Stucky QOTD: Heaven, Hell, McCain

Q1:  Is Shitstain McCain going to hell? 

Note:  Please answer even if you don’t believe in hell, you’re an atheist, etc.  Just pretend there is a hell, and decide if Herr Shitstain goes there, or heaven.

Q2:  Who else do you believe should be in hell?  It can be anyone; politics, entertainment, family, TBPers, etc.

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Q1: Absolutely, he is going to hell!!  If there is no hell, then God must, out of justice and necessity,  create a hell just for people like Herr Shitstain. I would like for him to rot in hell.  But, rotting requires water, dampness, etc., and hell is too hot for that. So, I can only go for burning like a crispy critter. I saw an episode of South Park where Satan was shoving pineapples up Saddam’s ass every day … that would be nice too.

Q2:  Murdering people, directly or indirectly, is a pretty big sin.  As such, I bleieve pretty much most of our Presidents will be in hell.

Lying is another yuge sins in God’s eyes.  Over and over He says how much he hates liars.   You just can’t be a lawyer and not lie. As such, I believe ALL lawyers are going to hell.

Here on TBP, I think bb is going straight to hell.  Really.  He hates too many people.  And God says that hating in your heart is just as bad, if not worse, than actual murder.  Therefore, bb will be in hell one nanosecond after his black heart stops beating. Sorry about that.  Lastly,  God says most rich people will reside in hell, therefore, Llpoh is on real shaky ground.




Senator, a good Lutheran pastor preaches Law and Gospel. Here’s your situation in terms of your earthly performance under God’s Law: In life, you killed and wounded scores of your shipmates on the USS Forrestal ‘Wet Starting’ your A-4 aircraft in a deliberate attempt at grandstanding. Your Admiral father covered that up, as he did Israel’s deliberate attack on the USS Liberty which killed and wounded scores of Americans.

You betrayed your POW colleagues in Hanoi, not under torture as is indicated by Empire Media, but for a guest room and morning coffee according to cell mates. I have interviewed several of them personally. Your real performance then would earn you the name Songbird. It is a name that has remained etched in the vivid memories of your comrades all these decades later. As in the USS Forrestal tragedy, you would evade a military tribunal and an inevitable court martial and dishonorable discharge due to your father’s power and influence in the inner sanctums of the US Navy elite and the covert assistance of the President of the United States.

You divorced your first wife when she was ill, to marry a rich woman who financed your political career. She obtained her money from her father, Jim Hensley, a bag man for the Meyer Lansky Israeli Crime Syndicate.

You have been a willing and deliberate liar and warmonger for the Zionist State of Israel, the banks, and the Military Industrial Complex. Among the countless number of deaths you have been a conscious and consenting party over many years, you have even stooped in recent years to photo opportunities with Sunni Wahhabic extremists from ISIS and the al-Qaeda fronts in your Israeli sponsored activities in Syria.

In short, Senator, as I explain the gravity and seriousness of your eternal position, you are nearing entrance into the grasping Jaws of Hell. You are like Belshazzar. The Israeli American Empire is like his Babylonian Empire. Both have ‘been weighed and found wanting in the balance.’ (Daniel, Chapter Five)

And so, I present you with your one route of escape. Confess your sins in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Rest in the mercy of the Holy Trinity.

While your mind is still clear, read and consider the Gospel as found in I John, Chapter One. It is your only hope.

The Empire, the Empire Media, and the Synagogue of Satan you have served cannot save you. I cannot save you. You cannot save yourself.

Only Christ can, in your case, just before the stroke of Midnight.

Senator, concern yourself not with whether or not Donald Trump attends your funeral. Concern yourself with Eternity in either the Kingdom of God, or in Hell.




Author: Stucky

I'm right, you're wrong. Deal with it.

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May 8, 2018 2:25 pm

1) IF there is a hell, McCain will be there.

2) Too many bastards to name, politicians, banksters, and warmongers.

May 8, 2018 2:25 pm

Wouldn’t be great to believe that McShitstain is gettin’ pitchforked in hell for an eternity.

One can hope. Hey there is a good reason to have faith… dream the dream.

May 8, 2018 2:27 pm

Agreed. Ol’ Shitstain is on the roster. He will be welcomed by none of those he betrayed as they went upstairs. His welcome will be from satan, Ho Chi Min et al.

