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June 1, 2018 8:26 am

random thoughts, while wading through the cesspool…

Sowell usually has some good logic, whenever I read something he says or writes.
Blame Game.
Almost everyone’s doing it, more and more in a world gone mad.
-Has reached epidemic levels.
Vicious cycle.
Me included, and it is another form of shackles, truth be told.

What’s that 1 good old adage? One I conveyed to a younger co-worker, I’ve been guilty of…
Every time we point a finger at someone, we have, on the same hand, 3 other digits pointing right back at ourselves.
Splitting hairs and copping to: “Yeah but my funk doesn’t stink nearly as bad as theirs” to conveniently condemn others to a more severe degree is commonplace.
Personally, I’d be the first to admit I do it way more often than I should.

Red Foxx once said: “Sooner or later, everybody has to wash their own ass.”
[We all mess to some degree; perhaps sniff ourselves instead of telling others their’s stinks]

In judgement,
Hypocrisy and Double Standards are to be avoided at all costs, by righteous men and women.
Easier said than done, true.
What’d He try to teach?
“Let those without sin be the first to cast a stone.”
Yeah, but…
How then, to observe and practice morality, w the keen discretion to fairly judge right vs. wrong?
Well, maybe “Judge not, lest ye be judged” meant to be more cautious with the severity of blame and hate that we routinely harbor.

I don’t envy the robes. They have difficult tasks, besides some shortcomings of their own.
Criticism and condemnation have their season, yet Encouragement of the Good is the better way to go.

k…commence w/ the guffaws and harumphs…


June 1, 2018 1:10 pm

And they especially don’t want explanations that point to their own complicity in the problem, especially when it involves the undermining of their own “world view” of how things are supposed to work, who is supposed to pay, who is supposed to be held accountable, how power is bestowed, etc.

Ham Roid
Ham Roid
June 1, 2018 3:38 pm

Perfect examples on conservative sites, Breitbart, Daily Caller, Gateway Pundit. I usually agree with their content but today it’s just an endless attaboy on Trump’s economy and the jobs report. It’s why I came here, looking for a break from the sheeple on the right side of the flock.