The Inversion

New York Post

Soon, everything will be public knowledge, except what governments do.

Guest post by Robert Gore at Straight Line Logic

Last Tuesday, May 29, Starbucks executive chairman Howard Schultz published “An Open Letter to Starbucks Customers” in The Wall Street Journal (it may have been in other publications as well).

Recently, a Starbucks manager in Philadelphia called the police a few minutes after two black men arrived at a store and sat waiting for a friend. They had not yet purchased anything when the police were called. After police arrived they arrested the two men. The situation was reprehensible and does not represent our company’s mission and enduring values.

The employee or employees responsible for calling the police may have acted out of racial prejudice. Or the black men may have done something not mentioned in the letter and calling the police averted a troublesome or potentially dangerous situation. Black people walk into Starbucks all over the country without incident. It’s difficult to believe the police were called simply because two black men walked in and sat down. But if they were, why not just reprimand and instruct, or fire, those responsible, apologize, offer lifetime free coffee to the two gentlemen, and be done with it?

Such a response wouldn’t require the following:


Offices and 8,000 stores were closed for an afternoon so that employees could discuss how to make Starbucks a more welcoming place. Judging by its success, Starbucks has already made millions of customers of all races, ethnicities, genders, and sexual persuasions feel welcome. You have to wonder what the employees responsible for doing so, probably 99 percent of Starbucks’ workforce, feel about this pointless waste of time, which could have been, in a company-wide email, condensed down to: Treat everyone who walks into Starbucks like you’d like to be treated.

Why did Schultz make a mountain out of this molehill? Nobody has questioned his or his company’s commitment to treating everyone walking into a Starbucks equally. This was simply an instance when employees may have failed to live up to the commitment. Schultz is a member in good standing of the establishment, and professes to believe all the things members are supposed to believe in. Why couldn’t he have handled the matter in the same way Robert Iger, CEO and Chairman of the Walt Disney Company, and another member in good standing, handled the Roseanne Barr matter?

He could have. That he didn’t speaks to an insidious issue and its even more insidious corollary. There is less and less in the realm of private behavior, action, and thoughts that remains private, that is not subject to public scrutiny and demands, demands which are implicitly or explicitly backed by recourse to the government. For the government itself, on the other hand, more and more of what it does is shielded from publicity and disclosure.

For CEOs of large companies, virtually everything they and their companies do is fair game for public comment, media attention, lawsuits, and regulatory, legislative, and judicial redress. Schultz probably thought his over-the-top public atonement would preempt the kind of media—including social media—and government crucification that’s meted out to the defiant and the insufficiently contrite. There are rumors he wants to run for president someday.

He was probably aware of what happened to bakers who didn’t want to provide cakes for gay weddings. Or to Hobby Lobby’s owners, who didn’t want to provide contraceptives mandated by Obamacare, citing their religious beliefs, and had to take their case all the way to the Supreme Court, where they won. Once you’re in the contemporary Star Chamber, only abject public prostration, dramatic gestures, and the writing of large checks will propitiate the grievously offended.

Governments promulgate laws and regulations, but they also promulgate ideologies. Public obeisance to the latter is far more important than compliance with the former. By now the tedious totems of political correctness are well-understood, even where they’re resisted, so there’s no need to list them here. Through endless hectoring and indoctrination, people know the politically correct catechism like people once knew the multiplication tables. Publicly step out of line, as Schultz, Iger, and Barr recognized, and retribution is swift and severe.

Ideological conformity is even more stringent across the Atlantic. Tommy Robinson may do more time than the alleged pedophile rapists—members of a politically blessed group—about whom he was reporting and commenting, if they’re found guilty.

The average person may think: at least I can say and do what I want in my own private spaces. They’re working on that; those private spaces are shrinking down to nothing. Houses, cars, televisions, appliances, computers, and telephones are already microphones, cameras, and recording devices. Newer model cars and smart phones track and record where you go. Public cameras are everywhere. Future self-driving cars—called autonomous in a bit of Orwellian double-speak—may strip your autonomy to choose where you travel.

Confronted with all this, the average person may console him or herself: at least I can think as I please as long as I don’t reveal those thoughts. They’re undoubtedly working on that, too. In the interim, with the information they already have, they have a pretty good idea of what you’re thinking…and if that thinking comports with the proper ideology. Can China’s social credit system be far behind?