May 8, 2018 2:27 pm

Songbird gonna hurry down there to narc on the new arrivals in exchange for a cool spot with a view.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
May 8, 2018 2:36 pm

This was his heaven. A pad in Sedona, a pad in DC, and so many pads he couldn’t keep track during the 2008 election. Insulated from the illegal aliens that he let pour into the country, insulated from the death and destruction of wars he helped ignite.

Yes, this was his heaven. Like so many other monsters who never “got theirs” in life. And trust me, if it came out that he could have even 10 more minutes of life by cannibalizing babies, he would do it…

May 8, 2018 2:38 pm

1 Only God -Jesus- has the right to judge men and grant forgiveness of their sin, without which we all go to hell. It is not my place to be judging the sin and soul of others.

2 I don’t want anyone to go to hell. Each soul ending up there represents a victory for Satan and I stand against him in any way I can by trying to carry the Gospel to those who haven’t heard it, but who are willing to listen, in the best way I can as limited as it may be.

May 8, 2018 4:16 pm

Fuck off! panty waist.

May 8, 2018 4:54 pm

Fuck off yourself, everyone is free to believe what they want. When no harm is part of a message and you attack it – you’re the asshole, asshole.

May 9, 2018 7:17 am

You started it Tommy, you hypocrite..

May 9, 2018 8:00 am

Kinda seems like your judging me hypocrite!

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
May 8, 2018 8:28 pm

God created all, including Satan.
Therefore Hell and Satan are part of Gods’ plan.
Therefore, if you against anybody going to Hell, you are against God’s Plan.
Therefore, you are against God.
Therefore you are going to Hell.

The Bible says it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven.
God didn’t say that.
Llpoh is already in Heaven and will only trade up.
Shame on you Stucky for making such a joke. You are in Hell now.
Llpoh is up there with HSF.
We all deserve what we get.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
  Jimmy Torpedo
May 8, 2018 9:31 pm

Oooh, a downvote!
I collect those like boy scout badges.
Badge of honour for pissing off Christians with logic.

  Jimmy Torpedo
May 8, 2018 11:25 pm

“Badge of honour for pissing off Christians with logic.”

Pretty low bar you’ve set there.

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
May 10, 2018 1:06 pm

God is omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient and infinite.
Infinite means he has already done everything.
Ergo, he has passed a camel through the eye of a needle.
Depends on the size of the needle really.

You won’t need to send Llpoh and I anything in Hell, we will be too busy shaking hands with all of our old friends. Much better than Heaven watching you smoke pork.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
May 8, 2018 2:42 pm

Even if McCain was sorry in the end, it would likely never be contrite. It would be “oh God, I’m about to burn, better pay my spiritual bar tab.” Just my guess.

May 8, 2018 2:42 pm

I don’t care, I just wish he would STFU and die already.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
May 8, 2018 2:45 pm

At the end of the day, you’re either in the elect or not, it’s not up to McCain, and God uses evil people too. He uses people like John McCain as an example to others…don’t be this guy.

Some people exist merely to be a lesson to others.

May 8, 2018 2:53 pm

The concepts of heaven/hell do not even stand up against the critical analysis of a 6 year old.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
May 8, 2018 4:42 pm

The concepts of heaven and hell are deeply ingrained into human nature and the human psyche. Of course there is no evidence whatever to prove the existence either way. It’s one of life’s mysteries that I don’t have the hubris to claim I have the answer to one way or the other. I do have a sense that says there has to be more than what we experience here on earth. I also have a sense that says evil will be reckoned with in the end.

May 8, 2018 5:25 pm

What critical analysis do six year olds know? They believe in immanent justice; that bad things happen to have their own punishment. That isn’t analysis, it’s a reaction to getting burned for touching a hot stove.
The concepts of heaven and hell take more than an empirical view, they require imagination and a firm grasp of philosophy and logic.

May 9, 2018 12:50 pm
Iska Waran
Iska Waran
May 8, 2018 2:55 pm

Maybe McCain honestly believed that the best way to keep the most people safe from war would have been to engage in all of the wars he wanted. That would be pretty stupid, but he is pretty stupid. So I’ll try to give him the benefit of the doubt, even though I can’t stand the fucker and I’m proud to say I never voted for him.

May 8, 2018 3:00 pm

What an egotistical prick – he’s making a list of who he wants at his funeral – like anyone gives a flying fuck.

Q1. Yes Shitstain should go to hell along with Sandusky as a roomie.

Q2. Others that should go to hell: Nancy Pelosi, Hillary, Chuck Schumer, Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos (probably owns hell), George Soros, Obama, Fuckerberg, Bill Gates, and all the commie/fascist/queer college professors.

There, I feel better.

