes him laugh when they are having a disagreement, and “that is what I like so much about her”. Not that he loves her, which I am sure he does, but that he likes her, a lot.
If you don’t like your spouse, your marriage is in trouble.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
April 24, 2018 7:09 pm

Face the facts Dr Jordon Peterson tells it like it is in an unapologetic honest straight forward deminer . He is polite and challenges us to think for our selves and in that process question nearly everything .
The entire left , progressive SJW ninny bow wagers are incapable of anything but sheeple herd mentality . If any thing makes someone feel unsafe or some other such nonsense coming from a Dr. Peterson lecture or Q&A session this person requires serious clinical mental help up to forced commitment and hospitalization . Functioning in our world requires us to be adults if you cannot do that please check your self in to some institution . If you cannot do that please drink alcohol till you fall off the stool incoherently and spend a few night in jail . Sometimes life necessitates a severe shock to the system !

April 24, 2018 9:08 pm

“He is polite and challenges us to think for our selves and in that process question nearly everything.”

That’s the dangerous threat that must be censored.