Their goal: to know everything about you, while you’ll know nothing about them. But for an intrepid few, we wouldn’t know the extent of intelligence agency surveillance, how the mainstream media serves as governments’ propaganda arm, corruption and criminality in high places, and the ties contractors, the media, and high technology companies have to the world’s militaries and intelligence agencies. Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, Tommy Robinson, and other truth tellers pay a high price for their temerity. When governments, their string-pullers, and their minions are a criminal class, telling the truth is the ultimate crime, dealt with mercilessly.

The inversion is almost complete. What ordinary citizens can do without the approval of the government, what information about themselves they can keep private, is almost nothing. What governments can do is virtually unlimited, what they willingly disclose or allow to be disclosed almost nothing. This inversion is the opposite of freedom, a recipe for, if not the very definition of, tyranny.

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June 3, 2018 12:58 pm

One thing I CAN do right now,is never go to starbucks(unless I need a bathroom).

June 3, 2018 1:06 pm

I’m guessing they had warrants outstanding. The police aren’t just going to walk in and arrest them for nothing. Of course those in a race to be the biggest virtue signalling halfwits wouldn’t mention a small fact like that.

June 4, 2018 7:30 am

Corporate virtue signalling is why Starfucks pulled this stunt… Chip

June 4, 2018 9:59 pm

I can’t believe the author didn’t say why they were arrested: they refused to leave when
the cops asked them to. Pretty basic

Hollywood Rob
Hollywood Rob
June 3, 2018 1:11 pm

Starbucks is not important. Google, Facebook, Snapchat, all of the NSA funded surveillance systems are where you should focus your passion. Drink all the Starbucks you want but never use any of the NSA designed and implemented fascist tools and hopefully actively discourage anyone who uses them.

Huck Finn
Huck Finn
  Hollywood Rob
June 3, 2018 1:33 pm

Amazon is also providing facial recognition software to police at almost no cost.

BTW Robert, another outstanding article.

  Huck Finn
June 3, 2018 1:38 pm

Huck,seems the basically a monopoly ticket master wants to do this also.I do not even see how it works as buy tix for say a concert for me and 3 friends,they all have to line up for photo shoot also at purchase?!

June 3, 2018 1:35 pm

I will say,visiting sites like this/sll/wrsa and others of their ilk do cause me a bit of concern regarding my “social score”!While I agree the big outfits are a issue they all seem to keep,well…..,fking up and thus feel have folks leaving/seeking alts,at least at moment seems to a degree free market rules in force,that changes guess the net will be one more cord to cut.

June 3, 2018 1:56 pm

The thought police already write down your thoughts when you visit a doctor in the USA. When you answer affirmatively to thoughts of suicide or depression it goes right into the national medical database that all insurance companies look at. Your thoughts are the last thing you should expose.
As for starbucks training. I passed by the neighborhood one on the training day and the sign said closed at 6pm and the employees were still inside being trained. Those insensitive managers didn’t even have any watermelon or fried chicken for snacks.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 3, 2018 7:12 pm

What married man hasn’t contemplated suicide?

whiskey tango foxtrot
whiskey tango foxtrot
June 3, 2018 2:14 pm

As regards western civilization, the negro with the exception of the “talented tenth” is a square peg in a round hole. You cannot mandate equal outcomes. It’s magical thinking. It’s childish fantasy. Moreover, the elites know this. They push it to destroy white European culture.

  whiskey tango foxtrot
June 4, 2018 7:33 am

and they are doing a damn good job of it… Chip

June 3, 2018 2:27 pm

Great article, Mr. Gore!

We either will have a second revolution or we will have social scores for all.

What will or what should the second revolution look like?