May 8, 2018 4:47 pm

Bezos doesn’t own hell, but he does have the exclusive contract to deliver products there.

May 8, 2018 5:29 pm

Jeff Bezos (probably owns hell)

You can order on Amazon, two yards of tumbleweeds to set on fire in your backyard for a preview of hell.

The hypon
The hypon
May 8, 2018 3:06 pm

Satanists don’t worry about the afterlife.

May 8, 2018 3:18 pm

You’re one of a kind Stucky.

rhs jr
rhs jr
May 8, 2018 3:24 pm

John McCain said he didn’t like religious extremist like Louis Farrakhan or Jerry Falwell; he sure wouldn’t have liked the religious extremists Jesus or the Apostles.

  rhs jr
May 8, 2018 5:55 pm

until he was exposed he sure liked john hagee,didn’t he?

Bob P
Bob P
May 8, 2018 4:00 pm

1) If there is no hell, we should construct one just for McCain.
2) Greenpeace, central bankers, Keynesians, socialists, SJWs, neocon warmongers, rappers, all the cowards in the deep state who still believe in the Constitution but have done nothing while their bosses destroyed it, and fat women who wear miniskirts.

May 8, 2018 4:14 pm

Stucky ,…God Says ” Should you help the wicked and love those who hate the Lord and so bring wrath on yourself from the Lord ” 2 Chron 19:2-3. There are other verses​ that I could give but you get the point besides as the Lord was hanging on that Cross He was thinking of me as he forgave all me Sins past , future and present. As the Reformers used to say by Grace alone , through faith alone , in Christ alone ,Glory to God alone.See you in our real home one day my dearest​ Stucky!!

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
May 8, 2018 5:41 pm

HAHAHAHAHA…You one funny guy BB. God gave him that tumor to speed his way into the pit of hell. He can’t buy his way out. He can’t have somebody else save is sorry fat ass. But you can be sure that he will die peacefully because he doesn’t care what you believe in and he doesn’t believe that there is a god nor is there a hell.

May 8, 2018 4:14 pm

You left out that McCain was one of the Keating 5: 5 US Senators directly involved in the S & L scandals of the 80s.
And that he had a chance to redeem by declaring against the bailout in 2008 and maybe even be President of the US. (The latter less clear, bit not impossible)

Michael Keane
Michael Keane
May 8, 2018 4:36 pm

The Cult of MMT hosts an habitual Anglo-Centric cast of English-based, central banking apologists that are desperate to conceal the intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve”, is, in fact, owned and operated by a criminal, English-based Cartel.

Among the Cult of MMT is often found one, Andrew Wood, spreading disinformation and LIES to dim-witted, MMT Cult members.

Could it be the same Sir Andrew Wood that is spreading disinformation about President Trump, through his chosen surrogate, CarpetBagger McCain?

Seems likely… Also seems the Cult of MMT is David Brock’s creation and it has been launched to … Get This : “MAKE THE DEMOCRATS RELEVANT AGAIN”…

Disinformation, the Cult of MMT, Treasonous politicians and dim-witted boobs spewing nonsense only a fool cannot see through – Perfect Together.

If you have half a brain, there is nothing but, disdain

For Carpetbagger McCain

Sarah Palin’s Sweet Thing.

Now dating himself and his new girl, Lindsey Graham,

They are hoping for the Big One,


And a nookular tan.

It’s the Russians, they’re thinking,

These twin phallusies,

Built for shrinking,

With Hypocrisy, fixed on their breath, well-past, stinking.

It’s the Russkies they say, that roont ‘lection day,

now they’ve collected their pay,

from the criminal Clinton.

The Russian Mob and the American Mob are attempting to shake hands, to the exclusion of the English-based, central banking Mob.

Of course, McCain and his ass-clown posse have masters they must answer to, if they will ever expect to collect on some 1200 Trillion Dollars both political parties have allowed to be used to counterfeit the phony, intentionally-mislabeled, “Federal Reserve Notes, Bills and Bonds”.

American Sovereignty is at stake and McCain would prefer to conjure phony wars in order to cover for his banking masters…

It is well-past time, these criminal clowns were investigated, prosecuted and then frog-marched in front of a firing squad.

