The Internet of Roads

Guest Post by Eric Peters

They used to say the walls have ears. Soon, the road will have brains. Well, they’ll be connected to one brain – not yours.

They call it “smart pavement.” Everything is smart these days. Meaning, won’t leave you alone, is peremptory, controlling and most of all, nudging.

Doing what you want to do in a car especially is so 1990s.

So instead of just asphalt, it’ll be asphalt-plus. Sensors and receiver/transmitters embedded in the pavement – like chocolate chips in cookie dough – spaced at regular intervals. These will communicate with your also-“smart” car (you can’t buy a new car that isn’t “smart”) and your “smart” car will communicate with them.

You can image what they will talk about.

But you won’t be included in the conversation.

The Denver Post reported the other day that Colorado will be the first state to embed these little brains (and eyes and ears) in the pavement, ostensibly to “identify and warn drivers of hazardous conditions and sharp curves,” probably via the car’s LCD touchscreen – which in many new cars already helpfully lets you know when you’re speeding via an angry red icon, as well as other such things.

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New cars – the “smart” ones, which is all of them – also keep track of your buckling-up habits and the smartest ones also know who you’re talking to on your phone, what you’re talking about and what you’re listening to on the radio, too.

You may see where this is going. . .

The “smart pavement” will in the first place let them know you’re speeding. Maybe even that you’re accelerating “too fast” for saaaaaaaaafety. Slow down – it’s no longer a suggestion.

That you just changed lanes; took Exit 35a.

Where you are headed.

All duly noted, recorded and collated.

Are you driving the King’s highway on out-of-date tags? A “check engine” light on? Naughty naughty! The “smart” road could – and likely, will – instruct your “smart” car to pull over, turn itself off and await the impound truck.

And – in the probably not-far future – they will know you’re driving on the days – or at times of the day – you’re not allowed to. Many areas already have restricted HOV – High Occupancy Vehicle – lanes upon which only cars with a certain number of people on board may tread; the same could just as easily be applied to favor electric cars or cars that are sufficiently “efficient” or don’t emit “too much” C02 and so pass muster with the government bureaucrats who run the roads we paid for.

But it goes deeper than just the usual petty harassment over traffic ukase. They want – cue Iron Maiden’s song, The Prisoner (also a classic ’60s TV series) – information. About everything.

In order not just to control, but to catalog and sell.

Soon – already – targeted ads will be piped into your car, via the LCD touchscreen and the 4G in-car WiFi they’ve been including, so generously, as standard equipment in the latest new cars. GM is the leader here, but the rest will follow. How could they resist? A captive audience of millions, ready to “learn more” about whatever their “partners” are piping into the car via the in-car TeeVee.

Low on gas? The “smart” car knows and so does the “smart” road. Faster than you can say ExxonMobile, a helpful “message” appears, nudging you toward the nearest “partner” station.

Like country music? Your “smart” car knows that, too – and, what do you know? There’s a country store just up ahead!

Just to give you some idea. The possibilities are almost limitless. And of course, we won’t have any choice.

Portrait of a Technocrat.

The system – the grid being erected – is the technocratic wet dream for the future. Total real-time management. It will be a future in which privacy – and control – over not merely our cars but our lives will be rendered as functionally obsolete as the necessity of armed government workers being obliged to articulate probable cause prior to a search, obtain a warrant before a wiretap or endure the bother of needing to convict you of a crime before relieving you of your property.

“Data is the new asphalt of transportation,” croaks Peter Kozinski, who is the head technocrat of the Colorado Department of Transportation’s RoadX division, which is implementing the system.

It’s a big bucks thing, too – the bucks coming out of our pockets, as usual. The “industry” – as it’s styled – already generates some $17 billion in wealth-transferred revenue; funds extracted by unwilling victims and used to fund something the victims never asked for and probably don’t want.

Remember: Nobody – not a single person – voted for this. Unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats simply decided – and their decision will be paid for with the money (and privacy and liberty) of those who never had a chance to offer an opinion on the subject.

Probably because the vote – had it been put to one – would not have gone the way  the technocrats desired.

Ergo the “nudge.”

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Jack Lovett
Jack Lovett
June 6, 2018 1:05 pm

Druther be drivin a model A, or a T.

June 6, 2018 1:22 pm

I see what he did there, Internet of things…errr…roads!
Nice Mr. Peters!

June 6, 2018 3:00 pm

Colorado, huh?
Be curious if any state taxes from the booming cannabis industry are siphoned off towards this project.

By the time this goes mainstream, the only thing I’ll be driving will be a golf cart or an old folks’ scooter, flipping idiots off as I putter past.
See that visual? Me wearing a pair of them wide ass sunglasses that slip on over a set of prescription ashtrays as all senior’s vision degrades?
I’ll be the mobile version of that cranky old bastard who yells at kids to stay off his lawn.

But, I’d encourage the rebels to find ways to throw sand in the gears of this machine, if possible.
The freedom of rolling down the road is currently still allowed.
Let ‘er rip, if you can dodge radar love.

Hell, in my state, they can’t find the funds to fill all the damn pot holes each Spring thaw.
After much bitching, “Just fix the roads!” directed at the corrupt bastards infesting the capitol, they hiked taxes and fees for everything remotely related to transportation.

And so it goes…

james the deplorable wanderer
james the deplorable wanderer
June 6, 2018 7:19 pm

There will be an entire industry of people, gadgets, software and hardware designed to turn off, mislead, misread and defeat the spysystems installed in new cars. Your car will tell the highway that it cannot hear, understand or cooperate with the road; it will “self-identify” as a 2001 Ford Ranger with no electronics to speak of, just like some folks self-identify as gay black mountain-climbers when they are really fat, stupid white bitches. If it’s OK for the govt. to lie to us, it’s OK when we do it back.
Also, the registration for that 2001 Ford Ranger will be for a Mexican landscaper, so no real harm will be done and any inquiries will be quickly abandoned.

Chubby Bubbles
Chubby Bubbles
June 6, 2018 8:24 pm

This is all ridiculous. They can’t even keep the regular roads paved and in good order, much less “smart” roads.

Martin brundlefly
Martin brundlefly
June 6, 2018 10:18 pm

The ultimate goal is this combined with in road charging for electric cars. Works on the same principle as those shake flashlights. And of course the elimination of the internal combustion engine. Read a big thing on it, rather in praise of the technology. You see, they have the tech already and it works. All they have left to do is shove it down our throats.

June 7, 2018 1:42 pm

I’ve gotta buy a 1965-70 Jeep.
No electronic ignition, no fuel injection, no wi-fi, and no satellite or GPS contact.