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 3, 2018 4:14 pm

It will be ugly, horribly ugly. Imagine any atrocity you can, and know that you can’t imagine 1/10 of what can and will happen.
Imagine Andersonville, the notorious Confederate prison, and the starved soldiers that managed to make it to the end of the war. Imagine My Lai, being a civilian won’t matter. Imagine the firebombing of Dresden, done by our own to our own. Imagine the siege of Vicksburg, eating rats because that’s all there is. Imagine terror in the night as scores are settled with bullets, bombs (IEDs) and bayonets. Imagine the darkest night the human soul is capable of, and know you still aren’t there.
The second revolution will not be televised, much – no one will admit to being the aggressors, no one will survive the battles on one side or the other, and absolutely no one will want to watch it.
The scars will last for generations – on the survivors.

  james the deplorable wanderer
June 3, 2018 9:43 pm

I believe if we do have a violent revolution/war of succession ect.not only will the scars last for generations but would be 4th gen warfare for generations.Revolutions can be fought without open violence,an example would be say the millions who cut their cable tv/not going to say,well……,starbucks beyond bathroom break/not using gaggle/twaddle/fakebook,hell,a lot one can do to financially starve the beast while also supporting sites/businesses ect. you do agree with.There has been a spirit of revolt against the corporate culture trying to control the world for awhile,a good example was the book Corporate Sabotage out decades back that was a best sellor.

Will what I mention be enough,probably not but worth a try,and,as have said before the first true frontline in a violent revolt will be the hackers,bless those computer nerds!

  Robert Gore
June 4, 2018 9:26 am

Thanks Mr. Gore,a interesting read.I am a little more optimistic then you about getting something of this nature going,of course,a lot more has come out into the open in the last 3 years since articles publishing.I feel there are many men and woman with a nothing to lose and everything to gain attitude in this country and growing.

The really important part though if initiated is what do we as citizens want on the other side of said actions,and,can we get it together enough to follow through and make it happen.

  Robert Gore
June 4, 2018 3:51 pm

All people would have to do is declare 8 exemptions and have zero withholding – and not pay the tax. That would fix it.

old white guy
old white guy
  james the deplorable wanderer
June 4, 2018 8:33 am

Revelation reveals a lot. It is coming.

June 3, 2018 6:36 pm

The only way to defeat the Social Score system will be to destroy the grid. Of course, the destruction of the grid would bring on the 4 Horsemen like no other event I can think of and would result in a population loss of 90% or more.

There are no good options left. Which, now, is the lessor of two evils???

June 3, 2018 2:44 pm

Good one, Mr. Gore. It seems we have no choice but to play this one out to see how it ends. Nothing these days seems to get folks riled up enough to do anything and we’ve seen some whoppers lately.

June 3, 2018 2:45 pm

The essay I am (sporadically) working on currently will jive with this piece like butter and popcorn. About 1/3 done now.

In the meantime, your mention of “Star Chamber” reminded me of a circa-1980’s movie of the same name which, if I recall correctly, portrayed a group of judges as the “chosen ones” administering vigilante justice.

Today, however, it is the corporate oligarchs who mandate social justice.

So instead of shopping Amazon, watching Netflix Obamanations, and frequenting Starbucks, how ’bout we buy local, rent DVDs, and make our own coffee instead? That would be true justice; and better than subsidizing our own demise, I say…

Airman Higgs
Airman Higgs
June 3, 2018 7:46 pm

I have been to a Starbucks exactly once in my life, about 10 years ago (my father was buying). I was highly unimpressed. I’ve never bought from Amazon (I refuse to give Bozos a single penny — not that he needs it), and I boggle at friends and family who happily have Netflix on their television (I threw out my TV in 2008 and never looked back). Such a life is not only possible, it is also relatively pleasant.

June 4, 2018 9:01 pm

What is a DVD?

June 3, 2018 2:50 pm

What is the consequences of all this? It is causing people to be dumbed down. People are losing the incentive to be productive. Many people choose not to work or work the least they can to get by.

People are faced with government regulation and corporate policy which is not good for the moral of the people. This is not a sign of progress but rather it is regressive.

Does Starbucks think all it’s employees are irresponsible? I think what really happened is Starbucks policy got put in the limelight. Their employees at that location were following company policy. I have been in Starbucks where the bathroom doors are locked and only paying patrons were allowed to use them. So guess what? Their bathroom policy got exposed in an embarrassing way. No Starbucks is not noble. They changed their policy because of face.