Abe Lincoln’s Greenback Dollar, Jail the corrupt politicians and return the rule of Law… The Russians didn’t write the emails, Clinton did.
~ Michael Keane 3/3/17

An Andrew Wood is a plant and habitual mongoloid poster-child for MMT. The English-based criminal banking Filth really should be carpet-bombed into Stone-Henge-like existence. The US marines ought to roll through London and mop up; thereafter turn that whole diseased gang of Filth into a parking lot… and make sure the Scots and real Irish get to fashion the handicapped parking lots for whatever is left of the royal family, next to where they should do mandatory appearances, daily, in a type of petting zoo, open to the public.

Bernball rolled and planted well.

The rows he worked, in time will tell,

The People’s will and Cause to swell

As Freedom’s Apple-Seedler.

The Spring now fresh and Just as well

Has risen against Corruption’s spell,

And government owned…

To the bitter sell,

With the Clinton Fix-

A junkie’s noxious needler.

For We The people are on the mend

With Common Cause, the planting trend,

In a garden now given, to the message send

The Bankers’ Doom; the Bankers’ End;

As Facists’-Fashioned Greedler.

~ Michael Keane 7/13/17

Re-worked, 7/19/17 (intro and American Daily News article)

Please share this post.

The United States is under assault. It is a “palace coup” and the Cult of MMT and that pathetic Fraud Steven D. Grumbine really must be told to be silent when their betters are talking…

• Sen. McCain Faces Questions In Trump Dossier Lawsuit | True ……
Sen. McCain Faces Questions In Trump … Republican Sen. John McCain of Arizona … The institute has accepted contributions of as much as $100,000 from …
• British spy points at McCain in Russia-Trump dossier case …
Sen. John McCain faces questions in a defamation lawsuit about leaks leading to publication of the now-infamous dossier that … Orbis Business Intelligence …
• McCain Will Be Questioned Dossier Lawsuit | The Daily Caller…
Jul 10, 2017 · Sen. McCain will face questions as … are being brought against Steele and Orbis by attorneys … Content created by The Daily Caller News Foundation is …

Jimmy Torpedo
Jimmy Torpedo
  Michael Keane
May 8, 2018 8:30 pm


  Michael Keane
May 9, 2018 9:48 am

Mister Keane,

I like reading the written essays, articles, and pictorial essays posted on this site. Even more, I like reading the comments, including your disjointed rants. Some of the commenters are quite knowledgeable, and some are quite perceptive. My store of knowledge grows; and my understanding of reality enlarges from that perusal.

Unfortunately, your comments do not include enough detail for each point you put forward. Without detail, I can not evaluate and judge the validity of your argument. So, I suggest that you enlarge each idea you consider important into an essay, with details, explanations, and conclusions. Then, submit that monograph, or essay as an article to the site administrator. He will, of course, decide if the essay is worth publishing.

For instance, you seem to have some strong opinions about the treaty that was signed to conclude the war between The United Kingdom and her North American colonies. I would like to know more about that treaty and what the actual results were, versus the advertised results. You seem to suggest that the treaty was worded to allow the Brits to continue running our affairs after the conclusion of the military conflict. Maybe I, and others, will do more research after reading your analysis. If you have detailed knowledge and perceptions about other topics, I suggest you submit further articles to the administrator.

I further suggest that you take a lesson from Thomas Sowell, Walter Williams, and Pat Buchanan: treat the essay as a monograph, staying with one topic and one topic only, and be succinct.



kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
kokoda the Deplorable Raccoon and I-LUV-CO2
May 8, 2018 4:39 pm

You are wrong on BB. It is A-OK to hate those that deserve to be hated.
Plus, think of little bb.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn

John 8:7

  Huck Finn
May 9, 2018 10:20 am

John 2:15

May 8, 2018 11:32 pm

??? Why? I don’t get it…

May 8, 2018 5:08 pm

Where ever he goes his former shipmates from the U.S.S. Forrestal will not be there……

May 8, 2018 11:24 pm

30 is the new 100 these days——–Stucky

That’s because I have been deathly ill and unable to piss everyone off. Bad news, it looks like I’m going to live and as Arnold said, “I’ll be back”. Heh.

May 9, 2018 8:05 am

Yeah whats up with that. Everyone it seems has lost the gusto….there has been a drop off in comments. Wonder why that is.

It would make for a good QOTD.

Might have something to do with the farce that Trump is and has been. Farce fatigue or whatever. The Iran deal revocation being just the latest example.

As for John McCain, his request that Trump not be there shows how petty and small he is as a man. To think that Arizona elected him to Senate for all these years. Even now he has dreams of flying above, thinking he is an eagle, when really he is just a seagull who shits on the same wharf where he eats.

[imgcomment image[/img]

And the kicker is that cunt calls himself a Christian..

