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June 4, 2018 12:50 pm

It’s a plague. And it has already happened to Oregon, Washington, and Colorado, and seems to be in-process for Idaho, Utah and Nevada as well.

Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
June 4, 2018 1:13 pm

Over the years I have met many californians. A common theme among many of them is; “that aint the way we do it in Ca.”
I’ve never heard that from people of other states.

  Jack Lovett
June 4, 2018 3:01 pm

You haven’t been to Texas. those morans think Texas is the center of the universe.

June 4, 2018 5:26 pm

It’s spelled moron, cousin doofy.

June 4, 2018 7:31 pm

It’s TBP tradition.
[imgcomment image[/img]

June 4, 2018 9:51 pm

Thats a fitting image…haha can’t spell but knows I’m a moron

June 4, 2018 6:22 pm

How does it stack up against your shithole?

Stats please. Cobble together anything ya got.
If you can…

  Jack Lovett
June 4, 2018 7:17 pm

When I hear that I tell them this isn’t California. If you don’t like it, go back to California.
We have a saying here. “Don’t californicate Idaho”
The road runs both directions.
I walked away from a possible job because all the wench was doing was talking up California and slamming Idaho where she was living.

Southern Sage
Southern Sage
June 4, 2018 1:17 pm

These bastards should be forced to prove they are not liberal jack asses before bring allowed to relocate. If one shows up in the neighborhood check him out. If he or she is a liberal nutcase make sure they feel real unwelcome.

Steve C
Steve C
June 4, 2018 1:30 pm

They’ve already Cali-Fornicated Texas.

Our capital in Austin used to be the crown jewel of the state. No smokestack industries, high tech, arid hill country, much like southern California.

They’ve turned that once beautiful place into the same cesspool of socialist parasites that they created and then left in California.

What we need is a law that does not permit anyone to vote in state and local elections until they have been a Texas resident – and can prove it – for a minimum of ten consecutive years. Leave for any amount of time and clock starts over.

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
  Steve C
June 4, 2018 2:57 pm

I will second everything you said, Steve. And, unfortunately, I live about an hour from that cesspool.

JR Wirth
JR Wirth
June 4, 2018 1:33 pm

Leave my state alone! Despite all its problems, CA is still the best. At least on the coast. Not inland. There’s no substitute for natural air conditioning. It’s called the marine layer, and worth every penny. The cool air in the warm sun is like being hugged by a beautiful naked woman every time I go outside.

  JR Wirth
June 4, 2018 2:47 pm

“It’s called the marine layer…..”

Hmmmm….last time I flew into LAX the “marine layer” was brown. Looks like that “beautiful naked woman” that you envision hasn’t bathed in decades. Just sayin…… 😛

Texas Patriot
Texas Patriot
June 4, 2018 3:00 pm

Yep, that “marine layer” has turned into the “latrine layer.” Last time I flew into LA, I just about gagged on that brown air!!!!

June 4, 2018 3:07 pm

An air mass coming from the west is not brown. The brown stuff is called smog. Stick to the kitchen, Gilnutty.

Iska Waran
Iska Waran
June 4, 2018 1:34 pm

Just declare them feral hogs. Feral hogs are fair game in TX.

Zulu Foxtrot Golf
Zulu Foxtrot Golf
June 4, 2018 1:43 pm

I was born and raised in Southern Commiefornia and the best thing I saw there was the state line in my rear view mirror when we moved in 2011. It was not terrible in the 70’s and 80’s but it went full-retard in the mid nineties and has only spiraled downward since. There are pockets of normal cities there, but they are few and far between with the free shit army rapidly taking over. When people ask where I am from originally I always state old Cali before it went to the bleeding heart barbarians that went through the gate long ago. I am still trying to get my mom to leave that fucking pit. My brother is on his way out of there as well. My skin crawls when I see fuckers with California plates driving here. California has been lost for at least 10 years. The scales tipped back around the time of the first military base closures and realignments.

June 4, 2018 2:03 pm

Here we go with the hate filled bullshit rhetoric again… US vs THEM bullshit!
Generalizing millions of people because they were born in a specific region of the world! Fuck off you hubristic sychopants! No body wants to go to your backtarded ass States anyways… don’t get me wrong ..there is much wrong in the Golden State but it has immeasurable natural beauty regardless of the political problems and cultural decay…many factors contribute to this but I suppose it’s easier to talk shit ! No body needs your judgmental holier than thou bullshit.

June 4, 2018 3:09 pm

One in eight live in Cali. The rest are just haters.

Steve C
Steve C
June 4, 2018 7:26 pm

“…Generalizing millions of people because they were born in a specific region of the world! Fuck off you hubristic sychopants! No body wants to go to your backtarded ass States anyways…”

You just described yourself.

June 4, 2018 2:37 pm

If you love the leftist statist east/west coastal states, good for you.
Stay there, wallow in it, and keep your “I’m voting for bullshit” ideas there too.
Quit moving to the somewhat free states and trying to make them just like the shithole you came from.

June 4, 2018 3:12 pm

MudMike, swimming pools in Cali don’t have mud sides. Cali women at least have teeth.

June 4, 2018 3:16 pm

amen to that, MadMike….

June 4, 2018 5:43 pm

Good image. Sent to Texas friend asking if he had traded in his Ford

June 4, 2018 6:26 pm

Where can I get one of those bumper stickers?
I too have a white Silverado with a Texas plate on it.

EL Coyote
EL Coyote
June 4, 2018 9:10 pm

He drives a pussy Silverado with a Chevy Vega 4 banger aluminum block engine. Come back when you get a Ford F350 with some balls hanging off the trailer hitch, asshole.

June 4, 2018 9:41 pm

No matter how hard I look, I have yet to find ONE of the 50 states where FREEDOM, LIBERTY, small/responsible government, fiscally-responsible government, well-maintained roads, medical freedom, private property rights, self-ownership, and the like – flourish. California is simply at the bottom of a 50 state list of places that are getting worse over time because America is getting worse over time – and not because too many Californians are moving there. The native Georgian’s I speak to have their heads nearly as far up their asses as most government-worshiping Californians I know. Yeah, they worship government so it can destroy DIFFERENT freedoms than those the majority (not all) of Californians might wish to be destroyed, but in the end, the results are the same – powerful government and little freedom.

Charles Whitman
Charles Whitman
June 4, 2018 9:49 pm

Fuck Texas