June 3, 2018 3:38 pm

I’ve heard a few people mention it but the Social Credit Score is the big elephant in the room. We will implement an identical system to China and the 5G network will enforce it with its military style area denial system built into all those towers they are going to have to lay down every 500ft to make it all work. The Internet of Things will become our prison.

When that happens, none of this will matter one bit because the system will not allow anyone to travel outside of their Social Credit Score Zone. This is becoming quite a problem in China as tens of millions are now prevented from traveling or even getting on a bus. They can’t get a loan or even rent a place to live and since Homelessness is a CRIME in China, the police are notified to then go round up (using facial recognition) this new class of lawbreakers to feed their re-education camps and prison system.

It is what they have planned for us and all this total bullsh*t is a distraction.

June 4, 2018 7:33 am

Is this scenario a figment of your imagination? Can you cite supporting details? This is the first time to hear/read about social credit score. This is serious shit if it is based on objective facts. Let’s see if we can ratchet the pressure up a few more hundred pounds.

I hope I find credible sources searching social credit score.

Once saw a dramatization, film or otherwise, of life in the Warsaw Ghetto. Poignant scene depicting people being herded out of buildings, men and women of all ages, teens, children, toddlers, some of whom were stood up against a wall. A father trying to comfort his kids drawing them close to avoid looking out at the machine gun about to unleash a fusillade of death sang a song of sweet rememberence. I pray the faith of this father in the face of such diabolical horrors over which we will have no control. I am truly beginning to feel bound with no place to run, to hide, or even to fight.

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 4, 2018 8:26 am

Fifteen minutes every morning to keep up with the Harrow. That’s all it takes.

June 4, 2018 1:22 pm

The Chinese Social Credit Score/Surveillance State is no secret and is actually (as it is being reported) being welcomed by the Chinese. I would say that all you need to do is go to youtube and type in Social Credit Score and just watch Chinese State run media – there is zero “conspiracy” about it.

Now, to make all of this work, we are going to need the 5G network. This network runs at the exact same frequency as the Active Denial System used by our military for crowd control. This is no secret. Look up the frequency used by the 5g network and look up the frequency used by the Active Denial System and you will see they are one in the same with the only difference being power which can be easily adjusted in the network.

The network, just like in China, will be able to identify you by face or just by how you walk. It will know your whereabouts 24/7. Easy, right? Ok, so lets say that you have a Social Credit score of 650 and the building you wish to enter requires a score of 800 or higher to enter. What then? How does the building keep you out?

The 5G system will be able to increase its output and aim this output directly towards the individual. If you attempt to enter a building or part of town that you can not be in then you will, at first, begin to feel really warm. If you continue to try to enter then you will feel as if you are on fire and the system can do so without leaving any visible traces.

Again, none of this is a secret. Your homework

Chinese Social Credit
Active Denial System
5G Network for the Internet of Things

hardscrabble farmer
hardscrabble farmer
June 3, 2018 4:14 pm

We are living in the time of a great transition. The Age of Governments is coming to a close and we are witnessing the era of the Corporatocracy. Just as the Age of Kings was subsumed by the rising tide of the Democracies leaving only vestigial ornaments- like the Royal Family in Britain- to keep up the appearances lest the human herds become alarmed by the sea changes around them, we retain the forms of a Republic that has long ago ceased to function. Our Senators and Congressmen represent not their constituencies, but their moneyed overlords. Their interests are those of their masters, not their charges.

Human beings living in complex societies above the level of tribalism exist in in two states only; Free and Slave. The masses have always lived most comfortably in the state of bondage, exchanging their liberty for resources. Free men have always fled to the frontiers to live their lives and enjoy the fruits of their labors in the companionship of other like-minded men until the inevitable day that the last acre of land was claimed. Now the hunt is on for the remaining holdouts and they will be hunted down, like every other savage before them and Civilization reigns supreme. It is not a shining city on a hill, but a Fios wire enclosed concentration camp.

I suspect that what we know of history is as sparse as our knowledge of deep space. Mankind has likely existed for millions of years, far longer than the official dogma our betters continually push, the out of Africa/end of the last Ice Age/Fertile Crescent mythos. Tribes have coalesced, cultures risen and complex societies expanded their limits into end of history Empires only to be brought low and scattered like so many ashes on the winds of time, by cataclysm or terminal failure of resources, to stir anew as some small band of men carrying the seeds of their future cast within their DNA and begin once more their Sisyphean task.