If that man gets to rest in the Rotunda it would be good idea to have someone after hours sneak in and drive a silver spike thru his heart. Just to make sure..

Maybe Q could volunteer as these days his prognosticating is leaving much to be desired.

May 9, 2018 12:38 pm

Regarding the lower comment counts of late:

As I have indicated before regarding “transitions”, I wonder if that be may be part of the reason?

For me, it feels like the hush in the audience after the lights dim and the show is about to start. I’m waiting in anticipation for the narrative to spin one way or the other.

Or, without knowing the number of hits to TBP lately, it could be visitor counts are down because some went back to sleep, while others are making their final preps, or both.

I suspect things will pick up when the in-flight scatological molecules first start to collide with the whirling blades spun by the gigantic hot-air machine.

May 9, 2018 2:35 pm

Wow, your philosophical today! Expand on this comment, add supporting facts and pics, I’m sure Admin would post it.

Freedom of speech means that people can and will use bad words against you. Sensetti said that when he was a noobie it was common for folks to question your mom’s virtue like it was a matter of national security. I was lucky to have missed that. All I got was a thorough raking over the proverbial coals. Maggie got nothing but a free ride.

Still, facts are incontestable, post ’em if you got ’em. There are no free rides, though, somebody is going to challenge your comment even if it’s a point of grammar, syntax or spelling. Some folks leave on their own, that’s called ‘self deporting’ others you can’t get rid of even with some hush money. Those are the kind we have here, folks who will not sell out, folks who feel the need to speak up and be counted.

We also have Trumpeteers and Holocaust deniers but who doesn’t have a few black sheep in the family, am I right?

May 9, 2018 2:42 pm

Instead of commenting, I believe Maggie is writing a book on her Agnes character. So there’s that as well.

May 8, 2018 7:00 pm

Perhaps the concepts of heaven and hell were invented by the wicked to allow them to skate through their lives doing to others with impunity while the believers let them off the hook for their misdeeds believing they will get their comeuppance in the afterlife.

I say burn the fucker at the stake now…why leave it up to chance.

May 9, 2018 8:33 am

BINGO !!! Predators love all these Christians who want to spread the other cheek.

May 8, 2018 8:41 pm

Stucky we are already in Hell. Maybe you should ask: where are they and we going from here?

Maybe purgatory?

GOD created us all. According to the writers of the Bible it was a good creation. But Adam & Eve; thanks to the serpent, wanted to know about evil. So GOD granted that experience.

So the omnipresent God see everything through our eyes. Are we not created in his image? And what do we have? Good and Evil existing together in Hell.

Do you know why God created life? Could it be because he was looking for a way to overcome the 2nd law of thermodynamics? Could it be that he saw the universe running down and life could change that? Does not life defy the 2nd law of thermodynamics because it keeps renewing itself? What is eternal life?

We men live a short life on earth but through our primary responsibility of procreation life carries on. We are nothing in the scope of existence but a tool in God’s eye in carrying out the great plan of keeping the universe from running down.

Eternal life is the plan. We are told that we can gain eternal life for our self if we support the plan. And who laid out the plan for us mortals? Jesus Christ his son did along with others sent here for the task of informing us.

The perfecting of man is going to take a long time. God has all the time in eternity to watch it happen. We unfortunately don’t have eternity to do that. Fortunately we have purgatory.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
May 8, 2018 10:16 pm

Thunderbird, eternal life may be *your* plan (and what a modest plan it is), but it is a ridiculous plan. As well as an extremely boring one.

McCain isn’t going to heaven (or to hell, unfortunately). His nasty molecules will be released from their current noxious combination into relative freedom or into bound components of a subsequent entity with (one hopes) a less toxic presence.

  Chubby Bubbles
May 9, 2018 12:32 pm

One can hope bubbles. Good way of looking at the situation.. the afterlife where molecules are released into relative freedom.. food fer thought while waiting for the worms..

May 8, 2018 10:23 pm

Stuck – wherever I end up, I hope to see Smokey and AWD, to share a beer and a story or two.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
May 8, 2018 10:36 pm

LLPOH, I had typed up an eloquent defense of your person to Bob’s guess that you are the lone TBPer that needs work. It disappeared. I suspect holocaust deniers had a hand in it.

  EL Coyote
May 8, 2018 10:52 pm

Thanks, EC. You are the greatest. I appreciate it. What got under Boston’s skin I do not know. But it was a cheap shot.

May 8, 2018 10:35 pm

I don’t believe in hell, but if there were one, that’s where McCain should land!