“A crash could prove to be President Trump’s worst legacy. Not only is he — and the Fed he’s helping to create — not paying attention to the alarm bells (ignored by the last iteration of the Fed as well), but he’s ensured that none of his appointees will either.

After campaigning hard against the ills of global finance in the 2016 election campaign and promising a modern era Glass-Steagall Act to separate bank deposits from the more speculative activities on Wall Street, Trump’s policy reversals and appointees leave our economy more exposed than ever.

When politicians and regulators are asleep at the wheel, it’s the rest of us who will suffer sooner or later. Because of the collusion that’s gone on and continues to go on among the world’s main central banks, that problem is now an international one.”

Nomi Prins

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Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 4, 2018 9:38 am

The plan was to “Hard Brexit”. Instead, Theresa Mays lost her majority.

The Hard Brexit was fashioned (preordained) to devalue world markets.

Since 1942 (Bretton Woods), the “Sovereign Currency” is the intentionally – mislabeled; intentionally – usurped – by – imposters; intentionally – targeted – for – devaluation “Federal Reserve Note”.


Gold was held artificially low and the “FED RATE” was strangled in its cradle every morning for over a decade. The “volatility index” of the banana republic … er … ehem stock market better represents the flat line of a corpse. The stocks are products of insider trades governed by the Plunge Protection Team and Counter-Party Risk Management Team…

That’s right = the stock market is rigged by the same criminal Filth targeting the US and US Securities for take-down. These criminal Filth use their parasitic, wholly-fraudulent presence in American Finance to encourage the unsuspecting that 1200 Trillions they have COUNTERFEIT IN OUR NAME as intentionally-mislabeled, Federal Reserve Notes”, is American Currency (bonds, bills and notes)…


The Hard Brexit and resulting destabilization, was then preordained to destroy the US and move the new Manhattan into the Pacific Rim = Rupert Murdoch’s Australia- that way gazillions of bazillions of Chinese and Indians -east indians, not Columbus variety indians- could be defrauded as each burgeoning middle class came “on-line” indentured to the “Brics Platform”.

Those “in-the-know” have been stockpiling Gold because the Chinese and Indians revile FIAT Currency. The Nonsense of the “FIAT v Commodities” narrative also feeds into this new propaganda.

In the final analysis, who gives a rat’s ass whether Currency is based on Peanut butter, or gold, or paper used to waft rainbow unicorn farts IF THERE IS NO ACCOUNTABILITY UNDER THE RULE OF LAW??????

1 8 6 ~ Michael Keane 5/5/18.

  Michael Keane
May 4, 2018 10:15 am

Did you just quote yourself?

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 4, 2018 2:17 pm

yup. I write here and often post them elsewhere as well.

  Michael Keane
May 4, 2018 10:28 am

Michael Keane 5/5/18.
Time traveler?…today is 5/4.

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 4, 2018 2:14 pm

I’ve been drinking since wednesday… Lost track of time.

Ron Jones
Ron Jones
May 4, 2018 12:16 pm

Glass-Steagall needed to be re-instituted long ago. It’s too late now. The regulators are not “asleep at the wheel”, but are fully awake to the financial situation, having planned it to bring America down. Trump knows it and is making an effort to correctly attribute the blame for the coming collapse to the central bank where it belongs, though you can bet your bippy that it will all be blamed on him.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
May 5, 2018 8:04 am

There will be finger pointing , hand wringing and enough blame to go around to create a black hole that will swallow up the Washington DC Swamp and nearly everything it’s tentacles touch . That will include all of us , remember the riots over EBT cards being funded 48 to 72 hours late due to a Monday Holiday computer date mishap glitch or the St.Louis , Baltimore or LA indegenious uprising also South Africa’s death throws at least for the white population . Prepare to defend yourselves . Those that can will eat our asses in a heart beat and your government and it’s armed minions will be busy protecting each other with zero concern for those law abiding citizens they swore an oath to protect and defend !