Thus it has always been and always will.

hedonic treadmill
hedonic treadmill
June 3, 2018 4:49 pm

starbucks: third world huddled masses yearning to breathe free, massive cabbage dumps

June 3, 2018 7:13 pm

If I were on Starbuck’s board I would call for this dude’s resignation. He muffed this situation way out of proportion for no gain and a whole lotta loss.

June 3, 2018 7:54 pm

i dont own a phone or a tv and i have never tasted a starbucks product,, it actually makes me feel pretty good knowing that. my laptop is my only tech gadget these days and im ditching that one to when i have saved enough money to move up north.

June 3, 2018 9:05 pm

I once spent a few days in a hospital after a minor surgery. Upon being admitted , I was asked if I had any allergies. To which I thoughtlessly replied “only onions and corn.” Big mistake. I was not allowed to order anything from the meal menu which contained onions or corn! This ‘medical’ information may follow me forever. It could be as difficult to shake off as it is to get removed from the government’s ‘Do not Fly List.’

Some day in a totally cash free society, I may even be prohibited from buying onions and corn for myself unless I purchase them on the black market with silver coins! This is how government criminalizes normal innocent behavior.

June 3, 2018 11:45 pm


June 4, 2018 1:03 am

Living rent-free in your head.

Boat Guy
Boat Guy
June 4, 2018 5:53 am

It was my understanding that the 2 black males occupying space in the Starbucks sat there for a suspicious amount of time without ever intending to purchase anything . Most businesses do not offer a place to hang out unless you are a paying customer . Go sit in a Denny’s or IHOP
and take a seat but do not order anything . Any manager worth his or her salary would politely tell you the business and staff needs that table for paying customers .
Of course the militant negro and any SJW will find racism any time a public display of poor social behavior by a protected group is reprimanded !

  Boat Guy
June 4, 2018 3:49 pm

Because the dark skinned protohumans lack both intelligence and a modicum of manners.

They could have said – Hey we’re waiting for a friend before we all order.

Or they could have ordered while they waited for the friend.

Instead they just occupied space that could have been used by a paying customer. These louts have no self awareness, or awareness of others. This is why they are stereotyped.

June 4, 2018 7:44 am

Another good post Robert. BTW, you’re scaring the shit out of me with this stuff. 0-: Chip

22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
22winmag - when you ask someone which floor they'd like, and they respond with "ladies lingerie"- they're referencing the AEROSMITH SONG!!!
  Robert Gore
June 4, 2018 6:58 pm

Sometimes soldiers can change the future… and every American is a solider in the citizen militia WHETHER THEY KNOW IT OR LIKE IT OR NOT.

Some privates concerned about the future might frag a sergeant. Some concerned sergeants might frag an officer. Some concerned officers might frag the person or lizard or whatever is at the top of the global command structure.

That scenario would be less apocalyptic than all those super scary nuckular weapons- that I personally don’t believe even go bang.

June 4, 2018 8:52 am

Starbucks is feeding its employees to the leftist tiger hoping it will eat Starbucks last. I love seeing the liberals get what they deserve from the radicals.

Civil war is coming and damn I’ll be 80 and not able to get retribution.

June 4, 2018 10:49 am

During the coming economic collapses I hope those negros burn down every damn Starbucks in this nation.

June 4, 2018 11:52 am

“What governments can do is virtually unlimited,” ——— article

Hyperbole, perhaps?

Government can’t;
—- keep our roads in decent shape
—- run one single department without spending 100 times that of private enterprise
—- add one iota of happiness to my life
—- stop even one fucking mass shooting at a school

And there’s lots and lots of other shit they can’t do. ….. like keeping THE PEOPLE from eventually (patience, grasshopper) hanging the sonuvabitches from lampposts in every hamlet across America.

Hardscrabble Farmer
Hardscrabble Farmer
June 4, 2018 5:27 pm

I see Schultz just got canned.

June 4, 2018 8:10 pm

Hmmmm…..,14 th anniversary of one man and his final act of defiance: ,tis the tale of killdozer,I remember when this happened and though a sad ending brought a grin to me face non the less!